
  • Mavado - Harshlands
    Mavado - Harshlands Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i play a tank built mage........ b:surrender b:byeb:avoid
    >_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2009
    even my healer could survive a level 10 blade tempest. poorly geared level 83. if I saw it coming, plume shell crits probably wouldn't even tick me from average +5 weapons at 90. but that's not to say there isn't a mage(I know some of you have sleep) that isn't smart enough to sleep first and then tempest. I know that's what I do 1v1, or in critical situations.

    @androit: my healer had almost 4k base at 83. 9x should have a considerable amount more don't you think? my gears are only +3.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    there are some ways u can 1 shot a cleric with BT:
    1. he's a r-tard
    2. he's a FAC
    3. crit
    4. again from 1

    I have a cleric friend ( we pretty much play our chars toghether since the server started) and he has about 400 more HP than me. I'm at 4.1k he's at 4.5k and he's not using the TT90 gear yet (well, he's only 88 atm). Point is, is quite hard to put that guy down with a BT if I don't crit. We do dmg tests from time to time to adjust our combos against robes. BT hurts him really bad especially if I can undine him, but 1 shot...not really, unless he's not buffed, I poison him or other genie help.
    As a finisher, from 60-70% HP, yeah, it could work
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    arcane can easily have more survivability than LA. If you saw kristoph's screenshot comparing him and darkedge.. (darkedge was 9x LA with everything +5 or higher and kritoph 9x arcane with everything +5 or higher.. roughly equivalent gear) it showed how kritoph had significantly higher pdef and mres, and a little more hp.. kritoph also had more damage and about the same crit. There really isnt much of an argument as to what is better if u invest in your gear a bit(+5 gear HH90/decent molds/3*/whatever that has good stats). As a side note, last night i saw darkedge at village of naught and he insisted on one fight because i restated to pure and he wanted to show me how much better LA was. I still dont have my boots/wrists/belt cuz im poor, and the few things I have are +3 or +4, compared to his all +5, and his weapon is +7 with 2 immac HH90 glaive compared to my +6 1 flawless HH90 glaive. He easily had the gear advantag. i only have 3.8k pdef and 3.7k hp until i get the rest of my gear. Anyway we fought two times, first one lasted about 10 secs where i 2 shot him (poke followed by BT) then second one lasted over 5 mins (i kept wasted my chi because i was impatient) and then it was charm **** till i was **** and thought i was out of range but rly wasnt (after a distance shrink) and i died :( Anyway, the only reason i give the story is because I was really surprised how well i did against him being how much better his gear and level (he was 95 with several 92 skills) and to be honest, if we fought again im pretty sure i could beat him consistantly. arcane is much better than LA at 9x+.

    I use a +6 HH 90 glaive as arcane.. lvl 10 BT wont one shot a decent cleric my level. I generally hit clerics anywhere from 4k+ to 3.2k depending on pdef and my dmg range of wep. Any cleric planning on PvP should be a vit build, and have at LEAST 4k hp at 90 (unbuffed). Im not saying they are impossible.. but i generally need to FoW poke sleep then BT, though after the first time they could easily just prepare for that strategy with a 79 skill.. plume shell, or some genie skill as im coming at them. The point is, its easily possible for a cleric to survive a lvl 10 BT.

    *sigh* OK I think this is a missed the point time. I am stating that a player if good enough can win regardless of build type. Too often I see people reliant so heavily on their equipment that without them, the simply die.

    As for the arcane > LA. Sorry I do not subscribe to this at all. The top PvP Pk player in sanctuary for a long long time was Ayano-chan, a LA wizard. In many duels I see my colleagues who are Arcane build fighting Barbs, BM, Veno's, and Archers and simply getting mauled - stun usually = dead.

    Having done alot of skill testing with other LA and Arcane wizards I personally do not believe that difference in magic attack is significant enough to restat. Furthermore if a player has fully adapted to the LA system of combat and is comfortable with it why change, this also works vice versa for arcane. I personally don't like being a glass cannon.

    You mention combat against other wizards but not against other classes, which in my situation is the primary reason to fight as LA. You also gave some details on your stats. I have 5200 HP unbuffed and 6k p def with only my lv 10 stone barrier. This goes great measures in really annoying barbs and BM's who think im yet another *squishy* as they are referred.

    OK The blade tempest issue has me puzzled. Over here at Sanctuary in the vast majority of duels, PK, PvP, TW etc 85% of times I used Blade Tempest on a Arcane cleric it is a kill strike. Yeah I know undine can drop their fire res further or spark etc. So I am very puzzled as to the kinds of clerics you have over there, I can only theorize that as your a PvP server your clerics do something different. The instances where BT failed on clerics here were due to either, good planning by the cleric (plume shell), missed outright (happens occasionally), LA or HA cleric or massive HP (I know of at least 5 clerics here who have in excess of 8k + HP).

    Finally at the end of the day, I rarely use BT in combat as it means I have to stay still for x seconds, unless I do a sutra boost nuke, at the end of the day the basic skills are the wizards bread and butter, if your needing nukes to win, you have a problem.

    To summize what I said, generalizations are pointless, no to builds are the same. Arcane and LA are irrelavant, the player is what matters. A person who masters thier own build will win regardless of mathematics.

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    In many duels
    LOL duels.
    Having done alot of skill testing with other LA and Arcane wizards I personally do not believe that difference in magic attack is significant enough to restat. Furthermore if a player has fully adapted to the LA system of combat and is comfortable with it why change, this also works vice versa for arcane. I personally don't like being a glass cannon.
    I do more damage to LA wizards with a normal pyrogram than they do to me with an undined pyrogram... the damage difference is pathetic. Have fun killing barbs with that. You're gonna need crits most likely. And before you say LA has a higher critrate... I have 8%, 10% if I swap my HP ring for a crit one.
    You mention combat against other wizards but not against other classes, which in my situation is the primary reason to fight as LA. You also gave some details on your stats. I have 5200 HP unbuffed and 6k p def with only my lv 10 stone barrier. This goes great measures in really annoying barbs and BM's who think im yet another *squishy* as they are referred.
    I hope that's arcane stats? I have almost the same HP as you, along with 4.8k pdef. Would be 5.3k if I had a 96 cape, but I haven't found one and can't be assed to farm. Because if that's LA you'd have a lot less damage and magic resistance.
    OK The blade tempest issue has me puzzled. Over here at Sanctuary in the vast majority of duels, PK, PvP, TW etc 85% of times I used Blade Tempest on a Arcane cleric it is a kill strike. Yeah I know undine can drop their fire res further or spark etc. So I am very puzzled as to the kinds of clerics you have over there, I can only theorize that as your a PvP server your clerics do something different. The instances where BT failed on clerics here were due to either, good planning by the cleric (plume shell), missed outright (happens occasionally), LA or HA cleric or massive HP (I know of at least 5 clerics here who have in excess of 8k + HP).
    Uh, self buffs and non horrible gear, plume shell isn't hard to use, the 79 skill can easily absorb a blade tempest. Clerics with 6-7k HP aren't rare, and they aren't going to die in one shot.
    Finally at the end of the day, I rarely use BT in combat as it means I have to stay still for x seconds, unless I do a sutra boost nuke, at the end of the day the basic skills are the wizards bread and butter, if your needing nukes to win, you have a problem.
    Then do what you should do at the end of the day; sleep. Wizards have it, get it and use it. Dropping dragon/BT in pvp is so ****ing easy there's no reason not to do it considering how powerful they are. Need them? No, but they sure as hell turn a lot of fights into 10- second ones if you have some common sense.

    LA past 90 is garbage. Feel free to say someone can play a wizard well even with LA gear, only means they'd be even better if they pulled their head out of their **** and went arcane.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    LOL duels.

    LA past 90 is garbage. Feel free to say someone can play a wizard well even with LA gear, only means they'd be even better if they pulled their head out of their **** and went arcane.

    ^ just this.
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Sounds like you two are so desperate to prove your own value by going arcane you ridicule others. Personally I don't care either way can Im happy playing as I am.

    Nuff said

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • PrinceYuki - Sanctuary
    PrinceYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    alrght, i have been pure arcane wiz since the start of the game until 71 where i went LA, and now at 86 im back to pure. heres what i know: the damage difference is pretty huge, but yes unfotunatly the pdef is very low. BUT, once you get to level 90, get some nice gear, maybe TT90s, the pdef difference is still big but the % is not!

    at level 90 with decent refinement, like +2 everything (which is easy to get, dont even need d orbs--just get lucky with mirages) you will have decent enough pdef fully buffed and great hp that pure wiz is no longer such a squishy class.

    p.s. using genies is a must in pvp, you can dish out huge dmg combos and not take a single point of dmg. look into moves like spark and cloud eruption ;)

    p.s.s. also getting FoW up to at least 7 is a very good idea, maxed is best, but i know its expensive to max. try your best.
  • Reminissions - Sanctuary
    Reminissions - Sanctuary Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    alrght, i have been pure arcane wiz since the start of the game until 71 where i went LA, and now at 86 im back to pure. heres what i know: the damage difference is pretty huge, but yes unfotunatly the pdef is very low. BUT, once you get to level 90, get some nice gear, maybe TT90s, the pdef difference is still big but the % is not!

    at level 90 with decent refinement, like +2 everything (which is easy to get, dont even need d orbs--just get lucky with mirages) you will have decent enough pdef fully buffed and great hp that pure wiz is no longer such a squishy class.

    p.s. using genies is a must in pvp, you can dish out huge dmg combos and not take a single point of dmg. look into moves like spark and cloud eruption ;)

    p.s.s. also getting FoW up to at least 7 is a very good idea, maxed is best, but i know its expensive to max. try your best.

    Looks like I inspired you b:laugh
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Sounds like some good advice from a individual willing to share their experiences in a rational and reasonable discussion.

    Just to add to what you said, your spot on about the pvp genie skills, the help both Arcane and LA alot. I got 100 dex genie and it works wonders on spark and extreme poison.

    IN TW circumstances and bosses timing heavy attack to a BM heavens Flame to get great results.

    Im sure come lv 90 you will be fine Yuki, just carry on being yourself :)

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    alrght, i have been pure arcane wiz since the start of the game until 71 where i went LA, and now at 86 im back to pure. heres what i know: the damage difference is pretty huge, but yes unfotunatly the pdef is very low. BUT, once you get to level 90, get some nice gear, maybe TT90s, the pdef difference is still big but the % is not!

    at level 90 with decent refinement, like +2 everything (which is easy to get, dont even need d orbs--just get lucky with mirages) you will have decent enough pdef fully buffed and great hp that pure wiz is no longer such a squishy class.

    p.s. using genies is a must in pvp, you can dish out huge dmg combos and not take a single point of dmg. look into moves like spark and cloud eruption ;)

    p.s.s. also getting FoW up to at least 7 is a very good idea, maxed is best, but i know its expensive to max. try your best.

    You call +2 decent refinement at level 90?????????? Then said great HP........
    Had to double check your server....
    even the cheapest people get minimum +5 for tt90.
    Everything else you said i agree with
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You call +2 decent refinement at level 90?????????? Then said great HP........
    Had to double check your server....
    even the cheapest people get minimum +5 for tt90.
    Everything else you said i agree with

    That +5 vs +2 all depends on what you do.

    If you PK and TW a lot +5 would be desired.

    If you just PvE and want to wait until end game gear to + up like crazy then +2 is fine.
  • yeefong
    yeefong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    prof wrote: »
    yeefong: I've never been 1 hit by a light armour mage in my entire life. especially not one who's purposely gimping himself and using +2 gears. he might crit.. I don't know, 2k? 1.5k? maybe that's too high, 800? hell if I know.

    on the other hand, I can 1 hit 5/6 classes with pyro tempest. and no those aren't the nongeared people like mizouni, those are people with +12 defense accessories. and when I get 99 and learn the dark version, it'll become that much easier

    maybe you light mages will hit 90 and have the revelation that most of this forum has had already: "light sucks".

    with +12 gear? this nincompoop for real? and only idiots would refine the armor of grieving sorrow and 3* gears to ur "level" at 80x b:surrender
  • Wizzical - Dreamweaver
    Wizzical - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    1-84- LA, better, but not that much
    85-89- around the same
    90-98- Arcane, better, bt not that much
    99+ Arcane FTW!

    Caution: all this information is coming from a low level wizard.b:laugh
    no profanity please, even in Latin
  • PrinceYuki - Sanctuary
    PrinceYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You call +2 decent refinement at level 90?????????? Then said great HP........
    Had to double check your server....
    even the cheapest people get minimum +5 for tt90.
    Everything else you said i agree with

    well getting +5 is expensive to me. im sure its expensive for alot of people. +2 is fairly easy to get and helps plenty. i think getting +4 or above on your weapon is smart but on all your gear its tough.

    but ofcourse the higher you refine the better ;)
  • EmiliaGray - Lost City
    EmiliaGray - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    What if I stopped being LA at 52 (I think) so that I can wear arcane, and then just switch to arcane there?

    (I heard that the max str of the best AA is 56?) I am just saying, if I am supposed to be Arcane at 90, then why don't I go Arcane earlier? That way I would have a little more dex than other players, but more magic power against normal LA players that restat at 90?

    There has to be some sort of wizard that is not as


    as an arcane

    but in the middle of

    an arcane and LA.

  • Rezsonate - Heavens Tear
    Rezsonate - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    PVPing. (most important...)
    -LA is better phys for PvP, so archers dont snipe u
    - clerics dont snipe u with plume shot in LA
    - mag atacks will kill u, but theyll kill u anyways in arcane so who cares
    TW's. (very important...)
    -Arcane is better to snipe, but LA can save ur life :)
    Kicking ****. (Duh?)
    -Arcane does more dmg
    Having fun. (Both builds are pathetic until endgame, so IDC about that...)
    .........yea pretty much. wizards are absolutely pathetic
    Helping others.
    - helping? if they can kinda tank, go arcane, if not, u can use LA and not be 2shotted. unfortunately im LA, and am constantly freakin 1shotted.
    Dang!...I just lost my train of thought...
  • PrinceYuki - Sanctuary
    PrinceYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    What if I stopped being LA at 52 (I think) so that I can wear arcane, and then just switch to arcane there?

    (I heard that the max str of the best AA is 56?) I am just saying, if I am supposed to be Arcane at 90, then why don't I go Arcane earlier? That way I would have a little more dex than other players, but more magic power against normal LA players that restat at 90?

    There has to be some sort of wizard that is not as


    as an arcane

    but in the middle of

    an arcane and LA.


    the point of going LA from 71-85 is to do gamma. gamma gives so ALOT of xp and money and spirit per run. but if you dont plan to do gamma, then go arcane now.
  • EmiliaGray - Lost City
    EmiliaGray - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    What is gamma? Why only from 71 to 85?
  • HealHamsta - Lost City
    HealHamsta - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    What is gamma? Why only from 71 to 85?

    it's a rebirth.

    anyone know what an arcane wizard should have for rebirth beta?

    Hp/p def/ mayhaps DB level? (mine is level 8 is that good enough?)
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2009
    PVPing. (most important...)
    -LA is better phys for PvP, so archers dont snipe u
    - clerics dont snipe u with plume shot in LA
    - mag atacks will kill u, but theyll kill u anyways in arcane so who cares
    TW's. (very important...)
    -Arcane is better to snipe, but LA can save ur life :)
    Kicking ****. (Duh?)
    -Arcane does more dmg
    Having fun. (Both builds are pathetic until endgame, so IDC about that...)
    .........yea pretty much. wizards are absolutely pathetic
    Helping others.
    - helping? if they can kinda tank, go arcane, if not, u can use LA and not be 2shotted. unfortunately im LA, and am constantly freakin 1shotted.

    you've failed your role as a mage. start a new class and try again.

    when you get past level 30 and realize how much robed mages absolutely ****, and see just how terrible light mages really are, don't post
  • TheBlackMage - Lost City
    TheBlackMage - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I've played both LA and Pure mage (currently on my pure as my main) and although I've only gotten my LA to lvl.43 my pure is now lvl.60 and I've honestly done so much better in pvp with my pure. Sure LA lets you take a few more hits but when you think about it...we aren't supposed to get hit at all lol.

    Early and mid-game LA was great but as I kept lvling killing my opponent took longer and longer to kill, while LA was good if you plan to just be up there in the open, pure was better suited for me. I got much more enjoyment following my enemy then dropping down and 1-shoting them then slipping back into the shadows while I target my next victim. Pure (at least to me) seemed to be more of a gamble, it was either well I'm gonna be dead in 1 shot or he is.

    This changed a lot though once I was in my 4x's and you can find really good gear in the AH for surprisingly cheap. For instance, I found a pair of lvl.56 arcane boots 3 star, 4 sockets already sharded with average defense shards and refined to +1. That only cost me 87k, one helluva bargain lol. Good mid lvl arcane gear is really easy to find. With gear like that your survivability as arcane skyrockets. I'm at lvl.60 with almost 1.7k hp and 2k physical defense, not bad at all for an arcane wiz my lvl.

    My only problems I have in pvp (with people around my own lvl) would be getting stunlocked, (get ready to go back to town as soon as you get stunned lol, or just bring pots or get the genie'll be a while before I get the genie skill though, getting Cloud Eruption, Frenzy, and Extreme Poison first, I'll trade my life for even more damage potential lol) and having an archer attack me first. (some archers fail, I can kill them after they attack first and stun me, but a good archer is always a pain in the **** if he gets the 1st hit in lol)

    But this is just my experience so far, things change and I'll always be learning new things as I lvl. So just get out there and have fun lol, find what works and what doesn't and improve upon that.
    Things I've caught myself saying while playing my mage:
    "Boom Headshot!"
    "Flame On!"
    "Ice Ice Baby!"
    *while using Dragon's Breath* "I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you..."
    "You know what they say about mages with big mp bars."
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'm at lvl.60 with almost 1.7k hp and 2k physical defense, not bad at all for an arcane wiz my lvl.

    My only problems I have in pvp (with people around my own lvl) would be getting stunlocked, (get ready to go back to town as soon as you get stunned lol, or just bring pots or get the genie'll be a while before I get the genie skill though, getting Cloud Eruption, Frenzy, and Extreme Poison first, I'll trade my life for even more damage potential lol) and having an archer attack me first. (some archers fail, I can kill them after they attack first and stun me, but a good archer is always a pain in the **** if he gets the 1st hit in lol)

    But this is just my experience so far, things change and I'll always be learning new things as I lvl. So just get out there and have fun lol, find what works and what doesn't and improve upon that.

    I good post and I agree with everything your saying. 2k P def aint bad for an arcane and you spot on about one of you will die fast, we call that the Glass Cannon effect at sanctuary.

    As far as PvP goes do you have fortify on genie, I use it in TW all the time to really annoy the Blade Masters who charge in to stun fail and are promptly butchered.

    I also agree on the fact that archers are a pain in the bum when they get the first shot in. This is another reason I went for LA over Arcane.

    If we think about the potential opponents in PvP or TW, Each of the classes has some form of Phy Attack, furthermore most opponents will assume wizards are arcane and use such attacks to wipe us before we can respond.

    Archers - Arrows - Lots of P Dmg - Annoying
    Barbs - Big axes or chews - also annoying especially with stun
    BM - Sword Axes etc etc etc too annoying with stuns, fun to kill when stuns fail and their left looking pretty stupid.
    Veno - Pet, Herc, Nix need I say more
    Clerics - Razor Feathers / Plume Shot

    I'm not saying that pure mages have problems because of these skills, because a GOOD player will find ways to counter this. What I am saying is this, for my specific role I chose LA because I prefer superior P def (6k stone barrier, 10k fully buffed). My magic attack is a little weaker because of it, but I know HOW to play my class and build. As such Barb's, BM's, Archers, Veno's and Clerics I can kill just as well as any other mage.

    As you said in your post, find what works and what doesn't, for me I find not being One shotted by Archer's Bm and Barbs a nice bonus, in fact in a recent TW I took over 10 hits from a BM before I died (I was stunned twice), whilst other Pure mages fell in alot less time.

    I'm also not saying 9x + P Def for arcane suck, it doesn't its not bad. However it won't last you long in a fire fight with an archer or close quarters with anyone else.

    Previous posts about this debate seemed to focus on Wizard (LA) vs Wizard (Pure) fights, why? This is obviously going to give some skewed results, and most the time the Pure wizard will win. However to say that a LA Mage's Mag res is **** is just wrong, unbuffed or buffed I only have 14-21% less mag res, than a pure wizard, and this can be compensated for with a Elemental Belt or adds on armor. Furthermore the classes that can really take advantage of this is other wizards (almost never battle them in TW or PvP) or clerics (metal dmg), venomancers can also use their magic, but it has far less effect as their mag does less punch, pets are a much larger threat.

    Oh and about that post about the stats I personally have as an LA wizard, those are NOT arcane stats, its LA.

    5200+Hp unbuffed
    6k P Def unbuffed

    FYI this is what my char would be like if I went with Arcane Armor

    The Hp betweer the 2 is at last comparable, unlike in lower levels. Whilst the Mag def and Mag attack has on average about 2k more the P def is 2K less.

    I chose survivability over power. For me it works fine. For others it may not, its a personal choice. Also I noticed an earlier post where it was clear that the 2 wizards being compared had both refined equipment to a very high standard. This is not always economically viable for some players. PrinceYuki's post should have made that apparent. Furthermore someone correctly identified that the Arcane armor needs good gems and refine to offset the loss in HP and PDef. Thats alot of upgrading, LA can offset alot of the mag attack loss by simply refining 1 item, their weapon - cheaper.

    To those people who turned this into a LA sucks or Arcane sucks debate, a few things.

    1 Observe freedom of speech
    2 This is a debate, not conflict, everyone has a right ot their own opinion
    3 Deriding others for expressing their opinions in preference of one or the other show your maturity, or more specifically lack of.
    4 What works for one person, doesn't always for another, this thread is to help people decide which build they wish to role, not be rail roaded into a decision because some people need to satisfy their own insecurities by bashing others.
    5 This forum is for PWI, not PW-MS or PW-MY-EN, whilst comments from other version players are always welcome to further knowledge, please use the appropriate terminology for THIS version e.g. Distance Shrink not Blink.
    6 Its your choice how you role, its you playing the char, no one else (Check your Terms and Conditions, lol) Play it how you want to not how anyone psting here *demands* your do.
    7 Arcane Wizards Rule, LA Wizards rule, All Wizards rule.

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The link I posted for my current build was slightly out. I switch between two belts to get different P Def. This is my current (today) build which adds another 200 HP

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • mazzle
    mazzle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The link I posted for my current build was slightly out. I switch between two belts to get different P Def. This is my current (today) build which adds another 200 HP

    Next time use the edit button and your arcane build is lacking phy defence, would be a great idea to get some of the citrines out and add garnets also add the 96 cape to it.
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I agree than the arcane build is a little lacking in p.def, however this build actually doesn't exist. Its more a a theiry quest, what If I had gone Arcane at 90 etc.

    As for the cape, due to cost I won't be changing it, although I agree with you I would love to have cape of leather, but forces of economy etc.

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Arcane build:

    ^ that exact cape (refined & gemmed) sold for 35mil last month (there were a few on HT that sold), very affordable considering it's the last thing you'll ever need.

    LA build:

    Not bad...but being LA right now is getting old for me; I notice that you only have 500 extra m.attack than me right now, so little extra damage gain between lv 88 and lv 96 as light armor.

    I'm going to restat next level 'cause I want to try out the pure build before lv 90, and I don't mind restating two or three times to find which build fits me better. But just looking at the numbers, even w/out the 'lite leather cape the arcane build is only 5% phys reduction off of the light armor but with an added 1,200 damage (300/hit in PvP).
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    okay i've been reading this whole thread and here's my opinion:
    LA is a life saver from lvl 60-78 and i've experienced i do only a bit less dmg than arcane built at this point. But as my lvl is boosting up, i can tell how crappy LA armor gets. I'm switching back to arcane at 90 because it's a better choice for wizard. My friend 94 was a LA and he switched back to arcane, so you're hearing this from not only me, but another top pk wizard and friend of mine who tested both armors at 90.
    think about it, it's fine to have LA when you are lower lvl but PWI made arcane armor for a's more compatiable to wizard...
    so why not try investing on arcane and make the best out of it.
  • TehMage - Lost City
    TehMage - Lost City Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    @ The topic of Arcane Vs Light Armor

    If you know how to play your class you shouldn't have to start LA then switch at 90. I'm doing perfectly fine with my arcane build. I do full dmg and I hardly EVER get hit. As long as you don't lvl any crappy DOTS and skills that you don't need to help you progress, arcane should not be a problem for anyone.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    @ The topic of Arcane Vs Light Armor

    If you know how to play your class you shouldn't have to start LA then switch at 90. I'm doing perfectly fine with my arcane build. I do full dmg and I hardly EVER get hit. As long as you don't lvl any crappy DOTS and skills that you don't need to help you progress, arcane should not be a problem for anyone.

    Agreed. me went arcane since level 1 and don't regret it. b:victory
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
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    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"