Top ten things you dont want to hear yor Cleric say



  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "I'll heal if you give me a free charm xD" <--- "xD" just makes it more annoying
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Then IH cleric says '****... sorry, i clicked townportal'


    I said that once
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Xenaaah - Heavens Tear
    Xenaaah - Heavens Tear Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "Hey anyone have heavy armor I can wear?"b:chuckle
  • Miasora - Lost City
    Miasora - Lost City Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sometimes in dungeon (fb, bh, hh or etc.), i say this...

    "brb, i got a phone" or "wait, my mom's calling"

    ... just to annoy the squad, and i LOLed while see them waiting for me xD



    Glad days, sad days... are all brighter made with the...
    "Happy Knowledge", that our...
    Friendship will not fade.

    me: ^.^
    my family: <3
  • Holy_Crystal - Heavens Tear
    Holy_Crystal - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *oke you tank you attack and i gonna eat a sandwich*
    *i'm low on health i gonna rest for a minute*
    *he family guy is on g2g*
    *can i be the tank next time??*
  • Kagaro - Dreamweaver
    Kagaro - Dreamweaver Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    *can i be the tank next time??*
    A cleric tanking? I'd pay money to see that. Clerics are too squishy to tank.
  • AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    andracil wrote: »
    "No, I levelled Blessing of the Purehearted instead...why?"

    my blessing is lvl 7 b:cute, but i never use it. my ih is lvl 10 b:victory, blessing is so high becuase.... im idiot cleric b:chuckle. but then again i kept a bm alive against wyvern b:cute
    Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness

    AngelOfLies-Cleric-90 Sage-no guild-Not currently Active
    _CatGirl_-Veno-80-No Guild-Not Currently Acitve
    BlindingEdge-Seeker-6x-No Guild-Main
    DrawtheWaves-Sin-5x-No Guild-Active Alt
  • AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A cleric tanking? I'd pay money to see that. Clerics are too squishy to tank.

    i did drake a while back for bh, the cleric crited and took aggro. i had to heal them b:cry; once i got attacked by one of his followers and MY DAMN STUPID SQUAD DIDNT HELP!!! (sorry for caps i just hated them -.- had to ask 5 times before some1 helped b:angryb:cry)
    Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness

    AngelOfLies-Cleric-90 Sage-no guild-Not currently Active
    _CatGirl_-Veno-80-No Guild-Not Currently Acitve
    BlindingEdge-Seeker-6x-No Guild-Main
    DrawtheWaves-Sin-5x-No Guild-Active Alt
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A cleric tanking? I'd pay money to see that. Clerics are too squishy to tank.


    That's a funny joke. You should consider going on tour.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Amaze - Lost City
    Amaze - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "no i dont have ress"
    oh my god was i that dumb
  • Mightyspirit - Harshlands
    Mightyspirit - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well reading some posts again... I can make it out that... A cleric is the hardest class to play. Since there are so many things we could fail doing or trying.

    *On tougher bosses I miss one IH stacking or purify (because of latency, lag or lack of reaction-speed), tank dies (or charm ticks and he leaves the party and we get wiped).
    *Both clerics of the party start accidentally rezzing a dead member - tank dies (or charm ticks and he leaves the party and we get wiped).
    At higher-level Lord of Percussion or at Dimetora both BB's are in sync - Anyone with pretty low HP gets wiped (or someone's charm ticks and he leaves the party and we get wiped).
    *The barb has missed aggro on one (or some) of the group of mobs and his health is going down which makes me automatically want to heal. Otherwise he's dead meat. But then... I'm dead meat.

    Here's a common scenario:
    Killing a boss. Archer pulls agro.
    I get a surge and miss all the shortcuts, wanting to stack him, but firstly casting (accidentally) a heal on myself (or the previous tank again), then on the veno (why not), then the archer dies, then both clerics happen to start rezzing, then both stop, then both start, then both finish the spell, then someone else has already died... an endless circle :)

    We have a lot to do and worry about, so please go easy on us.

    What else I would like to point out AGAIN, as someone has said in this or some other thread... Clerics are the most unluckiest and poorest class (not much drops, not much coin (unless you deal with real money a lot)) - adding to this they are expected to waste the most money of the classes (charms, pots, rez-scrolls, GA's, we have repair bills too, actually, and at higher levels we need good armor as well (to provide you all the support you need in safe and adwquate manners) just so that the other people wouldn't lose their coin, their charms, their EXP.
    We are the slowest runners, yet we are the ones who are supposed to run around the most (go to town from the end of the dungeon maybe and run back to rez everyone - that'd be cool in fb51, because the mobs will have respawned by that time too - and these, I tell you, are good at killing us :)).

    Clerics should be there to help killing a boss when necessary, not to help prevent your charm from ticking.

    When comes the time we really show what we feel and become as selfish as all the other classes (or regular kids) are.

    But yeah, I'm not telling that there aren't people playing clerics who really are dumb... Still I dont see why can't a Cleric be equal to a wizz in case he/she would want it. Would make the same case DD imho. I wouldn't say they are pointless (but then they are AS pointless as wizzards (unless level 100 or something :)).

    I must say u are 100% correct
    As a cleric all ppl call me all over the map
    "Plx help me with this boss ... if u are allready here help me with that boss too, ress me, heal me, blah now I lost 0.5% of exp b:angry and stuf like that.
    What is worst?? They call me when they need their bosses but never when they do their FBs b:angry and after that theey have the most stupid escuse "I didn't know u wanted to come to the FB" Like they even tried or bother to ask b:cry
    In the end I am the one loseing time and resouces to hepl others with their quests and if I am lucky I get a thnx
    My luck is that I made a veno that makes coins for my cleric to be able to waste on others b:laugh, may I sugest all clerics to have a backup char ... as a slave char to be able to suport the main
  • bigxbear
    bigxbear Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "How do i heal other ppl?"

    "i only use potions to heal."

    tank-"WHY DIDN"T U HEAL ME?!"

    cleric-"U have a charm on."
    i'm the one spinning in their chair, eating a ring-pop, wondering y the world hates broccolie so much... but loves it w/ cheese O.o... mabye we all should wear cheese to be better ppl. (Yes!!.. One more step to RUULING the worldb:thanks)
  • Desmerelda - Lost City
    Desmerelda - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I had to laugh since I have said most if not all (the plausible ones anyways) the lines int he top 10. My mouse has died, has lost connection. i have targeted wrong person, or healed self by accident. I have sacrificed myself for the sake of another party member over and over again and I have had to try and run through the level 51 mobs in Frostcovered Grounds. I have been yelled at, criticized and made to feel like an idiot over and over again. I was told that if a cleric and barb are both dead, revive the barb first so he can take on mob while I rez cleric and the cleric said no revive cleric first so they can help heal as barb is revived. Everyone has an opinion on how cleric should be played and most of those with opinions have never played cleric. Noone ever offers to pay for the teleport charges I incur going from place to place on the map. No-one ever offers pots after I have used BB forever on a boss and everyone yells if their charm ticks but OMG do you know how many times my mana charm ticks even using event pots.

    I love helping people but my level 66 cleric is now refusing to do BH39. So Sue me. I die at least 2-3 times when some idiot rushes the boss before mobs are cleared or the dumb flame things blow up and the experience you gain off your BH is nothing compared to what i lose going in there.

    But this thread is awesome but please be a little more understanding of cleric. We do the best we can..
  • Mightyspirit - Harshlands
    Mightyspirit - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I must say here are good posts about clerics and bad posts!
    But I admit the reason why there aren't any complains about other classes is bcs noone realy care about other classes in a squad as they care about clerics.
    After all u can make a squad only of clerics and go to do a BH ... is not somethig recomanded but is possible ... if u have a heavy cleric as a tank .. with a BB and soo much healing power all is possible ...
    But I can't see a squad made only from barbs and BMs to be as succesful.
    At any rate talking about the ppl I have in my friends list ... They treat me as a goddess ... I do mistakes sometimes but usualy noone can complain about how I am. Beeing the center of the unives is the best feeling of them all.
    Let's admit it guys they complain about us but also they are soo dead without us, beeing a cleric means everyone needs u and everyone wants u in his friends list.
    I am the favorite cleric of them all and I'm happy about it. I am good at what I do bcs I like it, I can't stand seeing a "strong man" hurt and not to heal himb:laugh

    Don't get upset about their complains after all everyone loves us, and we are the most noble of the classes too maybe are just jelous on that b:chuckle
  • Jaxanite - Sanctuary
    Jaxanite - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "How did you die so fast? "

    "I thought you had a charm."

    "I didnt waste my SP on squad buffs"

    "Sorry i dont have Chrom. healing beam"
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    10.What? Sorry was AFK
    9. Hmm does anyone have mana potions?
    8.Sorry guy's have to go (in the middle of a boss battle)
    7.How do I heal!!
    6.Squad buffs? Oh right forgot about those (When everyone is dead during a boss fight)
    5.Sorry computer crashed hope you all are okay (While squad lays dead)
    4.I swear i didn't mean to run that far ahead (is dead)
    3.Why's the barb dead?
    2.Damn i left it in my other pants
    1.OHHH so THAT'S Why I upgrade my skills! Huh.. fancy that *Looks at his dead comrades*

    not sure how interesting those are. But i will say i've had my share of clerics in groups before. I always try to lend a hand by giving them mana potions if i have extra one's. I always try to compensate for their efforts by letting them keep anything they get and it's even better if they have fun doing it. Now i have laid dead before and chased clerics down in my non-existent zombie form claiming i'll eat their brains if they don't res me. Though oddly enough it always get's a chuckle out of them and they revive me. Usually after that i make the extra attempt to offer help with their quests or give them mana potions if they're hanging around.
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "(to tank): Pot, pot, pot, POT, POOOOT... TAKE POT!"

    Real bit from TS, used a lot by my friend when we do fb/bh together. Funny how all clerics run out of mana in worst moments :P

    Another favourite:
    "Mana low..."

    Playing charmless is fun :D
    Packs World International
  • Sev_Musamune - Harshlands
    Sev_Musamune - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What about "I need rezzed"-Cleric
    That is always a Kill-Joy.

    Barbs.....b:surrender I love all of chu~
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "um... but I'm a heavy armor cleric o.O"
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    - "Oh ****..." often followed by "OH SHI-...!!!", "AFK/BRB/G2G", etc.
    - "Purify? What's that?" <<< while tanking Jewelscalen... or well, after I died.
    - "What's BB?", "Oh wait, AOE heal?"
    - "Shouldn't you have a charm?" <<< I stopped expecting people to be charmed.

    And the #1 line I really don't wanna hear again... "It's not my job to keep people alive." Coming from a 80+ cleric in a TT run. If he had been a battle cleric I'd have understood, but he wasn't. And please, if you're a battle cleric, STATE IT if you're doing instance runs. Please. Not that I mind battle clerics; I just wanna know WTF to expect.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • pearl6
    pearl6 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "Cleric? and all this time I thought I was an Archer b:shocked"

    This Quote turned me into a drippiling laughing mess on the floor havent heard anything funnier in a darn long time lol

    the main thing i h8 is another cleric in party besides me who is higher getting slaughtered like a pig????????whats wrong with clerics now days i hear of so many messing up there stats the other day i was party'd with a cleric 6 lvls higher then me but 80 mag lower then me ?????? and only 7 iron and 4 res? i was healing whole party ress'ing and keeping myself alive in bh run >.< clerics with out apoc skill need to get that up and running dont run outa pots and lvl ur buffs res n iron whats the point on a cleric if they need to be constantly babysitted since we are ment to be the babysitters!!! peace all
  • The_Champion - Sanctuary
    The_Champion - Sanctuary Posts: 988 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    2. " I love playing a cleric, you can go AFK without people noticing" [aerole]

    That's our job (tanks)

    "oops I was healing the DD"
    Sounds about right
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    "so whos tanking?" while the squad is miserably staying away from the boss so that the half dead tank can hold aggro.

    "F@&K!!!, my F4 key is stuck!"

    "Oh Im not that kind of cleric, im a grammaton cleric, I kill sense offenders in the nethers" <---- props to whomever gets this
  • kingofhatred
    kingofhatred Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Two scenarios...

    "Yo *insert name of cleric here" lemme get a heal"
    "So what? Just because Im dressed like a cleric you ASSUME I heal? Man thats I don't have that skill"

    "Yo *insert name of cleric here" can we get some healing here"
    "Nah you look fine to me."

    I lol at my own jokes :)
    H1N1:Wash your hands if you care about friends and family.
  • Roxmel - Sanctuary
    Roxmel - Sanctuary Posts: 640 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    " What is heal?"
    "whats a rez?!?!?!?"
    "dont worry I can tank,I put all my points into vit and str"
    "pay me 1,000,000 for my rez(lvl1)"
    "all my heals are lvl1"
    "sorry but I dont have buffs"
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -Roxmel- ;O
  • Sev_Musamune - Harshlands
    Sev_Musamune - Harshlands Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Oh hey guys I saw this Bug and I....uhhh What Happened Here?-Cleric
    .....Pray We Don't Get Rezed-Entire Squad

    Barbs.....b:surrender I love all of chu~
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    A cleric tanking? I'd pay money to see that. Clerics are too squishy to tank.

    ;) Depends on what they're tanking. It's rumored a Cleric can solo tank Mantavip (rumored because I haven't seen it done). Of course, those are magic dealing bosses.

    My charm is almost gone.
    Does anyone have an MP Charm I can buy?
    I don't have a charm. Can anyone spare some pots?
    Oh ****... I'm dead.
    BMs are crazy, I never want to run with them. [b:chuckle Hee hee. I'm crazy too!]
  • somerandomacc
    somerandomacc Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    -in a PvP server, tank and clerc is lvl 30+- oops i pressed the wrong hotkey. sorry i have Parkingson (the cleric ment to heal the tanker but exept that casted on him his best attacking skill, making the boss take him down in a 1hit KO) then the tank asks him to res him but the clerc asks "whats res?"
    i so OMG'd at this b:surprised
  • Jetue - Harshlands
    Jetue - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have said/heard several of these things, many as jokes, but my favorite and most recent was. "ya know, at about 40 hours without sleep, a lot of ppl start to halucinate. That'll be about 10 minutes from now."
    If you need to tell someone you how pro you are, you are not pro. Your reputation and skills should speak for you.
    -adaptation of one of the many quotes I love

    Favorite opening line when entering a squad:
    "Hi. So, am I the tank?"

    BMs are probably my favorite dds around. They aren't squishy, usually respect and protect the cleric, and in spite of the seemingly constant suicidal impulses, don't get me killed very often.

    Jetue - Squad based Cleric
    Status: Gone (ish)
  • Vuurvlametje - Heavens Tear
    Vuurvlametje - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2011
This discussion has been closed.