v182 Update discussion thread.



  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My 3rd day of PWI after this update, involved less playing than the first two. It was still awful xD. b:bye
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My 3rd day of PWI after this update, involved less playing than the first two. It was still awful xD. b:bye

    Same for me, too. :(
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My 3rd day of PWI after this update, involved less playing than the first two. It was still awful xD. b:bye
    Same for me, too. :(

    Nope. Not for me. The update hasn't messed with my play time. I can careless about the update aside the fact of the Duke spamming my chat screen, but Spoons says it is being fixed so I am good on that.... oh and the fact that gold has gone to outrageous prices.................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    BTW, will tokens still work after the packs are off CS in a month?

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Dustinmurphy - Harshlands
    Dustinmurphy - Harshlands Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    BTW, will tokens still work after the packs are off CS in a month?
    no, but if you keep them they turn into the devil and drag you to hell atleast this is what i hearb:laugh
    If anniversary pack threads keep getting made I'll keep trolling them until there isn't anymore!b:bye
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Do you know this for sure or just guessing?

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Silvia_Xenth - Lost City
    Silvia_Xenth - Lost City Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    AS I SEE Forum is more funier then pwi LOST city server imao

    oooh wel going back 2 a half dead server 2 start a own guild ooooh

    guess what i will call it NOchasher and ill wana pk any who have helped this inbalance i want poor ppl 2 make a stand iff pwi dont do **** its the player who should at least do something with all this greedyness srry my native land aint america or england DOWN WITH CASH SHOPERS b:angry
  • Dustinmurphy - Harshlands
    Dustinmurphy - Harshlands Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Do you know this for sure or just guessing?
    well it says it's a monthly thing so keeping them will probable be a waste of money
    If anniversary pack threads keep getting made I'll keep trolling them until there isn't anymore!b:bye
  • flameenix
    flameenix Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    The secondary purpose of Jolly Old Jones, other than providing you guys with items, is to drain the economy.

    1. Chest of Coins - 1M just a few clicks away.
    2. People winning 5M coins (token of best luck) every 30seconds.
  • Kitsuneh - Lost City
    Kitsuneh - Lost City Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    flameenix wrote: »
    1. Chest of Coins - 1M just a few clicks away.
    2. People winning 5M coins (token of best luck) every 30seconds.

    Mmyeah.. Bad thing is that only certain people will win that 5M..
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    b:thanksi just wana say tnx for the new packs i fidn them great
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Dice_two - Sanctuary
    Dice_two - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    andracil wrote: »
    And another thing : Rest assured that when the GM's log on today, I'll refer them to this thread. Knowing them, they WILL read it.

    First of all, my impression about the thread itself.

    I've seen GMs post stuff every now and then here (hope they are GMs), which I like a lot. Still I think the biggest cause for flaming in this thread is them not posting here. Who can blame them? At this thread & page count no one can follow. Even if they would, there are only scattered posts they can't really answer anything to but "We're working on it". Have to face it, it's an annoying read, lots of off-topicing, even by mods:
    andracil wrote: »
    It's "Cut andracil some slack" or "Give andracil a break".
    Yay, I can still be a grammarfreak with all this going on.

    The result people forget, don't know or skip the following:
    Everyone chill out, and listen to what I am about to say.

    Moderators have absolutely no control over these updates, if you flame them you will be banned.

    Then of course the counter-rant to establish who is in position to discuss on the topic or not:
    I honestly think that anyone who has not tried one of the boxes shouldn't be able to immediately scream "OMG broken!" over and over, because they are causing panic where there is simply no need.

    I find it funny that in a supposedly Free to play game a mod asks every of the 88,000 thread viewers to buy something from boutique, worse, an event item, to be justified to talk about the patch. Economy affects all players, you try beating first boss RB alpha or beta without HP/MP charm; or even worse, try getting enough coins to buy them from players at current prices at level 40...

    Of course there is no need for panic. But when you start such an update you can NOT overlook that there's going to be a massive reaction here. Why not expect it, put up a mod MORE for exactly this occasion, or even conceive a reaction and suggestions form and have a temporary subforum implemented for it?

    Nonetheless, a 130 pages thread won't get anyone far, obviously. Only the page count states there's something gone VERY MUCH out of order. The result? Quick action NEEDED since devs missed out on preparing anything to cope with the feedback.

    Some person asked spoon before
    so what are you going to DO about it
    you;re asking me something that I do not control, I am the messenger

    Question is are devs going to change anything even though with every duke shout there's about 20$-30$ going into PWE's wallet? I beg to differ. It's just ridiculous how a company would risk the whole economy of the game, and by it, the game itself, for a jubilee event. We know from a precedent epic game by LucasArts how easy it is to mess things up. It got destroyed by trying to lower the target-age range.

    The whole inflation has one single gainer. And that is PWE. The risk: putting the game at stake for being unfair to people that can't or don't want to invest HUNDREDS of dollars or euros into a free to play game.

    So the thing I would like you, spoon, to forward to the GMs is the following thing. A birthday event is ok. An anniversary event taking one weekend is fair too. But an entire month of expected inflation is sheer madness.

    Remind them that "birthday" consists of the words "birth" and "day"*, not "greed" for a "month".
    *day - the mean solar day of 24 hours beginning at mean midnight.

    STOP the anniversary boxes, be fair to players that WORK their way up and are not 'BUYING themselves up':

    Iv spent almost 1.5month inside lunar glade w/ my friends to get my lunar glade gold weapon.
    And now WTF. ITS IN CASH SHOP!b:shocked
    I got realy screwed by this ****. u GMs r adding end-game gears into CS..
    u guys ruined all the efforts that high lvl players have paid in the past one year.
    Is this the so-called anniversary?
    what i wanna say is :-edited-

    Happy birthday PWI b:flower
  • PoleFlex - Lost City
    PoleFlex - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    based on all these complaints, i still really enjoy the game but i keep seeing people are quitting, or waiting to quit so that they can go to "cough" game. im just wondering what is this game? you can pm me im just wondering
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think Dice_Two pretty much said what was necessary to say
  • Kalutika - Heavens Tear
    Kalutika - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think the patch is fine. If you are not mentally challenged, you realize they need people buying from the cash shop to keep running the game. So of course they are adding things people would want to buy, it would be dumb for them not to.

    Also please name me a game where there is not a RMT/bot problem.... I bet you cannot. ESPECIALLY a free one. Hell PW has one of the smallest bot problems I've ever seen in a game, and one of the reasons is that they make the gold cheap enough to buy, it becomes too tedious for so little profit. And this is because of the cash shop and coin exchange. But you still see idiots complain about it.

    Hell most of you people would probably complain if PWI gave away free money.

    Sorry it is just annoying seeing so many people complain about a game that is a lot better off than most other games RMT/bot-wise.
  • _tina_ - Lost City
    _tina_ - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think the patch is fine. If you are not mentally challenged, you realize they need people buying from the cash shop to keep running the game. So of course they are adding things people would want to buy, it would be dumb for them not to.

    your missing the point kid
    they released ENDGAME shards,mounts,jewelry,weapons,armor
    into cash shop.. THATS why people are pissed becouse any
    mentall chalanged dweeb can now become the best just by stealing there
    mom's/ dad's credid card and getting that gear for 1 dollar
    while the rest of us have spend millions of coins, countless charms and
    long hours getting the mats needed

    they need money i agree... but they didnt have to release ENDGAME stuff
    thats just a deathblow to a game... and they f*cked all of us in the face
    who accually spend time "playing" this game and got gear the long way
    Also please name me a game where there is not a RMT/bot problem.... I bet you cannot. ESPECIALLY a free one. Hell PW has one of the smallest bot problems I've ever seen in a game, and one of the reasons is that they make the gold cheap enough to buy, it becomes too tedious for so little profit. And this is because of the cash shop and coin exchange. But you still see idiots complain about it.

    lol bots in this game get banned for 3 days then continu playing and
    owning all of TW maps just becouse they are all highest lvls so
    lower lvl guilds cant get anything... thats pretty much a bad enough bot problem
    Cuz theyll Kick your **** before you spot them
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    "Originally Posted by Korren - Lost City
    Iv spent almost 1.5month inside lunar glade w/ my friends to get my lunar glade gold weapon.
    And now WTF. ITS IN CASH SHOP!
    I got realy screwed by this ****. u GMs r adding end-game gears into CS..
    u guys ruined all the efforts that high lvl players have paid in the past one year.
    Is this the so-called anniversary?
    what i wanna say is :-edited-"

    why are you screwed? You still have your gear right? If other people have it too, it does not mean you are screwed.

    very unfair? yes. You spent over a month on that and the rest will just use their credit card.

    I still believe the change is for the best as I find ridiculus to spend 1.5 months farming for gear. Myself, I would not do it.
  • Dice_two - Sanctuary
    Dice_two - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    why are you screwed? You still have your gear right? If other people have it too, it does not mean you are screwed.

    very unfair? yes. You spent over a month on that and the rest will just use their credit card.

    I still believe the change is for the best as I find ridiculus to spend 1.5 months farming for gear. Myself, I would not do it.

    I think the most important thing is the 1.5 months. In order to even be able to farm it, you need to invest lots into charms and gear before anyway, so probably the cost in $ is comparable. But the time and effort is the big difference here. Imagine yourself building a little toy, very meticulously, precise and thoughtful, for one month. And then someone else coming and ruining your month's work by stomping it. This is supposed to be fun remember?

    And also, screwed? You work hard to gain an advantage over others because it's a PvP server, or to get better in TW, and then boom!, patch here, advantage gone. As said, adding it for 1 day is fine, few of those items wouldn't bother an entire server at all, but tons and tons of coins + gear? Up to you.

    And about PWI being great. Yes it is, I'm not complaining about PWI, I am about some lightheaded people's starting to put nails in its coffin.
  • Xeian - Dreamweaver
    Xeian - Dreamweaver Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    "Originally Posted by Korren - Lost City
    Iv spent almost 1.5month inside lunar glade w/ my friends to get my lunar glade gold weapon.
    And now WTF. ITS IN CASH SHOP!
    I got realy screwed by this ****. u GMs r adding end-game gears into CS..
    u guys ruined all the efforts that high lvl players have paid in the past one year.
    Is this the so-called anniversary?
    what i wanna say is :-edited-"

    why are you screwed? You still have your gear right? If other people have it too, it does not mean you are screwed.

    very unfair? yes. You spent over a month on that and the rest will just use their credit card.

    I still believe the change is for the best as I find ridiculus to spend 1.5 months farming for gear. Myself, I would not do it.
    I stand right with these people who are upset about endgame items being put into the cashshop. What bothers me most is to see so many high levels take advantage of us in lower levels.
    I quote my friend Navi "you know you need to get rid of that wolf soon"

    while I thurlly know this, and have been trying to gatch my perminant pet while I'm still low level, constantly the same person shows up, takes it and runs. Now what pet might you be asking? "Shadou Cub" I know it's rare, I know it sells VERY heavy, but can't the higher levels cut us some slack in the matter? We work just as hard as the "old-timers" why do we get pushed around so much, where's community, where you help one another?
  • Kalutika - Heavens Tear
    Kalutika - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    your missing the point kid
    they released ENDGAME shards,mounts,jewelry,weapons,armor
    into cash shop.. THATS why people are pissed becouse any
    mentall chalanged dweeb can now become the best just by stealing there
    mom's/ dad's credid card and getting that gear for 1 dollar
    while the rest of us have spend millions of coins, countless charms and
    long hours getting the mats needed

    they need money i agree... but they didnt have to release ENDGAME stuff
    thats just a deathblow to a game... and they f*cked all of us in the face
    who accually spend time "playing" this game and got gear the long way

    lol bots in this game get banned for 3 days then continu playing and
    owning all of TW maps just becouse they are all highest lvls so
    lower lvl guilds cant get anything... thats pretty much a bad enough bot problem

    They already had endgame op'd pets for venos, I only see this as leveling the playing field. Granted it would have been better just to take the op'd pets out of CS, but they would not earn money for that.

    And I don't see anyone stopping you from spending "$1 to get the engame gear." It is a level playing field, either you can cheap out and not spend IRL cash, or they can cheap out and not spend months grinding for **** they can get for "$1."
  • mumintroll
    mumintroll Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    From GM it was huge mistake to add end game gears to the game for nothing just for dollars. It ruined all pleasure of getting gear. Always when I got some rare item I was so proud, because just few people had it. Sometimes it took weeks even months to get this stuff. Now. You need just money and you can have almost everything. I'm working so money is no problem for me. But easy getting gear killed the fun of game.
    And I believe, that GM later put some mats for making warsoul weapons to boutique. I'm 100% sure. b:angry
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think the most important thing is the 1.5 months. In order to even be able to farm it, you need to invest lots into charms and gear before anyway, so probably the cost in $ is comparable. But the time and effort is the big difference here. Imagine yourself building a little toy, very meticulously, precise and thoughtful, for one month. And then someone else coming and ruining your month's work by stomping it. This is supposed to be fun remember?

    And also, screwed? You work hard to gain an advantage over others because it's a PvP server, or to get better in TW, and then boom!, patch here, advantage gone. As said, adding it for 1 day is fine, few of those items wouldn't bother an entire server at all, but tons and tons of coins + gear? Up to you.

    And about PWI being great. Yes it is, I'm not complaining about PWI, I am about some lightheaded people's starting to put nails in its coffin.

    even more, I find crazy to invest: time, charms ect. to get gear. That was wrong. It needed to be fixed.

    very unfare for the ones who did it but great for new players coming into the game and for those who can spent money in it too.
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    even more, I find crazy to invest: time, charms ect. to get gear. That was wrong. It needed to be fixed.

    very unfare for the ones who did it but great for new players coming into the game and for those who can spent money in it too.
    I agree about the charms but not the time

    MMORPGs are meant to be like that, if they made a 10 minues TT instance every idiot could come here and complete it and get a well geared character by just playing 1 hour per day
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I agree about the charms but not the time

    MMORPGs are meant to be like that, if they made a 10 minues TT instance every idiot could come here and complete it and get a well geared character by just playing 1 hour per day

    spending 1.5 months as somebody mentioned is totally insane to me. Spending couple weeks is ok to me.

    I think not all of us have time to play 8 hrs per day. I still think there are many things to fix in this game. A player should be able to level quick and get his gear by just spending 1 or 2 hrs per day in game.
  • Kalutika - Heavens Tear
    Kalutika - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    spending 1.5 months as somebody mentioned is totally insane to me. Spending couple weeks is ok to me.

    I think not all of us have time to play 8 hrs per day. I still think there are many things to fix in this game. A player should be able to level quick and get his gear by just spending 1 or 2 hrs per day in game.

    QFT - maybe not the best gear for 1-2 hours, but 1 or 2 tiers below would be acceptable to me.
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    spending 1.5 months as somebody mentioned is totally insane to me. Spending couple weeks is ok to me.

    I think not all of us have time to play 8 hrs per day. I still think there are many things to fix in this game. A player should be able to level quick and get his gear by just spending 1 or 2 hrs per day in game.
    that way a 8-hours-per day-player would finish the game in 1 month lol
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    spending 1.5 months as somebody mentioned is totally insane to me. Spending couple weeks is ok to me.

    I think not all of us have time to play 8 hrs per day. I still think there are many things to fix in this game. A player should be able to level quick and get his gear by just spending 1 or 2 hrs per day in game.

    Granrey, just remember your own words when they take out the items for a certain mat you need and you have to spend 1 or 2 hrs on a game for the next 8 months. I am with all the people that are upset over the endgame items being released onto the market. I am with the people that are watching their hard earned work be sold for "1 dolla'... Get your end game items 1 dolla'!!! It makes your inner soul feel good knowing you are gonna make a grown man cry cause they could have waited 8 months and got it for just 1 dolla' just like you! Get your end game items 1 dolla'!!!" And Granrey did the person actually say they spent 8 hrs a day on the game for 1.5 months? I can understand if they did but hey, it was summer that's what it is about. (atleast it could of been) Doing what you can NOT do during school time.(If the person is in school) But ya Granrey, the next time you want something bad and you put your hard earned hours into it and you go to buy it just remember that their could be ANY instance where they did decide to mark that item down to "1 dolla'"... and guess what? You could have waited to get it for "1 dolla'".....

    ****the use of '1 dolla' is in reference to someone that would........ ummm.... do favors for you......**** (spoons or are mod if that is out of line you are more then welcome to take out the parts in **** thank you =)
  • narc0tix
    narc0tix Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It took me 2 months to get all the mats for the Lunar Green Bow (Pre req to the gold bow) And most of the mats for the gold one. Now the sale has put at least 25 of those insignias in circulation and its as easy as paying 30m for one... I did but, now the game feels pointless since all my friends left and i have nothing to work for.

    Edit: MEant to quote Garneys post.
    Nova - Marksman / Bard
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Granrey, just remember your own words when they take out the items for a certain mat you need and you have to spend 1 or 2 hrs on a game for the next 8 months. I am with all the people that are upset over the endgame items being released onto the market. I am with the people that are watching their hard earned work be sold for "1 dolla'... Get your end game items 1 dolla'!!! It makes your inner soul feel good knowing you are gonna make a grown man cry cause they could have waited 8 months and got it for just 1 dolla' just like you! Get your end game items 1 dolla'!!!" And Granrey did the person actually say they spent 8 hrs a day on the game for 1.5 months? I can understand if they did but hey, it was summer that's what it is about. (atleast it could of been) Doing what you can NOT do during school time.(If the person is in school) But ya Granrey, the next time you want something bad and you put your hard earned hours into it and you go to buy it just remember that their could be ANY instance where they did decide to mark that item down to "1 dolla'"... and guess what? You could have waited to get it for "1 dolla'".....

    ****the use of '1 dolla' is in reference to someone that would........ ummm.... do favors for you......**** (spoons or are mod if that is out of line you are more then welcome to take out the parts in **** thank you =)

    yeah 8 hrs was my contribution lol, but look my case.

    I do WQ in my slow sword while I do other things in my life. that takes me about 4 hrs give or take.

    bh takes me in reality 1 hr as I have to find squad first then go in the cave.

    I have no time for farming as I have a life to take care too lol.

    Saying that, I only farm and grind on weekends and even on weekends I do wq as I have things to with my life on weekends.

    In my case, it would take me 3 months to farm those mats lol

    Saying that, things have not changed to me since I dont have money to buy expensive gold anyways. However, I like at least the gear is easier to get for those that can afford it by getting gold.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ...you want to spend an hour a day and be all high lvl'd with great gear? go play a private server...

    in all seriousness, shouldn't make it so time consuming to get the gears in the first place if they're just going to troll everyone who tried with a cash shop event. also bad for the people who payed RL money and ended up with only lucky tokens while someone who didn't spend a lot got gear. theres no fairness to this game no matter how you look at it.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
This discussion has been closed.