LOL@Over9k's GV(Delta) strat



  • bawksy
    bawksy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    blah blah blah care level:0%

    mobing half waves told by Rome

    i didnt say u guy use Heaven BT in GV before you post fail more

    tried GV everyday "for a month" told by Zin

    you are fking amzing "im not [on] houston"....stop qqing on forum, go outside and play your golf lol...

    Is this MD pointing out spelling mistakes? Ohmagosh... I am officially out of these forums.
    inb4 Alexeno

    ಠೈಠ Troll-sauce-face made by Konariraiden
    When you see it.. Just don't post again.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    blah blah blah care level:0%

    mobing half waves told by Rome

    i didnt say u guy use Heaven BT in GV before you post fail more

    tried GV everyday "for a month" told by Zin

    you are fking amzing "im not [on] houston"....stop qqing on forum, go outside and play your golf lol...
    I'm not on houston atm. Not gonna even bother to tr0ll you on something i already tr0ll you hard about. Just go dig old treads.

    Plus most of the stuff you state as truth i don't even know we even did. "Mobing half waves" "you have heaven BT" "we tried GV everyday for 2 months" "whine blah blah blah" LOL

    BTW, Please be original at least, you are asian for god sake. Trying to flame with nonsense as a drunkazz, lazy, careless, godless latin guy (ME) it's just pathetic. Get your own thing. (Meh i guess you can't as there is no cash shop for ideas)

    Because all i had to do was to quote myself to answer to Ur nerd rage. "we tried GV everyday for a month and split waves into halfs" lol

    Anyway, on houston now. For your info i just came from dropping my younger brother at UT. U seem to be interested in what i do in RL. (Again envying something someone else does?b:chuckle)
  • Suwaki - Harshlands
    Suwaki - Harshlands Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Really? Notworth10chars
  • Taarloor - Harshlands
    Taarloor - Harshlands Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm starting to really enjoy reading MD's posts!! You just put them in "Kim Jong Ill from Team America" font and they're hilarious!
  • RedBetty - Harshlands
    RedBetty - Harshlands Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    "anyone" really? i havent heard any other people pass GV in crimson know Crimsin is biggest carebear? they dont pvp, they dont do anything, but they do GV to levelb:chuckle

    that is prolly because we never tried :D
    no point w/o lvl 90 wizard/cleric :(
  • ChronicDose - Harshlands
    ChronicDose - Harshlands Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    you got it^^

    yet so many ppl still respond in my thread "lolumad?"

    What the hell MD, every single post I read, I see a your tell-a-tale troll slime all over it....
    99.9% of what you write doesn't make ANY sense at all...sadly the only things that ever do are acronym's used so commonly by 12 y/o. i.e. LOL, QQ, noob...etc. followed by incoherent ramblings that are hard to be classified as "English."
    You should honestly just not bother wasting your time, whatever amusement you get out of being **** just makes other's realize how dumb and incompetent you are, not to mention how young you sound..
    Out of all the trolls I have witnessed you are on the lowest level.

    I will not list the cures for this BR syndrome as they elude me, but I hope one day you learn better, before you fail/get fired/turned down i.e. pretty much fail in any way all around in RL for being as big of a troll/tool you are every day on these forums.
  • Chasca - Harshlands
    Chasca - Harshlands Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I love MD's posts. They always make me laugh. In honor of MD leaving we should rename the term BR to MD from here on out.
  • Alicia_Fox - Harshlands
    Alicia_Fox - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well GV (delta) is not as hard as it used to be therefore I think theres nothing you should be proud of MD, especially when you do a GV with such good gears which wasnt the case for over9k, but anyways I'll giv u gz for completing GV (delta).
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    What the hell MD, every single post I read, I see a your tell-a-tale troll slime all over it....
    99.9% of what you write doesn't make ANY sense at all...sadly the only things that ever do are acronym's used so commonly by 12 y/o. i.e. LOL, QQ, noob...etc. followed by incoherent ramblings that are hard to be classified as "English."
    You should honestly just not bother wasting your time, whatever amusement you get out of being **** just makes other's realize how dumb and incompetent you are, not to mention how young you sound..
    Out of all the trolls I have witnessed you are on the lowest level.

    I will not list the cures for this BR syndrome as they elude me, but I hope one day you learn better, before you fail/get fired/turned down i.e. pretty much fail in any way all around in RL for being as big of a troll/tool you are every day on these forums.

    Don't be too harsh on poor MD. He is doing his best to be a successful tr0ll by "copying" me. b:chuckle
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    After reading this, I will no longer read any post ever made by MD. Actually...I'll just BL him.