Shattered Gear



  • _azazel_ - Lost City
    _azazel_ - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well, if worse comes to worst, you can always buy an NPC weapon or a cheap weapon from the AH and use that to grind enough coins to repair your shattered one. It's not like a top notch TT weapon with refines and high level shards is needed to grind.

    Well, not like I should have to grind to be able to use a weapon I already payed for and had bound, either, huh? I have no problem with normal repair costs, but this "Shattering" business is nonsense.

    whoops, srry for the double post.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Now that I looked at it, it's not that huge of a deal.

    The odds of shattering gear when white named is 1%
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • EmP - Harshlands
    EmP - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    if GA's prevent item drop, and shattering, why do you need binding charms >.>?

    Tearvalerin, I believe the issue is with those who have already bound their items. It doesn't affect as many on ur server as it does on the PvP servers(more pkers obviously). The PvP servers just got screwed over big time. for all those 9x+ chars who have bound their equipment so they don't have to buy dolls repeatedly have wasted tons of money on binding gear.

    PW Sales Team: "hmmmm, seems like the sales of GA have dropped a bit. Can you developers take away the usefulness of the binding ****"
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I'm sure everyone will grow to love this.


    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Tearvalerin, I believe the issue is with those who have already bound their items. It doesn't affect as many on ur server as it does on the PvP servers(more pkers obviously). The PvP servers just got screwed over big time. for all those 9x+ chars who have bound their equipment so they don't have to buy dolls repeatedly have wasted tons of money on binding gear.

    PW Sales Team: "hmmmm, seems like the sales of GA have dropped a bit. Can you developers take away the usefulness of the binding ****"
    and they still dont, theyre not going to be dropping any gear, just have a small small chance to break on death(which can be fixed,) so why do binding charms have anything to do with this?
  • EmP - Harshlands
    EmP - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    and they still dont, theyre not going to be dropping any gear, just have a small small chance to break on death(which can be fixed,) so why do binding charms have anything to do with this?

    The binding charms that were bought previous to this patch are wasted. Reason being is cuz they were purchased so that the chars wouldnt have to buy GAs. And since im sure people dont want their gear to shatter (repeated shattering is expensive) they have to buy GAs even tho they bought binding charms so they wouldnt have to buy binding charms. this patch doesnt affect people without the charms as much as it does for those that have already bought them.

    Binging charms were purchased so they wouldnt have to get GAs. Now for the sake of saving on repair, they still have to buy GAs

    * i was not speaking for those that would be stupid enough to buy binding charms and GAs lol. this is only for those PREVIOUS to the patch
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    but the chance is still so freaking low lol..
  • EmP - Harshlands
    EmP - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    for white names, yes. but think about kos events, massive/group pvp. When u go to HT, SP, Hidden, the swamps, or any wraith event in any pvp server there is always a MASSIVE pvp event lol. that 4% will start to show ALOT
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    and yet another thing we need chi stones for.. then again i dont pk
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    How in the world do you repair aerogear or tomes? o_O

    Oh, in TW. Does the red name count then? :P
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Good question. Why do you need the ONE TIME PURCHASE item to achieve the same effect of an item consumed each time you die? Again, this patch basically says "**** you" to anybody who has payed to bind their gear. "Thanks for your money, but too bad, you have to pay more now. Enjoy!"

    I thought PvPers were *legendary* for never QQing. What's the deal?

    Darn, now there are actual consequences for your FAIL @ PvP.

    Maybe if you didn't *die*, this wouldn't be a problem.


    \has an alt on LC
    \\doesn't PvP, 'cause it bores me to fight 12 year olds
    \\\Karma's a b*tch, aint it
    \\\\looks like the devs decided to move the pain to the killer instead of the victim
    \\\\\slashie abuse
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    yes u red names r screwed i mean what is it a huge 4% QQ more lol
  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    shattered grade16 warsoul = 30mirages , repair cost = 36.

    If somebody have a warsoul theres no way he will be without dolls b:laugh

    @Tearvalerin this doesn't affect anything if you used dolls so...
    warsoul will be auto bound so regardless of pking with or without saftey lock it can shatter b:shocked
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well, if worse comes to worst, you can always buy an NPC weapon or a cheap weapon from the AH and use that to grind enough coins to repair your shattered one. It's not like a top notch TT weapon with refines and high level shards is needed to grind.

    veno -_______-
  • Notgood - Heavens Tear
    Notgood - Heavens Tear Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    look on the bright side atleast if your a fist bm if your weap shatters it doesn't matter b:chuckle
    Why am i like this cause you made me like this...
    I guess you really didn't know...
  • Rumble - Harshlands
    Rumble - Harshlands Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If I'm not mistaken I think that someone said for pkers it is only broken gear, not lost, however I think there is still a chance for loss right?

    So this "update" has the same chance to drop as before PLUS it now has a chance to shatter gear. Is this correct? Also a GA will protect against both so the only people this is effecting from a GA point of view is people who bound, since now they will need GAs where-as before they didn't. All people with unbound gear who PK will still need GAs as before.

    What this does do though is increase PWI revenue. (Of course) So now people with bound gear will buy GAs. Also if I read correctly if a + item is shattered then it has a chance to loose a +??? In other words if you have a +6 items and it shatters it drops to +5? Is this correct? If so well done PWI. Another cash scheme. You already spent money on Dragon Orbs to get your weapon up higher in +, you get shattered and you have to spend more money again to get it back to where it was before. Just so awesome.
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I don't think some ppl have read the patch notes properly....

    Just to clear some stuff up with I think may have been misread/interpreted

    First of all if ur dark red and have safety lock mode ON (that is no chance to drop gear)
    and you get pked. --> 1 item in ur inventory with shatter by 4% <--- notice that its not a percentage chance for it totally shatter in one death. Its like a durability thing so that one item is now 96/100, if u take my point.
    So unless u are very unlucky and have the same item shatter everytime, you can die many many times before anything will actually shatter.

    If you have the safety lock OFF on the other hand and are white/pink named, your gear will not shatter at all, not matter how many times u die. So ur gear is NEVER EVER going to shatter if ur white named with safety lock OFF not matter how many times u get RPKed. Or even if you die while attacking a Red name player.

    I don't necessarily believe with the changes, I just wanted to point out some incorrect facts that people are throwing around. ANd if IM totally wrong in understanding this new PvP devolpment.... flame away. its my bad. :p

    I was thinking I should maybe move this to its own thread so ppl can read, its kinda languishing here on page 8. I got all the info off the Server Maintenance Thread.

  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited July 2009
    Why doesn't some one just test it instead of everyone speculating?
  • Nakhimov - Lost City
    Nakhimov - Lost City Posts: 1,829 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    4% might seem low, but when you're red (from killing KoS or otherwise, the former in my case) you get attacked. A lot. Which is fine, but now I have to buy junk NPC gear and decompose just to fix gear that I bought/farmed/refined?

    Stupid move on the part of the devs.
    Just a desperate bid to increase CS intake.
    Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
    Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum>
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Some things to note: If OP's description is accurate, binding has no purpose anymore. Only bound equips have a chance to shatter (and said chance is increased depending on how many hours you get while red), so any gear that autobinds is gonna be screwed and everyone will have to get GAs to both stop shattering AND prevent item loss.

    And folks, you all DO realize having safety lock on keeps you from even being able to NPC stuff, right? I hope you all aren't expecting to have everyone turn safety lock on for an hour or more just to walk outside a safe zone on a PvP server and then have to go AFK intowns so that they can sell their loot from grinding to a NPC so they can afford the chi stones they need to repair their shattered weapon because they got killed and that increased shatter rate from safety lock being on just happened to kick in. Yeah, that's right. Having safety lock on apparently increases the chance of your gear shattering.

    Basically, all this system does is nullify the use of binding charms, make gear that autobind a liability instead of the auto-bind property being something somewhat useful, and force everyone into hoarding GAs.
  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I don't think some ppl have read the patch notes properly....

    Just to clear some stuff up with I think may have been misread/interpreted

    First of all if ur dark red and have safety lock mode ON (that is no chance to drop gear)
    and you get pked. --> 1 item in ur inventory with shatter by 4% <--- notice that its not a percentage chance for it totally shatter in one death. Its like a durability thing so that one item is now 96/100, if u take my point.
    So unless u are very unlucky and have the same item shatter everytime, you can die many many times before anything will actually shatter.

    If you have the safety lock OFF on the other hand and are white/pink named, your gear will not shatter at all, not matter how many times u die. So ur gear is NEVER EVER going to shatter if ur white named with safety lock OFF not matter how many times u get RPKed. Or even if you die while attacking a Red name player.

    I don't necessarily believe with the changes, I just wanted to point out some incorrect facts that people are throwing around. ANd if IM totally wrong in understanding this new PvP devolpment.... flame away. its my bad. :p

    I was thinking I should maybe move this to its own thread so ppl can read, its kinda languishing here on page 8. I got all the info off the Server Maintenance Thread.
    From what i understand it will shatter regardless of dura if you pk with saftey lock on.Also ill add to it that if you are pking with saftey lock off BUT have gears bound then they can shatter.
  • Rumble - Harshlands
    Rumble - Harshlands Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Pardon the noob-ish question then that I have, but what is a the significance of the safety lock? I thought safety lock was for when you log in so your information and account was protected for a period of time determined by the user. Am I missing something here? I'm gathering that red named players use it and extend the lock time so they don't drop gear while red? Does it actually protect you from dropping gear?

    Seems to me a better update would have been to make it possible while red to still drop gear safety lock or no rather then go through all this programming. A lot of work for a small percentile of people and a small % of gear endurance lost (If Slake's interpretation is correct)

    One thing Slake may have missed though is the reduction in + on items. I thought on the first page someone posted something about that.
  • Itachikun - Lost City
    Itachikun - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Not kewl man! NOT KEWL! I barely pk and when I do, it's when I'm getting ganked in a fricken guild war. So that means my armour is more likely to break and I'm not going to be giving up my mirages! HELL NO! Stupid PWI, I see this as a way for them to make a ton of money. Must be going bankrupt.
  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Pardon the noob-ish question then that I have, but what is a the significance of the safety lock? I thought safety lock was for when you log in so your information and account was protected for a period of time determined by the user. Am I missing something here? I'm gathering that red named players use it and extend the lock time so they don't drop gear while red? Does it actually protect you from dropping gear?

    Seems to me a better update would have been to make it possible while red to still drop gear safety lock or no rather then go through all this programming. A lot of work for a small percentile of people and a small % of gear endurance lost (If Slake's interpretation is correct)

    One thing Slake may have missed though is the reduction in + on items. I thought on the first page someone posted something about that.
    They will still shatter there gears regardless of whether or not they have dolls.
    Not kewl man! NOT KEWL! I barely pk and when I do, it's when I'm getting ganked in a fricken guild war. So that means my armour is more likely to break and I'm not going to be giving up my mirages! HELL NO! Stupid PWI, I see this as a way for them to make a ton of money. Must be going bankrupt.

    Don't pk in saftey lock and you wont break your gears.Simple.
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I don't think some ppl have read the patch notes properly....

    Just to clear some stuff up with I think may have been misread/interpreted

    First of all if ur dark red and have safety lock mode ON (that is no chance to drop gear)
    and you get pked. --> 1 item in ur inventory with shatter by 4% <--- notice that its not a percentage chance for it totally shatter in one death. Its like a durability thing so that one item is now 96/100, if u take my point.
    So unless u are very unlucky and have the same item shatter everytime, you can die many many times before anything will actually shatter.

    If you have the safety lock OFF on the other hand and are white/pink named, your gear will not shatter at all, not matter how many times u die. So ur gear is NEVER EVER going to shatter if ur white named with safety lock OFF not matter how many times u get RPKed. Or even if you die while attacking a Red name player.

    I don't necessarily believe with the changes, I just wanted to point out some incorrect facts that people are throwing around. ANd if IM totally wrong in understanding this new PvP devolpment.... flame away. its my bad. :p

    I was thinking I should maybe move this to its own thread so ppl can read, its kinda languishing here on page 8. I got all the info off the Server Maintenance Thread.

    lol I reread the Maintenance thread, i think my first point might be wrong but the red part is still right i think... As someone who likes to try and hunt down red names its not too bad for me, but I can see the major suckage if ur a perma red name player with bound gear. Especially when in my server red names are the ones keeping regular grinding a little bit more interesting.

  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    so i just heard that dolls do not affect ur chance of shattering.

    in other words, even with dolls u can still shatter the same way?

    any gm confirmation?
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    lol I reread the Maintenance thread, i think my first point might be wrong but the red part is still right i think... As someone who likes to try and hunt down red names its not too bad for me, but I can see the major suckage if ur a perma red name player with bound gear. Especially when in my server red names are the ones keeping regular grinding a little bit more interesting.
    Kantorek wrote: »
    Ah mah gad!!! b:beg
    Gear Shattered with Safety Lock OFF:
    Players with their Safety Lock OFF will be subject to the normal item drop rules. That is, players who are killed during player versus player combat will still drop items as normal. (See our website for further details on the item drop percentages

    The percentage that an item will shatter upon being killed in PVP (Safety Lock OFF):
    White and Pink name players = 0%
    Light Red players = 1%
    Red players = 2%
    Dark Red players = 3%

    You were saying?
  • Adeacia - Heavens Tear
    Adeacia - Heavens Tear Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It could be worse. In Jade Dynasty they have equipment shatter, but you have to pay $5 in the cash shop to repair it once.
  • hozzy
    hozzy Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    its saying it just renders them useless, and you drop chi and mirages upon death, bound equips too, it wont drop them lol. so why are people complaining about binding charms and whatever

    Are you ****?
    what you said is exactly the issue.

    The point is people have/are paying to bind their expensive items so that they don't have to buy dolls, and now they will have to by dolls anyway, making their choice to bind 'pointless'. A bit like you bothering to play this game.
  • God - Dreamweaver
    God - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah...these people won't care at all, I agree. Well, aside from wasting money on NPC gear. Still, I DO agree that if you stick with the bare minimum with no aspirations whatsoever, this is fine. But then again, if you bust your **** getting all the best in-game gear through just grinding out the coin and just binding the gear afterwords, or this--

    Okay.. I'm talking about potentially exploiting this feature by having your friend pking you over and over again with you wearing cheap disposable npc gear to farm mirages. Seems like no one is getting what I'm saying.
This discussion has been closed.