no nore QQ

Bows_Spirit - Lost City
Posts: 126 Arc User
ok kids uncle Archers_Soul got a lil bit of advice for ya
.... when you get pked do you wisper your killer with a **** load of angry messages? if you answered yes to that question maybe you should go to the pve server. i pk ALOT and they things i've gotten from ppk i pked is just straight up cruel. not i'm not here to QQ about the ppl who QQ, i'm just saying, when you get owned by some one suck it up, be a man and respawn, its only a game, no need to act like a baby. and another thing, if you think a 7x EA **** machine comming and he ownes you dont say "you can only kill ppl lower lvl that you", um no? i'm no god, i cant kill a barb and i cant kill everyone my lvl but i damn sure can kill alot of people my lvl and i can even kill some 8x ppl at lvl 71. one more thing, when some one kills you dont assume they are: dumb little kids, ppl w/ no life and **** wholes that pk ppl in the game cuz they cant figth IRL, etc... remember pwi players, its just a game, if you die brush your shouders dont say **** and do w/e but for the love of god please dont make a fool out of yourself b:thanks

Post edited by Bows_Spirit - Lost City on
Your on a PvP server dude, your gonna get QQs, deal with it. If u dont want QQ roll a PvE server and dont pk==> no QQ. Less "pew pew" more QQ.b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Heavy veno in training!b:cute
I need a Herc so bad...b:cry
Elves are cute.b:dirty
This is the last bear--->b:bye0 -
Kurovanova - Harshlands wrote: »Your on a PvP server dude, your gonna get QQs, deal with it. If u dont want QQ roll a PvE server and dont pk==> no QQ. Less "pew pew" more QQ.b:laugh
didnt i already say i'm not QQing about the QQers, i'm just giving a little advice about what to do if some one comes and kills you instead of making your self look bad0 -
skip ahead to 46 seconds please, I can't deeplink videos on this forumBladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum> -
damn QQers... >.>
here are some common examples of QQ:
1. "you snuck on me, i wasnt prepared, no fair, i could have killed u if u didnt sneak up!"
2. "your higher level than me, pk someone ur own level, can only pk nubs?"
3. "i was [carrying someone/collecting quest/collecting mats]"
i've heard AAAAAAAAAALL kinds of them b:angry
and this is all happening in a PVE server, why couldn't you have just NOT pressed the pk mode button?!One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them
MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.
♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.0 -
Nakhimov - Lost City wrote: »
skip ahead to 46 seconds please, I can't deeplink videos on this forum
Why the hell would you skip ahead to 46 seconds?? essentially that woman is representing anyone in RH talking about pvp b:cute0 -
Comcast sucks.0
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »didnt i already say i'm not QQing about the QQers, i'm just giving a little advice about what to do if some one comes and kills you instead of making your self look bad
Actually, it's a thinly disguised QQ.
In other words, suck it up, learn to deal with players on characters 20,30,40 levels lower than you IMing you after you PK them for no reason other than to pad you kill count/make up for not getting hugged as a kid.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nakhimov - Lost City wrote: »
skip ahead to 46 seconds please, I can't deeplink videos on this forum
wow... is that what you really think about this post? got a problem with what i'm saying? then dont read it b:thanks0 -
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »ok kids uncle Archers_Soul got a lil bit of advice for ya
.... when you get pked do you wisper your killer with a **** load of angry messages? if you answered yes to that question maybe you should go to the pve server. i pk ALOT and they things i've gotten from ppk i pked is just straight up cruel. not i'm not here to QQ about the ppl who QQ, i'm just saying, when you get owned by some one suck it up, be a man and respawn, its only a game, no need to act like a baby. and another thing, if you think a 7x EA **** machine comming and he ownes you dont say "you can only kill ppl lower lvl that you", um no? i'm no god, i cant kill a barb and i cant kill everyone my lvl but i damn sure can kill alot of people my lvl and i can even kill some 8x ppl at lvl 71. one more thing, when some one kills you dont assume they are: dumb little kids, ppl w/ no life and **** wholes that pk ppl in the game cuz they cant figth IRL, etc... remember pwi players, its just a game, if you die brush your shouders dont say **** and do w/e but for the love of god please dont make a fool out of yourself b:thanks
Stop QQing and reminisce in the people who joke around with you afterward b:victory. I get pked bc I run my mouth so what it happens. Really all you're doing now is QQing about QQersSpoons you will forever be missed in this community0 -
The QQ is one of the best parts of a pk spree! Especially BR rants in whisper! So funny!b:chuckle
Although some ppl take it kind of far. I've had ppl say things like "I wish you get cancer in real life and die, and your whole family too" and more stuff like that. Thats just pathetic.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!
9x Cleric
RageQuit0 -
Piliener - Lost City wrote: »Stop QQing and reminisce in the people who joke around with you afterward b:victory. I get pked bc I run my mouth so what it happens. Really all you're doing now is QQing about QQers
no not really, i'm pretty much giving advice on how to not make yourself look liek a baby when you get pked ^^0 -
Bows_Spirit - Lost City wrote: »wow... is that what you really think about this post? got a problem with what i'm saying? then dont read it b:thanks
Well, it's hard to reply to a post without reading it first, you know.
On a more related note, you QQed in local chat when I PKed you yesterday near Tusk. TY for drops, was much appreciated.Bladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum> -
Nakhimov - Lost City wrote: »Well, it's hard to reply to a post without reading it first, you know.
On a more related note, you QQed in local chat when I PKed you yesterday near Tusk. TY for drops, was much appreciated.
QQ tell em what i said? and as for drops i never drop anything of importance to me.0 -
You QQed that people don't leave you alone. And I never said you dropped much worthwile, just poilte to say thanksBladestorm lets you spin around like a carnival ride and do damage. Not using it is almost like having a move called Confetti Rocket Power Leap and saving it for "emergencies"
Nakhimov the Kingslayer of Kil'Jaeden's <Criminal Scum> -
Okay. This is what you do for this kind of problem. Use Auto Response. Put in the line saying this "You QQ has been noted. Kthnxbai."
It's what I use and it gets them to shut up because I end up spamming their whispers with my own from the auto response. If you cant do this, then don't bother with the whispers and take them off your general chat.0 -
Nakhimov - Lost City wrote: »You QQed that people don't leave you alone. And I never said you dropped much worthwile, just poilte to say thanks
no i dont QQ. as a matter a fact i usually dont even talk to some one who pk me unless they say something first and you probably was talking some **** so yea fall back.0 -
ah... well... I say I love you too to those who pk me0
Kurovanova - Harshlands wrote: »Your on a PvP server dude, your gonna get QQs, deal with it. If u dont want QQ roll a PvE server and dont pk==> no QQ. Less "pew pew" more QQ.b:laugh
can you for once please STFU and stop licking QQme's ****?0 -
I know in pve servers you really should not complain when someone pks you because after all, you turned on pk mode by choice. You only are in pk when you CHOOSE to be so its your own fault if someone pks you.
I can understand complaints in pk servers, you may not want to deal with the **** at the moment but have no possible way to avoid it and play the game.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »I know in pve servers you really should not complain when someone pks you because after all, you turned on pk mode by choice. You only are in pk when you CHOOSE to be so its your own fault if someone pks you.
I can understand complaints in pk servers, you may not want to deal with the **** at the moment but have no possible way to avoid it and play the game.
That is very true. PK servers are those who want to PK and will get PKed. If you just don't like getting PK'd then just gtfo of the PK servers and to go PVE. It is basically your own fault for even going to a PK server. You knew what was going to happen, so the only QQing that should be heard is people getting killed by a mobs, not by people.0 -
horld on u cant blame evry1 bcause some ppl dont understand so they think ok ill go on this server u kno and some ppl dont read0
If they don't read before picking a server, then they shouldn't really play till they do read. It is still their own fault in any way for picking a server. If don't read, it's their fault. If they know it's a PvP server and still go in it, it's their fault.0
I will have to see when i reroll, but I don't remember them talking at all about PvP or PvE servers when I was setting up the account. They had the designations, but as a noob I had no Idea what they meant. I just went with the default. By the time I figured it out I had hours and hours into my character (that a lot for those of us who do not play a ton). Now I'm approaching lvl 30 and a little trepidatious.
I don't have a problem with PVPing soneone that I might be able to it common to just be minding your own bussiness and get pk'd by some high level geek who gets a stiffy from pking noobs (p.s. those people need help). Is there some warning or do they literally stick a knife in your back while you're digging up necter?
What exactly is QQ? For example, if I got pk'd by someone within a few levels of me, I would curse and go back to playing. BUT if I got pkd by some high level that I had no hope of beating, I would be inclined to bank all my stuff and chase that person around for a few hours yelling at everybody around that "_________ is a loser whose only joy in life is to pk noobs and glaze his keyboard looking at pics of Octamom"
If getting repeatedly (not just ocationally) pkd by cyber bullies is PVP server, I'm not sure how anybody but the bullies would enjoy that.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
BUT if I got pkd by some high level that I had no hope of beating, I would be inclined to bank all my stuff and chase that person around for a few hours yelling at everybody around that "_________ is a loser whose only joy in life is to pk noobs and glaze his keyboard looking at pics of Octamom"
lmao That sir, is a form of QQ.
Being on a PvP server isn't about being harassed by higher levels, it just happens. It's about free PK, it does give you more options.0 -
i dont really agree that high lvl pkers should be called "cyber bullies". idk about some people but i and alot of ppk pk to have fun and not to be A-HolesI don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0
Archers_Soul - Lost City wrote: »i dont really agree that high lvl pkers should be called "cyber bullies". idk about some people but i and alot of ppk pk to have fun and not to be A-Holes
That is what this is mainly about. Having fun PKing. No one is being an A-hole to anyone else. No one is mainly PKing lowbies. If you are out in the open then you are a target for anyone. PKing is about having fun so people just need to stop with their QQing.0 -
Maddrox - Harshlands wrote: »lmao That sir, is a form of QQ.
I kind of figured it might be. (insert any emoticon other than those fing bears here)
I will stick with it. I'm sure if I grin and "bear" it long enough I will get some revenge. But, If you ever see a red haired veno running around in her underwear calling some high lvl a f-tard you will know whats up. b:angry(hate these fing bears)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Deathitsou - Harshlands wrote: »That is what this is mainly about. Having fun PKing. No one is being an A-hole to anyone else. No one is mainly PKing lowbies. If you are out in the open then you are a target for anyone. PKing is about having fun so people just need to stop with their QQing.
If pking is about having fun, and people complain when you kill them, its obviously not fun for them so no, its not about fun its about griefing others.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Zoe - Heavens Tear wrote: »If pking is about having fun, and people complain when you kill them, its obviously not fun for them so no, its not about fun its about griefing others.
Well, that is their problem not the PKers. If they grief over getting PK'd then they should just leave and shut the hell up about being PK'd. Bigg whoop doo, they got PK'd. They don't lose EXP or anything unless they are red named. It's very, very, very rare to drop something when you are white named.0 -
Then they should remove all safe zones from pk servers. I keep hearing about people dragging bosses to them so no one can pk them as they fight, however wasn't the main reason you started on that server the pk anytime thing?
Even the high levels can't handle it anymore.Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910
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