Douchebaggery contines...



  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Ok you guys made me look it up.

    "The choice between leapt and leaped is mostly a matter of regional differences: leapt is preferred in British English and leaped in American English. According to research by John Algeo (British or American English, Cambridge, 2006), leapt is used 80% of the time in UK and 32% in the US."

    Thank you Google!

    So it's bothb:mischievous


    I said jump carries the same meaning as leap, not whether leaped or leapt is right.
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    I said jump carries the same meaning as leap, not whether leaped or leapt is right.

    Gah!b:shocked I did it again!b:cryI can't read now.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Kittennice - Heavens Tear
    Kittennice - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    >.> I think I have multiple thinking issues...
    Would that be in the same category as multiple personalites?
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I believe OMGLAZERZ has earned the title "Grammar **** Extraordinare"...or "Grammar Fhurer (or however you spell it...LAZERZ should know)".

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Unfortunatly, anytime you have player driven economies you will have people taking advantage of others. That is the magic and beauty of it.

    For all the complaining you hear when someone does what this post shows, how many times have you laughed and bragged to your mates that you got a beautiful gem 25k instead of 250k? Did you leave a messsage to the seller telling him to pm you when he got back and you would give him the additional 225k or did you type in faction chat "omg, I just got a Beautiful citrine shard for 25k!!!!", followed by everyone in the faction to congratulate you and say how lucky you were.

    If you want to stop the possibility of scams you need to stop the possibilities of you making a pricing mistake, therefore all player driven economy would have to be stopped and players would have to be forced to sell to NPCs and buy from NPCs only.

    I am not saying I agree with people trying to take advantage of others, but that is part of a player driven economy.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • _o___O_ - Heavens Tear
    _o___O_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    you will have people taking advantage of others. That is the magic and beauty of it.


    icejazmin you make me wonder if you eat with putting food in mouth or from other side. cuz its is true that both holes lead to same stomach.

    why do you even come to forum and vomit over here. just like last thread you talk about item stealing from FBs being correct thing to do, again you talking nonsense about price mistakes and not interntion to scam others using same game icons to trick people and at the end you put one line you do not agree to scamming, please tell me in words how stupid are you really.

    it is NOT a MISTAKE in priceing noob. it is done with intent to cheat others players. intentention to cheat is baned able. if you cant not understand such simple things then you need to /wrist gtfo cuz life is too hard for you.

    save all your useless QQ and wait for till teachers start teaching you fractions in school.

    again i am sorry for my bad english, but i make up for it with putting nice prices in my cat shopping b:victory
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    icejazmin you make me wonder if you eat with putting food in mouth or from other side. cuz its is true that both holes lead to same stomach.

    why do you even come to forum and vomit over here. just like last thread you talk about item stealing from FBs being correct thing to do, again you talking nonsense about price mistakes and not interntion to scam others using same game icons to trick people and at the end you put one line you do not agree to scamming, please tell me in words how stupid are you really.

    it is NOT a MISTAKE in priceing noob. it is done with intent to cheat others players. intentention to cheat is baned able. if you cant not understand such simple things then you need to /wrist gtfo cuz life is too hard for you.

    save all your useless QQ and wait for till teachers start teaching you fractions in school.

    again i am sorry for my bad english, but i make up for it with putting nice prices in my cat shopping b:victory

    You fail at reading. IceJazmin was comparing two sides of the same coin: mistakenly pricing an item, and purposefully overpricing an item. On the one hand, when someone mistakenly under prices something, no one tells them, and snaps up the deal taking advantage of the other person's mistake, or simply not knowing the true value. On the other hand you have people setting up shops to take advantage of people who aren't paying close attention. In both cases one person is taking deliberate advantage of someone else because prices are player set in a player run economy. IceJazmin said the only way to stop either event from happening is to simply have price caps for each item even though that doesn't completely solve the problem, and probably introduces new problems.

    FYI, if you are having problems with English, I highly advise making sure you completely understand what was posted before responding.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    oh man ive seen it even worse now someone made a noob created a faction named very similar to a big faction just added a s so its xxxxs Leader instead of xxxx Leader, named the toon to look the same as that faction leader (I and l look same ingame) and was pullin that stunt near forges

    i may not be a fan of said faction but thats just low
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    oh man ive seen it even worse now someone made a noob created a faction named very similar to a big faction just added a s so its xxxxs Leader instead of xxxx Leader, named the toon to look the same as that faction leader (I and l look same ingame) and was pullin that stunt near forges

    i may not be a fan of said faction but thats just low

    In another game, a guild went and literally ruined another guild's rep by doing that.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited June 2009
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    I do wonder if this is a bannable offense (or even worthy of a warning). Is it douchebaggery? Sure. Should that be bannable? I don't think so.
    As you surmised, while this isn't exactly a nice thing to do, it's not bannable.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    It hurts me to type this...

    But.. thank you GMs (b:spit I can't believe I typed that!b:spit) for not interfering in the economy. Well, at least not in the way you do with...ah, nevermind. Let me stop.

    Anyone wanna buy healing orbs for 10k each? You can flip them for a lot more.
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well since ToS can be interpreted differently by different people i would think that this is a close to a bannable offense and could argue towards that end by using the statement that such doucheness does not allow players to enjoy the game to its fullest.

    I mean if someone came along and bought those wouldn't they feel like ****? Mad? You enjoyment of the game would be lessened. Albeit only till you got over it. But still. To allow such acts is the same as allowing a thief in RL to take your moneys from you. And i believe those scams are worth some jail time if i remember correctly.

    Anyways i digress, I too saw this catshop hoping to get some cheap subs. But i looked and laughed. Thought about making a ticket to a GM. But now i am glad i didn't waste my time.

    Stay vigilant my fellow gamers...only you can stop forest fires.

  • Aoe - Heavens Tear
    Aoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Well since ToS can be interpreted differently by different people i would think that this is a close to a bannable offense and could argue towards that end by using the statement that such doucheness does not allow players to enjoy the game to its fullest.

    I mean if someone came along and bought those wouldn't they feel like ****? Mad? You enjoyment of the game would be lessened. Albeit only till you got over it. But still. To allow such acts is the same as allowing a thief in RL to take your moneys from you. And i believe those scams are worth some jail time if i remember correctly.

    Anyways i digress, I too saw this catshop hoping to get some cheap subs. But i looked and laughed. Thought about making a ticket to a GM. But now i am glad i didn't waste my time.

    Stay vigilant my fellow gamers...only you can stop forest fires.

    I agree in that sense that it might violate the TOS. Since it is an exploit of the game. Because the game designer's made the game so that something's have double icons doesn't mean they intended for someone to abuse it. In a sense i understand players should "look before they leap" the fault should not just rely on them since they aren't the ones taking advantage of the games design weaknesses. It could almost be compared to players in TW bidding on their own territory just to keep lower rank guilds from attacking. Not comparing the situation just the scam for it. Dishonesty is dishonesty and shouldn't be excused or sugar coated down. Although you maybe thinking what a clever player, would you say the same if such a thing happened to yourself or a relative, people have weaknesses and are imperfect yes they should think things through but it's still wrong to take advantage and deceive a person. Dev's and GM's need to be careful about exploits in the game economy because they know all to quickly how a game can become ruined from ridiculous prices in an out of control market.

    Although I do believe the devs should hold some responsibility in this and change some of these icons to prevent such a thing. Should players be banned for it, I don't know it's up to the GMs to decide if this is a violation worth banning or if it is one at all.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Surtr wrote: »
    As you surmised, while this isn't exactly a nice thing to do, it's not bannable.

    please explain how this does not violate section 11 of the ToS and which of the ToS are bannable and which are not
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I'm amazed this is on 8 pages so far.

    Cool another postcount for me.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    please explain how this does not violate section 11 of the ToS and which of the ToS are bannable and which are not

    Because it may **** you off, but its no more a scam than someone selling a lvl 28 neckie with vit +1 for 5m in the AH. You would just laugh at how overpriced it is and move on.

    It is no different just because its in a catshop and not on the AH. Its just an overpriced item that players arent taking the time to actually read before they buy. If we are going to ban for every overpriced item in the game then Ill be glad to say good riddance to half of the community.

    And no Im not a "scammer" and no its not my catshop. I just dont care. Im smart enough to read before I buy. I think its funny all the people crying on here about it. Its like saying hey Im too stupid to read so Im going to whine. Sucks to be you I guess.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • stevo13
    stevo13 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    cmon!!! i dont blame entirely the scam artist himself but also PW for having the same picture for healing orbs and ultimate subs!!! this is really ridiculous!! its irritating! i can careless really about the scam artist .. i just want my coins back for this!! this is not right!! i lost over 800k!! at my lvl thats alot =(.. btw the guy who scammed me was Triads leader "IceTank" as soon as i bought from him he logged off..... here is the screen shot...

  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    In another game, a guild went and literally ruined another guild's rep by doing that.
    guilds are rather peculiar in this game.. or maybe only in HT. here all major guilds survive only for few months. while rad and evo struggles to keep their territories for another day enrage, tao, caesar and triad grow. and soon all over again. i mean... not much time for a guild to gain reputation. in comparison another similar game i used to play had much more stable guilds. some of the strongest guilds had 5 years by the time.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    FFS stevo13 no it was not, a don't call names out b. read my previous post its not the actual leader of that faction its a faction and name made to look like the original
    scam "deprive of by deceit" deprived of a usub/coins by deceit of naming a shop something it is not by utilizing the fact that item icons are the same, how is that NOT a scam? your comparison is completely irrelevant
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    guilds are rather peculiar in this game.. or maybe only in HT. here all major guilds survive only for few months. while rad and evo struggles to keep their territories for another day enrage, tao, caesar and triad grow. and soon all over again. i mean... not much time for a guild to gain reputation. in comparison another similar game i used to play had much more stable guilds. some of the strongest guilds had 5 years by the time.

    Just a few months ago Radiance owned over half the map and Enrage only had a little bit. But during that time you would see Enrage shouting to get new level 70+ players many times each day while Radiance gave no shouts at all. It was only a matter of time before Radiance fell if it was not collecting new members. I have been wondering if the guild is falling apart or if the leadership just did not realize that since players will always be leaving the game the only way to remain a power is to constantly recruit new people.
    stevo13 wrote: »
    cmon!!! i dont blame entirely the scam artist himself but also PW for having the same picture for healing orbs and ultimate subs!!! this is really ridiculous!! its irritating! i can careless really about the scam artist .. i just want my coins back for this!! this is not right!! i lost over 800k!! at my lvl thats alot =(.. btw the guy who scammed me was Triads leader "IceTank" as soon as i bought from him he logged off.....

    Yeah, nice try. With only one post count and its being anonymous you are probably the person that made that cat shop just to discredit that guild. As was pointed out, the guild is named Triad, not Triads, and IceTank looks the same in game as lceTank because a capital I and lower case L look identical in game.

    Let's be honest, if you see a well known person running a scam shop, it is probably a fake just trying to destroy that person's reputation. If you are smart enough to run an intelligently designed scam, then you are smart enough to make a mule to do it.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    stevo13 wrote: »
    cmon!!! i dont blame entirely the scam artist himself but also PW for having the same picture for healing orbs and ultimate subs!!! this is really ridiculous!! its irritating! i can careless really about the scam artist .. i just want my coins back for this!! this is not right!! i lost over 800k!! at my lvl thats alot =(.. btw the guy who scammed me was Triads leader "IceTank" as soon as i bought from him he logged off..... here is the screen shot...

    No, the guys name is lceTank (note it is a lowercase L, not an I), and the guild name is TRIADS (note the S), not TRIAD. As far as I can see, besides the obviously not nice thing to sell Healing Orbs for 65k, the only wrong thing is that he seems to be trying to impersonate another character, which, according to the TOS, is a bannable offence.
    Section 10.
    (d) User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity;

    In this case this seems to be what this chap did that is illegal.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    please explain how this does not violate section 11 of the ToS and which of the ToS are bannable and which are not

    Because selling an item for 65k that gives a clear and accurate description of both the item and price when you mouse over it does not qualify as an action that is meant to "defraud or attempt to defraud, scam or cheat others out of any items that have been earned through authorized game play". I see people with shops named "free" or "stuff you need" all the time. In no case has the stuff ever been free nor has it ever been stuff I need. If you were swinging the ban stick these players would need to be banned for having shop titles that were lies. That is the only thing that this "scammer" did. He named his shop something that implied he was selling something that people would be happy to pay 65k for when in fact he was not.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    scam "deprive of by deceit" deprived of a usub/coins by deceit of naming a shop something it is not by utilizing the fact that item icons are the same, how is that NOT a scam? your comparison is completely irrelevant

    In neither of the screenshots posted did I see the shop name saying it was selling ULTIMATE subs, or even U subs.
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    Because selling an item for 65k that gives a clear and accurate description of both the item and price when you mouse over it does not qualify as an action that is meant to "defraud or attempt to defraud, scam or cheat others out of any items that have been earned through authorized game play". I see people with shops named "free" or "stuff you need" all the time. In no case has the stuff ever been free nor has it ever been stuff I need. If you were swinging the ban stick these players would need to be banned for having shop titles that were lies.

    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • stinkyfish
    stinkyfish Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    No, the guys name is lceTank (note it is a lowercase L, not an I), and the guild name is TRIADS (note the S), not TRIAD. As far as I can see, besides the obviously not nice thing to sell Healing Orbs for 65k, is that he is obviously trying to impersonate another character, which, according to the TOS, is a bannable offence.
    Section 10.
    (d) User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity;

    In this case this seems to be what this chap did that is illegal.

    where does it show he is claiming to be someone he is not ?
  • Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear
    Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    stinkyfish wrote: »
    where does it show he is claiming to be someone he is not ?
    One post? The "I'm not guilty because you can't prove it" defense? Hi scammer. b:bye
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    stinkyfish wrote: »
    where does it show he is claiming to be someone he is not ?


    On section (d) it does not state you have to claim to be someone you are not, it only says "User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity" A cat shop is user content.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • LceTank - Heavens Tear
    LceTank - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    On section (d) it does not state you have to claim to be someone you are not, it only says "User Content that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity" A cat shop is user content.

    im not trying to be anyone but myself so sorry
    lvl 1 faction recruiting !

    is this also a violation of the grammer police ?
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Name another item with "Sub" in the name please, that happens to look like an ultimate substance but isn't one.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • LceTank - Heavens Tear
    LceTank - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    also is 75k for a sub a scam ? wernt they just 40k a while ago?
    no because value of an item is set by what the consumer is willing to pay
    supply / demand, only a few sell them so supply is low
    currently healing orbs are worth 65K
    because that is what they are selling for
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    im not trying to be anyone but myself so sorry
    lvl 1 faction recruiting !

    is this also a violation of the grammer police ?

    nah, that is someone else's job to enforce grammer. However that is not the same spelling as the one on the screenshot. The one you using to post with is capital L, not lower case L.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
This discussion has been closed.