Another cleric complaint



  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    not everybody has the time to sit on their fat asses and play 24/7 and grind in pwi to make back 400k+ off a charm i'll use a majority of in a single hh run.

    and if you're a higher level, prove it. you're just a faceless slob right now.
  • Eorween - Heavens Tear
    Eorween - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    not everybody has the time to sit on their fat asses and play 24/7 and grind in pwi to make back 400k+ off a charm i'll use a majority of in a single hh run.

    and if you're a higher level, prove it. you're just a faceless slob right now.

    Since you do TT runs, where is your mats?
    do you need all the mats you pick up ?
    ever thought that you can just go grind and buy mats from ah or players ?
    one mp charm im sure you can make at least 1 mil in coins.
    spend 400k to buy new one.
    save up the coins or go buy mats you need.
    did you think TT is money making place for cleric ?

    as you said you dont have the time to grind, so how the heck you expect to make anything ?
    someone hand it to you ?

    as I said before and again, its your not the game
    If you want to make coins in game without spending tons of hours there is a way..

    BOUTIQUE, buy gold with your credit card and sell it.
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hmm im not sure about the point with clerics finding leveling difficult i found i can level very fast in fact although i tend to squad with a group of freinds all the time and aoe grind stuff (even at low levels we did this) i would just use my healing abilities ^^.

    For thjis same reason i havnt upagraded my atks very much also we have a drop splitting rule so everyone in the squad gets teh same amount of drops ^^.

    Also i have found it very easy to get heal through out the game.

    1 thing i do dislike is that healing counts as combat and as such lowers your mp regen.

    I have tested this myself and i belive that i would need mp regen of about 200mp/sec normally to regen agasint bubble.

    With Jade powder i am currently regenerating half of the mp lost to bubble ^^.

    I good tip i think would be to buff whoever you see and try to be helpful then one of them ushaully squads you and will help you quest as well ^^.

    Another tip is to join a large guild so its eaiser to find help and easier to help others ^^

    gd luck ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Normal healing does not put you into combat, as long as no attacks are hitting you you can use the 50 mp regen apoth to easily take care of the cost of Ironheart. It's the tactic I used up until lvl 70 or so.

    Bubble is a special case, and it puts you into combat mode automatically. That is why people complain about charm cost when doing it. Otherwise a 100 apoth or natural regen with 50 would mean bubbling would be done all the time with 2nd cleric doing spot heals, purifies, or DD assist.

    And it would require 400 mp/sec for bubble to even out. 25% mp regen makes 100 a second, and bubble costs 100 a second.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Since you do TT runs, where is your mats?
    in my bank. i need them. i don't go to hh for profit, i go for the mats i need.
    do you need all the mats you pick up ?
    ever thought that you can just go grind and buy mats from ah or players ?
    it's far cheaper to do it yourself.
    one mp charm im sure you can make at least 1 mil in coins.
    assuming u don't need everything, sure.
    spend 400k to buy new one.
    god you're stupid.
    save up the coins or go buy mats you need.
    cheaper this way.
    did you think TT is money making place for cleric ?
    as you said you dont have the time to grind, so how the heck you expect to make anything ?
    never said i expected it.
    someone hand it to you ?
    god you're stupid.
    as I said before and again, its your not the game
    If you want to make coins in game without spending tons of hours there is a way..

    BOUTIQUE, buy gold with your credit card and sell it.
    a heavy cash shop using veno telling me money is easy to make. go ****ing figure.
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol forp you try wayy to hard.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you're one to talk, newfag. go pretend you mean something somewhere else.
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you're one to talk, newfag. go pretend you mean something somewhere else.

    sorry, this isnt 4chan. LURK MOAR
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you're right. irrelevant ****.
  • Sorbik - Lost City
    Sorbik - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol forp is poor

    concentrate orbs + no mp heiro
    use the jiazi event pots for bubbling

    go with proper HH squads
    this means a veno to amp, EAs to sharpen tooth and DD, 1-2 EP (depending on HH of course, 3-1 only takes 1 EP while 2-3 takes 2), and WB to tank and give patk buff to EAs.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i'm not poor, i'm just not rich.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    honestly guys your the cleric. . if you are getting shafted on drops ask your squad to even it out

    if they don't your in a horrible squad. . people know the cleric keeps the rest of us alive, so i help them out whenever i can

    I realize they are slower then the rest of us, so i slow down

    everyone is always in such a rush. . as soon as our task is complete it's "thanx, goodbye"

    honestly people, just slow down, give your cleric some respect, they pay soo much to keep us all alive

    This would be nice but it would never happen everyone what what they got even other clerics.I would say that Wizards have just as tough.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    lol forp is poor

    concentrate orbs + no mp heiro
    use the jiazi event pots for bubbling

    go with proper HH squads
    this means a veno to amp, EAs to sharpen tooth and DD, 1-2 EP (depending on HH of course, 3-1 only takes 1 EP while 2-3 takes 2), and WB to tank and give patk buff to EAs.

    Use PWI terms not PW-MY...




    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Sorbik - Lost City
    Sorbik - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Use PWI terms not PW-MY...





    Useless comment from a useless int EP
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You peeps really know how to share love b:surprised
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    erm drop rates lets see... I was AoE grinding with my level 79 BMs friend and lets see...
    I got 30 tusks and he got about 90?

    Don't say that this is coincidence I NEVER GET DROPS ever and It's getting on my nerves alot of people say "doing justice quests you make back what you spend from dq" well that's true to a point I get hmm about 20k from the DQ drops after a justice quest?

    Yeah now I see that other people are having a problem with the drop rate IM PISSED off.

    so you think that the perfect world developers made the "random" drop system "not random" just to trick us? i dont buy it

    and if thats not the case then you think they singled your class or you out for no reason to get less drops? again, i dont buy it

    the only reason you think youre getting less drops is because you dont remember the times you get lots of drops because it isnt a problem.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    so you think that the perfect world developers made the "random" drop system "not random" just to trick us? i dont buy it

    and if thats not the case then you think they singled your class or you out for no reason to get less drops? again, i dont buy it

    the only reason you think youre getting less drops is because you dont remember the times you get lots of drops because it isnt a problem.

    I am sure he remembers, but again i am sure its very rare and not just for clerics.
    Some how devs have made it hard to make coins grinding....
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Venos are only deemed to be superior versus most classes because of their pets. They only have the pets because they cannot take any high damage whatsoever. Take away the pet and it's a pretty easy kill.

    Well nobody said there was an official PWI contract saying you had to buff them. If they get angry or you feel mean?
    "You can make a cleric and buff yourself. I'm not wasting my mana or chi on a stranger."

    :3 And revival? There's always go back to town or buy your own resurrection scroll.
    "Revive you? Give me my item that I pick up back and I'll revive you." (Note: They can't give you back since they're dead. Now just walk/fly away... x3)
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Useless comment from a useless int EP
    I thought he was LA o_o
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i jst hope il be able to do some TTs when i get BB b:pleased
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • yodatheoda
    yodatheoda Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hi i am a level 70 cleric on the lost server and i have noticed 2 of theise problems in particular. Clerics need 2 major things if you ask me: MP and a speed buff. my best friend on the server is a wiz and they get that jump skill and a mp boost and a chaneling boost receantly i have discovered a way to make a lot of money... i took all my noob friends and helped them with there quests in exchange for all the dq drops. i was surprised that they were ok with that :) but without a mp heal clerics are really getting screwed and i can only think of 1 time we get a speed buff and that is with the level 79 skill that makes us take less dammage and lets us move 60% faster i think. But quite frankely the other day i was on a training scroll grinding my butt off on air mobs and i ran out of seseme and normal pots. i was dual sparking like crazy to get the 10% bonus it gives and i actualy had my mp hit 0 for a split second and i fell into water so i used my genie mp/hp heal and i did that for about 5 minutes till my genie had no stamina and i had no mp or chi all we need is a mp heal mabey something like soul transfusion even (cause we can heal our hp). I have a level 83 veno friend who can fully heal her mp and hp in 1 shot and i wonder why the hell dont we get to do that? Fact is if we are sopposed to be "restoration experts" then we need not die in mid battle cause we have no mp to heal ourselves. As a matter of fact i think cleric should get a mp heal that can be given to others too. Preferably in exchange for chi.
  • yodatheoda
    yodatheoda Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Btw that mp/hp heal also screws us who says we will be near water all the time and that skill is only usable in water. I am also the leader of Defiance and well i try no to use guild money to buy what I need.
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    as I say stop looking at other classes and QQ about your skill list, roll a veno if you really want their mp restoration.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    let me QQ again ^_^

    delete your cleric and make a veno !

    they own in pve
    they own in pvp
    they kick your **** in TW
    they kick your **** in pk
    they will tank 75 % of TT bosses same for fb bosses (aoe bosses depends on your veno build )
    you make alot of money

    only thing you need to do to get such a veno is play a veno till lvl 50-60 ? save alot of coins , and buy yourselve a herc,
    with the herc u get even MORE money , and dude alot more money
    with that money u buy a pheonix

    and u pwn this whole game ^^

    plz quote me and flame ^_^
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear
    Hasukurobi - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok...Yes, Clerics take lots of MP but that is their one major flaw. Yes, they run slow but they fly fast and if your tanks do not wait for you then they know who to blame when they DIE. (They better look in the Mirror)

    Clerics are just awesome beyound belief. They can Heal anyone, give Major Buffs, Heal Groups at a time, Bring people back from the Dead, Destroy Resistances of Enemies, Stop Enemies in their Tracks, and dish out MASSIVE Magic & Physical Damage and even do AoE all as one class. They are practically OP and make Wizards all but useless. (Want a Magic DD or Magic/Physical DD that can do almost as much damage + Can Heal/Buff/Rez your butt? Hmmm...Hard choice...) So they have one big weakness in mana expendature...They NEED some sort of flaw otherwise no one would play anything BUT a Cleric. Cleric squads as amusing as they sound can be an awesomely effective force even now.

    I mean if you gave Clerics our Soul Tranfusion that would be it...They would be completely OP without question.

    So really, if you have that much trouble with cash go ahead and grind with a Veno or charge for your services (btw My Cleric has NO trouble at all with Cash but she does have 1 dedicated Tank partner lol) and enjoy the Awesome that is Cleric for what it is.
  • Reinef - Heavens Tear
    Reinef - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok...Yes, Clerics take lots of MP but that is their one major flaw. Yes, they run slow but they fly fast and if your tanks do not wait for you then they know who to blame when they DIE. (They better look in the Mirror)

    (btw My Cleric has NO trouble at all with Cash but she does have 1 dedicated Tank partner lol) and enjoy the Awesome that is Cleric for what it is.

    Hi, I only play this cleric right now and I can say that I've had no problems except for early game. I made up for this by having a wiz partner with me and we would quest it up and level together until about 30-40. I have to completely agree that we HAVE to have these major flaws/weaknesses because a cleric would seriously be overpowered otherwise. The game is fun because every class has powers and weaknesses that balance us out depending on our playing style. Of all games I have played, PW clerics are seriously the most powerful and versatile imo.
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I gotta say, Cleric is the hardest class to be (could be argued with mage). You choose what you want to be, I chose cleric and I love it. I got a veno to lvl 56 and got bored with how easy it was, so I went with something alot more challenging. I love being able to be support and do damage (btw full on attack/support clerics are jokes). Clerics are very expensive, use alot of pots/charms but we have the ability to spam heal ourselves where we are virtually invulnerable to all damage, and we have the ability to do mage style damage, with alot more survivablility.

    EDIT: Forgot to add, my favorite part about being a cleric is watching ppl QQ about how I SHOULD be doing MY job, then I let them die and laugh in their face. :D
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Cleric a hardest class to play??? b:question
    I laugh at all other classes for past 69 levels for not being able to do the things i can and as fast.
    And MP isnt such a problem if you know how to manage it, even without charms its not as hard as ppl think.

    Its like this:
    Veno pwns
    Cleric close behind
  • Azazel - Dreamweaver
    Azazel - Dreamweaver Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Untamed pwns
    Cleric #3 T.T
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    EDIT: Forgot to add, my favorite part about being a cleric is watching ppl QQ about how I SHOULD be doing MY job, then I let them die and laugh in their face. :D

    b:thanks I'll be sure to watch out for ya.

    Oops, just noticed we're on dif servs, so I'm safe.