Another cleric complaint

tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
edited June 2009 in Cleric
Although the cleric character is what I really like - I cannot go over the fact that the game is so against us on some points..
I have lvl75 cleric - and am broke all the time. As I heard venos are best to solo - I created a veno - got her to level34 - still wearing lvl26 armor (mobs just don't get to me), don't need to spend a lot on upgrading my skills as pet can take it all, I have no mana problems (the 15k MP charm I got from at lvl4 lasted from lvl22 to lvl27 - with a cleric at that level - maybe 1/2 of level if i remember correctly?) and when grinding - I get more drops - getting the items for bank quest was a piece of cake - as a cleric - took me long time and some help of blademaster.

There were already many posts on this - but I feel just frustrated - don't know if they went wrong on veno to make them so strong or wrong on cleric (haven't tried other classes) to made it so unproportional. So now I have to play 2 characters - just to grind on veno to get money for armor, weapon and charms on cleric. And as the pet is killing the mobs, I have time to pick the drops, farm material and herbs or just chose another target to send the pet at and keeping myself safe... b:victory

so problems I am seeing:
the charm consumption on cleric skills is totally wrong - a barb can solo TT using 30k of hp charm+potions; the cleric spends 70k of mp charm+potions by healing the barb in squad mode.
And of course the price of both charms is the same -although one clicks on 1/2 and the other on 3/4 making it use more?
The MP usage on our skills is just simply wrong!
Even the regeneration mp powder doesn't work ok - if it should recover 100mp per second why it doesn't hold when having BB which uses 500 mana over 5 seconds - I thougt in 5 second it will regenerate 500 mana and that will hold BB for 10minutes -what's wrong in my calculation as when holding BB I don't spend mana for anything else?
Bronze MP charm holds of course only about 25minutes of BB (depending if I also start regeneration powder) - so for zhen parties is just not enough - so zhen party is just a drainage of coins for me (also see point 2). I have to level slow by grinding and getting all friends overtaking me in levels (I also have to spend time with veno to get the money) as they have no problem to afford going into the party - they spend only on the exp scroll and come for heals in the BB - I have to get silver mp charm and the scroll just to be able to get into the party - so no zhen parties for me for a while as some of the squads don't even want to stop for a minute for me to restart regenerations powder and get the BB back up.
All the other member can stop (archers, wizards with aoe, lurers with running) - if we stop - takes a while to get the sparks back and BB back up - and if it's done at the wrong moment - you can get the whole squad dead.

2-drop rate
come on... I understand we get cheated a lot when joining random groups for TT runs and they preset free distribution and we just don't get to drops fast enough but:
- being in a squad with random distribution - to get 1 item when everybody else gets 3 or more? Luckily some of squads are fair enough to share with me some of the drops
- and again with venos - I was doing 20/20/20 with 1 veno - she was getting every second item - all the others randomly - I got 2 items doing entire quest (so killing more than 60 mobs with a squad of 6)!?!
- grinding on mobs my level (soloing) - that have 50% of chance to drop certain thing - I kill 50 of them - and get 7 drops?!? b:cry
I thought it was just my personal paranoia of not getting drops - but then I saw multiple threads of clerics not getting drops (so I know I am just repeting what everybody already heard)
The programmer who wrote the code for distribution part - messed up a lot!

3-being slow
the squad runs of any fb, tt... we try to keep up with them - but slow running? Who will be able to follow the tiger and heal him when he needs if I run so slow - so they have to wait for me all the time or start attacking if in a hurry, hoping I will get there on time before they are dead

why other classes cannot give us buffs if not in squad with us? we are the targets everywhere we appear to buff people (if they find me while grinding they sometime even kill the steal so I can buff them sooner or get angry in the city if not running immediatly at them when hearing "buff plz" on public)- I don't mind doing it - but I wouldn't mind having some of their buffs in return
(mini note to other classes reading this: I don't allways see the public screaming for buffs - if coming from arch - I have it set to see only faction/squad chat - so whispering works better! :-) and if you find me in the city - come to me when you need buffs - don't make me run around searching for some xy standing next to some NPC :-)))

I can deal with other things - I don't think there are any other things I can complain about as all classes have advantages and disadvantages. I love my cleric in every other way - but these things just seem like a major design/programming mistake when building the cleric class

I am hoping with every patch that things will improve (at least for the drop rate as I think that would require only some code reviewing) - but no luck so far :-(

Can you tell me if all of these are just a personal thing that my character accidentally got and other clerics are doing better and I am just another whiner or was it really the cleric class designed just to make up with the flaws of other classes and I can hope for some classes review and some improvements? b:surrender
Post edited by tanjina on


  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Your thing about charms is taken into account. Spirit charms always have more restoration than hp charms, and this increases with the level of the charm.

    bronze hp = 100k hp
    mp = 150k mp

    gold hp = 600k hp
    mp = 900k mp

    As for venos being an easier class to solo with, you're right, that's what we are, the solo class. If you made a cleric to make money, you chose the wrong class.

    Drop rate is not affected by your class. Clerics do tend to get shafted out of drops in squad mode do to the fact that they only heal most of the time and everyone else picks up the items.
    Drop rate IS affected by your level.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    lol no :-) I didn't make cleric to get the money but just to play the game - is my first and main character and I am never giving it up :-)
    I just hate the fact that I have to play veno to get the money to afford the cleric :-) - although veno is fun to play but I think I should be able to support my char by myself with grinding at least for armory and weapons (without any "luxury items" as clothes, rides or pets) and not that I have to switch characters for money grinding times as I have to do exp grinding also on cleric

    and for drop rates - 2BMs & 1 wizard vs a Veno on same mobs and 2 healers and all about the same level (+/-1 around the mob level) - veno got most of the drops although she only lured and the bms did most of the damage.
    If it says to random distribute in the squad - then should it random like rolling a dice - there is 1/6 of chance to roll a 6 and there is 1/12 or less of chance of me getting the drop - should be random and not depending on the damage, or healing or tanking or classes.
    I once even had a barb in squad who was afk and I was killings the mobs alone (we did the same quest together) and he was getting more than a fair share of the drops.

    the mana - the portion of mana usage for our skills is making charms a huge expense as they click constantly even if I use only "low" usage cleric spells - with a veno I have no such problem so maybe the same price works for venos (I don't play veno long enough to know - I just tried with the mini charm you get at lvl4). That's why I think the calculation is just not right for clerics and I don't want to spend on mp charms as it seems like coins thrown out the window.
  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Only thing I'm replying to in that one is the drop rates, all in all, it's just bad luck. If the drop rate is set on random, that's what it is, unless someone is out of range.

    I have had parties in which I got the majority of the drops, and I have had some in which I got barely any. It's luck of the draw. I usually squad with several guild mates and then just solo. Then I get the drops for everything I kill while still maintaining a squad.

    EDIT: I lied...I'll respond a bit to the mp part. No veno's don't typically have that problem, especially at later levels. This is mainly due to the fact that we use our first two skills to kill almost everything for practically the entire game (we need cooler looking skills - not better, just cooler looking), and also due to the fact, that if managed correctly, every time we get to 50% mp, natures grace bumps it back up to full.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Then we should have something like natures grace bump too and not make us use countless portions of pots, remedies or charms when on normal grinding or some other massacre mission! :-)
    We need mana to keep others alive and we are pretty useless without it and sadly whole squad fails if we fail to maintain our mp - there isn't much room for clerics' mistake in a squad - everybody else is allowed more mistakes with a good cleric behind their back

    And I have totally nothing against venos (i am not one of the veno haters on the forum) or any other class - I just feel really poor right now and i have to complain loudly when everybody around me is getting hercules, new clothes and rides, fancy(better) armors,... and I am scratching coins for the crazy stones :-)
    I kept quiet to this level thinking "i am a noob, there must be something i am doing wrong" - but now i believe i have seen enough (although I know I still have a lot to learn) and just seems that something is wrong with cleric class design
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    erm drop rates lets see... I was AoE grinding with my level 79 BMs friend and lets see...
    I got 30 tusks and he got about 90?

    Don't say that this is coincidence I NEVER GET DROPS ever and It's getting on my nerves alot of people say "doing justice quests you make back what you spend from dq" well that's true to a point I get hmm about 20k from the DQ drops after a justice quest?

    Yeah now I see that other people are having a problem with the drop rate IM PISSED off.
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Kikuzakura - Sanctuary
    Kikuzakura - Sanctuary Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tanjina wrote: »
    Even the regeneration mp powder doesn't work ok - if it should recover 100mp per second why it doesn't hold when having BB which uses 500 mana over 5 seconds - I thougt in 5 second it will regenerate 500 mana and that will hold BB for 10minutes -what's wrong in my calculation as when holding BB I don't spend mana for anything else?

    I think I might know this one: remedies with ten minute durations increase your recovery rate. And, when you enter combat, your recovery rate drops to 1/4 of your normal recovery rate. You enter combat when you attack something, but I do not know if blue bubble makes you enter combat?
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think I might know this one: remedies with ten minute durations increase your recovery rate. And, when you enter combat, your recovery rate drops to 1/4 of your normal recovery rate. You enter combat when you attack something, but I do not know if blue bubble makes you enter combat?

    In BB or RB you are in combat mode, so your remedy arnt working very well, 70% less then in non-combat mode.
    And yeah, our MP USAGE stinks, if our mp/hp buff didnt suffer that 70% penalty things would be lill bit better, not much tho >.>
  • aensidhe
    aensidhe Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Totally agree - up to lvl 66 as cleric now and there are so many probs lvling clerics. At lower lvls no one wants you - so u pretty much have to solo or find a good faction/squad. At higher lvls u are more useful, but usually people look for FSC rather than hybrids or FACs (I am FSC). Even then, ppl often will look for 70s plus clerics.

    Simply put - if it's the case that everyone needs clerics but don't wanna be them, why is it so hard for us? SP costs are huge for the skills. Go FS and you miss out on the solo dmg and mini bosses. Go the FAC and some people will kick you out. We are winged elves and yet we are slower than any other class. Our MP also runs out like a broken tap. Seriously, it's time they implement some fixes in the next patch. And also please reduce the MP Charm's tick rate to 50% like the HP (what a waste of coins, ticking every 75% - especially when we hv to spam heal). It will be good to have some balance at least.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    why are people so poor? i have 4m rolling around in my bank, 1m in my inv. i wont even estimate items cost, more skills that some level 90s, a maxed inventory -almost maxed bank-, a helmsly coat, swim trunks, flip flops, and i buy a gold hp charm every time mine decides to run out(usually after mass pk, mobs rarely tick my charm. luckily it's there, saves me life).

    i think you all waste your coin on something but never work for it back. or you're just so incredibly unlucky that you can't pay your repair bill.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    why are people so poor? i have 4m rolling around in my bank, 1m in my inv. i wont even estimate items cost, more skills that some level 90s, a maxed inventory -almost maxed bank-, a helmsly coat, swim trunks, flip flops, and i buy a gold hp charm every time mine decides to run out(usually after mass pk, mobs rarely tick my charm. luckily it's there, saves me life).

    i think you all waste your coin on something but never work for it back. or you're just so incredibly unlucky that you can't pay your repair bill.

    I agree with you 100%! I have no problem making money and in fact often loan money to friends. I think what it comes down to is that many people neglect to take that extra second and pick up the coins.

    I have heard many say that it is difficult to level Clerics. For me personally however I have no problem. I do all my quests, primarily solo unless its a boss, and grind when I can. Keep in mind I am full mag/support build! For those having problems with some mobs, I suggest using your heals rather then spending all your money on pots. I have some for back-up just in case, but we can heal ourselves! And if you want some extra protection, get a charm. It should not have to tick to often and could save lots of money for those who are strapped...Just imagine how much money you have spent on pots when a charm would have lasted longer and worked more efficiently.
    Aside from that, being a cleric = lots of fb's!! And those are a definite boost in the exp!

    Good Luck!
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Actually - if you read the posts - the complaint wasn't about problem with leveling
    And I don't mind grinding (didn't even have to until lvl63) and I am soloing most of my quests and fbs... I do them daily :-) You can come back after getting to lvl70 and reanswer how is working for you leveling with quests :-)
    But that's not even a cleric thing - it's the same for everyone (no matter how you put your stats). People even stop doing quests and do just grinding, zen, fbs or tt runs... doing quests is now for me just the side thing if there is nothing else fun to do.

    And for the money - I guess you are one of the lucky few - I pick up everything! Also what others leave behind! Also arrows and bolts! :-) Just doesn't drop for me or distributes to me in a squad. And that is what bugs me
  • Advent_fox - Sanctuary
    Advent_fox - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    honestly guys your the cleric. . if you are getting shafted on drops ask your squad to even it out

    if they don't your in a horrible squad. . people know the cleric keeps the rest of us alive, so i help them out whenever i can

    I realize they are slower then the rest of us, so i slow down

    everyone is always in such a rush. . as soon as our task is complete it's "thanx, goodbye"

    honestly people, just slow down, give your cleric some respect, they pay soo much to keep us all alive
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    aensidhe wrote: »
    Totally agree - up to lvl 66 as cleric now and there are so many probs lvling clerics. At lower lvls no one wants you - so u pretty much have to solo or find a good faction/squad. At higher lvls u are more useful, but usually people look for FSC rather than hybrids or FACs (I am FSC). Even then, ppl often will look for 70s plus clerics.

    Simply put - if it's the case that everyone needs clerics but don't wanna be them, why is it so hard for us? SP costs are huge for the skills. Go FS and you miss out on the solo dmg and mini bosses. Go the FAC and some people will kick you out. We are winged elves and yet we are slower than any other class. Our MP also runs out like a broken tap. Seriously, it's time they implement some fixes in the next patch. And also please reduce the MP Charm's tick rate to 50% like the HP (what a waste of coins, ticking every 75% - especially when we hv to spam heal). It will be good to have some balance at least.

    1st, should have clarified, I was responding to this post first.

    2nd, I never implied that I was only leveling with quests. Had you read you would have seen that i mentioned grinding and fb's. I to also do HH as well.

    Sry for misunderstanding if any, not a big deal. b:surrender

    3rd, in terms of drops. I agree 100% with Advent_fox. Whenever I am in a squad, things are distributed to those who may need a particular item. Additionally, to avoid that entirely in fb's...the tab holder gets all drops.

    I wish you luck! I have been frustrated many a time with being a cleric but in the end love it....
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Advent_fox - Sanctuary
    Advent_fox - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    1st, should have clarified, I was responding to this post first.

    2nd, I never implied that I was only leveling with quests. Had you read you would have seen that i mentioned grinding and fb's. I to also do HH as well.

    Sry for misunderstanding if any, not a big deal. b:surrender

    3rd, in terms of drops. I agree 100% with Advent_fox. Whenever I am in a squad, things are distributed to those who may need a particular item. Additionally, to avoid that entirely in fb's...the tab holder gets all drops.

    I wish you luck! I have been frustrated many a time with being a cleric but in the end love it....

    well thanx for agreeing with me : )

    i do have to agree and show concern for the fb situation in pw. I myself have lost out too 4 different molds and drops on my fb. . honestly it did not bug me, but in the end this is the fbers tab, all us higher lvled people are coming in for the exp and i would hope more importantly, to just simply help them

    i would hope that people will start letting the person with the tab get the drops, it's only fair
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I squad up too with people who share the drops - but from advent_fox and RedsRose posts it seems like everyone sees that clerics don't get the same amount of drops when in squad - or else we wouldn't have to rely so much on kindness of the other people in squad (that is why I don't do TT runs with random people)

    Thanks to everyone who sees that we are not getting the same amout of drops and for sharing them. I got everything for my TT60 weapon thanks to people like you.

    But still annoys me - why does it work like that anyway that some classes get the drops the normal way and we have to wait until the end what somebody will be willing to share - for me it is a total bug in the system - and wouldn't be happier than seeing it fixed one day.
  • Waittilli - Lost City
    Waittilli - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Everything about cleric is whatever except the mana.

    Wasting 500 + mana on mobs you 5 hit is so much mana. And you only kill mobs that are 5 hits or more.

    I go through a 900k mp charm for 1 and a quarter level at 5x. I can't even imagine 6x and above. It's just ridiculous.
    BM's don't even have to use pots with sutura or whatever. Veno's same.

    I can't imagine any class wasting as much mana as we do. It just gets ridiculous sometimes.
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In BB or RB you are in combat mode, so your remedy arnt working very well, 70% less then in non-combat mode.
    And yeah, our MP USAGE stinks, if our mp/hp buff didnt suffer that 70% penalty things would be lill bit better, not much tho >.>

    ah... combat mode - thait is what I was missing :-) thanks for remininding me about that part although this fact sucks

    So we get skills that are useless to ourselves (reviving) or are good only to use in parties (blue or red ball) - and then they put so much mana consumption on them that we are forced to buy endless amounts of charm just to be able to do our party role and by that designed from the beginning to be the buyer of month of cashshop items just to be able to play the game?
    I still think it's a class design flaw :-(

    I was once with a BM who cried after fb51 that he has lost 10k of the hp charm on a very bad fb run - not his or my fault - we just had a noob archer for the tabber who was attacking everything that was moving and almost getting killed everyone all the time :-))
    so I sadly had to leave his charm click a couple of times while rescuing others - at the end - I used 70k of my mp charm. Comparing his 10k and he was the main tank who didn't get proper healing with my 70k - seemed ridiculous - and I didn't even put BB on for aoe boss - just healings and couple of revivings on the archer b:surrender

    pw - recalculate plese our mana consumption - don't make us the poor class on purpose - no wonder some clerics are thinking about charging for reviving and giving themselves on a hourly renting rate :-)
  • Illusionista - Heavens Tear
    Illusionista - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You shouldn't team up with BMs who complain like that. >.>...I'd be so pissed...

    But then again, I don't use MP charms...Because I don't BB [why should I waste my money on MP charms?]. And some might be thinking that I'm useless in Zhen and etc... but to be honest, I don't participate in Zhen anymore--I find AoE grinding with friends [BMs] or grinding with other clerics [for my level, butterflies seem to be the hot topic] much more effective.

    I've found that using Mana regen + subsidizing with a couple soothing orbs works perfectly fine under non-BB/RB circumstances.

    And yeah, we're preeetty poor because we're an insane class--but there are ways around this...Buy-sell or selling in general being one of them. I wouldn't call myself "rich" but I'm not poor either... I think I make just enough to satisfy my Cleric needs. :D
  • Nezarifis - Sanctuary
    Nezarifis - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tanjina wrote: »
    Although the cleric character is what I really like - I cannot go over the fact that the game is so against us on some points..
    I have lvl75 cleric - and am broke all the time. As I heard venos are best to solo - I created a veno - got her to level34 - still wearing lvl26 armor (mobs just don't get to me), don't need to spend a lot on upgrading my skills as pet can take it all, I have no mana problems (the 15k MP charm I got from at lvl4 lasted from lvl22 to lvl27 - with a cleric at that level - maybe 1/2 of level if i remember correctly?) and when grinding - I get more drops - getting the items for bank quest was a piece of cake - as a cleric - took me long time and some help of blademaster.

    There were already many posts on this - but I feel just frustrated - don't know if they went wrong on veno to make them so strong or wrong on cleric (haven't tried other classes) to made it so unproportional. So now I have to play 2 characters - just to grind on veno to get money for armor, weapon and charms on cleric. And as the pet is killing the mobs, I have time to pick the drops, farm material and herbs or just chose another target to send the pet at and keeping myself safe... b:victory

    so problems I am seeing:
    the charm consumption on cleric skills is totally wrong - a barb can solo TT using 30k of hp charm+potions; the cleric spends 70k of mp charm+potions by healing the barb in squad mode.
    And of course the price of both charms is the same -although one clicks on 1/2 and the other on 3/4 making it use more?
    The MP usage on our skills is just simply wrong!
    Even the regeneration mp powder doesn't work ok - if it should recover 100mp per second why it doesn't hold when having BB which uses 500 mana over 5 seconds - I thougt in 5 second it will regenerate 500 mana and that will hold BB for 10minutes -what's wrong in my calculation as when holding BB I don't spend mana for anything else?
    Bronze MP charm holds of course only about 25minutes of BB (depending if I also start regeneration powder) - so for zhen parties is just not enough - so zhen party is just a drainage of coins for me (also see point 2). I have to level slow by grinding and getting all friends overtaking me in levels (I also have to spend time with veno to get the money) as they have no problem to afford going into the party - they spend only on the exp scroll and come for heals in the BB - I have to get silver mp charm and the scroll just to be able to get into the party - so no zhen parties for me for a while as some of the squads don't even want to stop for a minute for me to restart regenerations powder and get the BB back up.
    All the other member can stop (archers, wizards with aoe, lurers with running) - if we stop - takes a while to get the sparks back and BB back up - and if it's done at the wrong moment - you can get the whole squad dead.

    2-drop rate
    come on... I understand we get cheated a lot when joining random groups for TT runs and they preset free distribution and we just don't get to drops fast enough but:
    - being in a squad with random distribution - to get 1 item when everybody else gets 3 or more? Luckily some of squads are fair enough to share with me some of the drops
    - and again with venos - I was doing 20/20/20 with 1 veno - she was getting every second item - all the others randomly - I got 2 items doing entire quest (so killing more than 60 mobs with a squad of 6)!?!
    - grinding on mobs my level (soloing) - that have 50% of chance to drop certain thing - I kill 50 of them - and get 7 drops?!? b:cry
    I thought it was just my personal paranoia of not getting drops - but then I saw multiple threads of clerics not getting drops (so I know I am just repeting what everybody already heard)
    The programmer who wrote the code for distribution part - messed up a lot!

    3-being slow
    the squad runs of any fb, tt... we try to keep up with them - but slow running? Who will be able to follow the tiger and heal him when he needs if I run so slow - so they have to wait for me all the time or start attacking if in a hurry, hoping I will get there on time before they are dead

    why other classes cannot give us buffs if not in squad with us? we are the targets everywhere we appear to buff people (if they find me while grinding they sometime even kill the steal so I can buff them sooner or get angry in the city if not running immediatly at them when hearing "buff plz" on public)- I don't mind doing it - but I wouldn't mind having some of their buffs in return
    (mini note to other classes reading this: I don't allways see the public screaming for buffs - if coming from arch - I have it set to see only faction/squad chat - so whispering works better! :-) and if you find me in the city - come to me when you need buffs - don't make me run around searching for some xy standing next to some NPC :-)))

    I can deal with other things - I don't think there are any other things I can complain about as all classes have advantages and disadvantages. I love my cleric in every other way - but these things just seem like a major design/programming mistake when building the cleric class

    I am hoping with every patch that things will improve (at least for the drop rate as I think that would require only some code reviewing) - but no luck so far :-(

    Can you tell me if all of these are just a personal thing that my character accidentally got and other clerics are doing better and I am just another whiner or was it really the cleric class designed just to make up with the flaws of other classes and I can hope for some classes review and some improvements? b:surrender

    i feel u i sturggle 2 make money im a lvl 38 cleric wit 20k? wtf? im planngi 2 buy a visa gift card and buy 1k ZEN so that i can get 10 gold which i can sell 125kea which is 1.25m do u c wat this has 2 come down 2? not very fair... also clerics r wignedd elves... in all other games elves r the fastest, swiftest, gilest, race cuz we're lean. but in this game we're the slowest class cuz of wat?? we're not muscle bound? if ur only wearing arcane items which is pretty much regular clothing and BMs and Barbs r wearing heavy armor they shdu b trudging along... also i need 2 depend on charms which i cant afford
    -.- also wats BB? point is i no how u feel but idk how i can report this 2 the PWI staff... only thing thats worth it 4 a cleric is tempest whcih is a kick *bleep* spell which will make all classes running... but they made clerics not 2 hav fun really and i h8 it when ppl pm me saying revive me i mean its so annyongi and i dont evn get paid seriously and i cant jsut leave them and my mp is always so drainyish if u no wat i mean i died by 2 lvl 25 wereweolf spearmen -.- and i had plume shell spark... sirens kiss and razor feathers it happened so fast... so i'd like the PWI staff 2 actualyl fix this prob
  • Nezarifis - Sanctuary
    Nezarifis - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tanjina wrote: »
    Although the cleric character is what I really like - I cannot go over the fact that the game is so against us on some points..
    I have lvl75 cleric - and am broke all the time. As I heard venos are best to solo - I created a veno - got her to level34 - still wearing lvl26 armor (mobs just don't get to me), don't need to spend a lot on upgrading my skills as pet can take it all, I have no mana problems (the 15k MP charm I got from at lvl4 lasted from lvl22 to lvl27 - with a cleric at that level - maybe 1/2 of level if i remember correctly?) and when grinding - I get more drops - getting the items for bank quest was a piece of cake - as a cleric - took me long time and some help of blademaster.

    There were already many posts on this - but I feel just frustrated - don't know if they went wrong on veno to make them so strong or wrong on cleric (haven't tried other classes) to made it so unproportional. So now I have to play 2 characters - just to grind on veno to get money for armor, weapon and charms on cleric. And as the pet is killing the mobs, I have time to pick the drops, farm material and herbs or just chose another target to send the pet at and keeping myself safe... b:victory

    so problems I am seeing:
    the charm consumption on cleric skills is totally wrong - a barb can solo TT using 30k of hp charm+potions; the cleric spends 70k of mp charm+potions by healing the barb in squad mode.
    And of course the price of both charms is the same -although one clicks on 1/2 and the other on 3/4 making it use more?
    The MP usage on our skills is just simply wrong!
    Even the regeneration mp powder doesn't work ok - if it should recover 100mp per second why it doesn't hold when having BB which uses 500 mana over 5 seconds - I thougt in 5 second it will regenerate 500 mana and that will hold BB for 10minutes -what's wrong in my calculation as when holding BB I don't spend mana for anything else?
    Bronze MP charm holds of course only about 25minutes of BB (depending if I also start regeneration powder) - so for zhen parties is just not enough - so zhen party is just a drainage of coins for me (also see point 2). I have to level slow by grinding and getting all friends overtaking me in levels (I also have to spend time with veno to get the money) as they have no problem to afford going into the party - they spend only on the exp scroll and come for heals in the BB - I have to get silver mp charm and the scroll just to be able to get into the party - so no zhen parties for me for a while as some of the squads don't even want to stop for a minute for me to restart regenerations powder and get the BB back up.
    All the other member can stop (archers, wizards with aoe, lurers with running) - if we stop - takes a while to get the sparks back and BB back up - and if it's done at the wrong moment - you can get the whole squad dead.

    2-drop rate
    come on... I understand we get cheated a lot when joining random groups for TT runs and they preset free distribution and we just don't get to drops fast enough but:
    - being in a squad with random distribution - to get 1 item when everybody else gets 3 or more? Luckily some of squads are fair enough to share with me some of the drops
    - and again with venos - I was doing 20/20/20 with 1 veno - she was getting every second item - all the others randomly - I got 2 items doing entire quest (so killing more than 60 mobs with a squad of 6)!?!
    - grinding on mobs my level (soloing) - that have 50% of chance to drop certain thing - I kill 50 of them - and get 7 drops?!? b:cry
    I thought it was just my personal paranoia of not getting drops - but then I saw multiple threads of clerics not getting drops (so I know I am just repeting what everybody already heard)
    The programmer who wrote the code for distribution part - messed up a lot!

    3-being slow
    the squad runs of any fb, tt... we try to keep up with them - but slow running? Who will be able to follow the tiger and heal him when he needs if I run so slow - so they have to wait for me all the time or start attacking if in a hurry, hoping I will get there on time before they are dead

    why other classes cannot give us buffs if not in squad with us? we are the targets everywhere we appear to buff people (if they find me while grinding they sometime even kill the steal so I can buff them sooner or get angry in the city if not running immediatly at them when hearing "buff plz" on public)- I don't mind doing it - but I wouldn't mind having some of their buffs in return
    (mini note to other classes reading this: I don't allways see the public screaming for buffs - if coming from arch - I have it set to see only faction/squad chat - so whispering works better! :-) and if you find me in the city - come to me when you need buffs - don't make me run around searching for some xy standing next to some NPC :-)))

    I can deal with other things - I don't think there are any other things I can complain about as all classes have advantages and disadvantages. I love my cleric in every other way - but these things just seem like a major design/programming mistake when building the cleric class

    I am hoping with every patch that things will improve (at least for the drop rate as I think that would require only some code reviewing) - but no luck so far :-(

    Can you tell me if all of these are just a personal thing that my character accidentally got and other clerics are doing better and I am just another whiner or was it really the cleric class designed just to make up with the flaws of other classes and I can hope for some classes review and some improvements? b:surrender

    i feel u i sturggle 2 make money im a lvl 38 cleric wit 20k? wtf? im planngi 2 buy a visa gift card and buy 1k ZEN so that i can get 10 gold which i can sell 125kea which is 1.25m do u c wat this has 2 come down 2? not very fair... also clerics r wignedd elves... in all other games elves r the fastest, swiftest, gilest, race cuz we're lean. but in this game we're the slowest class cuz of wat?? we're not muscle bound? if ur only wearing arcane items which is pretty much regular clothing and BMs and Barbs r wearing heavy armor they shdu b trudging along... also i need 2 depend on charms which i cant afford
    -.- also wats BB? point is i no how u feel but idk how i can report this 2 the PWI staff... only thing thats worth it 4 a cleric is tempest whcih is a kick *bleep* spell which will make all classes running... but they made clerics not 2 hav fun really and i h8 it when ppl pm me saying revive me i mean its so annyongi and i dont evn get paid seriously and i cant jsut leave them and my mp is always so drainyish if u no wat i mean i died by 2 lvl 25 wereweolf spearmen -.- and i had plume shell spark... sirens kiss and razor feathers it happened so fast... so i'd like the PWI staff 2 actualyl fix this prob
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I can feel your frustration clerics are really say -crappy- untill level 50 or so i started enjoying the cleric.

    BB is blue bubble - All people In the blue bubble/blue ball take 50% less damage and is constantly healed.

    BB is actaully regeneration aura I have no idea why ppl call it BB
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    people call it bb because, would ya look at that, it looks like a big blue bubble.
  • Newtestament - Heavens Tear
    Newtestament - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i second the complaint on mp. my charm ticks like every two mobs when i dont use a blue pot. Its hard to save up for sht wen your constantly wasting ur money on mp charms. (ie. elites, mounts, wings, fash..etc.)
  • AngelOfLust - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLust - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree on pretty much everything espicially money wise I can't even afford a charm since my skills cost me like 200k per skill and yes i know it only gets worse, also that it ticks at 75% and we use around 600 mp per mob so it'll tick like there's no tomorrow i don't even use charms cause of that i use mp recovery pots and orbs mixed with advanced spark to keep my mp up it works as long as i don't BB
  • Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear
    Tequila_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i must agree with the thing about the mp charm rolling over at 75%
    i have been buying mp charms for my girlfriend, if it would roll over at 505 they would last maybe a day or two longer, and i buy the cheap ones :/ can't afford the big stuff yet, but yea, mp charms need to be fixed please :)
  • aensidhe
    aensidhe Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I agree with you 100%! I have no problem making money and in fact often loan money to friends. I think what it comes down to is that many people neglect to take that extra second and pick up the coins.

    I have heard many say that it is difficult to level Clerics. For me personally however I have no problem. I do all my quests, primarily solo unless its a boss, and grind when I can. Keep in mind I am full mag/support build! For those having problems with some mobs, I suggest using your heals rather then spending all your money on pots. I have some for back-up just in case, but we can heal ourselves! And if you want some extra protection, get a charm. It should not have to tick to often and could save lots of money for those who are strapped...Just imagine how much money you have spent on pots when a charm would have lasted longer and worked more efficiently.
    Aside from that, being a cleric = lots of fb's!! And those are a definite boost in the exp!

    Good Luck!

    Responding to my post? I never said I had probs with reg mobs? Only with FB bosses. Not to mention I pick up all coins and loot. Maybe I do DQs as well - that's why I can't sell them to make a quick buck. I have also played other classes vs the cleric, and know many other players who agreed that clerics are harder and more expensive to level especially on the lower levels (SP, money requirements). I've also had my share of 20k plus repair bills even as a FSC - mostly due to lower lvls getting aggro and I had to save them during FBs.

    Poor? Sure - compared to venos! Pots and charms - we have more need of them relative to other classes. Do I love being a cleric? Yes! But it doesn't mean that aren't problems being one. I still stand with that MP charm tick rate. b:angry
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    For being slow:
    I though archers and clerics are suppose to be the same race - but they run 5.2 per second and we run 4.8 per second - where is the logic behind that? (I just discovered it now complaining around :-)) And sadly even higher levels sometimes don't know there are this kind of differences between classes

    For MP handling - I buy a charm only when really really needed - I know the golden one will last maybe one day on a busy day and it's just not worth spending coins or real money for it - I actually spend less on charms just because they are so unefficient and costly for us. I prefer to buy HP one from time to time to allow me to be a bit lazy with healing myself and handle mp any other way

    The proper thing for correcting this would be or to give us more mana per every +magic or make skills use less mana so mana pool and mana usage would be more balanced.

    As I see - practically everyone agrees with the problems (ok - the drops have luck factor in it and I am a one of the unlucky ones and there are some more lucky :-) and nobody said anything about why the other classes can't buff random people making only us the popular target) - but do you think there is any chance of getting anything done about any of it? Maybe someone from the core team can answer if there is any chance that one time you would review classes a bit as I still think this is a design error on clerics?
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You shouldn't team up with BMs who complain like that. >.>...I'd be so pissed...


    For the BM complaining - wasn't a complaint about my healing - more about situation of the tabber doing stupid things - I was more pissed because the tabber was complaining about getting killed - and I was even so terrible to leave him to die when he attacked the last boss without even tabbing first while we were still handling the guards :-) I was a bad bad cleric :-))b:chuckle
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    From what i see;

    1)Mana- ........I cant really say much here except that if you want to go witha budget on cleric then youll have to actually farm ALOT, and depending on some pple, lvling this class may not be worth it. Classes can be ranked from most expensive to least and it just so happens if you play 'normaly' (not extreme farming or extreme zhen buying) cleric still seems to creep up to the upper part of the list.

    2-drop rate
    I did notice this too. I originally came from FFXI where there were some jobs that had a 'treasure hunter' job trait (aka more loot drop) When I first began PWI, I actually thought this game ALSO has that too, due to the almost weird ratio of loot per gained. Still cant confirm anything on this yet tho...

    3-being slow
    That is us... T_T woe to the melee who think not twice to run into a mob before comfirming that the cleric is with them lol. Not our fault cause this aspect is pretty much a controlled part of the game.

    I think youve met really bad pple who wanted buffs >_> No one seemed to bother me personally that much since they originally did nothing to gain my obligation to buff them.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Advent_fox - Sanctuary
    Advent_fox - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i feel u i sturggle 2 make money im a lvl 38 cleric wit 20k? wtf? im planngi 2 buy a visa gift card and buy 1k ZEN so that i can get 10 gold which i can sell 125kea which is 1.25m do u c wat this has 2 come down 2? not very fair... also clerics r wignedd elves... in all other games elves r the fastest, swiftest, gilest, race cuz we're lean. but in this game we're the slowest class cuz of wat?? we're not muscle bound? if ur only wearing arcane items which is pretty much regular clothing and BMs and Barbs r wearing heavy armor they shdu b trudging along... also i need 2 depend on charms which i cant afford
    -.- also wats BB? point is i no how u feel but idk how i can report this 2 the PWI staff... only thing thats worth it 4 a cleric is tempest whcih is a kick *bleep* spell which will make all classes running... but they made clerics not 2 hav fun really and i h8 it when ppl pm me saying revive me i mean its so annyongi and i dont evn get paid seriously and i cant jsut leave them and my mp is always so drainyish if u no wat i mean i died by 2 lvl 25 wereweolf spearmen -.- and i had plume shell spark... sirens kiss and razor feathers it happened so fast... so i'd like the PWI staff 2 actualyl fix this prob

    alright seriously. . I'm trying to be nice here, but whats with all the wining. .I have a level 30 cleric as an alt character. . yes its still very early on. . but money issues.. i hear about it all the time. . number 1, do not buy pots, you don't need them for at least the first 30 levels, mobs drop them like mad. . i have over 100 of both mp and hp pots.

    complaining about people asking for revives.. if it bothers you do 2 things, one, don't listen to them and just ignore them or two switch to a different class, you knew coming in that clerics are the only class with revive, so of course your going to get asked to revive here and there

    yes clerics are slower. . whats your point??