The best mage PVP build

fiddle Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Arigora Colosseum
LA (Light Armor) build is the best pvp build for a mage. Now i realize that there is a lot of resistance to this idea but anybody who objects is either ignorant, just plain stupid or a fail. let me explain why. I am not just typing things ive heard, only things iv'e experienced. And ive tested out every build on my mage. (except The only 2 builds that will get you anywhere are pure or LA. I was a pure mage from 3x-7x. You kill mobs fast but any archer, warrior, or barb thats comes by and wants to kill you will no doubt succeed. Even fighting physical mobs sucks if you get more than one on you at the same time. Clerics own you hard with their plume shot and venos will always present a challenge (guarentee dead if they have a pheonix) The only class that you do well against-if you can even call it that-is your own. PVP is hell for pure mages-and if me, an 8x mage cant persuade you of this look at the other high lvl mages that have posted forums telling so. The only good time i ever had as a pure mage in PVP was in mnass PVP where its easy to get away from ppl and assisst attack. But the second i was targeted i was dead. But......there is hope.

LA mage is a complete turnaround. Ive been LA for a decent time by now and let me tell you, i love pvp now. Ive fought archers, warriors, barbs that completely one shot me the entire time ive known them (all 30+ lvls) and i can kill them now. Clerics still hurt with their magic but i can kill them one on one if im not double teamed (will explain why is a second) As for mages-unless ive been unlucky enough to fight really bad mages-LA completely ownes pure mages (will also explain in a sec)

But, as a LA mage you have to put in the effort, time, and money to use the build well. A simple LA mage will fail horribly but if you put more effort into your gear to assisst your build you will do great. For instance-go higher crit% or minus channeling or a mix of both. atm i have -21% channeling and 7% crit. Its not bad i get shots off a lot faster and because i get more shots off i crit more. This also helps LA mage have great DPS (damage per second). my DPS is better now than it was when i was a pure mage because of my crit and faster channeling. And in pvp not only do i take damg more but i deal a lot more dmg overall. Not to mention a LA mage with good crit, minus channel or both AND undine strike deals great dmg.....which is what i have. Ive one shot and had long battles with every calss and won so far and all were 8x+. Now as i was saying-clerics.

LA mage vs. a cleric is a tough fight on our part. we dont really need to worry about plume shot anymore but their magic does some good dmg to us. BUT-we still have the advantage IF you have good minus channel-crit and or undine strike. thing is we have the hp to take it. all my gear is 4 socket w beautifull hp shards and +3 or higher and my hp makes up for my loss in mag resist. Yes they hit me harder but i can take more shots now while they cant. At this point blade tempest pretty much one hits any clerics ive done on and in one on one fight ive killed them all and i didnt have to pot (all were 8x+) As for mages same deal. If i dont crit one shot (which has happened a lot) i can one shot w/ blade tempest. yes they hit me harder than b4 but my hp makes up for it and i can take more hits from them.

So there it is. a LA mage with good +and socketed/sharded gear plus undine and great minus channel/crit ownes. Its a lot of work but mage itsself is a lot of work. If you dont want to put out the effort go join sanc or other carebear server or get rdy to get beat in a majority of your pvp fights or duels. I wrote this 20 minutes b4 class so im sure there are a lot of spelling/grammer mistakes......get over it. RQ FTW.
Post edited by fiddle on


  • fiddle
    fiddle Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Sry i didnt notice-i have yet to one shot a 8x+ barb. BUT!! All i do is tick their hiro with one good shot or 2 and sutra=dead. even with them whaling on me i can take their hits long enough to kill them. and stun??? i just blink out of it and continue to undine-sandstorm....etc sutra after hiro tick....maybey lucky crit but dont need to kill...dead.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I can see why you posted this behind a fake account. You are a ****. Enjoy being absolutely no help to your party in pvp.

    edit: are you 9x? rewrite this when you try to pvp at 90+ as a light wiz
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    "my DPS is better now than it was when i was a pure mage because of my crit and faster channeling"

    thats gotta be the most wrong post ive ever read in my life.

    going light armor is a 25% damage LOSS.
    in order to make up for that you need a +25% damage INCREASE from CRITICALS, which in turn is simply +25% crit rate.

    unless your crit rate is 25% more than your arcane robed counterpart your damage is in no way equal or even comparable. and the channeling is irrelevant in the whole calculation because it would increase both a pure int build and a light armor build's dps. and since your damage is already higher as a pure int build the increased attack speed actually GREATENS the gap between light armor and robes. so no, this isnt the case nor did it actually happen

    be silent.
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    fiddle wrote: »
    RQ FTW.

    His final line is what makes you know this guy is bad.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    going light armor is a 25% damage LOSS.
    LIE. LA is about 15% weaker, not 25%. Also, X% damage increase from crits is not just X% damage increase. Those additional %% from criticals come in spikes, and spikes are the thing what does matters in pvp. PVP-wise, LA build is one of the best despite they have mediocre survivability and mediocre basic damage amongst other wiz-builds. When your uber-refined barb die to 2-3 magical crits in a row, you'll learn to respect LA wizards.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LIE. LA is about 15% weaker, not 25%. Also, X% damage increase from crits is not just X% damage increase. Those additional %% from criticals come in spikes, and spikes are the thing what does matters in pvp. PVP-wise, LA build is one of the best despite they have mediocre survivability and mediocre basic damage amongst other wiz-builds. When your uber-refined barb die to 2-3 magical crits in a row, you'll learn to respect LA wizards.

    Ugh so many contradictions in your post. You say pvp is based on spike damage but light armor's spike damage is terrible. If you wanna rely on crits to pvp play an archer. Also as pure int you don't need to crit 3 times to kill an 'uber-refined' wb because you do constantly high damage. Light only gets 4% more crit than robe.
  • fiddle
    fiddle Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    rofl ive been in a ton of pvp partys since ive been LA build and i do amazingly better than when i was robed. Remember, i was robed for around 40 lvls i know what im talking about. LA in pvp is the best route for a mage that wants to be a decent fighter. please, if im **** tell me specificaly why because merely saying im **** with nothing to back it up is dumb as hell and makes that 98 by your head look like you bought the account. Ive got real experience and you have nothing but a claim with no warrent.....
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    2 situations where LA mage works in pvp:

    1. Below 9x. You don't have highly refined gear, and its a hell of a lot easier to get good 8x LA gear than robes. Unless you're going to refine your 8x robes, 8x pvp is easier in LA.

    2. Be Pandora. High refined LA with earth barrier makes you a tank. Damage reduced sure, but that doesn't matter when you have foxes and warriors with you to debuff, amp, dragons. Also, if you can gather all the attention towards yourself by shouting at the opponent, then you can have other people pick them off and your own damage doesn't mean anything anways. Its a team pvp build, not solo, and will not work for everyone.
  • fiddle
    fiddle Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    "my DPS is better now than it was when i was a pure mage because of my crit and faster channeling"

    thats gotta be the most wrong post ive ever read in my life.

    going light armor is a 25% damage LOSS.
    in order to make up for that you need a +25% damage INCREASE from CRITICALS, which in turn is simply +25% crit rate.

    unless your crit rate is 25% more than your arcane robed counterpart your damage is in no way equal or even comparable. and the channeling is irrelevant in the whole calculation because it would increase both a pure int build and a light armor build's dps. and since your damage is already higher as a pure int build the increased attack speed actually GREATENS the gap between light armor and robes. so no, this isnt the case nor did it actually happen

    be silent.

    1) i dont know where you get your statistics but your wrong. As i said, i was robed for around 40 lvls. I have not lost 25% of my hitting capicity ive lost about 350-400 dmg on a mob and around same proportion in pvp. That is no where near 25% since i hit as a pure avg dmg around 7-8k on mobs.
    2)my bad-i forgot to mention i went from no channel to a ton of minus chanel
    3)you obviously missed the part where i mentioned i had undine strike from 79 to 80 which is when i switched builds
    4) undine+better crit+much better minus channeling+better gear=better DPS than when i was pure build
    5)unless its an alt please dont respond unless lvl 79+ because you are obviously not experienced enough to understand what im saying
  • Snakedoctor - Harshlands
    Snakedoctor - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    fiddle wrote: »
    1) I have not lost 25% of my hitting capicity ive lost about 350-400 dmg on a mob and around same proportion in pvp.

    No. When i restatted pure to LA build at lvl 78 i lost around 2.5 to 3k hitting power on my sandstorm on a mob, 6/700ish on players.

    Personally i think the debate is complete BS. The difference is not survivability per se, it is really length of a fight. LA will die almost as much just the fight may last 15 seconds instead of 6. The few more wins will be due to taking a couple more shots and the 4% of the time you crit and knock someone out. Robe wiz will die in 6 seconds or kill in 6 seconds.

    Now i fight a whole lot more in 1v1 fights then group and the only levels i think LA is better is 8x. This is because of availability of eq. The high 7x molds are great for LA and relatively cheap. Unfortunately for robe there is few 8x normal gear floating around, and the hh/mold gear sucks till 90. 7x and below people are still making good 3 star stuff or the drops are around. Get gear with hp and phys bonuses, usually 2 or even 3, use phys stones and you are fine 1-79 as a robe. You lack the crit advantage and have lower hp but where it takes a LA 3 or 4 to kill normally you can as a robe do it in 2 or 3 with the greater attack power. 78 through 8x though i had a hard time finding gear to keep up with other 8x players, hence the restat, i would go back 9x.

    Like Yourmom said, LA really only shines in group PvP when people make sure you are not focused. If you are getting focused you have time to be saved by the people you are PvPing with, where as robe is already dead
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Like Yourmom said, LA really only shines in group PvP when people make sure you are not focused. If you are getting focused you have time to be saved by the people you are PvPing with, where as robe is already dead

    You missed my point. LA can afford to be focused. If you are a primary target, then take the focus, get yourself a personal cleric or two and just tank it while other people kill things.
  • Jertor - Sanctuary
    Jertor - Sanctuary Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    2 situations where LA mage works in pvp:

    1. Below 9x. You don't have highly refined gear, and its a hell of a lot easier to get good 8x LA gear than robes. Unless you're going to refine your 8x robes, 8x pvp is easier in LA.

    2. Be Pandora. High refined LA with earth barrier makes you a tank. Damage reduced sure, but that doesn't matter when you have foxes and warriors with you to debuff, amp, dragons. Also, if you can gather all the attention towards yourself by shouting at the opponent, then you can have other people pick them off and your own damage doesn't mean anything anways. Its a team pvp build, not solo, and will not work for everyone.

    LA mage can be a solo pker if u know how to use them ima LA wiz and i can kill bm/archer/mage a few lvls higher
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA mage can be a solo pker if u know how to use them ima LA wiz and i can kill bm/archer/mage a few lvls higher

  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA wizard will never beat a cleric, Pure or Robed wizard.
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    fiddle wrote: »
    LA (Light Armor) build is the best pvp build for a mage. Now i realize that there is a lot of resistance to this idea but anybody who objects is either ignorant, just plain stupid or a fail. let me explain why. I am not just typing things ive heard, only things iv'e experienced. And ive tested out every build on my mage. (except The only 2 builds that will get you anywhere are pure or LA. I was a pure mage from 3x-7x. You kill mobs fast but any archer, warrior, or barb thats comes by and wants to kill you will no doubt succeed. Even fighting physical mobs sucks if you get more than one on you at the same time. Clerics own you hard with their plume shot and venos will always present a challenge (guarentee dead if they have a pheonix) The only class that you do well against-if you can even call it that-is your own. PVP is hell for pure mages-and if me, an 8x mage cant persuade you of this look at the other high lvl mages that have posted forums telling so. The only good time i ever had as a pure mage in PVP was in mnass PVP where its easy to get away from ppl and assisst attack. But the second i was targeted i was dead. But......there is hope.

    LA mage is a complete turnaround. Ive been LA for a decent time by now and let me tell you, i love pvp now. Ive fought archers, warriors, barbs that completely one shot me the entire time ive known them (all 30+ lvls) and i can kill them now. Clerics still hurt with their magic but i can kill them one on one if im not double teamed (will explain why is a second) As for mages-unless ive been unlucky enough to fight really bad mages-LA completely ownes pure mages (will also explain in a sec)

    But, as a LA mage you have to put in the effort, time, and money to use the build well. A simple LA mage will fail horribly but if you put more effort into your gear to assisst your build you will do great. For instance-go higher crit% or minus channeling or a mix of both. atm i have -21% channeling and 7% crit. Its not bad i get shots off a lot faster and because i get more shots off i crit more. This also helps LA mage have great DPS (damage per second). my DPS is better now than it was when i was a pure mage because of my crit and faster channeling. And in pvp not only do i take damg more but i deal a lot more dmg overall. Not to mention a LA mage with good crit, minus channel or both AND undine strike deals great dmg.....which is what i have. Ive one shot and had long battles with every calss and won so far and all were 8x+. Now as i was saying-clerics.

    LA mage vs. a cleric is a tough fight on our part. we dont really need to worry about plume shot anymore but their magic does some good dmg to us. BUT-we still have the advantage IF you have good minus channel-crit and or undine strike. thing is we have the hp to take it. all my gear is 4 socket w beautifull hp shards and +3 or higher and my hp makes up for my loss in mag resist. Yes they hit me harder but i can take more shots now while they cant. At this point blade tempest pretty much one hits any clerics ive done on and in one on one fight ive killed them all and i didnt have to pot (all were 8x+) As for mages same deal. If i dont crit one shot (which has happened a lot) i can one shot w/ blade tempest. yes they hit me harder than b4 but my hp makes up for it and i can take more hits from them.

    So there it is. a LA mage with good +and socketed/sharded gear plus undine and great minus channel/crit ownes. Its a lot of work but mage itsself is a lot of work. If you dont want to put out the effort go join sanc or other carebear server or get rdy to get beat in a majority of your pvp fights or duels. I wrote this 20 minutes b4 class so im sure there are a lot of spelling/grammer mistakes......get over it. RQ FTW.

    How the hell did you come up with the idea that LA mages get higher DPS lol
    Dex and str dont affect channeling time.

    And why would anyone wanna use light armour if they dont have to?
    LA armour is the worse armour in the game, gives the worse over-all defence. You have ****ty mag def and bad phy def. Only archers and venos (that dont have enough stat points for heavy) are excused to used LA armour. They really dont have any other choice.
    Robe wiz with good phy def belt/neck and phy def shards in gear can easily get same phy def as LA armour when they have shield up. But they also have high mag def and high attack.

    If you kept getting 1 shoot as robe wiz you definitely had very bad gear and didn't know how to kite.
  • Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear
    Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    fiddle wrote: »
    I was a fail robe wizard with bad gear then I spent a fortune on good LA gear. OMG LA >>> ROBE LOLOL

    So there it is. a LA mage with good +and socketed/sharded gear plus undine and great minus channel/crit ownes.
    So there it is. a robe mage with good +and socketed/sharded gear plus undine and great minus channel/crit ownes.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    No. When i restatted pure to LA build at lvl 78 i lost around 2.5 to 3k hitting power on my sandstorm on a mob, 6/700ish on players.
    -2.5k on sandstorm (and any other spell) means -2.5k matk. Even with +12 70hh sword, difference in matk is way lower.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    fiddle wrote: »
    LA (Light Armor) build is the best pvp build for a mage. Now i realize that there is a lot of resistance to this idea but anybody who objects is either ignorant, just plain stupid or a fail. let me explain why. I am not just typing things ive heard, only things iv'e experienced. And ive tested out every build on my mage. (except The only 2 builds that will get you anywhere are pure or LA. I was a pure mage from 3x-7x. You kill mobs fast but any archer, warrior, or barb thats comes by and wants to kill you will no doubt succeed. Even fighting physical mobs sucks if you get more than one on you at the same time. Clerics own you hard with their plume shot and venos will always present a challenge (guarentee dead if they have a pheonix) The only class that you do well against-if you can even call it that-is your own. PVP is hell for pure mages-and if me, an 8x mage cant persuade you of this look at the other high lvl mages that have posted forums telling so. The only good time i ever had as a pure mage in PVP was in mnass PVP where its easy to get away from ppl and assisst attack. But the second i was targeted i was dead. But......there is hope.

    LA mage is a complete turnaround. Ive been LA for a decent time by now and let me tell you, i love pvp now. Ive fought archers, warriors, barbs that completely one shot me the entire time ive known them (all 30+ lvls) and i can kill them now. Clerics still hurt with their magic but i can kill them one on one if im not double teamed (will explain why is a second) As for mages-unless ive been unlucky enough to fight really bad mages-LA completely ownes pure mages (will also explain in a sec)

    But, as a LA mage you have to put in the effort, time, and money to use the build well. A simple LA mage will fail horribly but if you put more effort into your gear to assisst your build you will do great. For instance-go higher crit% or minus channeling or a mix of both. atm i have -21% channeling and 7% crit. Its not bad i get shots off a lot faster and because i get more shots off i crit more. This also helps LA mage have great DPS (damage per second). my DPS is better now than it was when i was a pure mage because of my crit and faster channeling. And in pvp not only do i take damg more but i deal a lot more dmg overall. Not to mention a LA mage with good crit, minus channel or both AND undine strike deals great dmg.....which is what i have. Ive one shot and had long battles with every calss and won so far and all were 8x+. Now as i was saying-clerics.

    LA mage vs. a cleric is a tough fight on our part. we dont really need to worry about plume shot anymore but their magic does some good dmg to us. BUT-we still have the advantage IF you have good minus channel-crit and or undine strike. thing is we have the hp to take it. all my gear is 4 socket w beautifull hp shards and +3 or higher and my hp makes up for my loss in mag resist. Yes they hit me harder but i can take more shots now while they cant. At this point blade tempest pretty much one hits any clerics ive done on and in one on one fight ive killed them all and i didnt have to pot (all were 8x+) As for mages same deal. If i dont crit one shot (which has happened a lot) i can one shot w/ blade tempest. yes they hit me harder than b4 but my hp makes up for it and i can take more hits from them.

    So there it is. a LA mage with good +and socketed/sharded gear plus undine and great minus channel/crit ownes. Its a lot of work but mage itsself is a lot of work. If you dont want to put out the effort go join sanc or other carebear server or get rdy to get beat in a majority of your pvp fights or duels. I wrote this 20 minutes b4 class so im sure there are a lot of spelling/grammer mistakes......get over it. RQ FTW.


    This argument has been on-going since time began. Haiz has had 7%+ crit since 7x, Elayne has 13% crit both are pure. Light is only 4% more and the loss in mattack u might as well be using an 8x weapon at 9x.

    Have fun not killing anyone at 9x b:bye
    Official Guild History

  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    This argument has been on-going since time began. Haiz has had 7%+ crit since 7x, Elayne has 13% crit both are pure. Light is only 4% more and the loss in mattack u might as well be using an 8x weapon at 9x.

    Have fun not killing anyone at 9x b:bye

    Elayne also has a 3% crit sword and I don't even know what kind of rings, i'm sure haiz has pretty decent gear too.

    Light is cheap and easy, that's the main reason i'm sticking with it.
  • Shano - Lost City
    Shano - Lost City Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    best mage
  • Xxwarxx - Lost City
    Xxwarxx - Lost City Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If you kept getting 1 shoot as robe wiz you definitely had very bad gear and didn't know how to kite.

    Getting oneshot doesn't allow the time to kite, wanna know why?

    'Cuz you're dead.
    Forsakenx gunna make mine so be patient =)b:kiss
  • spirea
    spirea Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    funny, all the 98+ wizards are pure robe
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA is terrible.

    Don't do it.

    Best? Its not even close. Its the worst.

    Again: Don't do it.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA from 78-89 is perfectly viable in my opinion. At 9x you should definately restat to pure though. All the arguments have been presented before. (Can get same pdef with good accesories and stones, way more dmg and so on...)

    I have been LA EP since 78 and that worked very nice too, but now that I'm 90 I'm restatting to vit robe.

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Getting oneshot doesn't allow the time to kite, wanna know why?

    'Cuz you're dead.

    Archer channeling take aim, deadly shoot, pops hell/holy fury burst, other mage channeling blade tempest, Bm runs in to stun + dragon etc = thats when a robe might get 1 shoot. Thats when you seal/and kite if you don't wanna die ^_^

    Dunno what part of kiting to avoid getting 1 shoot is hard to understand lol
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA works if you're pro like Pandora and have chi slaves and heal slaves when 1v1ing.
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    missqq wrote: »
    LA works if you're pro like Pandora and have chi slaves and heal slaves when 1v1ing.

    And a personal WR to dragon every target so your damage almost resembles pure int mage.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    And a personal WR to dragon every target so your damage almost resembles pure int mage.
    BS. Pure mages are stronger but not THAT stronger.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    BS. Pure mages are stronger but not THAT stronger.

    Its not BS, get a respectable level and see for yourself.b:bye Light mage spike damage is below min damage for a pure mage.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Fail LA talking from behind a fake!