No more TWs in HT.



  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    GMs should probably make a RP server with no pvp/tw, I bet it'll have the highest population of all the servers.

    Sir IsleOfPen,

    As the leader of the RolePlay faction, which consists of only 3 active members, I respectfully disagree with this statement.

    Such a server definitely would not have the highest population.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Sir IsleOfPen,

    As the leader of the RolePlay faction, which consists of only 3 active members, I respectfully disagree with this statement.

    Such a server definitely would not have the highest population.

    lol thats kinda of pitiful, but so cute the way you put it lol.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • EhrdeXero - Heavens Tear
    EhrdeXero - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    doremi12 wrote: »
    The intention behind her thread is Enrage wants all small guild to bid on them so that you can roll them over and to boots enrage ego.

    lol yea! we need to beat up small guilds to boost our ego when we were able to take out the previous strongest guild in the server in less than 1 1/2 hrs! /sarcasmoff

    not to gloat, just pointing out a fact that u seem oblivious to.
    doremi12 wrote: »
    It should read Invitation to TW for: RAD on Etherblade, Evolution on AR, and Legion on any. Come on guys, we can take you head on

    honestly, this is exaclty what defected's trying to imply. b:pleased
  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well, let's see what happens next Wednesday.

    Radiance has disbanded. All orange lands are now freebies.b:sad

    While this makes the next few weeks totally lame for Enrage, it should allow more diversity on the map. I expect all you vulture guilds to finally start bidding on land now that its free. Then you'll hoop and holler about how great you are because you have a free land.

    Then we will crush you. We will crush your hopes and dreams. b:infuriated
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • Rifkind - Heavens Tear
    Rifkind - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Then we will crush you. We will crush your hopes and dreams. b:infuriated

    And balls.
  • Slamer - Heavens Tear
    Slamer - Heavens Tear Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes, Radiance has disbaned, only 10 members left! Attack us all next week! b:laugh
  • Neomccoy - Heavens Tear
    Neomccoy - Heavens Tear Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ill show up against Enrage by myself b:sin
    and ill hunt defected down b:thanks
    9x WB, Tao

    Jermaine 83 Sin - retired...
  • Chansore - Heavens Tear
    Chansore - Heavens Tear Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Someone mention defected hunting party???? b:dirtyb:chuckle
    Founder of United Lions Liberation Front
    not to be confused with the
    ..Liberators Movement for Lions
    or.....Lions United Front
    or........United Lions Front for Liberation of all Lions

    Retired b:bye but still trolllinnnnnn
  • Crystabella - Heavens Tear
    Crystabella - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Defected hunting party?? His fashion glows from one end of the map to the other... just follow the bright green light.... go into the light
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have little hopes for you HT. You always disappoint me. No, you don't disappoint me - you disgust me.

    Sorry for pointing out the obvious - but did it occur to you that you're on a PvE server?

    It is a well known fact that the TW system is geared towards high level powergamers only, and that's how much? 5% of the server population? My guess is that the vast majority of this server's population doesn't care about PvP in general or TW in particular.

    Yes, there are a number of aspiring TW guilds constantly spamming for members. The fact they are doing that and still don't TW probably means that they can't get their ranks full enough to have a go on TW. Most TW guilds look for L70-L80 players. How many players of this level are even on the "transfer market"? I'd say not too many. Most high level players are probably happy with the guild they are in and don't feel like leaving their friends behind just for playing like 10 minutes of TW once a week. My take is that most of the players who want to TW are already in a TW guild, the rest pretty much doesn't care.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    *shakes herself awake*

    *looks around*

    Are the "voices of reason" still talking?
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Reason? Where?

    All I see is complaints about HT being PvE and complaints about our attitude and complaints about....I don't know, why the sky is bllue.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    b:sad you ruined it! The quotation marks around the words were to imply my sarcasm!! b:surrender
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • thanduril
    thanduril Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I just wanted to say SHAME ON YOU HT.

    Stop being afraid to attack a guild just because they have more than 1 land. You guilds constantly spamming WC with "recruiting for TW/TT/ETC" need to stop spamming that if you're never going to TW.

    What you smaller factions need to do is TALK to eachother. COORDINATE.

    If you can get a small "alliance," you can agree to all gang up on 1 particular faction. Someone is bound to get on the map if 5 or 6 of you attack.

    So defected is going to school you on your options.

    1) Everyone attack Enrage.
    The scum of HT. We keep begging for it!
    Main advantages: Radiance is sure to attack Enrage this weekend, so our top players will be distracted by them. As an added bonus, if your faction take an Enrage land, your recruiting will SKYROCKET.

    2) Everyone attack Radiance.
    HT's former powerhouse. Not as powerful as advertised.
    Main advantages: Radiance has been losing A LOT of high level players. They are quickly being replaced by inexperienced lower level players. Radiance can potentially be attacked by everyone and be overwhelmed, forcing them to choose which areas to defend.

    3) Everyone attack Triad.
    That little red corner looks tempting...
    Main advantages: New leadership has taken hold in Triad, meaning that the new leader is under huge pressure to turn the guild around. Triad has a lot of phoenixs, but their venos die in 1-2 shots. If your guild takes one of their lands, you could potentially destroy the guild. Destroyed guild means the second land will be even easier to get.

    4) Everyone attack Evolution.
    Why are they still on the map?
    Main advantages: Evo land is scattered about for a reason. Although they have some skilled people, their tactics always seem to still need refining. It would be best to attack them before they start to get the hang of PVP TW. Who knows, Legion might try to get in on the battle if they see others attacking. Seriously though, why is Legion still on the map? o__O Sorry, getting off tangent.

    Like I said, the only way this can work is if you guilds COMMUNICATE and COORDINATE. If not, don't QQ when the big guilds won't let you play in TW.

    By the way, today is Wednesday. Bidding is in a few hours.

    I have little hopes for you HT. You always disappoint me. No, you don't disappoint me - you disgust me.

    this is yet another Epic Landmark in this forum about how much BS you can fill into a post.
    people might refer to this "QQ" and shudder at the thought of imitating such profoundly moronic BS for years to come(unless they die/quit/PWi closes/etc)

    defected you have now become the #1 Loser on heaven's tear server.

    Loser not because you suckled on radiance's teat and grew up till where you are, before you bit the hand that fed you, but a Loser because your attachment to this game has grown to such an extent that you just cant live without having someone, somewhere send you a generally discontent PM at sometime of the day which massages your ego and gives you a feeling of being an online...badass(?)

    no doubt other peeps from enrage behave the way they do just cause its a game where they can let loose from reality. just normal people relieving stress on a game in their own..unique way.
    but start begging to be hated is plain..."FAIL". and hell no its not begging with a shred of comic relief like you are trying to portray, its begging like...asking to get rammed without lube. i mean wtf man, why start bending down for a game?

    want war? go make enrage2, enrage3, penrage(isleofpen's alt guild perhaps), tenrage(10 alts from enrage band together under one solid banner), enrageXenrage, etc and fight each other in TWs to see who can fap fap longer e-PP.
    or go fund all these smaller guilds you are talking about with :
    -)500k war bid +
    -)~1m for towers +
    -)(variable)10m to come get butchered in TW
    and then have them fight against your guild instead of just....."QQ"ing so much on WC and the forums.

    and on a better note. congrats on becoming the # 1 Loser on heaven's tear, defected. this position was previously held by Nicestuff_Ty but now you are Number One.b:victory
    even Nicestuff_Ty is controlling himself from spouting "i got wife, she is a girl, my wife is a real girl, so im better cause my wife is a real girl, **** you all, blahblahblah" epic BS on WC off late. he even made a fresh start with his CriticalHitz character for crying out loud and vacated the # 1 Loser spot on HT. and now you fill that spot.

    why enrage is better than
    (REASON ONE!!!1111one11!!!11!):cause they got the # 1 Loser on HT in their guild - defected
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    All I see is complaints about HT being PvE

    That isn't a complaint, it's just a fact (one that I will claim is true unless you can prove that HT is now a PvP server). Actually I wasn't complaining about anything, your guildmate was. b:bye
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Reason? Where?

    All I see is complaints from Enrage about wanting more PvP TWs and complaints from other Enrage members about other guilds not wanting to TW against us and complaints about....I don't know, why the sky is blue.

    Also fixed the word blue for ya.b:victory

    Edit: I also forgot to mention, I love how all the little people came out of the wood work ever since Enrage came about. Feeling big now that you're in a faction that owns a lot of territory? Well have fun, feel proud of yourself that you can now act like a bad **** since you're in such a HUGE guild now! ;)
  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I must say that this Friday was fun with Evolution and TheCore. All of us had a blast in TW. b:victory

    And I am so awesome. Everyone look at me!! MEEE!! MEEEEEE!!!

    There are 2 types of trolls in this world.... Which kind of troll do you think I am?
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • Sonnestark - Heavens Tear
    Sonnestark - Heavens Tear Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There are 2 types of trolls in this world.... Which kind of troll do you think I am?
    Well, according my quick search of exhibited symptoms on
    Mental Health: Delusional Disorder
    Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a "psychosis" in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of this disorder is the presence of delusions, which are unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated.

    People with delusional disorder often can continue to socialize and function normally, apart from the subject of their delusion, and generally do not behave in an obviously odd or bizarre manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who also might have delusions as a symptom of their disorder. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted.

    Although delusions might be a symptom of more common disorders, such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder itself is rather rare. Delusional disorder most often occurs in middle to late life and is slightly more common in women than in men.

    Types of Delusional Disorder
    There are different types of delusional disorder based on the main theme of the delusions experienced. The types of delusional disorder include:

    Erotomanic: Someone with this type of delusional disorder believes that another person, often someone important or famous, is in love with him or her. The person might attempt to contact the object of the delusion, and stalking behavior is not uncommon.
    Grandiose: A person with this type of delusional disorder has an over-inflated sense of worth, power, knowledge, or identity. The person might believe he or she has a great talent or has made an important discovery.
    Jealous: A person with this type of delusional disorder believes that his or her spouse or sexual partner is unfaithful.
    Persecutory: People with this type of delusional disorder believe that they (or someone close to them) are being mistreated, or that someone is spying on them or planning to harm them. It is not uncommon for people with this type of delusional disorder to make repeated complaints to legal authorities.
    Somatic: A person with this type of delusional disorder believes that he or she has a physical defect or medical problem.
    Mixed: People with this type of delusional disorder have two or more of the types of delusions listed above.

    Or not. Your mental state doesn't rank high on my list of concerns. Though, I did what I could since you asked.
    Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot.
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    b:angry lay off defected Sonnestark you are not worthy of criticizing someone with pure awesomeness like defected. b:pleased You have many years to go before you can do that.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow, Im known for making long posts, and I enjoy debating with Sonne immensely but even that post was too long for me to read lol. Ill have to stick to arguing with you in the threads where your posts arent so long lol.

    I didnt read Thans either, but the little green words stuck here and there were pretty and eye catching :D
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    b:laugh I think thats all he wanted you to read. He probally Copy&pasted it from like Wiki.
  • Sonnestark - Heavens Tear
    Sonnestark - Heavens Tear Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    b:laugh I think thats all he wanted you to read. He probally Copy&pasted it from like Wiki.

    Yeah, that's what I did, despite the part where I listed, you have me all figured out. Another shining idiot here.
    Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Also fixed the word blue for ya.b:victory

    Edit: I also forgot to mention, I love how all the little people came out of the wood work ever since Enrage came about. Feeling big now that you're in a faction that owns a lot of territory? Well have fun, feel proud of yourself that you can now act like a bad **** since you're in such a HUGE guild now! ;)

    Thank you for fixing my typo.

    Though...I hope you weren't talking about me, as I have been trolling since my forum join date. As I was in RoC back then, I guess I've always owned territory except that 1 little week where Enrage was created :P
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • 985740954 - Heavens Tear
    985740954 - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately TW's are expensive and its pretty much a losing proposition for most smaller guilds to bother with it. Not to mention the time it takes farming that money, and preparing which could be spent levelling (so they actually have any sort of chance).

    This thread is nothing more than the chestbeating we have got from enrage in the past. Same old same old. Dont you guys ever get sick of feeding your egos? So pathetic, since if you were on a pvp servr you guys woud get owned so badly.

    In time the guilds will even out as various guilds fill up with level 90's, and then we will probably see the end of this superpower scenario we have at the moment. It will be amusing to see how some of the asshats handle it when they havnt got the servers top guild to back them up. Probably go crawling off to another game as Clunker has already spoken of.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately TW's are expensive and its pretty much a losing proposition for most smaller guilds to bother with it. Not to mention the time it takes farming that money, and preparing which could be spent levelling (so they actually have any sort of chance).

    This thread is nothing more than the chestbeating we have got from enrage in the past. Same old same old. Dont you guys ever get sick of feeding your egos? So pathetic, since if you were on a pvp servr you guys woud get owned so badly.

    In time the guilds will even out as various guilds fill up with level 90's, and then we will probably see the end of this superpower scenario we have at the moment. It will be amusing to see how some of the asshats handle it when they havnt got the servers top guild to back them up. Probably go crawling off to another game as Clunker has already spoken of.

    You guys who have only played PWI are so amusing.. 90% of the "pvp" server in this version have never played any of the other versions where PVP is MANDITORY nor have they even played other games where PVP was manditory. So uhm yeah they really arent that great. Sorry to bust the bubble..

    As for how we will handle it, uhm well remember last month, I know its a long time ago and thinking may be hard, but our leader Hong from RoC left and uhm yeah we made this guild called Enrage and in case you havent heard we been doing pretty good. I would imagine IF Clunker left and didnt pass on the reigns close to the same thing would happen again.

    Third, which Im rather surprised you said we only act this way since our guild is top. You must be new to the HT server or our history. Considering we have ALWAYS acted this way and worse. Its why everyone loves us so much.. This "behavior" isnt anything new now.

    As far as things evening out over time, just shows once again you really do lack PW knowledge. In ALL older versions of PW 1-3 guilds own the entire map and pretty much have since the beginning of their servers, with the exception of the PH version which actually did a TW map wipe because 1 guild owned so much land for so long.

    Currently on PW MY, Warlords own the map and have for over the past year. So I wouldnt get your hopes up on things evening out. Only thing that will even out is the top guilds will finally get established and nothing short of disbanding their guilds will make the map change. Or the servers lower guilds finally work togther and get some stratagies in place. Though I dont really see this happening even with as much as we encourage them. Kinda sad really.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately TW's are expensive and its pretty much a losing proposition for most smaller guilds to bother with it. Not to mention the time it takes farming that money, and preparing which could be spent levelling (so they actually have any sort of chance).

    This thread is nothing more than the chestbeating we have got from enrage in the past. Same old same old. Dont you guys ever get sick of feeding your egos? So pathetic, since if you were on a pvp servr you guys woud get owned so badly.

    In time the guilds will even out as various guilds fill up with level 90's, and then we will probably see the end of this superpower scenario we have at the moment. It will be amusing to see how some of the asshats handle it when they havnt got the servers top guild to back them up. Probably go crawling off to another game as Clunker has already spoken of.
    If we chestbeat it's cuz we have to right to. Don't complain about it unless you earn the same right and choose not to.

    On that point, we are not chest beating. No matter how strong we are, we average about 100-120 people online pew TW. Weaker guilds may not beat us 1v1, but if many attack us, it is still a challenge. Not to mention, we truly WANT more people to attack us, and is in no way bragging except in the sense that we might be calling you cowards.

    No, we don't get sick of feeding our egos. It's a perfectly human thing to do; you'd do it too if you had any sort of potential to amount to anything. Again, don't complain about it unless you've earned the same and turned it down.

    As I said to Sonnestark, thank you captain obvious! I have no doubt that Enrage will one day fall to some other guild. Most of us have a life and are not going to play this game forever. Those of us who remain to see the last days of Enrage's glory will be HOPING for a good rival the WHOLE TIME. That is the heart of Enrage: We play to have fun. The land and the money is a plus, but in the end, we would rather lose a good fight than win 10 easy ones.

    Lastly, GEEZ don't you people have ANY better excuse than pulling that PvP server ****? Just cuz we can't move servers doesn't mean your argument is actually VALID. There is NO WAY for you guys to know how well or how fail we'd be on a PvP server. HECK YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL HOW WELL WE'D DO ON ANOTHER PVE SERVER. All you people making THAT stupid argument need to QQ to the developers, not us
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    On that point, we are not chest beating. No matter how strong we are, we average about 100-120 people online pew TW. Weaker guilds may not beat us 1v1, but if many attack us, it is still a challenge. Not to mention, we truly WANT more people to attack us, and is in no way bragging except in the sense that we might be calling you cowards.

    The point I tried to make earlier was that you still forget you're on a PvE server. And I didn't mean that in a way to belittle your PvP skills but to point out that many many players on this server don't have the slightest interest in PvP. With that in mind, I am not sure why you consider those people who just don't care about TW "cowards". They would be if they _wanted_ to TW in the first place. But the thing you neglected to realize so far, is that many players on a PvE server are perfectly happy slaying a few monsters while chatting to their friends in their guilds.

    Your guild is geared towards PvP, many others on HT aren't. For example, my guild isn't really small as far as guilds go, but we don't recruit by level, we recruit people we like to be with. We never would recruit an idiot just because they play a L90 Barbarian. I guess that's true for many PvE guilds on a PvE server. We have members on all five continents on this planet, meaning only a fraction of us could participate in TW. Many of us aren't interested in TW, so even if they could technically be online at this time, they wouldn't do so. If you'd get attacked by three guilds like mine and you'd have 120 online as you say, you could field 40 high level players against any of them, meaning it would be at least 1:1 in terms of numbers, more likely you'd outnumber AND outlevel them, even. See how utterly pointless it would be for a PvE guild to attack you? On a PvP server, guilds like mine don't exist, everyone gears for PvP there by definition. On a PvP server everyone WANTS to PvP, but the same isn't true here. Here, you will have to accept the fact that you don't have too many people interested in fighting you. The final nail in the coffin is that TW costs money. Tell me again, why would any sane PvE guild waste its resources by attacking a guild it has no chance winning against. It's just not the smart thing to do.

    In the end, the problem is that TW is a badly designed system. If PvP in PW would be matching guilds of equal stength against each other, I promise you that you'd see my guild on the battlefield. If PvP in TW would happen around the clock and not only during specific times half of the server is asleep, even more so. Personally I miss PvP even, I did lots in Guild Wars. But while I like PW a lot, its PvP part is just a bad joke.
    No, we don't get sick of feeding our egos. It's a perfectly human thing to do; you'd do it too if you had any sort of potential to amount to anything.

    It's a human thing to do all right, but - and no offense intended here - while people of weak character rub their success into other people's faces, the truly great ones cherish their success quietly.
    All you people making THAT stupid argument need to QQ to the developers, not us

    Don't forget that this QQ thread was started by an Enrage member... b:chuckle
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Please stop the flaming in here.
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hope you would excuse me aryanna but Kim is so far from the truth that I have to retaliate.

    You missed the point entirely. I wasn't calling anyone a coward. I was saying that the purpose of the post was not to glorify Enrage by challenging tons of guilds to challenge us knowing full well only a small number if any guilds would respond. The purpose of the post IS TO ASK FOR PEOPLE TO ATTACK US. The first post of my post IS SAY THAT WE WANT PEOPLE TO ATTACK US AND THAT OUR ASKING IS NOT AN ATTEMPT AT BRAGGING.

    And it's not like we dont' suffer from time zone problems too. We have a FULL 200 people guild. Only 100 show up to TW EVERY WEEK. It's not like we recruit ONLY people who can throw away a specific 3 hours of their life just so we can have a successful TW guild.

    People with weak character tend to downplay other people's accomplishments and find every excuse to point out some fault in others. Not to mention we WEREN'T BRAGGING AS I JUST SAID. People with WEAK CHARACTER can't handle the fact that other people worked harder than and achieved more so they make up crappy excuses like QQ you're higher level QQ you have no morals QQ you are on PVE server QQ you're such showoffs. I am not accusing you personally of having these faults but heh, if people with strong character cherish their success quietly, there wouldn't be nobel prizes or stuff like that. It's human. I'm not saying we're doing it or that we're not; I'm saying it's not wrong. And I guess I'm also saying that people making crappy excuses about Enrage are the ones with weak character.

    And yes, that's nice of you to quote ONE sentence out of my paragraph to make it look out of context. Just cuz I never look back at what I said doesn't mean I don't know what I said. I said people who say Enrage would fail at a PvP server need to QQ to the developers, meaning they should ask for the opportunity to transfer servers. I dont' see what that has to do with who started the thread, and furthermore, this thread was meant to ask for TWs, not QQ. I mean, at least make up your mind about whether this is a QQ thread or a chest beating thread. Whoever heard of QQing as a form of chest beating.
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I hope you would excuse me aryanna but Kim is so far from the truth that I have to retaliate.

    I find it rather funny that you feel the need to retaliate, considering that nothing I wrote was designed or intended to attack you.
    You missed the point entirely. I wasn't calling anyone a coward. I was saying that the purpose of the post was not to glorify Enrage by challenging tons of guilds to challenge us knowing full well only a small number if any guilds would respond. The purpose of the post IS TO ASK FOR PEOPLE TO ATTACK US. The first post of my post IS SAY THAT WE WANT PEOPLE TO ATTACK US AND THAT OUR ASKING IS NOT AN ATTEMPT AT BRAGGING.

    I guess you missed the point of my post, rather. I was trying to explain why that line was about as much BS as you can put in one single line:
    I have little hopes for you HT. You always disappoint me. No, you don't disappoint me - you disgust me.

    Neglecting Defected's unique way of "asking" for more guilds to fight for a moment, I nowhere said that asking guilds to attack you is bragging. I only said it's pointless. As for the line about bragging, that was a general remark I explicitly told you not to take as an offense, so I am not sure why you did. It was directed at the persons who brag, and for the record I can't remember seeing you personally bragging.
    And it's not like we dont' suffer from time zone problems too. We have a FULL 200 people guild. Only 100 show up to TW EVERY WEEK. It's not like we recruit ONLY people who can throw away a specific 3 hours of their life just so we can have a successful TW guild.

    No, but your guild is geared a lot more towards PvP than most guilds on this server. Whether it's 100 or 120 people you can field for a TW event wouldn't make any difference. The most members I have ever seen online at the same time in my guild (we're around ~100 members, excluding alts) is around 35, half of which doesn't like PvP and half of the rest might be at a level to be competitive at TW. Go figure! Like you, we play this game for fun and I cannot see the fun in wasting money to attack a guild we'd last less than 5-10 minutes against, which is basically why I think calling for more guilds to attack you won't give you much of a response, particularly considering that many guilds are smaller than mine, even. That has nothing at all to do with QQ since I am not complaining in the least about that my guild is in no position to fight yours, it was just an attempt to explain why you won't see too many new attackers anytime soon.
    if people with strong character cherish their success quietly, there wouldn't be nobel prizes or stuff like that.

    I have yet to see any Nobel prize winner bragging about his or her accomplishments. Those prizes are a token of praise coming from OTHER people as a compliment on their work, which is perfectly ok. There is nothing wrong about taking compliments, even in public. There is something wrong with people belittling others and/or saying "We're sooo leet, we're sooo great, we're the beeeeeeest". And again, I didn't say anywhere you personally did that, I was just offering an opinion on a statement from your post.