Expansion Preview - Genie System



  • Xiii - Harshlands
    Xiii - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I like this genie idea. I'm sensing some very interesting and new strategies coming to fruition here. Cyclone, earth blaze, plumes to death.


    very interesting indeed.
  • Lindt - Harshlands
    Lindt - Harshlands Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    GMs seem to be reading this thread... nows my chance.

    Hey GMs did you know the Flesh Ream skill for Venomancer pets is bugged in pvp so that it doesn't have the damage reduction? If so you fooled us cuz you give absolutely no hints as to knowing of the problem. If you didn't then now you know... please fix it.
  • Pumpkin - Dreamweaver
    Pumpkin - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    Your siggy is Awsome!!!!!!!!!
    lol the phoenix are coming
  • Krasava - Heavens Tear
    Krasava - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Geniez <--- b:victory

    Xarfox <--- b:kiss
  • Ishmah - Sanctuary
    Ishmah - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    2) You can only have one genie out at a time.
    xarfox wrote: »
    As your Genie levels up, you'll gain points that can be distributed into different elements on your Genie. The selection of these elements will determine what skills your Genie can learn.

    If points are to be allocated to a genie, is there a cap on the total number of points a genie can have?

    Is the purpose of having multiple genies to enable a genie to gain maximum points in one element?

    Could one genie max out all elements eventually?
  • Dunno - Dreamweaver
    Dunno - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Would be cool if GMs could gather Q&A in this type of threads. Now I had to scroll down all 37 pages to see if GM answered to any questions.

    If GMs could while answering the questions also gather them in first post it would be easier to follow what has been answered. Also one does not have to read/skim all these flame posts.
  • Jack_Nel - Sanctuary
    Jack_Nel - Sanctuary Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    expansion = new skils = Genie sisten = free = lvl 89 players get 2 flying companions = looks more powerfull b:pleased

    "Many left many will leave but what keeps us happy is the time we spend and the way we leave.. for me the best good bye was of Magnate and Jack_Nel both got married and then left the game.. making each other the immortal couple of this game." by Herne_Hunter
  • gilgamesh2008
    gilgamesh2008 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I play multiple Char. and I do not see the Veno as over powered, but then again I do not have a phoenix, so it makes logical sense, that if the phoenix is the problem, the phoenix, or some defense against it should be implemented. what is "wrong" in my opinion, is that the try and solve this problem by giving every class added buffs/debuffs or damage spells except Venos.

    I have played dozens of Mmorpgs, and when the Devs start gimping and tweaking specific aspects of the game after years in operation, it marks the end of that game, ( that's what Beta is for, to weed out problems and imbalances ) but people spend months, years working to level their toon, and then because of some cry babies complaining about something or the other the Devs start Gimping ruining all their efforts. ( The cry babies will always complain about anything that can get the best of them, period, no matter what game or race )

    I don't mind that a defense mechanism has been placed against a specific spell that many deem over powered, but don't gimp a whole class because of it. the genie should be available to every class.

    And DEVS, please don't cater to every cry baby that complains, because they will never stop complaining and will only cry more. do your test on your test servers, play the new modifications yourself, and its completely normal that every toon has its nemesis ( rock paper scissors ).
  • Thraxx - Heavens Tear
    Thraxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ok people seem to think these genies or the blood clot skill are gonna be like uber expensive...but if they are going to be available to all lvls, tell me this....what lvl1-10 HAS 10-15 million coins? so somehow i see nothing to worry about there

    also xarfox never said these skills were confirmed, if you read the 1st post he says

    "Again, all of the above are subject to change."

    at the end of the post....meaning these skills may not even be coming out..

    i still havent seen any clarification as to wether the genies will be directly attacking or not, cos these skills he HAS posted seem like they will, and like someone posted before..if the genies have equipment slots then surely that means they will be taking part in attacking in some way?
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning,Things escalated and now my alarms broken and im awake. . . Not quite sure who won . . . .
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    is that the try and solve this problem by giving every class added buffs/debuffs or damage spells except Venos.


    but don't gimp a whole class because of it. the genie should be available to every class.

    Ok, let me make one thing clear. All available information on genies suggests that it is available to everyone. This system is not intended to replace a veno's pets. It is intended to provide all classes more skills and to add more variety to what skills a given player may have.

    There is only one known skill that is unusable to venos specifically:
    xarfox wrote:
    Rumbling Thunder
    Affinity Requirement: Metal Level 7
    Class Requirement: Available to all classes except Venomancer
    Note the Affinity. It's Metal. Venos have an affinity to wood (just look at all the scarabs). Wood is weak against Metal. That's ample justification as to why a veno cannot bring "herself" to use a powerful metal attack. The same justification can be applied to every class in the game and likely will.
    ok people seem to think these genies or the blood clot skill are gonna be like uber expensive...but if they are going to be available to all lvls, tell me this....what lvl1-10 HAS 10-15 million coins? so somehow i see nothing to worry about there

    Also considering that skill is listed as being available at lv5? yeah... doesn't sound like something requiring millions. o.o
    i still havent seen any clarification as to wether the genies will be directly attacking or not, cos these skills he HAS posted seem like they will, and like someone posted before..if the genies have equipment slots then surely that means they will be taking part in attacking in some way?
    My understanding, it could be wrong, is that genies actions will be considered the player's actions for aggro/targeting. So, if a genie casts Rumbling Thunder on a monster, the monster goes "that archer used Rumbling Thunder, kill him" not "that genie used Rumbling Thunder, kill her." o.o It'll probably look like the genie is attacking, but the monsters think differently. o.o
  • Thraxx - Heavens Tear
    Thraxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    My understanding, it could be wrong, is that genies actions will be considered the player's actions for aggro/targeting. So, if a genie casts Rumbling Thunder on a monster, the monster goes "that archer used Rumbling Thunder, kill him" not "that genie used Rumbling Thunder, kill her." o.o It'll probably look like the genie is attacking, but the monsters think differently. o.o

    i agree this will probably be the case but id like a gm to answer on this too...just incase we are wrong lol

    oh and i see charm packs are back...i know we wont ever be satisfied but... why arent they available til the end of the month?? thats when most people are paid o.o ( like me b:cry )
    it would make more sense to keep them available til then lol

    anywqays...back to topic... any idea on a date yet? and how is the testing going in china?
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning,Things escalated and now my alarms broken and im awake. . . Not quite sure who won . . . .
  • Anysha - Heavens Tear
    Anysha - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yea, give us these pets and erase clerics, b:angry
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i agree this will probably be the case but id like a gm to answer on this too...just incase we are wrong lol

    oh and i see charm packs are back...i know we wont ever be satisfied but... why arent they available til the end of the month?? thats when most people are paid o.o ( like me b:cry )
    it would make more sense to keep them available til then lol

    anywqays...back to topic... any idea on a date yet? and how is the testing going in china?

    If genies cannot take damage then they probably won't be attackable. If they aren't attackable then any actions they take against mobs would mean they would aggro to the player.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ok people seem to think these genies or the blood clot skill are gonna be like uber expensive...but if they are going to be available to all lvls, tell me this....what lvl1-10 HAS 10-15 million coins? so somehow i see nothing to worry about there

    i could be like skills, some skills are cheap and some are expensive. and you could say the same with herc and pheonix what lvl 1-10 has 20 mil to spare but i still see herc on the new server.
  • lotophoenix
    lotophoenix Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    you know i would like to see pets that help fight with all class's and i like to see the map get bigger for i travel all four llimit side of the map to i could not go and more and i seen some more then what you can see nice places in the game that nicer then what we can travel in so yea i like a bigger map(even thought it takes me like 45 to a hour to travel from one corner to another corner of the map but still it nices and i like to like a underwater cave like place underwater
  • bellaberri
    bellaberri Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarFox wrote:
    Genies are a new way to customize your character and accent your existing gameplay experience

    I am wondering if I can customize the genie itself. I do not want an ugly genie following me around...b:chuckle.

    Seriously, please take this as a suggesion since you say all suggestions are welcome at this time.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    From what I understand a genie is just a way to gain access to an additional set of skills (that are not necessarily class specific). They are customizable but for combat they don't seem any different than the fairy you get at 89.

    I'm wondering if they are tradeable and if you trade them if they retain their equipment / affinity / skill set.
    Does anyone have leaked screenshots from the chinese beta test of these?
    Refining Simulator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/refiningsimulator.html (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/geniecalculator.html - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator - aster.ohmydays.net/pw/socketcalculator.html
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You guys keep referring to genies as pets, and keep asking if they can attack. This is post number 18 from Xarfox. Note that they are not "pets"" but more seperate skill sets for your character.

    xarfox wrote: »
    1 and 3) You can think of the Genie's as an alternate skill set for your character. Some skills are buffs, some are attacks, it all depends on how you customize your Genie. It is my understanding as of now that the Genies do not directly participate in combat, and hence, do not take damage. (This may be subject to change.)

    2) You can only have one genie out at a time.
    4) More information will be released soon regarding the logistics of Genies and how to mange them.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Batista - Dreamweaver
    Batista - Dreamweaver Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I view the Genies as a buff pet ... not one that will do actual damage to mobs but one that may increase your damage or buffs (depending on the type of Genies you have) ... They are not mercenaries (unless we're being thrown off).
    Batista (85 Cleric) {Semi-Retired Character}
    Venom (55 Venomancer) {Main Character - On Vacation}
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    territorywar.info (Dreamweaver TW Maps) (Updated 08/28/2010)
    battleoftheimmortals.com (Under Major Construction)
  • losera
    losera Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Greetings Everyone,
    Genies are a new way to customize your character and accent your existing gameplay experience.

    LMAO, in other words Genies are similar to Pokemon xD :D xD
  • IronCleric - Sanctuary
    IronCleric - Sanctuary Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yea, give us these pets and erase clerics, b:angry

    1 Corinthians 13:4-13
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Hello All,

    Here are some questions and their answers:

    What do the different traits do?
    The traits will build an elemental affinity for your Genie. This gives it more power when using abilities against monsters of the opposing element. For example if you invest a majority of your Genie's points into water, then it will become stronger against monsters associated with the fire element.

    Can Venomancers use Genies? If so, can they have a regular pet summoned, as well as a Genie summoned at the same time?
    Yes, Genies are all class pets, and yes, they can be summoned at the same time as normal Venomancer pets.

    What do Genie's use to cast abilities/spells?
    Genies have energy and physical force. Genies require both in order to utilize their skills.
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Hello All,

    Here are some questions and their answers:

    What do the different traits do?
    The traits will build an elemental affinity for your Genie. This gives it more power when using abilities against monsters of the opposing element. For example if you invest a majority of your Genie's points into water, then it will become stronger against monsters associated with the fire element.

    Can Venomancers use Genies? If so, can they have a regular pet summoned, as well as a Genie summoned at the same time?
    Yes, Genies are all class pets, and yes, they can be summoned at the same time as normal Venomancer pets.

    What do Genie's use to cast abilities/spells?
    Genies have energy and physical force. Genies require both in order to utilize their skills.

    This makes it sound as if genies actually do atk alongside you, so can you actually use your own skills at the same time genies use their skills or do the genie skills get added to your skills and you have to channel the new skills too, while the genie just gives you the ability to use those skills?
  • IronCleric - Sanctuary
    IronCleric - Sanctuary Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have a question.

    Is the genie like a pet from Ether Saga?
    1 Corinthians 13:4-13
  • gilgamesh2008
    gilgamesh2008 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Thanks for clarifiying some concerns, by reading over, and in between the lines, I think I understand these "genies" they seem to be more like Animated spells, that you have to have previously activated to be able to use.

    Looks like Clerics will get 2 exclusive genies ( rainbow blessing and electro dance ) as they both do Metal damage and require metal mastery. by the way I think it should be called Electro Boogie..lol.

    Question, how would Barbs and other non magic char. be able to use these elemental based genies?
  • Laranda - Heavens Tear
    Laranda - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    What do the different traits do?
    The traits will build an elemental affinity for your Genie. This gives it more power when using abilities against monsters of the opposing element. For example if you invest a majority of your Genie's points into water, then it will become stronger against monsters associated with the fire element.

    For some reason, this sounds like stating the obvious. But it's still good to have more details. b:pleased
    xarfox wrote: »
    Yes, Genies are all class pets, and yes, they can be summoned at the same time as normal Venomancer pets.

    Well, it's good to have that confirmed. o.o
    xarfox wrote: »
    What do Genie's use to cast abilities/spells?
    Genies have energy and physical force. Genies require both in order to utilize their skills.

    So, there's a unique cost to using them... interesting. o.o

    That brings to mind some questions... namely, how can we recover these energies? Time sounds obvious, but what else? Are there dedicated items or can they leach off of our hp/mp pots or maybe even charms? Or are there other methods entirely? o.o
    Looks like Clerics will get 2 exclusive genies ( rainbow blessing and electro dance ) as they both do Metal damage and require metal mastery. by the way I think it should be called Electro Boogie..lol.
    I'm pretty sure genies can have multiple skills. There isn't a "Rainbow Blessing Genie" and a "Electro Dance Genie" but a genie that could know both. I'm also going to take a guess and say that Genies are unaffected by the player's masteries. They have their own thing going on and don't really need our help beyond who to target. o.o
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So they can fight like veno pets? Stupid idea, kills off Venos roll and class.

    GG GMs ..
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So they can fight like veno pets? Stupid idea, kills off Venos roll and class.

    GG GMs ..

    Troll less, read more.
  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Troll less, read more.

    But that would be to easy for some ppl.
    working it Q_Q
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Hello All,

    Can Venomancers use Genies? If so, can they have a regular pet summoned, as well as a Genie summoned at the same time?
    Yes, Genies are all class pets, and yes, they can be summoned at the same time as normal Venomancer pets.

    xarfox wrote: »

    The Genie System is a new pet system unlike the pets that are currently associated with the Venomancer class. These Genies have their own independent skill system, equipment slots, as well as an elemental affinity system


    Please, I've been asking this question from page 1. Will genies be stored on your pet storage toguether with your all class pets. Or they are on separate storage system?
This discussion has been closed.