Phoenix Flesh Ream Issues



  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and yey for hercs taking out the need for barbs in 90% of situations

    90% of barbs either dont help or are too afraid that their heiro might tick.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    dieseasily wrote: »
    Im relatively new to this game, and I have not experienced a pheonix in a pvp situation. So my opinion here is solely based on what I have read.

    From what I can tell there are poeple that are claiming that Flesh Ream is too overpowered because it kills them when no one else can kill them. This, to me, suggest that Flesh Ream is a game balancer to people who cannot be killed by any other means. This may be an over simplistic view of the situation, but so far the arguements against Pheonix Flesh Ream is weak at best.

    Now if you were to say something like:

    "I have the best equipment possible, and I win alot of battles in pvp by just the tiniest bit against other classes of simular level and even ocassionaly lose. The only thing I really hate is when I and 2 of my buddies of different classes fight a Veno with A Pheonix (the best equipment for a veno) of simular level we never win..."

    This is a more valid arguement.

    I see lots of people stating that they can easily kill venos regardless of the pheonix. This suggests to me that the Pheonix does not make you a god. Which leads me to one conclusion, the pheonix flesh ream is not as bugged as people are claiming.

    What we are trying to say (those of us who are hard to kill) is not many people can kill u as u spent time and effort on ur gear. Other people who do spend time and effort on their gear have a chance of killing u and fights are fairly even. However a veno who has spent virtually no time, effort or money on their gear but who has a phoenix can kill u with ease. Is that right?

    The bold statement which u said would be good argument i have fixed below to show the truth.

    "I have the best equipment possible, and I win a lot of battles in pvp by a lot against other classes of similar level and virtually never lose. The only thing I really hate is when I fight a Veno with A Pheonix (with bad equipment) of similar level and never win..."
    Wrong. Alot of pheonix venos are arcane because they feel they let the pheonix do the work for them whilst they run away. Yes light and heavy can be harder to take down but from what i've noticed is about 85% of those venos are arcane builds. That's why I specified taking down the arcane veno in 3 shots. I have also specified many ways to survive pheonix ganks.

    I was getting ganked by 3-5 pheonixes sometimes in TW and surviving.


    You are on the PVE server. It makes sense that 85% of the veos are arcane because 85% of the venos ARE PVE BUILD.

    85% of the lost city venos are NOT arcane. The main build for veno on LC is light armor which is in no way squishy 1-2 shots. AND can be worn without any long calculation as to how many stats u need.

    Bold statement is a lie i have never survived 2 phoenix bleeding me. Lets do the maths bleed ticks me 1.7k therefore 2 bleeds 3.4k.....In case u didnt know bleed ticks 4 times which is irrelevant as after the second tick u have virtually no hp left.

    EDIT: Reikara's statement above is soooo unbelievably true
    Official Guild History

  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    @Chaotic well sorry I didn't notice the sever difference but yes, alot of venos on HT think arcane+pheonix somehow makes them gods in pvp.

    I have incredibly low HP, around 2.8k as a heavy armour build. Now what I dont understand is why people are letting the pheonixes get close enough to bleed and stun you. You see it, run. Dont let the damn thing kill you then run to QQ on the forums.

    Apoth potions: Invest in dew of god's protection (Absorb 3000 damage over 30 seconds) and speed pots. (duh?)
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What we are trying to say (those of us who are hard to kill) is not many people can kill u as u spent time and effort on ur gear. Other people who do spend time and effort on their gear have a chance of killing u and fights are fairly even. However a veno who has spent virtually no time, effort or money on their gear but who has a phoenix can kill u with ease. Is that right?

    The bold statement which u said would be good argument i have fixed below to show the truth.

    "I have the best equipment possible, and I win a lot of battles in pvp by a lot against other classes of similar level and virtually never lose. The only thing I really hate is when I fight a Veno with A Pheonix (with bad equipment) of similar level and never win..."

    That's because you're an archer....archers are easy and predictable with or without phoenix.... I kill them all the time with nothing more than a sawfly.... the one's who actually employ a bit of strategy last much longer....Two words.....STUN and KB


    You are on the PVE server. It makes sense that 85% of the veos are arcane because 85% of the venos ARE PVE BUILD.

    85% of the lost city venos are NOT arcane. The main build for veno on LC is light armor which is in no way squishy 1-2 shots. AND can be worn without any long calculation as to how many stats u need.

    Archers may have a hard time with LA/HA build Venos, but any magic class can rip them to shreds, their builds do not allow enough flexibility with VIT, and they have nowhere near the mag-res of an arcane build....I'm not even a full mage build and I can often 2 or 3 shot LA/HA venos.
  • MistressLuna - Heavens Tear
    MistressLuna - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Archers have a hard killing venos period....

    I beat many bms, barbs, clerics, archers, pheonix venos, wizards who were all 10 levels higher than me...

    my opinion: They spent 18+mil for it and it's hard to keep satisfied. It better be worth having. No, I don't have a pheonix. I have my good old golem :) and that's the only pet I have(not upgraded). Basic armor, TT60 weapon...nothing special.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Luna -still- Loves You All
  • Souhi - Heavens Tear
    Souhi - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    B*tch slap Ellestor for whining *slap slap slap*
    little boy with pink fairy dress.
    i consider you like a little rat!
    talk so much little boy!
    i bet ya rat on your own friends.

    .... What in the world little miss jen too many times. The only comments I've ever seen from you is just a bunch of flaming without any actual input. Care to jump off a cliff with your opinions or swallow a knife cause your opinions and flaming are 1) not useful and 2) immature.

    All right... veno's aren't too hard to kill no matter what build they are, pet or no pet. Arcane are easy to take out with just as a barb or a blademaster. The physical defense sucks, and oh you might get lucky enough to come across one with pots that'll delay your killing them just a little bit.
    Heavy and light build are just as easy to take out, just have to go a different way about it. Heavy can take out several blademasters easy, but their magic defense isn't that great. Magical. Oh my God it's the end of the world.

    I wouldn't say that PWI favors venos more than the other classes. Other wise we most likely would be able to cream anyone, even without a pheonix. Just shut up please. Proactive. Legendary pet = very strong. High attack power = high bleed. Deal with it... the higher the attack power the higher the bleed. Would you like PWI to do something else in favor of the venos, making the flesh ream skills maybe 1 coin. Oh my gosh! Everyone's going to die. -_-;;

    Train up your apocrathy or suck it up. If you don't want your charm to go out, then don't equip it before TW. That easy.
  • raven
    raven Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    barbarian vs heavy veno is a good pk match but

    barbarian wll spend A LOT in hiero veno will spend nothing so real winner will be always the veno and barbarian has a chance of pk phoenix only with crit/berserk luck(barbarian aim phoenix first of course)

    ligh/arcane/heavy veno vs other class(same level) is easy veno win 2-3 seconds bleed and everyclass is down

    my heavy veno 7x can kill every class lvl 8x uber easy.

    Hercules nerf the barbarian point to be barbarian anymore hercules tank much better and is way more cheap

    lvl 77 hercules can tank 3-3 twilight temple

    my barbarian lvl 95 with top 1 hp/pdef/mdef on whole LC server cost much more in hiero/repair

    development team of pw must love a lot venos this game now is totally unbalanced and i bealive load of people will quit soon..

    doesnt matter how high upgraded are your gears phoenix will have always advantage you can spend also 40k dollars on ur cleric gears i promise you phoenix will pown you in 3-4 seconds.

    veno OP isnt only rare pet also normal veno skill are OP specially

    soul transfusion(restore 100% hp using mp)..a veno with good upgraded heavy gears can touch 12k hp and be unkillable with this skill(more strong than barbarian as endurance)

    purge remove 100% enemy pk buffless you are dead(not on carebears server as heaven tear).

    its a waste of time to level up a non-veno class you only spend load of money for gears and time.

    phoenix and hercules cost is LOW a lvl 7x veno can easy afford both pets only lvling and saving money(venomancer spend 0 for training)

    venomancer is class most strong in pve and pvp soon 90% of server will be venomancer.
  • Powermind - Lost City
    Powermind - Lost City Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What would veno's say if all other classes could buy an overpowerd wepon from cash shop and thats just what a nix is an overpowerd wepon being sold in the cash shop...
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I vote they add phoenix weapons with flesh ream for all classes except of course Venos, and Herculese Armor for all classes except Venos to the cash shop. b:victory
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    People.. I'm sure the GMs are awared that the Phenoix bleed is bugged, in fact, one of the in-game GM (Not gonna name names..) answered me in PM and said that Phoenix flesh ream IS doing much more damage than it's suppose to be.

    The problem is, PWI is a F2P game, and cash shop is the only way they earn income. Now, how many duke shouts of "XXX has gotten a Phenoix" you see a day? I see about 1-3 on average.. Considering each one cost about $200 USD.

    My point is, this battle pet holds a somewhat significant percent of PWI's income, and if flesh ream gets fixed, the demand for Pheonix will drop dramatically, which results in their income dropping dramatically.

    So, unless you can convince their marketing managers to change their mind, it's useless (at least at this point) to make anymore post regarding the bugged flesh ream.

    *This is just my opinion* b:bye
    This is SO true.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Coerulea - Heavens Tear
    Coerulea - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The pets themselves have NOT been changed in ANY version of PWI, EVER (although the flesh ream skill was nerfed, then returned to it's previous level in the MY version I hear).

    On PW-MY? Didn't happen.

    Some rumors on the PW-MY forums, is that in the CN version, legendary pets were deleted
    "If things go here as they did on the CN servers, Cubi/PWE are planning to defraud everyone that bought these pets by deleting them later anyway. "-invictus, Oct 10, 2008

    "I dont know where you guys hear the rumours that we going to remove those pets
    I can said that we are diffrent with other version of Perfect World , for example , yes maybe PW-CN do remove those pets but does this means we have to remove it as well ? "
    -Executor (G.M), Nov 02, 2008

    or nerfed
    " but thing good for you guys is that the legendary pets will definitely be nerfed in the future. so no point arguing about it now because it's almost certain that it'll be nerfed (or so my friend who used to play chinese server said)."-rainbowmirage, Oct 19, 2008

    or nothing, like us
    "ripping bite have not been nerfed as of now"
    -bluemagi, Jan 30, 2009
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This is SO true.

    If the GMs allow Venos to abuse a bug that gives them a huge advantage over others, then that's basically them being a hypocrite after suspending those 70 accounts found to be abusing the money bug.

    If Venos are able to keep a bugged skill that gives them a huge advantage in PvP then why shouldn't the 70 accounts that were suspended be allowed to keep their bugged money?

    People get banned for luring bosses but Venos won't get banned for abusing a bug that gives them a great advantage.

    People abuse Gouf's bug, they get banned. Does that really give them a huge advantage overall? No, it just allows them to finish the quest much more easily.
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well if they don't want to alter the pets then they really should give other classes an equal opportunity to spend $200+ or 20mil+ coin on some uber gear. It really isn't fair that Veno can solo many instances with Herc (potentially making huge profits) and more or less slaughter other classes with little skill with a Phoenix.
  • Qqme - Lost City
    Qqme - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    im kinda wondering a veno at lvl1 spends 18million on a nix and upgrades its skills to max well lets say total spent on nix 20million max.

    lets take a gear dependant class for example : an EA.

    from lets say lvl40 onwards, the user starts investing in good armor and weapons. Upon hitting 80/90 all gears are refined and sharded with hp gems

    what does it cost the EA? 80million? i believe the figure to be much more considering some of the EAs is see on LC have like +8 weapons n +5~7 armor

    then lets take the pve aspect of the game into consideration. Venos are known to be able to tank with just another 20million coin pet.

    main tank for HH would definately be a Barb.

    I believe all barbs out there would agree that lvling a barb is a longer and more hp hiero **** process then lvling an EA.

    Not mentioning the time spent to farm decent gears so that they are able to tank in pve and actually pk in pvp.

    we arent even talking about the points that i have raised so far. We just want a bugged skill which is obviously OP fixed. How is it possible that a damage over time skill ticks for 1.9k? And you venos have the cheek to argue that its meant to be coded this way?

    If so kindly plz find an offical post stating that the pet beed skill isnt bugged and its meant to do 100% dmg per tick.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    we arent even talking about the points that i have raised so far. We just want a bugged skill which is obviously OP fixed. How is it possible that a damage over time skill ticks for 1.9k? And you venos have the cheek to argue that its meant to be coded this way?

    If so kindly plz find an offical post stating that the pet beed skill isnt bugged and its meant to do 100% dmg per tick.

    Find ONE post or thread on these forums stating Flesh Ream is broken that was NOT written by a player. Can't? That is because there ARE no official statements by any GM's or DEV's on these forums making that type of statement. Until THEY say it's broke. It's Not. And you can bet they ARE aware of the amount of damage it does and have said NOTHING.

    Nuff said.

  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    they also haven't said it is working properly.. it would be nice if a GM would just make a statement about it.. then have mods auto lock/delete any phoenix veno threads ..

    in my opinion they don't have a clue as to whether its supposed to work like that or not.. they are fine with just letting it sit in a gray area
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    they also haven't said it is working properly.. it would be nice if a GM would just make a statement about it.. then have mods auto lock/delete any phoenix veno threads ..

    in my opinion they don't have a clue as to whether its supposed to work like that or not.. they are fine with just letting it sit in a gray area
    Don't get me wrong. I personally think the skill is overpowered in PVP. I have it on my Nix but almost never bother to use it, even against world bosses. I'd much rather have the Stun trigger than bleed personally.

  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Don't get me wrong. I personally think the skill is overpowered in PVP. I have it on my Nix but almost never bother to use it, even against world bosses. I'd much rather have the Stun trigger than bleed personally.

    Never said you didn't say that.. I was more commenting on that fact that an official position hasn't been taken by the GMs .. and if they would just do that.. it would save a lot of this back and forth and stop a new post on phoenix venos from being created every day
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Never said you didn't say that.. I was more commenting on that fact that an official position hasn't been taken by the GMs .. and if they would just do that.. it would save a lot of this back and forth and stop a new post on phoenix venos from being created every day

    Naw it wouldn't. People would then start fighting over something else. It's like that in every game i've ever played. Scream Cry Moan Whine... oh I got what I wanted?? Well theres this issue over here... Scream Cry Moan Whine Tantrum Tantrum....

    It never ends. Even when like the Flesh Ream issue... the concern is Legitimate.

  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It never ends. Even when like the Flesh Ream issue... the concern is Legitimate.


    Oh I know.. but at least a new issue to whine about would give me more entertaining reads for a while when I am sitting here bored at work
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh I know.. but at least a knew issue to whine about would give me more entertaining reads for a while when I am sitting here bored at work
    LOL same here! And I work from home.

  • Qqme - Lost City
    Qqme - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Find ONE post or thread on these forums stating Flesh Ream is broken that was NOT written by a player. Can't? That is because there ARE no official statements by any GM's or DEV's on these forums making that type of statement. Until THEY say it's broke. It's Not. And you can bet they ARE aware of the amount of damage it does and have said NOTHING.

    Nuff said.



    xarfox wrote: »
    As of now, Battle Pets are a planned part of the Expansion. We realize that some of you have some concerns regarding the Flesh Ream skill and we are looking into it.

    If it wasnt bugged why would the GMs be looking into it?
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009


    If it wasnt bugged why would the GMs be looking into it?

    yey you found that post, QTF
  • Qqme - Lost City
    Qqme - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    b:surrender took me awhile but i was in game watching a lvl 85 EA being taken out by a lvl79 Veno(with nix) and the EA not being able to get a shot off due to stun frm both nix n the veno.
  • Devarsi - Sanctuary
    Devarsi - Sanctuary Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ummm.. I am pretty sure they are allowed to look into their players concerns without it being a bug ... again I think that they don't have a clue whether it is a bug or if it was just intended to be that powerful (however ill concieved the thing was)
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Originally Posted by xarfox 10-24-2008, 01:52 PM
    As of now, Battle Pets are a planned part of the Expansion. We realize that some of you have some concerns regarding the Flesh Ream skill and we are looking into it.
    That is not an official statement saying the skill is bugged, it's a statement saying "we know YOU have concerns about X skill" It's not "Yeah it's bugged, don't use it"

    Nice try but still not an OFFICIAL statement that the skill is bugged.


    p.s. Notice this post is over 2 1/2 months old. I'm sure that is more than enough time to "look into it". If they haven't made any statements about it since.. then chances are, they don't plan on doing so and are probably LOL over all the QQ about it.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The skill does the same damage in pve and pvp whilst all other skills for all classes and pets do a 1/4-ish reduction pve to pvp. Do u see this as not being a bug? Remember this is not the first version of the game and it was confirmed as a bug in older versions.
    Official Guild History

  • Miatemaro - Heavens Tear
    Miatemaro - Heavens Tear Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The skill does the same damage in pve and pvp whilst all other skills for all classes and pets do a 1/4-ish reduction pve to pvp. Do u see this as not being a bug? Remember this is not the first version of the game and it was confirmed as a bug in older versions.

    No as Im smarter than most ppl here it seems like. Pheonix is working as intended and flesh ream is working as intended so no there is no bug with either period. There is a bug that the damage reduction isnt being taken into account is the bug.

    Seriously I have arcane armor on and 3k hp and I can deal with 2 nixs on me. Stop ur damn whining for the wrong frakkin ****. Get better plain and simple. Devs of another game ruined there game listening to such BS from some players when all they had to do is get better at playing. Once you pull your heads from where the sun dont shine you may realize that.
    working it Q_Q
  • Voices - Lost City
    Voices - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Informative posts. I did not know that it was the skill flesh ream that was bugged, and that this issue was separate from the phoenix.

    I'm interested now, could people make little phoenix equivalents by skilling a pet bird with flesh ream? That's a lot cheaper than buying the actually phoenix b:shocked
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Informative posts. I did not know that it was the skill flesh ream that was bugged, and that this issue was separate from the phoenix.

    I'm interested now, could people make little phoenix equivalents by skilling a pet bird with flesh ream? That's a lot cheaper than buying the actually phoenix b:shocked

    Pre-phoenix we used to use Petite Sawflies with as high a Flesh Ream as it could hold. Heck, even my golem has been given Flesh Ream and maxed, just a carry-over from when I was on Lost City and another server I'm not supposed to talk about.
This discussion has been closed.