Please Rollback GM



  • Ethas - Heavens Tear
    Ethas - Heavens Tear Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If they are suspended they will be back. And parade with what they did. And they will play with the COINS stashed away to friends and other accounts. So lets hope its a perma BAN. Anyway they can do another character and recover they Il Gains from friends.
  • tabit
    tabit Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    O, I read what was rpoblem. and why people are asking for roll back.
    A lot of people lost money from this. However, why not set the rpice limit on the Gold trade? don't allow anyone to sell you Gold above said like 110k. only buy at prices that were normal before the bug happened. if Majority of people have patience. this will stop the overpriced Gold problems. i know people want their Boutique items right away through buying gold at auctioneer, but have some patience.

    The money grubbers and glitch users can't control the market. You can by not buying from them.

    Oh look. they bought a bunch of gold they can't use unless they sell at reasonable prices.

    I don't like the fact about some of them having made Huge amounts of money either. It's not fair. I am undecided on Rollback though. I can understand where the higher lvls will be hurt if rolled back.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    a3shuzy3 wrote: »
    continued? inflation?
    Are you kidding me with what your saying?
    Did you exploit the dirty cash too? is that why your so defensive?
    I'm positive that you did because you are so against it.
    You need to see "Continued" 10x inflation?
    Stop acting like GM by hoping that PW will get better it self in 2 days because the big ones got banned.

    I pay 50 dollars for 50 gold, which is 5 million.
    You tell me how many people got at least 3~5 million now?

    I do not need your opinion on this one since you talk as if some exploiters getting away is nothing bad.

    Do me a favour and do not reply.

    Most of players are not rich as you.

    Sorry, I'm not going to do you the favor of letting you blabber like an **** without response.

    Your first argument is an Ad Hominem and not worthy of response since it is not in the least based upon any evidence.

    And I can NOT tell you how many people profited from this. But then neither can YOU tell us how many are left having profited nor what the overall effect on the economy will be.

    As I've pointed out over and over, which you seem to miss or ignore, I voted FOR a rollback yesterday when servers went down.

    PW has made a decision and I am simply pointing out the fallacy of the arm-chair quarterbacks that think they are going to reverse this decision or somehow know MORE than those that made it.

    If you think I don't MIND exploiters having gotten away with it then I suggest you learn how to read for CONTENT as I have explicitly stated over and over I think anyone that knows of an exploiter should file a report with the specifics. I'd like to see an ongoing investigation and continued bans and removal of ingame coin and items.
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think instead of spending hours going through logs to find out who exploited the bug, they could have used that time to track down those who paid for zhen and then rolled back. Maybe set a precedent that if something like this ever happened again, there would be a roll back and those involved would be suspended. I really think a rollback would have been the cleanest solution >.<
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh, totally. However, I believe the reason behind that would be the charging of the gold itself. If they had a rollback, then anyone who actually purchased Zen during that time (for whatever reason), would have it rolled back so that they didn't buy it. However, their credit card (or whatever they used to pay) would still state that they were charged for said Zen.

    Now, since PWI offers multiple avenues to pay for Zen, almost all of which are used somehow, this would mean going one-by-one, through every payment option, telling them to reset all of their purchases received from PWI from the time the rollback would revert to.

    Lots of paperwork, red tape, hair pulling, and sumo wrestling (okay, maybe not the last, but still...) ensue...perhaps it's just too much of a hassle to trudge through it? I don't know, it's just my theory...I'm only 18 years old, freshman in college, the works...but still, I still am content with the way they handled it. Thanks for not instantly flaming, Ethas. ^_^v
    Electronic payment processing is rife with fraud. Pretty much every credit card or payment service requires that merchants maintain a record of their transactions to prove the charge is legit in case of a chargeback. All PWI would have to do is go through their payment logs from the time the serves came up with the bugged patch, to when they were taken down to fix it. Then re-credit all those people with the appropriate amount of Zen.

    Heck, if you look at your gold trading history in the auction house, you'll see even that tracks every time you bought/sold gold, the exact date and time, and the sell/buy price. Do you think they'd be less careful with real dollars?
  • a3shuzy3
    a3shuzy3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Sorry, I'm not going to do you the favor of letting you blabber like an **** without response.

    Your first argument is an Ad Hominem and not worthy of response since it is not in the least based upon any evidence.

    And I can NOT tell you how many people profited from this. But then neither can YOU tell us how many are left having profited nor what the overall effect on the economy will be.

    As I've pointed out over and over, which you seem to miss or ignore, I voted FOR a rollback yesterday when servers went down.

    PW has made a decision and I am simply pointing out the fallacy of the arm-chair quarterbacks that think they are going to reverse this decision or somehow know MORE than those that made it.

    If you think I don't MIND exploiters having gotten away with it then I suggest you learn how to read for CONTENT as I have explicitly stated over and over I think anyone that knows of an exploiter should file a report with the specifics. I'd like to see an ongoing investigation and continued bans and removal of ingame coin and items.

    There isn't much of time to investigate and ban exploiters if they did survive.
    You sound very ignorant as much as I do to you perhaps.
    File a report and ongoing investigation is something you'd want to do for your own tea time.

    Since you can not tell how many exploiters got away nor I can give you an evidence of them getting away, why not take the possible idea of disaster and start worrying about it instead of if theres no evidence I don't care. That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. If there was an evidence the whole world would be happy and so on. Since we can not detect all the exploits out with any evidence and also, this is not something you can do with your 'tea time', we must act quick and reasonable. Not like you who needs a continued inflation with continuted investigation of banning while the money still rolls around the market.
    Think big please instead of trying to find the flaws or an argument against me.

    So do me another favour,
    Do not Reply Me with you stating my flaws or my arguments are.
    and also start give little care about how the game goes around and not just wait for the evidence for a long time investigation that ends up 3 days suspension.
  • KumoriChan - Heavens Tear
    KumoriChan - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wooosh! I'm in.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    a3shuzy3 wrote: »
    There isn't much of time to investigate and ban exploiters if they did survive.
    You sound very ignorant as much as I do to you perhaps.
    File a report and ongoing investigation is something you'd want to do for your own tea time.

    Since you can not tell how many exploiters got away nor I can give you an evidence of them getting away, why not take the possible idea of disaster and start worrying about it instead of if theres no evidence I don't care. That is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. If there was an evidence the whole world would be happy and so on. Since we can not detect all the exploits out with any evidence and also, this is not something you can do with your 'tea time', we must act quick and reasonable. Not like you who needs a continued inflation with continuted investigation of banning while the money still rolls around the market.
    Think big please instead of trying to find the flaws or an argument against me.

    So do me another favour,
    Do not Reply Me with you stating my flaws or my arguments are.
    and also start give little care about how the game goes around and not just wait for the evidence for a long time investigation that ends up 3 days suspension. presume to know what's best based ONLY on what you know as a player and forum member. The decision was made by PW based upon all the information YOU have AND their GMs, QA staff, developers and financial people. They made a decision with a load more information than you have at your disposal yet you and others STILL claim you could make a better one.

    If I had to choose between your decision making process or theirs given the information each of you has there is no choice...their decision has a better chance of mitigating the overall risk from this problem.

    If you can't see that then I'd submit your ego is what's talking.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Electronic payment processing is rife with fraud. Pretty much every credit card or payment service requires that merchants maintain a record of their transactions to prove the charge is legit in case of a chargeback. All PWI would have to do is go through their payment logs from the time the serves came up with the bugged patch, to when they were taken down to fix it. Then re-credit all those people with the appropriate amount of Zen.

    Heck, if you look at your gold trading history in the auction house, you'll see even that tracks every time you bought/sold gold, the exact date and time, and the sell/buy price. Do you think they'd be less careful with real dollars? that's how it works? Alrighty, then, cool...well, I guess I still have a lot to learn about finance... ^_^ Thanks for clearing it up, though.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Renara - Heavens Tear
    Renara - Heavens Tear Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Why are you bringing politics into a thread discussing the failure of PWI's emergency maintenance?

    Because it's the best explanation I've been able to imagine for the failure of PWI's emergency maintenance. My suggestion is that the GMs' mystifying disregard for the majority opinion might stem from the policies of the company for which they work, which is based in a country where disregard for the majority opinion is the norm. The concept of a referendum is alien to them.
    "Sorry, we don't need a barbarian. We have a frog."
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    this is all a load of bs so many rich players in game atm, that didnt work for it pfft

    Mosz- HT
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Because it's the best explanation I've been able to imagine for the failure of PWI's emergency maintenance. My suggestion is that the GMs' mystifying disregard for the majority opinion might stem from the policies of the company for which they work, which is based in a country where disregard for the majority opinion is the norm. The concept of a referendum is alien to them.

    Since when does majority opinion in the US dictate the detailed business and technical decisions of corporations?

    It might dictate indirectly broad-brushed business direction but not details on the level we're talking about here.

    And since when is a majority opinion on an MMO forum representative of the majority of the player base?
  • Laroca - Heavens Tear
    Laroca - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ethas add my voise too to the list

    As some of you heard about MU Online (Originally made by WebZen) I was a player there too this game was nice (not like PW) it's only problem that it was an OPEN BETA game same as here PWI is an OPEN BETA so bug, problems even hacks could happen.
    Unfortunately the staff that was given to the international game sever were koreans who didn't know how to manage the game properly and therefore hackers were by millions and some bugs too.
    Later (about 2 years) they fixed about 70% of all security issiues and hacks BUT it was not good enugh hacker came back and new bugs were discoverd and then they tryed to fix it again and still 40% of users were useing hacks or abusing bugs.
    MU economy was impossible for a honset to get good gear or items.
    After some time they upgraded the game and put it coin shops (before was all tradings) and the economy stil was a mess.
    At the year 2007 (I think) K2 Networks bought the game server from WebZen and upgraded the game again blocking about 90% of all hacks and bugs, but again... and new bug was found COINS DUPE and the economy went to a total chaos just about when thinks got brighter, loads of users were banned and the bug was fixed since then all was silent and calm.
    1 day some new **** came poping in and all hunting spots were full with hackers killing everything and where were the GM's? still untill this very day it's a mystery...

    To sum up all that I said and not to make you too confused and not understand what I said is:

    MU Online GM's didn't gave much... time? concern? inspection? I can't think about a word that can decribe what they did cus they didn't do anything FOR and TO the players event that K2 solgen was "players first" I see the players but I don't the the First thingy...

    PWI GM's do a good job managing this game server to prove it they shuted down the servers and fixed the problems, thats about 110% more things done then the GM's at MU online EVER did.

    Rollback is a good solution for a DUPE problem I couldn't agree more to make a sever rollback after all users who abused this bug GET PERMENANTLY BAD (inclued IP).
    I will lose allot for items, coins, exp, and pets BUT it's a price i'm willing to pay for that the game will stay stable and will be safer form hacks and and bugs
    Just to remind you this is an OPEN BETA so events like this MAY return, we can't know when it will happen next, we can't predict how bad it will affect the game, but we can know that we have GM's that will do all they can to fix the problems and make our gaming experience better.

    PWE administration may have not agreed to do a server rollback due to reasons that we can't know or are beyond our understanding, in that case we can't blame and flame the GM's or Forums MOD for not doing server rollback, but if we DO want to make the administration to notice that the users Do SUPPORT a server rollback we can make a petition like Ethas made and get more then X amount of users to sign it.

    Now to another thing.

    What is the next step on the servers? We can't know MAYBE they plan to make more bans for users who got "rich" from the coins bug or MAYBE they will do a server rollback, or even an event to bring things back on track?
    This is still unclear right now it's the weekend so an answer won't come now or maybe even tomorrow BUT i'm sure on Monday (not later then that) we will recive an official statement about the next happenings on the servers.

    Right now I think we all should sign the petition and be calm cus flaming and getting angery won't solve anything, and remembr it's ONLY A GAME! if you remember the quotation: "Use at your own risk!" Cus no one made you go into this game, this is just a game to pass time and have fun with friends.

    Personally i'm Ethas guild mate and I got to know a great guy here it will be very disappointing to see him leaving cus of this stupid event I hope he won't cus from this game I got to know a really cool people and to leave cus of some greedy people will is not the solution and it's very unfriendly.

    So I hope I made some people look at the matter in diffrent way and gave my ideas as well I hope you all WILL stay and with a lil trust and hard work we can sort this out
  • a3shuzy3
    a3shuzy3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009 presume to know what's best based ONLY on what you know as a player and forum member. The decision was made by PW based upon all the information YOU have AND their GMs, QA staff, developers and financial people. They made a decision with a load more information than you have at your disposal yet you and others STILL claim you could make a better one.

    If I had to choose between your decision making process or theirs given the information each of you has there is no choice...their decision has a better chance of mitigating the overall risk from this problem.

    If you can't see that then I'd submit your ego is what's talking.

    PW made an action based upon all the information, is absolutely right.
    More likely they earned a lot of real money from this incident since gold had to be purchased. Perhaps you could argue again and say people could easily buy a gold in auction house but No.

    Their decision is simply reduce the risk of marketing inflation and etc.
    What I wanted to hear is a complete wipe out of the risk.

    Again, I presume to know whats the best decision not only from people but from a common sense of behaving the future risk without a strong evidence yet a strong possibility.

    Once again, do not comment on my behaviour nor my flaws nor my arguements
    Do me a Favour this time, make your own thread about people should respect GM's decision and not cry like us.
  • Zuleica - Heavens Tear
    Zuleica - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    a3shuzy3 wrote: »
    PW made an action based upon all the information, is absolutely right.
    More likely they earned a lot of real money from this incident since gold had to be purchased. Perhaps you could argue again and say people could easily buy a gold in auction house but No.

    Their decision is simply reduce the risk of marketing inflation and etc.
    What I wanted to hear is a complete wipe out of the risk.

    Again, I presume to know whats the best decision not only from people but from a common sense of behaving the future risk without a strong evidence yet a strong possibility.

    Once again, do not comment on my behaviour nor my flaws nor my arguements
    Do me a Favour this time, make your own thread about people should respect GM's decision and not cry like us.

    You are unrealistic. And, given the fact you seemed to comment on my arguements and even directly stated I must have taken advantage of the exploit myself, I certainly WILL comment on your arguements, flaws and behaviour. I respond in kind. Try and use ad homeniems on me and I'll come right back at you.

    And I don't doubt that some amount was purchased with RL $s. However the whole POINT of the exploit was to use a very small amount of zen initially and then trade gpld back and forth with coin without having to spend RL $s.
  • nicoleluva
    nicoleluva Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    b:angry ~Signed~ ROLLBACK and I reckon I'll get back to playing PWI again and we'd all have trust in PW GMs & Management !

    ~ Lv 84 Veno Sanctuary, Quit Game till ROLLBACK~
  • a3shuzy3
    a3shuzy3 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You are unrealistic. And, given the fact you seemed to comment on my arguements and even directly stated I must have taken advantage of the exploit myself, I certainly WILL comment on your arguements, flaws and behaviour. I respond in kind. Try and use ad homeniems on me and I'll come right back at you.

    And I don't doubt that some amount was purchased with RL $s. However the whole POINT of the exploit was to use a very small amount of zen initially and then trade gpld back and forth with coin without having to spend RL $s.

    I've done too much talking with you and its starting to turn me into one of your kind.

    Oh, my answer is.

    No. You can talk about how damage is little and how well the problem got solved.

    My answer to you will always be No.

    Once again, nice try but No. You may better off argue other players, but not me.

    I will always want roll back and I will always want 100% wipeout with no evidence but a strong reason.

    I am more realistic than you who believes "continue investigation with a suspension, and continue 10x inflation, and no evidence no reason to panic."

    I must go out now but hope to not to see you at all talking about what I said and what I said wrong and What I am. I am who I am so do not tell me who I am since you don't seem to get who you are.

    Anyways, I just wanted to say No(sums up all my points).
  • cottman
    cottman Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I support a rollback although I know it ain't coming. Just see how many couples were married today. You can't rollback and hope they will pay the money to redo it.

    The real world in imperfect world. Live with it.

    Time wash away anything and everything. Just go ahead and quit. The more whiners quit, the fewer whiners left. A week from now I promise it will be like nothing had happened.
  • XPapewaiox - Lost City
    XPapewaiox - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I really haven't seen the economy effected on LC that much. I b et some people made some decent coin but not enough to effect the economy as a whole. Gold prices are at normal amounts, auction house is around the right level of goods/prices... seems like everything is ok.

    Why roll back now? I know some people profited, but you can't catch everyone. And every hour that passes is one more hour everyone else loses to catch a few criminals. I was for the roll back BEFORE they brought the server up, but now that everyting seems to be fine, I say leave it alone.
  • Anomandariss - Heavens Tear
    Anomandariss - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If there is a rollback, we will have to re-do all the quests we did by that time the same day, or not?
  • firebreatherr
    firebreatherr Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    roll on your backs please
  • cottman
    cottman Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If there is a rollback, we will have to re-do all the quests we did by that time the same day, or not?

    Dont worry. It wont happen b:cry
  • yakko
    yakko Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So numerous accounts have been banned. Tons of coins removed.

    But now I'm hearing that people who paid cash and then sold didn't get either. So I'm pissed because there letting these people off. They may not have exploited the glitch. Which is fine no ban... But everyone should have got there gold back and had to sell at the current rate not the 950k rate of that day. I hear someone made 800mil.

    To make things worse are faction leader got screwed out of money because they sold gold at 150k to make profit not even knowing of the glitch and now he wont get the money back? wtf

    This **** makes me want to quit. There was a poll to rollback and it should have been done.
  • Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear
    Vanyadarknae - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Please sign up VanyaDarknae and DragoDarknae for the roll back, Thanks
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Then why not post in the poll instead of making a new thread? Combigning this to there.
  • Jamesp - Sanctuary
    Jamesp - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    rollback only fair
  • Shamina - Heavens Tear
    Shamina - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    We still need the rollback.
    Would be fair for everyone.
  • iamcleric
    iamcleric Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Apparently my post was deleted about boycotting the cash shop.

    This is what PW is all about - tyranny. This is not a democracy people. We are not freely able to express ourselves.

    All I said was I will not buy anything from the cash shop (or from other players cash shop items) for 1 MONTH.

    This is my stand. This is how I feel. And I am not encouraging you to do it. But in a free world, we can voice out how we feel. We can opt not to buy.

    I, with other players, wil be boycotting the cash shop.

    PWI betrayed my trust. PWI mishandled the incident and have made many gamers unjustly gain millioons of coins and damaged in game economy.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm just going to say LOL at the above poster.
  • lordmoto
    lordmoto Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Wolfstriker heaven's tear
This discussion has been closed.