Phoenix Flesh Ream Issues



  • XNamieAmurox - Heavens Tear
    XNamieAmurox - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Here is my take on this subject given what I've experienced with my Veno and phoenix. The GM's are pretty well aware of the flesh ream issue as they have tried patching it on the CN version. I do admit that I have a slight advantage over my opponent whenever I pvp with my phoenix, however it's far from calling it god-like. In a one on one match, a veno/phoenix can actually be defeated given that both sides are prepared for each other. However, in a free-for-all environment, whoever ambushes first usually have the upper hand. Now when it comes to TW, this is where I feel the phoenix's flesh ream becomes a big problem. A few venos with phoenixes does not make much of a difference in a TW fight, BUT the tide will shift when one side has at least 20 or more. Even with all the counters you can think of fighting against the phoenix flesh ream, it simply does not work in a TW battle especially when your opponent faction is raining them down on you constantly. TW is practically broken at this point. You can mix and match a combination of the best skilled players in other classes and still easily lose to a faction made up of mostly veno/phoenixes. It now becomes a matter of which faction has the most veno/phoenix that can fight for them in TW.
  • Souhi - Heavens Tear
    Souhi - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The flesh ream is a problem for TW, like Namie said. That and when the nix's are raining down on you from a guild with twenty plus venos with nix's, it can get just a little irritating. I'm not going to say to nerf the nix, because I know it's simply natural that such an expensive pet, bought with game money, or cash shop, would most definately be more powerful than a regular pet. It's just ridiculous to have a veno with a nix that could be around fifty, taking out seventy plus bms and many other classes just because they have a veno, while they sit back within 'sending pet' range. Of course they'd have to come to around a 35 range to heal their pet, but who needs to heal their pet when it goes down, rips off some stuns and a flesh ream and flies back while the affected are stunned and dying at a fast rate. Maybe there's a possible way to have nix's not be used in TW?
  • chipsing1234
    chipsing1234 Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Not bothering to read through the posts...but..
    In PvP, duels or otherwise, damage is reduced by 1/4. Yet, a pet's bleed is not reduced: in other words, bleed that would do 2k to a mob does 2k to a person. Is it just me, or is that seriously imbalanced? Why has it not been corrected yet?
  • Aerilius - Heavens Tear
    Aerilius - Heavens Tear Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh look, another thread about venos versus everyone else.
  • Voxstellarum - Heavens Tear
    Voxstellarum - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ellestor you should quit this game. or spend a huge stack of money for a phoenix of your own. or just shut up and let those who DO, enjoy the money they spent. In the end its just fun, and pointing the finger at triad is just stupid. Theres guilds with MORE phoenixes doing LESS, AND being much louder and rude about it.
  • jenjenjenjen
    jenjenjenjen Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ellestor stop your effing whining and stfu? period. you talk to much.
    girl with little fairy dress running around prancing. hate boys that talk too much like little girls. now STFU!!!!!
  • Jdblade - Heavens Tear
    Jdblade - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't mind the phoenix itself at all. just the flesh damage and also the fact that pets can stun with pounce annoys me. all class pets in TW should also be taken out they are only in there to annoy people.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    all class pets in TW should also be taken out they are only in there to annoy people.

    amen *looks over at Vox*
  • jenjenjenjen
    jenjenjenjen Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    B*tch slap Ellestor for whining *slap slap slap*
    little boy with pink fairy dress.
    i consider you like a little rat!
    talk so much little boy!
    i bet ya rat on your own friends.
  • DivineChang - Heavens Tear
    DivineChang - Heavens Tear Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It's not a bug it's a feature. (years later) It's a bug not a feature (removes it) Oh wait.. this isn't EVE sorry my bad.

    Honestly.. do you think this game would have these pets with this much power for this long.. if they were not meant to? Things are working as intended! (and yes, i've been on both ends of a phoenix...) For that much cash for ONE item, it SHOULD be so strong that everyone fears it. And ya'll knew long before it got here, that it was coming, and would be just as strong as it is on all the other versions of PWI, so there is no need to complain about it. The Devs made it this way, and have NOT attempted to change or nerf it in any way shape or form.. which means.. thats how they INTENDED it to be.

    So... Your stuff.. My bank.. k thanks!


    About the whole pheonix costs so much and it should be feared thing... How would you like it if every class could get a 20m+ item to make them do insane amounts of damage? Pheonixes are bugged and shouldn't be so overpowered. If EVERYONE had an item like this, it would be fair. But, it wouldn't be so fun would it? This bug should be taken care of. People that are lower lvls shouldn't be able to take down higher lvls so easily.
  • jenjenjenjen
    jenjenjenjen Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    STFU DivineChang

    get to lvl 80+ and spend 20 mil on HP shards.

    now STFU all yall. whiny little boys running around talking so much...
  • jenjenjenjen
    jenjenjenjen Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You know its funny everyday more and more Triad QQs. Always seems to be alot from Avengers because they have "heart". How bout people stop whining and grow the hell up. Not my fault yall don't cash shop. Hell some our members didnt even buy there pheonixs with real money instead they saved up there coin. SOMETHING YOU CAN DO TO! But half yall to busy crying about yalls loss to us.

    Heres something yall should try, fighting Radiance...

    I do believe they have 30+ pheonixs... hmm... MUCH more then Triad even has....

    As far as the pheonix "bug" use pots, it works. Stop trying to make the game easier because you fail at this thing called strategy.

    muhahahhahha Trenith is my man!! lmao
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    STFU DivineChang

    get to lvl 80+ and spend 20 mil on HP shards.

    now STFU all yall. whiny little boys running around talking so much...

    wow youre dumb
    my chestpiece alone is worth 3-4 Phoenixes, im full vitality build, get complaints every day from Archers of equal level that im impossible to kill
    yet i have to run from level 80 WFs with a phoenix
    sounds broken to me
  • WlNG - Heavens Tear
    WlNG - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh no, is this going to turn out to be one of those games where "who ever buys the most cash shop item.." wins in TW or pvp? Oh god please no.

    As to the Phoenix thing. I do agree it is quite strong but I'm not very experienced in pvp nor like it to comment on this, so the decision on this on my part is neutral.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    STFU DivineChang

    get to lvl 80+ and spend 20 mil on HP shards.

    now STFU all yall. whiny little boys running around talking so much...

    Erh lol... 20 mil on hp chards is nothing in terms of nix defence. U can just as well go out nekid against a QQbird and die in 3 sec if u only spent 20 mil.

    Try get to lvl 99 and spend 2000 mil on refine and hp chards...than maybe u wont die by the 3 tick of flesh ream. So everyone get lvl 100 and STFU and stop crying. Sell your car + widescreen + cat w/e so u can zhen 24/7 to lvl 100. Than get youre 99 gold gear +10 and your warsoul weapon +12 and than the nix wont hurt so much and everything will be nice and balanced ^_^

    To bad no one on PWI will have that until 1-2 years from now and i doubt any of us will be around than.
  • Venton - Lost City
    Venton - Lost City Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I run no matter who attacks me, problem solved.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    About the whole pheonix costs so much and it should be feared thing... How would you like it if every class could get a 20m+ item to make them do insane amounts of damage? Pheonixes are bugged and shouldn't be so overpowered. If EVERYONE had an item like this, it would be fair. But, it wouldn't be so fun would it? This bug should be taken care of. People that are lower lvls shouldn't be able to take down higher lvls so easily.

    The Phoenix is a LEGENDARY PET, not an Elite pet, LEGENDARY. This translates for those of you who seem to be a bit slow as "super uber powerful wtfpwn your **** BBQ!" The Phoenix isn't bugged. The skill you MUST BUY AND ADD to the Phoenix "Flesh Ream" isn't even bugged actually, it's just not been adjusted with the phoenix's attack power in mind.

    A Sawfly does nasty damage with Flesh Ream, but not nearly the damage the Phoenix does.. why? the skill itself is based off the pets ATTACK POWER.

    People scream "nerf the phoenix, it's bugged. nerf the phoenix...." nerf a LEGENDARY pet and turn it into another every day same old same old POS garbage pet? Why? because you can't adjust your play style to something stronger than you have been used too?

    Fix the skill flesh ream.. maybe, i'd have to agree it needs adjusting when applied to the nix, but nerf a Legendary pet? How? Adjust it's attack power down? Then it's not legendary... just normal.

    So.. the Nix isn't bugged. It's exactly what it should be. Exceptionally powerful because of what it is. A LEGENDARY pet.

    You also totally refused to even bother commenting on what I said.. The DEVELOPERS (read this my slow minded friend, as the ones who created and continue to write and maintain the code for this game) made the Legendary pets as strong as they are. The pets themselves have NOT been changed in ANY version of PWI, EVER (although the flesh ream skill was nerfed, then returned to it's previous level in the MY version I hear). This means.. The pets are working as intended. Which means.. Adjust your play style to the pet, or quit the game. Either way, QQ about it and adjust or die.

    ~Saitada (yes I have BOTH legendary pets).
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Im relatively new to this game, and I have not experienced a pheonix in a pvp situation. So my opinion here is solely based on what I have read.

    From what I can tell there are poeple that are claiming that Flesh Ream is too overpowered because it kills them when no one else can kill them. This, to me, suggest that Flesh Ream is a game balancer to people who cannot be killed by any other means. This may be an over simplistic view of the situation, but so far the arguements against Pheonix Flesh Ream is weak at best.

    Now if you were to say something like:

    "I have the best equipment possible, and I win alot of battles in pvp by just the tiniest bit against other classes of simular level and even ocassionaly lose. The only thing I really hate is when I and 2 of my buddies of different classes fight a Veno with A Pheonix (the best equipment for a veno) of simular level we never win..."

    This is a more valid arguement.

    I see lots of people stating that they can easily kill venos regardless of the pheonix. This suggests to me that the Pheonix does not make you a god. Which leads me to one conclusion, the pheonix flesh ream is not as bugged as people are claiming.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ZZZ I keep telling myself im going to stop posting about phoenix but u guys keep posting stuff that is so wrong b:sweat

    Pvp build venos are not in arcne armor they are in light/heavy therefore not a 3 shot. Also if i got 3 shots on a veno i would be happy. The problem is as has been said before the veno runs away whilst the phoenix bleeds and normal attacks until u are dead. Therefore u die without the veno ever being close enough for u to attack back. Also there is chain stun from venos who actually like to stick around.

    Wrong. Alot of pheonix venos are arcane because they feel they let the pheonix do the work for them whilst they run away. Yes light and heavy can be harder to take down but from what i've noticed is about 85% of those venos are arcane builds. That's why I specified taking down the arcane veno in 3 shots. I have also specified many ways to survive pheonix ganks.

    I was getting ganked by 3-5 pheonixes sometimes in TW and surviving.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am also from Avengers.

    Please understand that it is NOT the pheonix that is bugged, it is the flesh ream skill which isn't reduced to 75% damage in pvp. They will not nerf the pheonix which does not come with the flesh ream skill, it just has a high attack which is worth the $$. They will not cancel pheonix/hercules sales and they will not tick off their paying customers.

    I've done my fair share of reading on both the MY fourms and pwi. Pwi forums are more or less 'QQ pheonix kill me nerf venos plz' whilst the MY forums are more informative of the situation. This is the info gathered from what i've read;

    On the MY severs which have more of the player base in their higher levels (90+) they did at one stage nerf the bleed pet skill and reduce it to what it should be in pvp but it left venomancers completly underpowered, especially arcane/magic build venos. Also understand that venomancers have very weak magic attack even as pure magic builds compared to wizards and clerics. (So obviously, it isn't the "veno" that should be nerfed.)

    At those high levels, everyone has their gear highly refined like at least 5+ for the HP bonuses so having the flesh ream skill reduced made killing or surviving other classes insanley hard. They ended up fixing it back to it's 'bugged' state which balanced things out, I mean yeah it's 1k bleed but it dosen't last long and they all have like 6k+ HP at the lowest.

    I've explained this a few times already though but people just dont get it through their thick skulls, venomancers do not need to be nerfed as it is not their skills hitting 1k DoT nor is it the pheonix. It's the FLESH REAM PET SKILL WHICH CAN BE TAUGHT TO [ANY] PET. They will not nerf pheonixes nor will they cancel sales. There are also many ways to survive pheonix ganks.

    Invest in apothecary potions and level 79 skills, refine your gear or just run when you see it coming. Use +HP shards or stun the bird or jump underwater if possible. Stop crying and be proactive.

    I am so sick of you 'QQ veno overpowered' 'omg nerf pheonix it kill me' people, more than half of you dont even investigate into the real cause of the problem let alone find solutions around it when there's plenty.

    Keep this is mind before claiming the "pheonix is overpowered"
  • Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear
    Foxx_trott - Heavens Tear Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Good post!
    You will never do anything in this world without courage.
    It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so 5 legendary armor pieces +legendary wep should be <1 legendary pet?
  • Frostbyte - Heavens Tear
    Frostbyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Flesh Ream issue or not, PWI seems to favor Venos more than anyone else.

    This, in my opinion, is completely unfair to the other 5 classes.

    1: The selling of rare pets = easy coinage.
    (Of course you can argue this with "there's still the challenge of which veno manages to get it", or whatever.. but there's nothing close to this for any of the other 5 classes. Selling rare pets and all class pets comes from venos who, in the end, gain the major coin the easiest without zen or grinding).

    2: The Christmas Blessing (EVENT-gained item) = no pet feeding unless they die.
    (You can argue this by saying the blessing benefits whoever wears it. That may be true, but that doesn't mean the venos don't get the +1% crit. The other 5 classes get the advantage of not having to feed their pets also. But other classes only have to worry about feeding mounts; this gives venos a major advantage than previous to the blessing, as they save coin on their pet food.)

    3: Cash Shop-originated pets.
    (Whether you got your pheonix with pure game coin or spent any amount of zen on it, it still originated from the cash shop. So yes, Pheonix and Hercules are Cash Shop pets. Why is there no Cash Shop Axe for barbs and BMs? Or a Cash Shop bow for archers? It's not the fact that its from the boutique, as charms and refining orbs are in the boutique.... its the fact that the pets are only beneficial to one class.)

    I'm not here to argue, just to say the above, since I may not even remember to read here again. lol But.. if there 'is' a glitch going on with the Pheonix, then the venos need to get over it and let them fix it lol.. because venos already have a major advantage over the other classes, in my opinion.

    If there's no glitch, then everyone else should get over it. lol Like I said, I'm not in this argument. Just stating the advantages venos already have over the rest of us.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Never mind... I am just not going to bother to try arguing with dense, thick skulled idiots that can't discern the difference between the pet, and the skill that needs to be added to the pet. Don't like fighting a Phoenix handling Veno, then run. You laughed and said QQ when Veno's were bitching blades/barbs 10-20 levels lower than them could 1-2 KO them (arcane veno's). Now your not laughing your crying... So.. from a Veno that has a Phoenix, and has flesh ream (even if I do agree the skill is over powered when coupled with the phoenix)... QQ b:laughb:laugh

  • Veltore - Heavens Tear
    Veltore - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There is a easy fix to this.Just put in a cash shop flesh ream socket stone.Then every class can QQ.
  • Kuschel - Lost City
    Kuschel - Lost City Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have a phoenix. I named it VAGlNA♥.

    I'm made of freaking paper, just like the Veno's were supposed to be. I can't do all the math and **** just to be a heavy veno.

    I send my pet in to kill people, and it only has one CHANCE to stun every 60 seconds... stop QQ over stun. Oh and Lucky Scarab.. woo 1.5 second stun.

    Only way I can kill is if people don't see me coming... I can't tell you how many times I've died because I went to gank someone, then they see me and kill me...

    Sleep the bird, then kill the veno, it's not that hard.

    EA, stun the bird, then kill the veno.

    WR, stun the bird, then kill the veno.

    Yes, I admit that the bird **** people in no time. I paid 18m in game coins for it... it better **** ~.~

    Umm kinda off-topic, but all I ever see is people QQ over the stupid strong Pheonix bleed... why doesn't anyone ever QQ over the ability veno's have to tank solo HH runs with a Herc? That's got stupid strong P.Def and M.Def and ****.

    Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you can always do like that one phrase says... "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." ?

    That's what I did. x3

    Yeah I had my EP to start, then I rerolled WF with Herc, raised monies for a Phoenix.

    Stop crying already, adjust to the new challenge.
    No hiding in room 32 NPC.

  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You laughed and said QQ when Veno's were bitching blades/barbs 10-20 levels lower than them could 1-2 KO them (arcane veno's). Now your not laughing your crying... So.. from a Veno that has a Phoenix, and has flesh ream (even if I do agree the skill is over powered when coupled with the phoenix)... QQ b:laughb:laugh


    we laughed and said QQ cause a pvp build veno (which is LA/HA) would have to be major fail to get 1-2 hit by another class
    crappy pve build QQ over pvp yes its lol, it wasnt the la venos or even arcane with gold tt, properly socketed with shards that were QQing, it was the ones in **** gear use to not needing gear for pve that would QQ

    and yey for hercs taking out the need for barbs in 90% of situations
  • Wanyudo - Lost City
    Wanyudo - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The more you post the more you show you do not even know how to play your class Ren. I have been in tons of TWs, WITHOUT a bleed skill and I never had a problem killing anyone. Heck, I'd have my pet attack one person, I"d hit another with spells and kill them both. I do not have a phoenix nor do any of my pets have flesh ream. You simply suck at the class.

    Plus there is the simple fact that the class is not meant to be a killer in pvp.....

    if you're so good in PvP, why not come over to the LC...?
  • Wanyudo - Lost City
    Wanyudo - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Why is there no Cash Shop Axe for barbs and BMs? Or a Cash Shop bow for archers? It's not the fact that its from the boutique, as charms and refining orbs are in the boutique.... its the fact that the pets are only beneficial to one class.

    you know, i like the thought of this..
  • Kurosuke - Heavens Tear
    Kurosuke - Heavens Tear Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Venos can have whatever unfair $200 money game pet they want, as long as I can get an unfair $200 money game bow :) Fair's fair right? b:victory
This discussion has been closed.