Rare Pets Veno guild?
oh, i wish i was on HT! but is there anythng like this on Lost City server? i love this concept- in other games i've been in, i've made a point of helping folks get unusual pets, at least up to the level i am able to catch. it would be great to do so here as well![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Angel of Peace0 -
>.<! I wanna join, but I'm running my own faction and they love too much >.>;;;;;;
Faction name is Charmed. Anyway it sounds like an awsome idea o.o; ( such a late post >.>)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Luna -still- Loves You All0 -
So let me get this straight, the idea here is to create a guild (or faction) of nothing but veno's whom help each other out capturing rare pets?
It sounds rather interesting. But what about when it comes to everything else that a guild (or faction) is about? Would a guild/faction of nothing but veno's make for good TW's. Many posts claim that the "Veno's are overpowered!" Maybe this would be a good idea for other reasons then just to lower the cost of rare pets. But I don't know, just me thinking out loud.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Luna, you don't have to join, it's just easier if I don't have to send pms to everybody for the spawn times etc^^ we can help each other anyway
HaTora; Yes, that's right
...I thoght about this, too^^ I don't have experience with TW, but I don't think only venos are good at it... the pets wouldn't be attacked and we die too easily^^
but for everything else it might work well... I think fb19 for example should be possible and quite fast with two mid-30 venos... I soloed it with 37 in about an hour.
I think we could help each other out as good as every other guild, but maybe sometimes we'd need a cleric.
btw, we have a forum for everyone who is interested in helping others with rares, but yanjing didn't answer again until now (he/she created it), and I'm having problems sending pms at the forum, sorry.~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
so miss guild leader get back at me sometime so we can get things moving along... my kitty list is only growing lol..Woem ^^0
IDK if I'd join and the guild and take on the responsibilities of being in a guild like this, as Veno is my main, but it sounds like a great idea. I'll pm you for the forum link, as I really need help getting a Shaodu cub for my friend for Christmas (She's trying to get me a Baby Tabby, so I wanted to get her something around the same worth, and I thought she had tried for a Shaodu cub a little while ago) and I could really use some help getting it. This is a great idea, just goes to show how good this game's community is.0
woem, I'll be with you tomorrow, I need to buy the last christmas presents today
again; everyone who wants to know the forum's adress please pm me, I can only answer to pms until they fix this forum...~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
Sounds like a great idea, I love those rare pets and would love one of those white bunny's (don't remember the in-game name for them) but I haven't seen it as possible to ever get my hands on one since they cost so much in the game. I myself really love bunnies (have one of my own at home) and therefor rasing one would be really great. It is really great to hear that not everyone only wants money for their rare pets.
Since the topic already is pets and I am a total newbie I was wondering those animals you see everywhere like, dogs, cats, bunnys, hens and so on they can't be tamed can they?0 -
well I've nerver seen any pets that look like hens^^
If you visit mr. zoologist in archosaur you can see how some of the pets look like that can be tamed. but the actual pets you can use spawn every 12 hours at different locations all over the map.
the snow hare is the most easiest to catch, sometimes no one is waiting for it and it respawns every hour. you should try it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Need help catching the Snow Hare (not to sell it -.-)? pm me!0 -
Yeah, and they sell for 50k in City of the Lost. PM me in game as Leolf or Nekari, I could help you out, with spawn zones at the very least.0
Leolf - Heavens Tear wrote: »Yeah, and they sell for 50k in City of the Lost. PM me in game as Leolf or Nekari, I could help you out, with spawn zones at the very least.
It would be great to get some help since I am all new to this game and don't have a clue where to find rare pets like the snow hare. I only see them sold for really high prices which I can't affored pay.
Do anyone know which lv is needed for the rare pets, I mean can I as a lv 20 have a hare?0 -
As a matter of fact, the snow hare is a level 20 pet
I'll PM you the coordinates 'n all that. (If I posted, it might help killers or something. Probably not, but I'm a safety nut XD)
0 -
Wooooow... That'd be an awesome idea. I've never had a rare pet, 'cept for the Snow Hare, but I bought it for 50K. I camped for the Tabby and for the Kowlin already (5 freaking hours!!) because those are
I have an apprentice Veno (my own little padawan, har har) in my guild, as the highest Veno, and I'd love to give her a cute little pet too. But yea. If even I don't have a chance with most of them, how on Earth would I be able to provide her?
For now my eyes are set on the Armoured Bear at lvl 80, but that's still a while to go.
I'd love to help out, and just the idea of taming the thing in the face of those greedy arses, call a noobie to the scene and give it away is PRICELESS. It's better than being able to sell the things for 600mil.
I'm even planning on providing most of my most active guildies with pets, because Ipets, and they should too. ;D It helps that I'm close to lvl 75. b:chuckle
- Richard the Warlock, LFG.
visit my gallery on !! quelfish.deviantart.com !!0 -
Im almost at lv 20...would there be anyone interested in putting together a guild like this in Lost City? this is a wonderful idea, and there should be a guild like this in all the servers.
if anyone is interested, let me know by pm here or ingame....0 -
ok, everyone who is interested in helping/joining the guild, please send me a short pm and I'll tell you the link to the forum.
another thing: someone suggested to have a permanent chatroom ingame which is pw protected, I started that but until now only yanjing knows about it, so if you're online look for the room "Artemis"...
I'll pm you the pw if you send me a forum pm, too^^
sorry, I don't have much time right now^^;~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
I'm in! I always give my pets to those venoms with lower lvls for free. So I think this could work0
I just wanted to let you all know that I probably won't be online until new year.
if you want to be invited to the guild you can try to pm Teseanna, LadySelise, Nanatzu, HDL, Agenesu ... hopefully one of them will be online(there are more members that can invite you but I don't know all the names now, sorry^^;)
Merry Christmas!~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
this guild would help lower lvls, but isn't it unfair to the higher lvl venos that want to catch rare pets for themselves? If your guild takes all the pets and sells or gives them to low lvls, then higher lvls won't be able to get them unless they buy them from you, which would be unfair since you're not giving them the oppurtunity to catch the pets for themselves.I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh0 -
huh sorry I think I don't understand your point...
there's always competition at the spawn points and higher lvl venos have better chances to catch rares anyway because they have a higher lvl taming skill.
btw, I've been camping for the kitty over and over again but since 4 weeks I couldn't catch one. I'm still trying to get one for myself, my main is lvl 40 now. many high lvl venos already have rare pets when they show up at the spawn place. low lvls don't have any chance against them.
the guild consist mostly of lower lvl venos atm, so it's not a threat for the high lvls.
the snow hare isn't really compareable with the 12h spawns, but I'm making differences there. if a guildmate or friend camps the spot with me and I get the hare I give it to him. if no one is with me and there's anyone who wants the pet for himself to fight with it I help him or go on questing and try to catch the next spawn. If there's another higher lvl veno who wants a bunny for a friend I catch only one hare and don't take away the next spawns so he can get one, too.
maybe I should have said we're trying to help each other and not only low lvls to get rares...~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
I love this idea and would like to join. My ign for venomancer is Neofelis.0
I think I want to join this guild
, I've been after the Windwalking Piggy since my main was lv 30, and even when she was lv 42, she still didnt have it, so now I want my other character to get the piggy instead of my main since she needs it more than my main does right now. My other char is lv 31 right now and her name is Rhyumi, and whenever I try to tame the piggy, the higher lvs tame it at full health, and then 5-10mins later, I see them selling rare pets they have caught several times for high prices. It's really fustrating for the venos who haven't had it yet, and want one, to see that happen.
Bodazpha, you might want to post what server you are on as well as the IGN for your veno.
To answer an earlier question (sorry can't remember the name) the hens, kitties, horses, and dogs you see in town or in certain areas are not tamable. All of them are level 1 and are for appearances only. Any mob that is tamable has a special colored icon that only a veno can see when that mob is targetted.
It is kind of a skull and cross-bones I think. Red = no chance (you are too low), yellow = possible (you are just high enough), green = better chance (plenty of levels)
The rare pets:
Frogling (Kermit...?) - lvl 9
Tabby Plumdrop (cat) - lvl 20
Shaodu Cub (small bear) - lvl 20
Snow Hare (bunny) - lvl 20
Windwalking Piggy - lvl 30
Cuddly Pup - lvl 40
Kowlin - lvl 60
Armored Bear - lvl 80
You can go to www.ecatomb.net or www.pwdatabase.com to find the spawn locations0 -
Wynnia - Heavens Tear wrote: »Bodazpha, you might want to post what server you are on as well as the IGN for your veno.
To answer an earlier question (sorry can't remember the name) the hens, kitties, horses, and dogs you see in town or in certain areas are not tamable. All of them are level 1 and are for appearances only. Any mob that is tamable has a special colored icon that only a veno can see when that mob is targetted.
It is kind of a skull and cross-bones I think. Red = no chance (you are too low), yellow = possible (you are just high enough), green = better chance (plenty of levels)
The rare pets:
Frogling (Kermit...?) - lvl 9
Tabby Plumdrop (cat) - lvl 20
Shaodu Cub (small bear) - lvl 20
Snow Hare (bunny) - lvl 20
Windwalking Piggy - lvl 30
Cuddly Pup - lvl 40
Kowlin - lvl 60
Armored Bear - lvl 80
You can go to www.ecatomb.net or www.pwdatabase.com to find the spawn locations
Oh right! I'm in Sanctuary.0 -
For a complete list of the rare pets, check the auctioneer. Under Pet eggs, there's a list of Rare pets, it has it's own catagory.0
I have tried to tame the Tabby only to have some one come up and kill itb:cry
the 3 I would Like to have the baby Tabby, Snow Hear and the Frog( i love Frogs) my Veno name in game is Esopt_Kittie.
and I think this is a great. a place to come, see and talk to peopleb:pleased0 -
I am in a faction but would like to help if I can!0
I'm currently hoping for a Kowlin when I hit 60 - I'm only 45 now but my husband (61) is planning on helping me level up soon, and I really want a Kowlin. After that my sights will be on the Elysium Fowl when I'm 73.
I did start a forum for those of us who are trying to get rare pets and help others, and hopefully we can use it after the holidays. Also, Flauschkatze and I played around with a chatroom so we can also play there and try to get the pets.yay0 -
I'm on Lost City but love this idea. I'd like to do something such as this on Lost City.b:bye0
Yeah I forgot that you can look through the filter list in the auctioneer.
If you talk to an Auctioneer, click auction house. Then hit the filter button, open Pet Eggs, then Rare Pets, it will list the names and basic stats. You will also find a list of the land mounts under Pet Eggs.
Please note that this list may not be entirely accurate for the English version. I think it is just a straight translation of the original version, so some things are in the list that haven't been implemented yet on PWI.
There are some high level pets that might have been classified as rare that may or may not actually be rare (meaning long spawn times). I am not really sure on this, but Elysium Fowl and the Nine-tailed Fox would be examples.0 -
I have a few minutes right now^^
the ingame chatroom "Artemis" is password protected, if you want to join it pm the chatroom leader, me or yanjing^^
If I'm running it I may be afk, sorry in advance if I don't answer
...don't forget to pm me for the forum link
in january I'd like to group with as many people as possible one day, to go for the rare pets and see if it works. at least this way we can block the high lvls view^^~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0
This discussion has been closed.
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