No Fake guild bids for TW but you allow TW glitches to win?



  • sseno
    sseno Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lol take ur head out of ur **** u thick headed idiot, go to hell
    u are not right about a single thing u said, ur even trying to prove GM's wrong, thats something u just dont do cos if ur a GM or a Mod, ur there for a reason, cos u no just about most or everything on how PW works.

    btw u know how u can tell when an arguement is over?

    when one of the sides just starts insulting people with no grounds or any valid points to stand on

    so basically u cant think of anything valid to say that hasnt been proved to you

    i proved to ur leader the night of, that the alt click works

    he admitted it did

    if u want a screenshot i can take 1 i have it saved in history
  • sseno
    sseno Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    and look what ive found, another forum monkey who likes to over use the word whining, i aint whining u total clueless boob,
    im pretty much having a debate with ultima that seems to know everything, so b4 spaming the post with nothing, think what ur gonna say

    as said in previous post ^ ^
  • snicker
    snicker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    one thing i have noticed about PW since the beginning and it has annoyed the hell outta me to no end IS the targeting system. "Click on something" is the ONLY option? or shift+/Alt+click?

    I think the devs missed a very important feature most all decent MMO's have...."command line option to target". Example:

    /target PlayerNameHere

    even one step farther, would be to implement another useful tool seen in many other MMOs like using "TAB"(target next NPC) or "SHift+TAB"(target next PC)

    the TAB/Shift+TAB method in other MMOs easliy allows a player to cycle through targets be it NPC or PC.

    The fact this game doesn't HAVE these simple but obviously superior targeting methods is what seeds fueds such as we are seeing here due to pure frustration of the people playing. It's really sad PW doesn't have these options.(that ive been able to find within the UI, anyway)
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yea he prob did admit it, we have been all talking today and re-thought, that it DOESNT work on stacked ppl which means we still cant click on the barb, and idk what ur talking about sseno saying the argument is already over, tell that to ultima aswell, instead of shoving urr noes into something u dont no

    just cos ur in genesis, doesnt mean u no how everything works
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Tiament - Heavens Tear
    Tiament - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    My god....this thread went down hill fast. Ok,it's been officially stated that this is NOT intended and thus will become a bannable offense.If you hate it so much that you must make such a big deal about it,simply go back to the other version(s) you once played. Otherwise,get used to it.

    New version,new GMs,new rules.

    Get over it,simple as that.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sore loser much?

    Learn from your mistakes, next time have a party of 5 wizards and a priest with red ball near the crystal. Once the WB's and catapults are all snugly in range, rush in and aoe them all to death in a matter or 5-10 seconds. Then send your tanks to their base and do the same thing.

    Seriousley this whole thread is ridiculous, ppl will always complain when they lose - even if it was fair.
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sore loser much?

    Learn from your mistakes, next time have a party of 5 wizards and a priest with red ball near the crystal. Once the WB's and catapults are all snugly in range, rush in and aoe them all to death in a matter or 5-10 seconds. Then send your tanks to their base and do the same thing.

    Seriousley this whole thread is ridiculous, ppl will always complain when they lose - even if it was fair.

    no people will not always complain when they lose
    when we lost our first TW against genesis we all said how much fun we had, and there was no whining or anything at all as it was all pure fun.

    and id love to see how ur idea of rush them and AoE them works when ur out numbered 2/1

    u see what anoyed the **** about us is the cost we put alot of cash into it and waited till the dead of night just to have to lose in 10mins by simply using a cheap trick
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Hippocrates - Heavens Tear
    Hippocrates - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    and id love to see how ur idea of rush them and AoE them works when ur out numbered 2/1

    Honestly, I'd like to know ANY strategy that works when you're outnumbered 2-1. In fact, if you're outnumbered by a lot, wouldn't AOE be the strategy of choice since there are so many people to target? You used your own AOE pretty effectively on Friday night, why not on Sunday? Just a thought.
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok everyone please stop this senseless flaming. The GM's have answered my question and I thank them for taking the time to looking in this matter and trying to make this a fair game. I consider uncalled for all remarks made to Dragons. Let's not call people you don't even know names. As the GM said:
    xarfox wrote: »
    If you go and talk to any of the Battle Coordinators they provide full tutorials on how to participate in Territory Wars and purchase catapults. What the Battle Coordinators don't tell you is that you can hide inside of your catapult so other players can't click on you. There's a reason for that, and that reason is that it is not the intended way to use them.

    So yeah, we read our info, we knew what we were doing(even if we are small and our chances of winning were slim we played it fair). All Genesis admitted after the first TW we put up a good fight. But we had no MY experience, and I am glad for that.

    I play online games for over 5 years now and I know how it can ruin the game the fact that "glitches" and "bugs" get exploited and no one does anything about it. I am sorry if we got misunderstood, but that was what we were trying to prevent. I am glad this game stands out from all others and that GM's here are doing their best to make everyone's experience of PW enjoyable.

    Thank you again to all that have the courage to speak for what is right. May the Dragon Spirit live forever in the name of fair play and harmony.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ROFL seriousley, if you are outnumberd then why are you complaining?

    So its unfair when an elephant stomps an ant? Tw isnt about being nice and going "awe we'll let this little weak guild have some land cos even tho we have 2x more ppl and levels and experience its just the right thing to do"

    I bet pretty soon we'll get posts like "omg some players used all class pets and I had to use alt-click to target them, and cos I was to slow I died and we lost TW" or "This one guild has 80 lvl90 ppl and a lot of money and now they are totally killing all our lvl 60's"
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    I recently posted this in another thread but wanted to mirror it here as well:

    First and foremost let's not start a flame war on the boards. Now we realize that a lot of our players are originally from PW-MY where a lot of things were not policed. We here at Perfect World International are dead serious about fairness and glitching.

    We will soon be revising the Territory War rules in order to include the abuse listed in the above post. In the future, if you ever see anyone abusing this bug, please submit screenshots via our Customer Support Ticketing System at:

    We will look into each report and investigate every case we receieve. The Territory Wars page will be updated later today to reflect this new policy change, and any offenses from this day forth will be dealt with swift and serious repercussions.

    Before an admin said this, there was no reason whatsoever to think that stacking people inside a catapult would be a glitch (If you can do something in the game, and it hasn't been stated to be a bug or glitch, why wouldn't you do it?

    example: no admin said that we can walk, but we do it. the same thing applies to this strategy in TW: no admin said that you could stack people inside the catapult, but no one said it was a glitch, so why wouldn't you do it?
    ultima999 wrote: »
    It is strange that I already show you concrete step by step to prove to you that alt-click works. Instead of trying it out, you are sitting on forum trying to argue something that you obviously have no clue.

    Fine, I'll rephrase my tips to suit your case.

    1. Bring 10 friends to the Wolf Cub in South Archesaur
    2. Have the 10 friends stack on each other behind the Wolf Cub
    3. You stand on the other side of the Cub
    4. You try to Click on your stacks of friends... what do you get? The wolf cub
    5. You try to Shift-Click on your stacks of friends... what do you get? The wolf cub
    6. You press Alt-Click on your stacks of friends... what do you get? A friend...

    Yay... now you are happy that you have been proven beyond a doubt that Alt-Click works.

    Please do it now.

    ultima you made me LAUGH. I read the entire thread, and all your posts, and you are agreeing with Crash. You should read go read all you & Crash's related posts.

    Crash was complaining about people stacking inside the catapult, and the fact the even when using alt+click, you can't get the catapult puller.

    I'll explain it to you ultima. If you do steps 1-6, then explain, how do you choose A SPECIFIC friend.

    Lets say you have 9 friends and your 1 girlfriend stacked on each other, and you use alt+click to click on a friend, Crash was saying that you can't choose which of those 10 friends you click, so there is no way to choose to click on your gf out of those 10 ppl.

    no one was saying omg cheaters i kept on clixing on you but i just kept on clicking on the catapult for some reason

    people are saying: omg cheaters there were so many of you in the way that I couldn't click on the right one
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Honestly, I'd like to know ANY strategy that works when you're outnumbered 2-1. In fact, if you're outnumbered by a lot, wouldn't AOE be the strategy of choice since there are so many people to target? You used your own AOE pretty effectively on Friday night, why not on Sunday? Just a thought.

    ill answer that simple and nicely,

    as u all got to our tower on pretty much the 2nd minute of the TW i tried jumping in there and attacking some ppl but diddnt get chance to do to much as it was so crowded up and i died fairly fast as ur whole guild targeted me, and i say ur whole guild cos i used 70k of my charm in that quick 10 minute battle,

    but i was able to use my AoE in the 1st battle because i was actualy able to get chi sparingly from the stakes that are around and just from the encounters i had with ur members which alloud me to use armageddon or from pw-my perdition.

    but it all happened so fast and barly even got chance to get our selfs ready, blah blah blah ext ext u no the story
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    btw, al of you realise that those catapults - just like veno pets always go stand on top of the player that controls it?

    So just by standing still the barb is in violation of TOS and gets a 1day ban?

    It seems to me that the GM's are so out of sync with the actual gameplay that they will beleive anything that majority sais. It should be GM policy to reach lvl60 in game without using GM powers and to participate in at least 5 TW's. How can you govern a game you've never played?!
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    the barb pulilng the cata isn't in violation of the TOS
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    @markillian : did u even read what xarfox said?

    They are updating the rules and now you are allowed to send a screenshot to the "ban 1st and ask later" hotline. The catapult will ALWAYS go stand on top of the player pulling it when it catches up to that player. So every TW all the defence needs to do is stall the atackers for 10seconds, screenshot the barb "hiding" under the catapult and bobs yer uncle!

    Just because players lack skill/numbers/levels at TW they want TW made easier to give them a chance. If you can't handle the flames as a GM to ban the fire?
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    do you honestly believe that the GMs are that stupid?

    I don't.
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If I answer that I might get banned.
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If I answer that I might get banned.
    gottaget10letters(forget this part)

    lol b:thanks
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    btw, al of you realise that those catapults - just like veno pets always go stand on top of the player that controls it?

    So just by standing still the barb is in violation of TOS and gets a 1day ban?

    It seems to me that the GM's are so out of sync with the actual gameplay that they will beleive anything that majority sais. It should be GM policy to reach lvl60 in game without using GM powers and to participate in at least 5 TW's. How can you govern a game you've never played?!

    are u daft?
    have u ever used a catapult before?

    the catapults do NOT just stand over u like a pet, they are controled differently from a pet, they actualy follow u slower then normal, they have there own small delay time from when u run forward they they follow u, and no it is not lag, its the way they are, and while i run forward, not once has the catapult ever went over me,

    so thankyou for that useless information

    and before u try to act gobby and think ur me a favour and keep that ugly mouth shut
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Aurellius - Heavens Tear
    Aurellius - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    * i copied my post from another thread*

    There is a certain extent into which a debate can be prolonged until it is just a repeat of all the assumptions, facts, theories and so on. Insulting one another doesnt do anything aside from maybe propping your ego for the next hour or so until someone kicks the legs out from under you.
    Look here it is straight and true, Genesis <my guild, prepared for territory war.
    When we prepare its not a, hey lets get together guys and fight..
    Our strategies take time and process, sometimes we research, upon taking our first territory we researched about all sections of territory wars.
    I'de have a meeting with my guys and we would work out a strategy that we thought would work, we'de think of a few more, and then back those up.
    The idea we hid in the turrets is slander, the catapults perhaps(if so, not intended), but to be honest I never saw one of my barbs hide in the catapults, too many people around couldnt see through the crowd.
    Anyways that sponge has been squeezed dry, whats done is done people, move on, we dont learn from our mistakes, we learn from the consequences of them.
    Anyone can fight, anyone can hold grudges and bicker, but theres a select few who can forgive and forget. Are you part of that select few?
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    are u daft?

    so thankyou for that useless information

    and before u try to act gobby and think ur me a favour and keep that ugly mouth shut

    thank you for the useless insults? Especially the last little bit.

    no reason for that tyvm
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I do beleive sir you missed the part where I mentioned "standing still".

    Any normal person would deduct that once the barbarian stops moving and the catapult eventually does catch up its going to be VERY close or at least 1/2 way on top of the barb.
    Also if the barb goes to attack the crystal/gaurd tower itself the catapult would end up on top of the barb again, as ANYONE thats been in a GVG tw has been, would know.

    Anyways this whole thing is a huge joke and its 3am, I'm going to bed. If this server continues to ban players for anything and everything I'm going to start looking at another game to play.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It seems to me that the GM's are so out of sync with the actual gameplay that they will beleive anything that majority sais. It should be GM policy to reach lvl60 in game without using GM powers and to participate in at least 5 TW's. How can you govern a game you've never played?!

    Smexxyfox you are taking our posts out of context and not only that but directly insulting staff.

    This thread is being closed as it has degenerated into a flamefest.

    If anyone ever sees something that they deem to be unfair or fishy in Territory Wars. Take screenshots and send them in. This does in no way guarantee that some sort of punishment will be dealt. What it does guarantee, is that a GM will look into the issue and evaluate whether or not any true foul-play occurred.
This discussion has been closed.