Leveling Contest Prize Payouts - SOLVED!



  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008



    All you need to do is login at the main site and go to your wallet. Your can fill up the ZEN there is you met the milestone in order to receive it.

    Perfect World Billing

    On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:56:22 -0700, **** wrote:
    > I got to lv 40 in CB, my ID was *****
    > I have registered my account on 8/22/2008
    > I met both requirement so please check and give me reward.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I Did Not Get My Zen....
  • Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Lots of people got their free ZEN for the closed beta leveling contest. They're looking into those that did not get it.

    dvorak said they HOPE to get it resolved that evening. A hope is not a promised deadline. Their may be complications dragging it out longer than intended. It's hasn't even been 24 hours since he posted that. I'm sure the team is working on it.

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes, I know you're truly going to miss that big 1000 zen that will barely buy you anything....but is complaining in this manner really going to accomplish anything?

    Also, I would recommend speaking nicely to support personnel instead of writing three sentences that sound like a demand.
  • Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If you're having problems, shouting about it on the forum won't help. Reply to that email and tell them that you checked it as they said and it's still not there.

    Problems relating directly to your account should only be handled through email. They have a lot of emails to get through lately, but I'm sure they'll get it all figured out shortly.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ignore post.
    Attempted quote attempt failed...
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    Everyone who has still not received their contest reward, please PM me with the name of your 40+ character from Closed Beta.

    I will make sure that you will receive your ZEN today.

    A sent a polite PM to you and I'm still patiently waiting (or at least attempting to), for a reply and resolution.
    There was another thread posted somewhere calling the GMs and PWE corrupt. I won't go there, but that member did have a good point about compensation.

    Though it was a reward and was totally free the distribution of reward zen has been a complete disaster. I know people who have their zen and are a few levels ahead of me, not saying they wouldn't have out leveled me if I had my zen, but I do believe the hours I wasted (In my very limited alloted free time) are a factor.

    We all want to believe you have our best interest in mind, so yes compensation to those of us who had to wait would be an impressive display of compassion and would probably do wonders in gaining back lost trust...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    Though it was a reward and was totally free the distribution of a reward zen has been a complete disaster.

    I wouldn't exactly call this contest a disaster. Although we can't disclose the exact number of members who hit level 40 and beyond the amount was quite substantial and nearly all of the winners received their awards properly. Unfortunately though, we hit some snags with a dozen or so members and are hoping to resolve this situation shortly.

    For that we apologize and continue to ask for your patience as we work it out.

    thank yew.

    Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/pwe_dvorak
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dvorak wrote: »
    I wouldn't exactly call this contest a disaster. Although we can't disclose the exact number of members who hit level 40 and beyond the amount was quite substantial and nearly all of the winners received their awards properly. Unfortunately though, we hit some snags with a dozen or so members and are hoping to resolve this situation shortly.

    For that we apologize and continue to ask for your patience as we work it out.

    thank yew.

    Np and I'll continue to wait, but how about some compensation for myself and the other dozen or so members who have been affected by this. Seriously I've wasted a lot of time and stressed myself out over something that shouldn't have been this big a deal. I don't want to have to send anymore emails, screens, etc to anybody (even though I know you haven't asked anyone to send screens). Truthfully I just want my zen to get a pair of shorts :(

    I truly do appreciate all the effort from the GMs to get this resolved, but this is your job. I don't get paid for anything that I do here; in fact I lose money and time. Though I'm sure you've been trying hard when I begin to purchase zen I would hate to run into any similar problem. Well I have a few hours before work and hopefully I get my zen before I have to head out...
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A few things...

    Seph2 - Stop Yelling CAPS gets nothing accomplished.

    To Dvorak, Ryuuzaki, Xarfox, and Roxy - Thank you for your replies, this is the most I've seen GM's reply wise in all of the MMORPGs I've played thus far, and trust me there have been alot.

    I think calming down, and being patient would benefit alot of people - Threats of leaving are ok I guess, but only hold so much weight when you read the same thing for the 100th time. Everyone understand there are some issues that are being worked through ie: Cash Shops, Free Zen, etc - But rest assured things are happening!
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I hope they did keep track of all the e-mails they got, because after the generic response I didn't e-mail again, just sat here quietly reading this waiting for zen.
  • Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lesser wrote: »
    I hope they did keep track of all the e-mails they got, because after the generic response I didn't e-mail again, just sat here quietly reading this waiting for zen.

    Then make sure you PM Xarfox, if you still haven't got it.
    xarfox wrote: »
    Everyone who has still not received their contest reward, please PM me with the name of your 40+ character from Closed Beta.

    I will make sure that you will receive your ZEN today.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    OK, I know what I post is a bit harsh...
    I do apologize to PW staff for the bitter words on my top "PW can NOT BE TRUSTED (1~2)"

    1. I am a business man.
    2. MMO is a business
    3. Zen is real money
    4. Therefore, as a business reputation is very important. I just want you to know that.
    5. I do want my zen, but I am also willing to give you time to work on the problem
    6. I did NOT like the email, I received because it did NOT even try to solve the problem
    7. I am a "experienced" Close Beta Tester. If you check on my posts. I always report bugs and glitches.
    8. I also report hackers and BOTs to GM
    9. I like this game, I want the game to be fun, and clean.
    10. Please don't lose our trust and your reputation.
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I still have not received mine either...

    It's kinda disheartening that lots of other people have gotten their by now but I haven't...although several people still haven't.

    How come it takes so long to deposit Zen into people's accounts?

    If for some reason you want proof my level there ya go. My character in the Secret Hive, a place only people above 40 can enter.

  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Gah! They asked me what happen when I click the Charge ZEN option on the billing page. Do I really need to make a profile on my billing page? I tried it, but still no ZEN.


    Usurper - Barbarian
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ok, everyone that had problems receiving their zen awards should have their prize sitting in their accounts right now.

    Again, sincerest apologies for any and all inconveniences that this may have caused.

    If you still are not seeing the prize zen in your account please PM 'Xarfox' for assistance.

    Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/pwe_dvorak
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I got mine, thanks for the hard work.

    *passes out cookies and cake to all the GMs, Admins, and Mods that worked hard to fix this*
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Solved for me as well. Thank you.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Still no zen for me. I tried emailing, I PM the first person they asked me to, and now I'll PM Xarfox and possibly get my zen before tomorrow (I mean 12:00 am et)...perhaps -_-
    Am I really unjustified in asking for compensation, for this sure seems like work to me. I just got back from my job and now I'm doing more work...
    I think I've been one of the more patient posters. Very opinionated, but keep my comments to the GMs very respectful. I should get compensated for the hours wasted trying to get zen that was promised to me.

    *Correction I sent a message to xarfox the first time, so this is my second PM to him. How was it that the dozen or so people that needed help got it, but I'm still wasting my extremely limited free time out of game and in the forums still trying to get zen? It's 9:26 pm et now, please mayI have my zen before 10pm. I just want 2 hours in game with it before I get some rest.
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Still NONE for me either!!

    I wonder why it's fixed for some people and not others?

    The only thing that makes this not so bad is that admins and whatnot actually participate in the forums in the forums and are active.

    In other games you never see hair no hide of an admin. Thank goodness the ones here at least keep us updating.

    (PMs Xarfox)
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am here to confirm that I have received my 1000 Zen reward.
    Thankyou for all your hard work.
    I will be participating in more events.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seph2 wrote: »
    I am here to confirm that I have received my 1000 Zen reward.
    Thankyou for all your hard work.
    I will be participating in more events.

    Congrats seph2, but it's highly ironic to me that the guy doing the most intense flaming got his issue resolved before mine...

    It is officially tomorrow and I still haven't received my reward. I got a pm saying it would be handled, but perhaps I got lost in the shuffle yet again.

    I'm being patient and trying to believe GMs. Please help me because my decision to doing business with you will be entirely based on this situation and resolution.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I also didn't get mine yet... maybe we should flame to get it? -.-
  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    *Protest post*

    88 FIRE! An "anti-tank" projectile, accompanied by an AC-130 are on their way to ensure insanity.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    magicsky wrote: »
    I also didn't get mine yet... maybe we should flame to get it? -.-

    Perhaps right? The Admin who said he'd resolve it isoffline and that's fine because everyone needs rest, but now I have to pick this up from where it was left tomorrow. See how this is becoming another job. It's like a new "to do". Yet after all my grief I'll still get the same 1000 zen that others who didn't go through the same ordeal received. Yeah...I think all that haven't received zen yet and reached 40+ should be compensated because it's just gotten ridiculous.

    Also how do you think it feels being a customer and watching the guy in front of you making a scene only to be rewarded? It's great that seph2 got his zen, but what is going on here? Can someone else please help me. I've done everything asked of me and I have to watch the guy who made several threads ripping PWE to it's core get rewarded for it. How does a admin PM me personally to tell me he will personally look into it, and sign off before the issue is resolved. He/she could have at least passed my case on to another available admin. I would go to customer service, but they'll just blow me off with some stock reply. Me = a disappointed member. Who here can help because nothing has been done thus far that I can see...
  • Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Enjoying my extra inventory space, thnx GMs <3
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    Perhaps right? The Admin who said he'd resolve it isoffline and that's fine because everyone needs rest, but now I have to pick this up from where it was left tomorrow. See how this is becoming another job. It's like a new "to do". Yet after all my grief I'll still get the same 1000 zen that others who didn't go through the same ordeal received. Yeah...I think all that haven't received zen yet and reached 40+ should be compensated because it's just gotten ridiculous.

    Also how do you think it feels being a customer and watching the guy in front of you making a scene only to be rewarded? It's great that seph2 got his zen, but what is going on here? Can someone else please help me. I've done everything asked of me and I have to watch the guy who made several threads ripping PWE to it's core get rewarded for it. How does a admin PM me personally to tell me he will personally look into it, and sign off before the issue is resolved. He/she could have at least passed my case on to another available admin. I would go to customer service, but they'll just blow me off with some stock reply. Me = a disappointed member. Who here can help because nothing has been done thus far that I can see...

    I'm in the same boat as you, and I am just as disappointed. Unfortunately, I was banned for asking them to hurry this along (although I didn't say it as nicely... but it was still a whole lot nicer than what seph2 said).

    I have not received my zen as of yet. What is more frustrating is that the only answers I have gotten from customer service are generic "please wait" emails. If it was only a dozen or so members who had an issue receiving their zen then why is it taking so long to award it to the 4 or so (so far...) members who haven't gotten it yet?

    8 hours ago I received an email from Customer service saying I should have my ZEN within 24 hours... lets see how it goes. 16 hours left.

    Please do not ban me over this again, I am frustrated and angry and I have every right to be. The mere idea that you would rather ban a person than reassure them you are doing what you can to help them does not sit right with me.
    Official PWI irc: irc.deltaanime.net #pwint
    IdleRPG with hilarious customizations included. No chat penalty; others remain the same.
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    After e-mailing both billing and customer service and PMing Xarfox (no reply yet) I received one e-mail last night telling me that the issue will be fixed by today.

    Time is ticking...so I hope they aren't slacking off.

    Ho Jenshi quest needs to be fixed too...getting kind of annoying to level up past 35 without it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    Congrats seph2, but it's highly ironic to me that the guy doing the most intense flaming got his issue resolved before mine...

    C'mon now - its not like we're selectively choosing who gets the reward and who doesn't. Those who hit the contest requirement have been and will be rewarded regardless of what we think of your forum 'persona.'

    I fully realize that for the handful of you still awaiting your prize that this process has been a frustrating experience but please bear with us and understand that we're doing our best to take care of everyone.

    Those of you still waiting for resolution, Xarfox is looking into it for you. If you've already PM'ed him be patient please - repeated PM's to him or customer service isn't going to speed the process up at all.

    Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/pwe_dvorak
  • Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Patience is a virtue...

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