Closed Beta is shuttered - Open Beta launches 3 p.m. (PDT) today!



  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Forgot where it was posted but an admin said there was only going to be a patch, so you don't have to download a new client.
  • kamina
    kamina Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I don't see how people can ping less on west than east servers when all four servers are located at the same location in California. The only difference was that the server times would be different, but now they're gonna somehow optimize one server for US East/West & Europe timezones:confused:
    IGN: Kamina
    Class: Lv. 58 EA
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: UnLimited
  • rizlaz
    rizlaz Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kamina wrote: »
    I don't see how people can ping less on west than east servers when all four servers are located at the same location in California. The only difference was that the server times would be different, but now they're gonna somehow optimize one server for US East/West & Europe timezones:confused:

    my ping is higher there probably cause there are more people in that server then west?
    But still Id like to know whats happening with west
    IGN: Rizlaz
    Class: Cleric
    Level: N/A
    Server: Lost City (For OB)
    Guild :Guardians
  • sgt
    sgt Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    If they are going to just make it a patch download for the OB then they better put the file on many diff sites because there is going to be a butt load of people DLing it. :D

    BTW, Great job team for getting the whole game translated and actually working! You guys are doing great and I am so happy that I have been able to play in CB to experience what all those others haven't (I think that is our 1up on them, who cares about names). See you all in OB!! :D
  • lyterz
    lyterz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Dear Perfect World International and underlying Staff.
    While I understand the plans to wipe characters were in place, the question I have is of a different nature. Why do they need to? Surely the fact that you will lose players alone makes it a bad decision. And, While you are marketing to an American Audience for the first time (not that it wasn't available, but now you really are directly marketing) I would think that client loyalty would be an issue. If you take your beta tester progress and simply pitch it, than you are losing those people that helped make your game great. I feel it somewhat of an affront, and (within the limitations of my knowledge) an unnessecary affront at that. Would it be easier to allow some sort of option? Simply put, Pefect World has already lost a lot of the player basis, dead accounts, people left, simply because they found out they would be wiped.
    Also, bear in mind that many popular services such as the gpotato series have never and never do wipe the clients after beta testing. Unfortunately, this decision has created an awful hype within the world you have created. I urge you to reconsider this decision based soley on one thing, is it nessecary? Is there a validity to the cause beyond plans put it place. Believe me, if you let the plans therein change, the popularity of your game will rise. American audiences, are first and foremost, selfish, rude, and dictating... If you give them this inch, you cater to their desires and thus propel the popularity of the game ;)
    Sorry to be such a windbag, but I just feel that this move is, somewhat distastefull at the very least.

    ~please R.S.V.P soon

    ~William G. Amick III
    Ps. If there is a valid reason, could you perhaps elaborate?

    Pss. I would also, reguardless of your answer, like to congradulate you on a tremendous game! I have been a beta tester since day one, and thoroughly enjoyed every second :)
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lyterz wrote: »
    While I understand the plans to wipe characters were in place, the question I have is of a different nature. Why do they need to?

    Since the west PvP server is going to be shut down and replaced by the east PvE server, how do you think they could not wipe everything?

    If they would not, Imagine the uproar of players from the Etherblade servers seeing their chars deleted while those on Lost city would be allowed to retain their chars...

    Merging the two database would be hard to make, because of names duplications and such other matters.

    And frankly, if players are leaving because of a wipe in closed beta, I don,t think they would have stayed in the game for long anyway.

    And, players KNEW there was to be a wipe. If they did not wanted to see that happen, they should have waited for open beta.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • psychon
    psychon Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    XD I'm excited. Sucks that I have to start over again, but then again, a lot of my friends couldn't get into closed beta in time, so I suppose this gives us a chance to all start fresh and grind together.

    Looking forward to climbing back up to whatever level I make it to on Sept 2nd. :D
  • lyterz
    lyterz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Since the west PvP server is going to be shut down and replaced by the east PvE server, how do you think they could not wipe everything?

    If they would not, Imagine the uproar of players from the Etherblade servers seeing their chars deleted while those on Lost city would be allowed to retain their chars...

    Merging the two database would be hard to make, because of names duplications and such other matters.

    And frankly, if players are leaving because of a wipe in closed beta, I don,t think they would have stayed in the game for long anyway.

    And, players KNEW there was to be a wipe. If they did not wanted to see that happen, they should have waited for open beta.
    Two facts you must understand, first off. When they merge the servers, and the game moves into open beta, the client basis is going to skyrocket.When people realize they never lose their data, millions start playing. Shutting down the servers and combining is a recipe for disaster. The lag will be incredible, distance and data transfer alone will cause problems. Not to mention that if the game takes off , they will have to cope with opening another server due to massive clientel, so those of us on the east server OB wil be stuck in the lag if we want to keep our characters the second time around because, like you said, How can they not wipe it. I suggest, finding an alternate route. Its not just the characters I care about, it is the future (in U.S.A at least) of a bright and promising game.
    Ps. For those of you that know what I'm talking about, the transfer will also move data process to a subjugated Water-pulse method. When transferred over seas data lag is incredible because it is transferred under water with limited capability, even in todays world.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You guys worry too much about small things, kinda pathetic =__=
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • lyterz
    lyterz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    shizo wrote: »
    You guys worry too much about small things, kinda pathetic =__=
    For those of you that know what I'm talking about, the transfer will also move data process to a subjugated Water-pulse method. When transferred over seas data lag is incredible because it is transferred under water with limited capability, even in todays world.
    Ps. This is a serious concern, not just a "small-problem" So, if in a month you still want Perfect World International around (as I certainly do) take an actual look at what I said, and do some research.
    Ps. Just because I'm nice :D I'll post some starter data for ya.

    System for pulse data transmission through water-return cables (Ie. Water-pulse method)

    Source- United States Patent 4099022
    A system for data pulse transmission through a single-wire, water-return cable payed out from a coil in an open pack to any selected length over a predetermined wide range (e.g., 4K to 16K feet) employing a toroidal core around the cable near the pack and a multiturn primary winding on the core. The single-wire cable constitutes a single turn secondary winding terminated at the receiver end by a resistor and coupled to the water (circuit ground) at the transmitting end by stray capacitance between the cable remaining in the pack and the surrounding water. The receiver employs an equalizing network to compensate for the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the cable of nominal length within the predetermined range resulting in only slight over-compensation for a shorter cable length and slight under-compensation for a longer cable length.
  • starelf
    starelf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    First off I will say that most gamers who do play closed betas automatically anticipate and expect a wipe. The phase is specifically for testing purposes and not meant for gameplay toward a permanent progress. It's meant to shake out any remaining bugs and ensure the servers can handle a larger load, as typically alpha testing (usually done by a much smaller and more hardcore testing group) cannot truly test load effectively.
    I know that for myself at least I have been testing, I have been playing builds that I would not normally make if this were a live run, to get a feel for what things I might want to do differently once everything actually "counts".
    Now granted, I am required to remake, start from scratch no matter if they wipe or not since I intend to play on Heaven's Tear along with the guild I formed here on the forums. A guild of refugees from other games that failed and have now come here seeking what will hopefully be a long lasting place for us.
    How fair would it be to all those who already must start from scratch due to the server changes. It seems that there are only a few who managed to get the exact server they wanted right from the start and only those few would benefit from NOT wiping. Personally I would not enjoy seeing that as it would certainly give them a huge headstart over the majority of this game's audience.
    At any rate, it was known there would be a wipe, many of us played in a manner appropriate to that and it is fairly standard practice to wipe following CB, of which I have tested many.
  • loughman
    loughman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Aw ****; school starts the third; Im gonna have no time to play!
  • rizlaz
    rizlaz Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So west server will be permenantly removed?
    IGN: Rizlaz
    Class: Cleric
    Level: N/A
    Server: Lost City (For OB)
    Guild :Guardians
  • eeruku
    eeruku Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lyterz wrote: »
    For those of you that know what I'm talking about, the transfer will also move data process to a subjugated Water-pulse method. When transferred over seas data lag is incredible because it is transferred under water with limited capability, even in todays world.
    Ps. This is a serious concern, not just a "small-problem" So, if in a month you still want Perfect World International around (as I certainly do) take an actual look at what I said, and do some research.
    Ps. Just because I'm nice :D I'll post some starter data for ya.

    System for pulse data transmission through water-return cables (Ie. Water-pulse method)

    Source- United States Patent 4099022
    A system for data pulse transmission through a single-wire, water-return cable payed out from a coil in an open pack to any selected length over a predetermined wide range (e.g., 4K to 16K feet) employing a toroidal core around the cable near the pack and a multiturn primary winding on the core. The single-wire cable constitutes a single turn secondary winding terminated at the receiver end by a resistor and coupled to the water (circuit ground) at the transmitting end by stray capacitance between the cable remaining in the pack and the surrounding water. The receiver employs an equalizing network to compensate for the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the cable of nominal length within the predetermined range resulting in only slight over-compensation for a shorter cable length and slight under-compensation for a longer cable length.

    try sniffing around here
    I dont know under what rock youve been hiding, but overseas routing is done through fiberoptic lines ;)

    Even if it did, servers are all in california, both the east and west servers :P so i dont really get what youre trying to point out here
  • mattic
    mattic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Such a short time in between beta phases has my eyebrows raised. In my experience, F2P games that have short betas phases are usually just using the term "beta" as a stall tactic until they can get the cash shop patch. Once they do, it's slapped in the game and the game goes "live". And in the end, your time spent testing was all for naught, usually because nothing ever gets fixed.

    Now, I'm not implying that is what's going on here. At least I hope not. I know this game is already established in several other countries, so there may not be a need for an extended beta phase.

    However, if history does repeat itself, it's going to be a huge disappointment for me.
  • robertjanvaneijk
    robertjanvaneijk Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    dvorak wrote: »
    The current Closed Beta playtesting period will come to an end on Tuesday, September 2 at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m.for you East Coasters).

    Gameplay will resume 4 hours later that very same day at 2 p.m. with the launch of Perfect World International's OPEN Beta.

    This initial launch will open with 1 PVP server (Lost City) and 1 PVE server (Heaven's Tear).

    Do keep in mind that all of your current progress and characters will be wiped at the end of the Closed beta period so enjoy this experience while you can. But fear not, with the launch of the Open beta all characters, stats and data are permanent components of your account for as long as you choose to play our game.

    happy adventuring!

    Thought it ended the 27 august...Did they changed that?
  • petzku00
    petzku00 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Thought it ended the 27 august...Did they changed that?
    Yep, Cb stop sep 2 and same day start Ob
  • usaboy91
    usaboy91 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i stil dont get it ..why it has to be wipe after sucks...

    who is the **** to lvl up and on 2sept to restart ;d ?
    post here if u are one and tell me why u play if ur char wil lbe deleted

    i player 3 days ..just to know what mistakes to dont do when i start OB ..

    oh and..exuse bad english
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    usaboy91 wrote: »
    i stil dont get it ..why it has to be wipe after sucks...

    Because it would give an unfair advantage to those who started earlier?

    Do you think players on Etherblade would be happy to see that those on Lost City would not have to start over again while they themselves would have to?
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • usaboy91
    usaboy91 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    on both servers etherblade and lost city...
    but lol...wipe sucks thats it
  • gunman
    gunman Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    usaboy91 wrote: »
    who is the **** to lvl up and on 2sept to restart ;d ?

    Well some of us are "beta-testers". A rare breed of players who enjoy helping TEST the game for bugs before its actual launch. We play the game, exploring as many features as possible, and reporting any problems we encounter to the developers. These "beta-testers" do not think of themselves are "ULTA--LEET" and care more about a pleasant game experience rather than being "ULTRA--LEET" and "ZOMFG--super-high-level".

    Indeed, the Closed Beta testing period is (in the case of some games) also an opportunity to see how the game is. The purpose is certainly not to have "the best character in the world".

    If you played the game, and reported the buggs you not only help make the game better, but also get invaluable gaming experience, helping you play better when the game launches. :)

    Still, I hope this close shift between Closed Beta and Open Beta doesn't hurt the bug-repairing. Previous experiences have led me to believe a pause between Closed and Open beta is useful.

    Any word on how long the Open Beta test period will be?
  • nb1hu
    nb1hu Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ****, that's the time I go Back to School Shopping...
    Now, someone can steal my name...

    oh yes. everybody here on this forum want to steal ur and the others name...yes of course
    dont feel yourself and ur name so important pls.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    gunman wrote: »
    Still, I hope this close shift between Closed Beta and Open Beta doesn't hurt the bug-repairing. Previous experiences have led me to believe a pause between Closed and Open beta is useful.

    This game has been out for a couple of years now. All the bugs are known, it has been tested by countless players before us. This closed beta was mostly to test servers efficiency and game translation.
    Any word on how long the Open Beta test period will be?

    It don't really matter, you will not see any difference between closed beta / open beta / full release. We will have the same bugs the other versions have.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • vampiric
    vampiric Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Awesome =] Looking forward to playing the open, the closed is so muh fun.
    Vampiric - 22 Veno - Pirates Director
    Zhaelia - 24 Cleric - Pirates Marshall
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Will the CB client patch to the OB client? I still haven't finished downloading this one and probably won't for a while. Staff, please say it will patch, please. I'm not going to read 15 pages to see if it's been answered or not.

    And isn't Lost city East coast? Why make the west coast people be forced to play on east coast if they want to play PVP? Or east coast people play on west coast if they want PVE? People will not want to restart when the servers for their coast open.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    Will the CB client patch to the OB client? I still haven't finished downloading this one and probably won't for a while. Staff, please say it will patch, please. I'm not going to read 15 pages to see if it's been answered or not.

    I think I read somewhere it will likely be a patch.
    And isn't Lost city East coast? Why make the west coast people be forced to play on east coast if they want to play PVP? Or east coast people play on west coast if they want PVE? People will not want to restart when the servers for their coast open.

    Looks like there is no more east/west division for the servers. We get one PvP and one PvE server. Anyway, all servers are located at the same place in California, so, east/west is not much useful anyway now.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Phew, patch. I'm on dialup, so I take a while to download. And don't say I can't play. I played MY wih little lag, just the usual like other people had, because my computer is pretty good so it compensates nicely. Max graphics settings, little lag.

    That's great, they seem to have taken that suggestion for merging the servers, because the ping is not any better if everything is in the same place. Guess there was no true coast division.

    And welcome back karmelia, I was thinking if they permabanned you tthat would have been kinda harsh for just expressing the general dissatisfaction of the community about lack of PVE. I feel for you, even though I'm not gonna play one. Want to, but I just think endgame is gonna suffer if people have all this great gear and they can't fight each other because everybody disabled their PVP.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • boss69
    boss69 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I downloaded the game client from filefront but when i try to download the game on my comp it wont open??? Is there an issue with the game clients right now?? Such as FileFront or GamersHell??? plz reply on this thread :-) THX
  • seanie
    seanie Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    dvorak wrote: »
    The current Closed Beta playtesting period will come to an end on Tuesday, September 2 at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m.for you East Coasters).

    Gameplay will resume 4 hours later that very same day at 2 p.m. with the launch of Perfect World International's OPEN Beta.

    This initial launch will open with 1 PVP server (Lost City) and 1 PVE server (Heaven's Tear).

    Do keep in mind that all of your current progress and characters will be wiped at the end of the Closed beta period so enjoy this experience while you can. But fear not, with the launch of the Open beta all characters, stats and data are permanent components of your account for as long as you choose to play our game.

    happy adventuring!

    Why are only 2 servers open just wondering?
  • doll
    doll Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    awesome. <3 short closed betas.