The Empire has Arrived/Lost City

lazor Posts: 36
edited September 2008 in Guild Banter
THE EMPIRE... . We are excepting mature players with an end game goal.
We will be forming a guild after Cb is over . the guild we will form is based on the original guild we had, and that is

1. respect ur fellow players and guildmates
2. no pking guildmates
3. no random pking
4, report any pks ... we will come out in force and defend u
5. have a :i got ur back attitude" we all believe in sharing wheather its knowledge or items
6. any 1 that joins us.. must no that we will gvg and TW and will expect help from all guildmates.
7. there is another very ambition person (who will remain namelesss) who is also forming he has 40 people already for open beta..we r allied with them
8. make sure u have vent installed and can use it..vent is excellent for communication for gvgs, tw, fbs and just plain old talking.
9. be an adult...of course there r exceptions to that rule.. I have met some pretty mature 16 yr olds.
10. i am a female and i wont put up with a men disrespecting me.
11. Be prepared to be interviewed...we r matching peoples personalities..we r not just throwing any 1 into this guild. Id rather have 40 online people all talking. interacting, and helping one another then 140 in a guild that dont do any of that.
12. i may be the guild leader but i completely understand thats where it begins and is the people that make the it will be the people that will help in the decision making.
13. dictators, marshals and Executor will be picked based on their personality, how often they r online and how helpful they r.
14. The FB team will be picked based on the following criteria: their willingness to help, do they have access to ventrilo, and can they follow orders. Rambo'ing an FB is NOT smart and alot of xp can be lost. We try to maximize the xp gain.
15. 3 guild banks will be set up which will be free to all LOYAL and proven guild mates
16. We have and will have in ob 3 far..if u r questing please take a healer along with u. they desparately need the xp. (of course this is up to u)

So yea.. The Empire is a mature guild I am in est and the rest r central and pacific..4 r in portugal..4 in canada. In the meantime plz feel free to check out our forums..they r a work in progress and r being prepared for ob
I think i have it set up for guests to browse
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • smeckytozak
    smeckytozak Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    this is a really good guild.. joined 2 days ago and in those 2 days i had mt culti done and the fb.. they have alot of teamwork and they all no the game. Very very friendly people and their vent is a blast. ty stayin with u in ob,.,cant get much better then this. this is a really well run guild...poeple actually do care and talk in faction chat.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wait a sec.... have you been actually known as TheEmpire before? Most known on silkroad and Granado Espada? I.e leader being nightbloom and her lovey dovey fly?

    Because if you are I think I'm going to cry D:
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    Night Bloom? TheKING.. TheGod and various other silk road online names We r the originals..was created on Venice server about 3yrs ago. The Empire was given to Blazeofglory about a yr after is was created by theking when the lvl cap was 70. She kept it running and a top guild for those 2 yrs.... As for Espada... they r all with us and part of our grand plan. We r all on each others vent. We were un beatable for 2.5 yes and we intend to do it again. She had a huge guild on pw-my and was heading to the top again but the gms hated her, so she came here. She knows her Sh?? and us gamers will follow her . Now i dunno what ur talking about..seems like ur talking about a differnet sro server..She is NO tree hugger and she would never name her pet lovey dovey hehehe. Shed cut ur throat for that name... ROFL
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    Night Bloom? TheKING.. TheGod and various other silk road online names We r the originals..was created on Venice server about 3yrs ago. The Empire was given to Blazeofglory about a yr after is was created by theking when the lvl cap was 70. She kept it running and a top guild for those 2 yrs.... As for Espada... they r all with us and part of our grand plan. We r all on each others vent. We were un beatable for 2.5 yes and we intend to do it again. She had a huge guild on pw-my and was heading to the top again but the gms hated her, so she came here. She knows her Sh?? and us gamers will follow her . Now i dunno what ur talking about..seems like ur talking about a differnet sro server..She is NO tree hugger and she would never name her pet lovey dovey hehehe. Shed cut ur throat for that name... ROFL

    So............ I think you misunderstood me.

    Granado Espada was a game, my version of sword of the new world I played with them. NightBloom was leader and by lovey dovey Fly, I meant her passionate friend/lover Fly (In game name).

    It seems we're talking about the same guild but we're contradicting on some issues.

    ---> Vid of TheEmpire on silkroad

    So is it the same one?
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    umm..T0yo=fly?...plz tell me
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    Me and Nightbloom were close friends. She was actually kinda like my e mum xD Fly never talked much, I suppose Nightbloom was into quiet hard to get guys :P
  • blazeofgloryx
    blazeofgloryx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor called me and i rushed here..i guess ur not fly after all
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor called me and i rushed here..i guess ur not fly after all

    and I guess you're not the NightBloom I know either =/
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    hey T0yo...what ever happened to NightBloom and fly? that vid was SOOO romantic. I am hoping the love story ended happy..
  • luivatra
    luivatra Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Women that don't like gender related jokes should just stay in the kitchen! :mad:

    Sorry, couldn't help it :P

    Sounds like a nice clan, good luck with it!
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    ty Luiv...gender jokes is 1 all for that..being a gamer im use to the guys saying stuff...what i dont like is blatent outright sexual talk directed at me. If u want to romance me then do it with some class...
  • luivatra
    luivatra Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sounds good :)

    what timezones are the current members from?
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    We r from all over the world..I am from est there are a few from centrals, a few pacifics 4 from portugal and 2 from canada maybe 3. Rigt now we are just all hanging out in guild and helping each other. When ob starts we will be a bit more serious about who comes in. Matching personalities to ours..making sure we r all on the same page..or at least reading the same book. Throwing out opinions and ideas and discussing them. Finding others that have ideas simular to ours that r in a time zone close to the guild members. I just dont like any 1 playing by themselves. Any 1 left in that position for to long will leave the guild. So if u live in Portugal i look for more porugese players... that type of thing.

    All this takes time..the guild is put together carefully. Some guilds will arrive at the top before us and this is something we expect and watch...Its been my experience that the faster u get to the top the harder u fall to the we prefer to do a slow climb and have fun while we r getting there. In these next 9 days we r busy fininshing up our forum and writing guides for PW- intl. As u no all names have changed.
  • smeckytozak
    smeckytozak Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I agree with u 100% lazor..and btw.answer ur cel
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    hey T0yo...what ever happened to NightBloom and fly? that vid was SOOO romantic. I am hoping the love story ended happy..

    Well the only stories that end happy are just never finished ;). However they were the ones who showed me perfect world. They continued playing isro the europe version. Dunno why they preferred that game to this. Apparently Fly and NB are still together, cute as ever x3
  • dreamknight
    dreamknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey i am in this guild my self and i mut say everyone one gets anything they want done then and there unlike this Rage guy i sware he is just trying to be a jurk by getting more posts to out run the greatest guild ever.

  • darkassasin
    darkassasin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey i am in this guild my self and i mut say everyone one gets anything they want done then and there unlike this Rage guy i sware he is just trying to be a jurk by getting more posts to out run the greatest guild ever.


    May b u can learn how to spell next time u post. and getting more posts to outrun the greatest guild? hmm.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    May b u can learn how to spell next time u post. and getting more posts to outrun the greatest guild? hmm.

    He's saying that apparently I'm trying to spam your thread when I justified my posts in trying to find out who this empire is

    Sorry dreamknight but you couldn't be a bigger ****.

    Personally this guild looks promising and I like the way the members responded to the little story I gave. The other TheEmpire guild was a great guild I spent some time in. The typical family like guild and I really enjoyed it there. I'm sure this guild will uphold the same values and its nice to see such nice people.

    However things change, but I hope the guild will adapt well.
    Good luck guys ;D
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    May b u can learn how to spell next time u post. and getting more posts to outrun the greatest guild? hmm.

    is someone getting a bit nervous? u got all the right in the world to be. Commenting on someones spelling tells use gamers that ur a n00b and have never used chat before nor can u read typos. Your tolerence lvl lets me know exactly the kind of guild u got there... what a pity

    T0yo ty for respnding about the NB fly story.. when i saw the vid u sent i watched it and it was kinda sad, kinda heartwarming too. i was hoping for a happy ending, and who knows maybe there will be.

    ty for the compliment T0yo. If u ever need a friend im there for ya
  • darkassasin
    darkassasin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    is someone getting a bit nervous? u got all the right in the world to be. Commenting on someones spelling tells use gamers that ur a n00b and have never used chat before nor can u read typos. Your tolerence lvl lets me know exactly the kind of guild u got there... what a pity

    T0yo ty for respnding about the NB fly story.. when i saw the vid u sent i watched it and it was kinda sad, kinda heartwarming too. i was hoping for a happy ending, and who knows maybe there will be.

    ty for the compliment T0yo. If u ever need a friend im there for ya

    lols, what kind of guild I got? Ask the members from the guild, and u'll get a answer too, and if ppl didnt have respect for me in-guild we wudnt get full in a day.

    and ofcourse i read through typos but dont like it when ppl get too cocky. :p
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    Ask them? ive seen them in action *busts out laughing* is Aion coming out soon?

    and btw thanks for the bump up...your brilliance is truly dazzeling : )
  • smeckytozak
    smeckytozak Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    let the drama begin....LAzor can we organize for an fb 39 today? It should be fun dying over and over again.
  • tigo
    tigo Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey guys sorry to interupt the drama but Id like to join The Empire, i like what i read plus your rules go along with what i think a good long lasting guild should be. Ive played many MMo's (sro, LII, pw/my, uo, conan) Ive taken all my toons to the cap and i no how to grind (pw/my-toon lvl 98) I am an adult 21+ I no your requirements from the globals you put out on pw/my and instead of fighting like to join you. Yes, you do know me. I've watched you build that guild from nothing to a contender with the most powerful guild there. If your rules havent changed Id like to be a part of it.Im also bringing more people frompw/my over to you if youll except us. Ill pm u in game..i no who you are. (ive done my homework) ;)
  • tomwl01
    tomwl01 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yea same as what my bud tigo said. seen ur pic so yea im def coming:D
  • blazeofgloryx
    blazeofgloryx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    WOWZERS!!! thats all i can say about this
  • tigo
    tigo Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    your not in game Lazor tried to pm you,we have a 16 year old that has been with us can he come too. he plays alot and also can grind. his ep (healer) was lvl 84. also do all the guys have to ask here? there r 8 of us and to save time id like to talk for them... let us no
  • dreamknight
    dreamknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    t0yo wrote: »

    Me and Nightbloom were close friends. She was actually kinda like my e mum xD Fly never talked much, I suppose Nightbloom was into quiet hard to get guys :P

    Well i must say the Closed Beta i have gotten to se the people who will be in theguild and i must say this guild will be going really far, also the fact that they are organized vary well.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    *smiles and waves toTHE BEST HEALER EVAH* ty Dream
  • kyux
    kyux Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i'd like to join in this guild too if u accept it.
    well i'm a noob in this game and my only experience is through this closed beta.
    i'm interested in this guild because it looks like this guild will be like a family guild and u don't have the level requirements. because after i started college i won't be able to play as much as weekend.
    ty first if u accept me. And this is like a work resume rather than guild approval LOL...
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited August 2008
    check ur pms kyux