Commonly used abbreviations

hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
edited December 2014 in Dungeons & Tactics
Please post as many commonly used abbreviations you can think of that are used in this game, so that new players aren't completely lost :)
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  • iknowmymom
    iknowmymom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    AC - Armor Class or Defense.
    Add - An extra monster has joined an existing battle.
    Alt - A character on your account other than your main character.
    AoE - Area of Effect Damage. This is a spell that hurts a group of monsters in an area.
    AE - Area Effect
    AFK - Away from Keyboard. This means the player is away from his computer.
    Aggro - This means the monsters are mad at you and you've "activated" them to attack you. They are now in the motion of trying to reach and attack you.
    Aggro Radius - The radius around the monsters where they will "wake up" and attack you.
    AGI - Agility
    AH - Auction House
    Avatar - Your character
    BG - Battleground
    Buff - A beneficial spell cast on a monster or player. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Physical PDef buff.
    Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. player combat.
    Caster - A character that stays on the back row to heal or cast spells on the enemy, such as a Mage.
    Char - Your character.
    Cheese - To exploit an imbalance in the game.
    Creep - Monster
    Creep Jacking - A term from Warcraft 3 where players attack other players while they are already engaged in combat with neutral monsters.
    Critters - Monsters that don't attack back.
    DD - Direct Damage. This is a spell that does all of its damage in one hit rather than spreading its damage over time.
    DMG - Damage
    DOT - Damage over time
    DPS - Damage per second
    De-Buff - A negative spell cast on a unit that makes it less powerful. An example of a "de-buff" is the Werefox skill "Soul Degeneration".
    FB - Fuben (= Chinese for dungeon), the dungeon quests you have to do at higher level but which you receive at level 19, 29, ...
    FH - Full Health
    FM - Full Mana
    FTL - For The Loss, a sports or game term.
    FTW - For The Win, a sports or game term.
    Gank - Player vs. Player: To attack another player while they're trying to fight a monster. Or...when a party attacks a lonely player, usually to PK (Player Kill) him.
    Griefer - A person who purposely tries to annoy or anger other players.
    Grinding - Staying in the same area fighting the same types of monsters for a very long time.
    HP - Hit points or Health
    INT - Intelligence
    Kiting - A style of combat in which a player continually stays out of combat range of an enemy usually by running from it, while simultaneously causing damage to it.
    KS - Kill Steal. Try to steal another person's kill.
    LFG - Looking for a group.
    LFM - Looking for more.
    Log - When you log off; disconnect from the game.
    LOL - Lots of Laugh or Laughing Out Loud. This abbreviation indicates something is really funny. It's pretty cliche nowadays though.
    LOM - Low on Mana.
    LOOT - To take the treasure from a monster that has been killed or from a chest.
    Lurer - Person who lures monsters for the party.
    Luring - One of the players in a party heads out and leads one or more of the monsters back to the party so that the party can attack the monsters. The idea is to prevent too many monsters from attacking at once.
    LVL - Level
    Mats - (raw) materials used for the crafting skills
    MO - Massively Multiplayer Online.
    MMOG - Massively Multiplayer Online Game
    MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
    MOB - MOB" is an old programming acronym of Mobile Object Block. Mobs are all computer controlled characters in the game. You should likely use some other term such as monster, creep, or bad guy.
    MT - Main Tank
    Named - A special monster that is usually stronger than surrounding monsters with possible special abilities and item drops.
    Nerf - To downgrade, to be made softer, or make less effective. "X has been nerfed."
    Newbie - A term that sometimes means new player. Newbie is also used to suggest that a player is not very good.
    Newb - Short for Newbie. See above.
    N00b - An incredibly uncool way to say newb. Don't use it.
    NPC - This is a non player-controlled character. The characters are controlled by the server or realm. A "computer" character.
    Nuke - high damage in one hit, usually magic attack
    OOM - Out of Mana. People say this to let their party know they are out of mana and can't cast any spells, especially healing.
    Pat - Patrolling monster
    PC - Player controlled character
    Pet - A NPC controlled by a player such as a Wolf.
    PK - Player Kill or Player Killer.
    POP - Contraction of "Repopulation", often used as a shortened term for the re-spawn of monsters.
    Proc - Activate. Example: A weapon with a special effect will "proc" every so often.
    PST - Please Send Tell. Indicates that the person speaking wants to receive communication via a /t(ell) or /w(hisper) command.
    Puller - Person who pulls monsters for the party.
    Pulling - One of the players in a party heads out and leads one or more of the monsters back to the party so that the party can attack the monsters. The idea is to prevent too many monsters from attacking at once.
    PvE - Player vs. Environment. Combat between players and computer controlled opponents.
    PvP - Player vs. Player. This means for one player to attack another player.
    Raid - A raid is a large-scale attack on an area by a group of players.
    Res - Short for resurrect
    Re-Spawn - A monster that has been killed has spawned (been created) again.
    Rest (state) - An indicator of how tired a character is.
    Rez - Resurrect
    RM - Raw Materials used for the crafting skills.
    S>..... B>.... which mean Sell and Buy. Usually find this in Personal Shop. Note: The dots stand for any item name.
    Small Pets - An animal following the player around. While this does not directly influence the player or monsters, it is cool to have around, especially the rare ones.
    Spawns - The location or process of monsters appearing when they are created in the world.
    Stack - A number of identical items placed in a single inventory slot, to conserve space. Only certain items can be stacked.
    STR - Strength
    Tank - A melee character that can take a lot of damage.
    Taunt - Related to Aggro. An ability that allows a player to pull the attention of a monster off of another player and onto him- or herself.
    Threat - Related to Aggro. This is what a character "gives off" to generate or draw monster aggro.
    Train - To lead monsters into another player. This is not a desired behavior.
    Twink - A low level character who has been made more powerful by higher level characters, usually by getting stronger armour and weapons than the character would normally have at such a low level.
    Uber - German slang for 'super', originally meaning 'over'; exceptionally powerful
    Vendor Trash - An item that only a vendor/merchant would buy
    WTB - Wanting to buy
    WTS - Wanting to sell
    XP or Exp - Experience Points

    I take no credit for this, copied and paste which came from a poster by the name of Aran from the perfect world International Wiki.

    Posted by Ambie somwhere else on this forum....

    Blademaster =BM
    Wizard=Wiz (hehe wiz..)
    Archer = Arch or arc
    Cleric= Clec or clc
    Venomancer= VM
    Barbarian= BB
  • jar
    jar Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    uh WB - werebeast, WR- warrior, WF- werefox, EP-elf priest, EA-elf archer, ADC- ancient dragon city (haha lmao dont even know if its gonna be named that) uh and TW - territory war, think those are the most ive used lol
  • iknowmymom
    iknowmymom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Once there are more abbreviations it would be prolly best to sticky this for new users???
  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Awesome, thank you Iknowmymom (I'm digging that name there :p)

    I probably should have mentioned that a couple of the character classes wouldn't be abbreviated the same since their names are different, well see what people come up with though.
  • iknowmymom
    iknowmymom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    hawk wrote: »
    Awesome, thank you Iknowmymom (I'm digging that name there :p)

    I probably should have mentioned that a couple of the character classes wouldn't be abbreviated the same since their names are different, well see what people come up with though.

    Oh, your welcome....ya the new names are going to need some new abbreviations. Thats going to be interesting!
  • jar
    jar Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    hawk wrote: »
    Awesome, thank you Iknowmymom (I'm digging that name there :p)

    I probably should have mentioned that a couple of the character classes wouldn't be abbreviated the same since their names are different, well see what people come up with though.
    lol well i put those up since most ppl are gonna use those, seeing that alot of us comming to play international are already been playing like the MY version
  • iknowmymom
    iknowmymom Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    jar wrote: »
    lol well i put those up since most ppl are gonna use those, seeing that alot of us comming to play international are already been playing like the MY version

    Ya that is good because the new commers might wonder why we have those abbreviations for their old names and we can now direct them to your post!
  • hien
    hien Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    it's going to be hard to call a wb a barbarian.. I'll probably just continue calling them WB, WF.
  • jar
    jar Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    hien wrote: »
    it's going to be hard to call a wb a barbarian.. I'll probably just continue calling them WB, WF.
    lol thats what i thought
  • lajer
    lajer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Because they're changing name to just "Barbarian" Is it still going to be a ONLY beast man char? Or will you be able to choose a human form aswell..(or just stick to warrior) haha :P anyway just curious
  • ace
    ace Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I havent played with game but i assume its goona me kind of like world of warcraft cuz almost every dam abreviation (like tank) is used in WoW too. :p:p:p
  • blaze
    blaze Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    miji = exp scrolls
    dolls = those cash shop item dolls that disappear when you die, if you have one in your inventory you won't drop anything even if your name turned red because of PKing
    array = the Mage aoe skill / the archer aoe skill depending on which class you play
    blue bubble = the priest aoe heal
    red bubble = the priest aoe atk buff

    OH and the most important thing:
    Calico...... that one guy that always goes afk at the banker >_>
  • xxenith
    xxenith Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    yeaup :eek: the new names its gonna take a while to get used to
  • lindove
    lindove Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Wow, I think those abbreviations just about cover everything you can think of, and I've heard
    just about all of those from other games I've played. Did we get ROFL (roll on floor laughing)
    as well? Probably in there somewhere :)
    Hi everyone, nice to be here.
    Now this is a real noob question for this game.
    If I cannot yet download the closed beta until August, how did you guys
    get to start playing already? A prior closed beta launch per say? :D
    Warm regards: Lin
  • blaze
    blaze Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    The malaysian-english version was released already :x That's where most of us come from
  • coros
    coros Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    It is gonna be hard getting out of the habit calling them WF WB etc. I refuse to call myself a BB >_>

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • dannboy
    dannboy Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2008 you had all that words just in your mind? how can ya remember all that? or did ya make a book where you keep al this sh*t? i can the basics, the completely basics like lol, afk,brb and stuff but wtf?! im not talking negative about you im just asking, how can ya remember all that lol =P
  • sigoh
    sigoh Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited July 2008

    Chaotic Oblivion~Fated Twilight~Eternal Sorrow~Corrupted Fidelity
  • demise
    demise Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Rush? When the tanker of the party, usually a Werebeast/Barbarian, holds and pulls the aggro'd mobs to the edge of a ramp or platform. This allows the remaining members to follow behind without being harmed as they jump to area below. Often used in Holy Hall.
  • devotion
    devotion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    sigoh wrote: »

    kill on sight

    territory wars
    I like to rub it in. Enjoying the game?
  • blaze
    blaze Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    demise wrote: »
    Rush? When the tanker of the party, usually a Werebeast/Barbarian, holds and pulls the aggro'd mobs to the edge of a ramp or platform. This allows the remaining members to follow behind without being harmed as they jump to area below. Often used in Holy Hall.

    Shhh demi D: don't tell anyone about our leet tactics
  • oni
    oni Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Haha, what, you call that comman knoledge tactics xP
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Dont be offended if someone wants to buy some FU from you.

    FU = 符(chinese word for hierogram)

    they just wanna buy some hieros.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • wtf
    wtf Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I was about to post a thread about what kind of important or common abbreviations and acronyms I should know. Good thing I looked here.
  • wte129
    wte129 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hey! thanks for posting this...

    ::grabs notepad::

    PWI seems similar to FFXI, in terms anyway.

    peace (^-^)y
  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Zhen party: a party with 2 or 3 lurers (if 2, there is one loot picker or another DD - damage dealer), one EP/ Cleric to use the blue bubble (see above) and two DD- could be EA/ Archer and/or MG/ Wizard using their AOE skills to kill the mobs that lurers bring back.
    This is base on a ...errr small bug of EA's AOE skill when using in PVP ( I hope it stays at the way it is ^^). But if it was fixed, bad business, I said bad business ^^.

  • tainted
    tainted Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    G.I.R.L = guy in real life xD or m.m.o.r.p.g massive male online role playing girl O_ o....
  • nuggi
    nuggi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I have also played PW MY for a while and I am not sure if this one also is needed for PW but it is used many other places and I didn't see it in the big list (sry if I missed it and double post here)

    Farming: Much like grinding yet the purpose is not to gain lvl as much as to gain specific drops (loot) from mobs
  • dai
    dai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tainted wrote: »
    G.I.R.L = guy in real life xD or m.m.o.r.p.g massive male online role playing girl O_ o....

    I thought the alternate acronym for MMORPG was "many men online role playing girls" lol
  • ky1e
    ky1e Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    this will help alot

    most of them i kno tho

    but ima probly print this out, for ones i dont kno, so in game u dont look like a total noob asking "what dose that mean ?" lmao :D

    winged elf archer
    pvp pwnge