G17 Armor

So i have made a google sheet on all the mats needed for G17 armor and where they can be found

Google Sheets link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvnXBNXYSt77IieSVv_CBVvCceAfjkrGlUPukoZe8h4/edit?usp=sharing

-Forsaken [Ti]


  • hypnosian123
    hypnosian123 Posts: 116 Arc User
    yea too bad that moonlight crystals are unachievable due to low drop rate and low playerbase doing runs, thus g17r3 armors are just not for us...
    if you remove procs from g17 armors (due to no way to obtain moonlight crystal), there is no reason you can justify going from r9r3 to g17r3 (perhaps only aps)
  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 156 Arc User
    Only real problem I have is that, uh, like, farming TTR, like all TTs nowadays, is heavily, heavily, heavily biased towards assassin class. Other class need not apply, cept maybe seeker/bm for debuffs. A healer class has very limited utility here; nonessential debuffs, heals that aren't needed (sin dmg + bp is way too much heal), low dmg, and low mobility (really hard to avoid certain boss mechanics). So as a healer TTR is really no fun for me at all, and I really wish PWI had come out with an instance that didn't seem so tailor-made to be soloed by ultra-strong sins and very few others.
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • hypnosian123
    hypnosian123 Posts: 116 Arc User
    is there a single moonlight crystal dropped across all the servers?

    The thing this item doesn't drop along with the fact there is not our version of r9r3 armors in repository, it's defeating the whole g17 armors patch
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    is there a single moonlight crystal dropped across all the servers?

    The thing this item doesn't drop along with the fact there is not our version of r9r3 armors in repository, it's defeating the whole g17 armors patch

    i did wonder how long it would take you to finally come to this conclusion :(

    new doesnt always mean better, prime example was r9.4 armor and r9.4 caster weapons
  • hypnosian123
    hypnosian123 Posts: 116 Arc User
    is there a single moonlight crystal dropped across all the servers?

    The thing this item doesn't drop along with the fact there is not our version of r9r3 armors in repository, it's defeating the whole g17 armors patch

    i did wonder how long it would take you to finally come to this conclusion :(

    new doesnt always mean better, prime example was r9.4 armor and r9.4 caster weapons

    it can be good, it's just that as always it's broken\something is not balanced for our version :(
    sigh why do i always keep my hopes high for pwe...
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    My friend sent me a video of pwch where a dude is forging e rerolling G17rr
    The funny thing is that now the guy will need to buy moonlight crystals and try to get one with 5 star in a row(so it will get the ''skills'' of the equip at level max), then he will have to awaken Twilight Souls pray for it to come with 5 addons and then pray a littme more for it come with Lunar Phase grade 5(1% rate), other way he will not be able to equip the grade 5 Crystal, however try to get a 5 stars crystal and try to get a twilight soul with lunar phase grade 5 is almost impossible, here people are not trying to get this new equipment, I imagine the headache of the ones who wish to get this equipment at its maximum capacity. oh, today in pwch the moonlight crystals lv1 cost 1,200,000,000+ at the comission shop and you need 10 crystals to get the maximum level(lv5) and then pray to light up 5 stars in a row.... streamable.com/wf8ts
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    This here is from PWRU, the guy used 10 crystals to get 4 stars in this level 5 crystal, now if he wants 5 stars he will have to try all again because the crystal reached its maximum level(lv5), however now this one can be absorbed but will give only 6 exp point for the next crystal(it's necessary 10 exp point to level up a crystal to level5(max)) lv1 crystals give 1exp.... in pwru the crystals cost the same as pwch 1.2B~1.7B

    And again, if the guy gets 5 stars in the same line he will need a twilight soul with lunar phase grade 5 or he will not be able to equip the crystal..... man this is insane

  • cosmosia1989
    cosmosia1989 Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    @denpus man you must be borderline insane to even attempt going for this gear. It makes no sense imho. It is not that much better. G17 only makes sense if you literally get the maximum stats and then it is so expensive, that 1 part alone is equivalent to max r9rr gear on any random toon, including +12 refine for the entire gear and +3 shards. I know some ppl want the absolute max, but there should be limits to this. I wish more ppl would just boycott this BS.

    @csquared5 I dare say, a g17.4 BRS cleric with full devil stones and as much chan as they can get, 2nd rb 2/2/2 set or even NP, easily hovers at 110k+ Base damage in UVD and should be able to hold on damage wise even with sins. We have a cleric on DA that comes out at 150k base damage fully buffed. No sin even comes close to her damage with g17.5, 4.2k spirit and so on :D
  • hypnosian123
    hypnosian123 Posts: 116 Arc User
    denpus wrote: »
    My friend sent me a video of pwch where a dude is forging e rerolling G17rr
    The funny thing is that now the guy will need to buy moonlight crystals and try to get one with 5 star in a row(so it will get the ''skills'' of the equip at level max), then he will have to awaken Twilight Souls pray for it to come with 5 addons and then pray a littme more for it come with Lunar Phase grade 5(1% rate), other way he will not be able to equip the grade 5 Crystal, however try to get a 5 stars crystal and try to get a twilight soul with lunar phase grade 5 is almost impossible, here people are not trying to get this new equipment, I imagine the headache of the ones who wish to get this equipment at its maximum capacity. oh, today in pwch the moonlight crystals lv1 cost 1,200,000,000+ at the comission shop and you need 10 crystals to get the maximum level(lv5) and then pray to light up 5 stars in a row.... streamable.com/wf8ts

    hi, i have lunar grade 5 (and i am the only one on pwi with it), it took me a lot of c$ and a lot more of luck, you need to open a slumbering into a 5 stats which is 10% and then you have 1% chance of opening grade 5, thus it's 0.1% chance and each try is 2 gold.

    Problem is, my server doesn't have any supply of moonlight cristal which is a thing that made me quit the game this week
  • datsang
    datsang Posts: 163 Arc User
    denpus wrote: »
    My friend sent me a video of pwch where a dude is forging e rerolling G17rr
    The funny thing is that now the guy will need to buy moonlight crystals and try to get one with 5 star in a row(so it will get the ''skills'' of the equip at level max), then he will have to awaken Twilight Souls pray for it to come with 5 addons and then pray a littme more for it come with Lunar Phase grade 5(1% rate), other way he will not be able to equip the grade 5 Crystal, however try to get a 5 stars crystal and try to get a twilight soul with lunar phase grade 5 is almost impossible, here people are not trying to get this new equipment, I imagine the headache of the ones who wish to get this equipment at its maximum capacity. oh, today in pwch the moonlight crystals lv1 cost 1,200,000,000+ at the comission shop and you need 10 crystals to get the maximum level(lv5) and then pray to light up 5 stars in a row.... streamable.com/wf8ts

    hi, i have lunar grade 5 (and i am the only one on pwi with it), it took me a lot of c$ and a lot more of luck, you need to open a slumbering into a 5 stats which is 10% and then you have 1% chance of opening grade 5, thus it's 0.1% chance and each try is 2 gold.

    Problem is, my server doesn't have any supply of moonlight cristal which is a thing that made me quit the game this week

    If getting the lunar grade 5 hovers at 2k USD, which is where I was used to new system prices hovering at in this game, its plain insanity. You can get NP for 2-3k USD with the right promos(You dont even spend the gold for the NP itself), decent 20 aptitude star chart is prolly ~2-3k, etc. Point being, with 5 piece set they multiplied the price of new "system" by like 5, which is ludicrous. You could argue that 2k doesnt include refines or shards but the 0-1k should be plenty to get those done too. All in all it sits ~the price we been paying in the past, just instead of 1 system, you get 5 at once making the whole thing silly.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Some people say G17 it's not so different from R9rr, well I was playing in that character simulator stuff and I put the addons and skills at the maximum just for fun and look at it, amazing, PWRU, PWCH are working on this equip , and probably PWBR and the others servers will do the same, Pwe should adjust things here, in others servers the pwiR9rr and nirvanaT3 doesn't exist, in others servers the r9boundless IS the R9rr. PWI always had exclusive things but now it seems like a totally different game, while in China and Brasil the dudes use R8rr and R9boundless and for sure will work on the G17, and here in pwi will continue using NirvanaT3 and R9rr, I talked to some guys and they seem conformed but I just think it's not fair!..... this here is the international server, this here is one of the firsts to get the new content, this here should be the example to the others servers..... anyway... sorry guys, I just wanted this server was like the others, enjoying the new content.... I play in both PWI and PWBR and the difference between these two servers is insane, it's like 2 different games and soon the difference will be even bigger, wonder what would happen if some day we had a global pvp tournament
    Here the addons + skills I put in the character simulator just for fun:
    oh, that new thing: highest level seems interesting...

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    @hypnosian123 I see many problems, I was comparing pwi with the russian and brazilian..... I see people here buying 1Gold for 8,000,000 coins, look the difference, pwru 1 gold = 1,2000,000 and pwbr 1 gold = 27,000
    The Awaken cost is equal to all servers, so in pwbr it'll be 54,000 coins to awaken a twilight soul, and in pwru is 2,400,000
    even the boutique prices are very different, in pwru soul shackles and reshape crystals cost 50 silver each, in game 50 silver is like 650,000 coins or 20 cent(cash)....


    pwbr is going to be the cheaper server but this is because here 2,43 dollars(9,90 R$) = 1,900 Gold

  • hypnosian123
    hypnosian123 Posts: 116 Arc User
    i can even understand the price tags we got, but for **** sake game can't be disrupted this much because everything is balanced for china while our version is basically a different game for its economy playerbase and gear balance
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    Does anyone know more about this stat right here?


    You get it from equipping moonlight crystals with lunar grade twilight souls in g17 armor.
    I originally translated the stat as "slaying level" but I was wrong and it's clearly a new stat.

    It's described as "Reduces the enemy's resistance to Defense reduction effects." Holy **** that's hard to process.

    OK so we know that defense is a stat the reduces damage.
    You can apply debuffs that reduce defense. Sure.

    "Resistance to defense reduction"? What's that? Since when can you resist defense reduction?
    And not only can people resist defense reduction but you can now Reduce resistance to defense reduction!?!?

    I'm so confused.

    So can people resist this reduction of resistance to defense reduction?
    And maybe in the future you can reduce this resistance to the reduction of resistance to defense reduction.

    I'd test it but I dont have moonlight crystals or g17 armors.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    @asterelle You noticed this?
    Seems like we will have a character level 155(105+50)
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    My friend from pwru just updated me
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    Hmm, well there are 2 kinds of damage reduction that depend on target level.


    This one is a multiplier that kicks in when the target is at least 3 levels above the attacker (10% less damage from level 102 to 105). It's why you do 25% damage to level 150 opponents.

    The other is part of the resistance calculation

    physical reduction% = physical defense / ( ( 40 * attacker level ) + physical defense - 25 )
    If you look at 1 minus that...
    1- reduction = 40*attacker level / (pdef + 40*attacker level - 25)

    If attacker level goes from 105 to 155 and pdef is at like 30k... thats like 39% more damage. So its like 0.8% more damage per highest level? Not bad I guess.

    If we also get the level difference reduction it would be much better. If you get only lvl 1 moon crystal on 5 pieces of gear thats 10 level difference which is enough for take -30% less damage from 105 opponents.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    @asterelle I undertood this way: the atribute says only about reducing damage, so if I have Level 105+50 I will not deal more damage, but I will receive less damage

    Attacker 0HL>Target 20HL= target take much less damage
    Attacker 20HL>Target 0HL=nothing happens since HL just reduce damage taken?
    *HL=Highest Level

    If HL worked to deal damage then all the Bosses level[?]150 would lose the damage reduction
    Post edited by hokker#1570 on
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Just wondering and it makes sense
    "Reduces the enemy's resistance to Defense reduction effects.''
    If a guy has HighestLevel well, this is a defense reduction effect right? then if I get HighestLevel too then I will reduce the enemy HighestLevel effect of reducing damage taken.....
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    Nice, now we have a detailed guide about the Moonlight Crystals
    Thank you to the ones who did this
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    To follow up I was able to confirm that "Highest Level" does not affect the damage you take. Only the damage you deal.
    It only modifies the level in the resistance formula calculation, not the level-difference calculation.

    So no getting Highest Level +50 and doing full damage to level 150 mobs.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    asterelle wrote: »
    To follow up I was able to confirm that "Highest Level" does not affect the damage you take. Only the damage you deal.
    It only modifies the level in the resistance formula calculation, not the level-difference calculation.

    So no getting Highest Level +50 and doing full damage to level 150 mobs.

    A question, if it doesn't affect damage we take then why we have this?

  • sthenographer
    sthenographer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    You can calculate all possible dmg reductions, bonuses and what not, but the simple fact remains : in PWI almost no one is going for G17 armor, and those that do have no real benefit unless you count spending huge amounts of rl cash a 'bonus'.

    Some items wanted/needed ingame are either near unobtainable or so expensive (2.5+B for a paramount,....for a frikkin genie...?, 600+M for a mount ?...and the list goes on) that most players just ignore it or 'hope' for a drop that never seems to come.

    My advice : unless you're very very wealthy, forget about G17 armor (consider it a non existant thing) and the items you possibly will never get (moon orb of punishment....) and play the game for some fun with friends. Who cares about the insane and stupid things the dev's come up with just to make a buck.

    Hell, they don't even give us a decent 11th anniversary 'reward'. So they can shove that **** they come up with where the sun don't shine imo.
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited September 2019

    That tooltip is correct in showing that your defense is less effective against enemies with Highest Level.
    My comment was about you having Highest Level. If you have higher Highest Level then you can deal more damage but the damage you take is unaffected.
    Highest Level +2 is roughly +1.6% more damage dealt in typical pvp.

    @sthenographer I don't think the difficulty for g17 is all that bad. The problem is the stats. G17 with default stats does about 10% less damage than R9s3 due to an inferior set bonus. That is a significant nerf. It is very hard to do twilight soul rolls with better than the default stats. You'd have to go pretty far into this moonlight crystal stuff with good twilight soul rolls just to break even with R9s3 damage.

    All of this would be fixed though if they add R9s3 to the Warsoul Repository.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    @asterelle Did you test this stuff? I understand what you say but My friend still have some doubts, for example this video, go to 34:00 The Barbarian has 8 Highest Level, he makes a test with a SB attacking him, first the barb without the 8 Highest Level he takes around 740 of damage, after that he equips the Crystals then he takes 652~678 of damage, my friend said he doesn't believe this reduction is just because of the spirit that the crystals give, he believes is because of the 8 highest Levels

  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    @hokker I looked at that test and that weapon has enough range that there is a lot of overlap both before and after the moonlight crystals were equipped. There were some 700s after he equips the crystals and some 600s before he equips them. It did appear as if there were more 600s after but it's hard to say if that was statistically significant.

    This was the test I performed where I controlled both the attack damage and swapped cards to correct for spirit.
    The stats are exactly the same before and after except for Highest Level +2.
    This test has a 0.1% sensitivity and there was 0 observed effect in damage taken.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    @asterelle so both characters are the same level? then one of them got 2 highest Level? but the difference of damage start with 3 levels of difference right?
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    The attacker is 103 and target is 105.
    Look your friend's test is just not very good. Doing damage tests with a range of values like that just can't be eyeballed.

    I put it through a statistics calculator after normalizing the zerks and crits (assuming -20% crit damage passive).
    The 13 attacks without moonlight crystals were in the range 680 - 749 with mean of 715.9 ± 22.8
    The 15 attacks after equipping were in the range 652 - 729 with mean 686.8 ± 21.4

    The difference in damage you'd expect from the +40 spirit with those values is around 12 so adjusting for that we can say from that test having +8 Highest Level had an effect of -2.4% ± 6.2%

    That's just too much uncertainty to be definitive.

    This experiment from your friend is however well below -10% which is the minimal level difference effect from that table you just posted so we can rule that out.
    And actually if that table applied we would have expected -20% from 8 levels.

    The only effect Highest Level has is as a modifier to the resistance calculation:

    reduction% = target defense / ( ( 40 * attacker level ) + target defense - 25 )

    And it only applies to the attacker.

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    @asterelle thank you, now I can understand! it would be very ''ridiculous'' if we get level 155(105+50) then people we 0 Highest level would deal only 25% of damage against us xD Thank You very much again