worth coming back?

chanman1 Posts: 3 Arc User
just wondering if the game was worth coming back to, or is it really dead like some people are saying?


  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 626 Arc User
    People say the game is dead because they simply get bored doing the same thing over and over. But of course there are other reasons too. If you depend on others, just to know if it's worth coming back, it's better to stay away. If you can have your own opinion, just log in and play for a while.

    Personally I never get bored; enough things to do and enough people want help with quests,
  • mechabeastmc666
    mechabeastmc666 Posts: 346 Arc User
    sjampie wrote: »
    If you depend on others, just to know if it's worth coming back, it's better to stay away.

    My my, very well said. It's sad but that's the mindset of most of the human robots today.
  • goldfinch47
    goldfinch47 Posts: 182 Arc User
    This game is dead. Time to move on >:)
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    The best thing anyone could say is "Check it out for your self."

    Many things have changed, their is a lot to do. In some cases may be to much, But you wont know unless you look.

  • maddawg#7880
    maddawg#7880 Posts: 1 Arc User
    Chanman, I was thinking the same thing, I played back when it was mostly Korean servers, took a 7-8 year break and the amount of new material is a little overwhelming, but you usually find a good handfull of people wanting and willing to help new players, and old returners. ATM I'm kinda stuck needing help trying to figure out questing do's and don't's lol. I say jump in and try it. No harm no foul.
  • dbfarmer1#6868
    dbfarmer1#6868 Posts: 92 Arc User
    pwi do's and don't? hmm.... i'm not really sure there is one.
    pwi is divided into 2 sections
    wanna get killed?
    -play for free
    -you will get killed a lot of time. can't join any pvp based events.. basically you are 1 shot by everyone +12
    -farming methods gets killed everytime they patch basically making it harder for you to survive...
    -if you wanna play casually but lets face the truth this is mmo... not sims.... if you can't kill anybody you will lose interest in this game faster than speeding bullet

    Don't wanna get killed
    -paying 2k usd per week fastest return you can just get r9 sin . r9 db . +12weapon bm +12 weapon seeker.
    -after achieving those four class +12 you can basically not spend anymore... and rely on big spenders on daily millions. basically you need to be r9 + 12 on four classes. with your spending this can take about1 month.. easy peasy bankrupt lemonade.
    -with all your money basically you need to level your starchart next. this is easy because you spending money you can level easy using spend reward stuff...
    - don't gamble your usd on packs you will bleed..
    - no need to do dailies .. they suck balls... you only need to do weeklies.
    - no need to do bq.. they also suck balls. benefits versus time taken is useless.
    - if you complete r9+12 on four toons.. don't bother getting dragonbreath weapons. they suck balls .
    - basically you don';t do anything just dh and up ...
    - -don't level your hs.. they also suck balls.
    - -don't do ws or fws they also suck balls and drain your time.
    - don't do nation wars.. they also suck balls.
    - basically this next part is the last part
    - save alot of coins...... do dh and up.. there u go... stop when you have about 100billion of coins..
    - 100b of coins? buy gold via hs.
    - wait for spend rewards...
    - destroy this game..
    - finally quit.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Absolutely not worth it
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    As someone that has literally played every, single MMORPG out there: PWI is just as dead as any other game.

    You eventually reach a point in which you keep repeating the same things (instances, dailies, etc. ...) every, single day just to get certain means to upgrade your gears/character. This is the same as in any other game. There are games out there with a far steeper progression curve as PWI, altho they seem to be fast paced and giving out loads of free gear. This might be true, however, this is only true on the surface. Once you try to reach endgame you have to work your behinds off to get even close to that level. Same in PWI.

    Sure, there might be slightly more people in other games but also potentially more trolls, noobs and stuff like that. Basically, toss a coin or if you think other games are more easy on the eyes, just play them. The endless progression spiral awaits you everywhere.

    If you just casually log PWI, log out if there is no fun and play something else, then you might enjoy it. If you sit there, 20 hours a day, waiting for something exciting to happen..welp, your own fault ijs.

    As for comparison: There are games out there that let you literally grind 2 weeks, 6 hours a day to have enough material to "attempt" one enhancement of your gears (below 30% success rate). Repeat this a few dozen times PER gear part and you might even get one enhancement success :) PWI is EZ Life compared to that. And that is the gripe I have with people that spam "PWI is dead" or "other games are so much better" cause they simply lack the experience to see that any current MMORPG out there is equally good and equally bad as PWI. Only the graphics could be better. IF that is important to you, play those games, if not, might as well play PWI.

    Only the new MMORPGs on the horizon could change that. If they do..bye!
  • goldfinch47
    goldfinch47 Posts: 182 Arc User
    A new MMORPG? I'm holding my breath >:)
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    JX you should do a online gaming site, reviews ect... I think you would enjoy it tremendously :)
  • agariogames#4239
    agariogames#4239 Posts: 1 New User
    I think this is old, so change it
  • rtmira
    rtmira Posts: 53 Arc User
    @agariogames, you should stop thinking. There's nothing to change only your comment to OP who wanted to know if it's worth coming back. Luckely the answer is already given.
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    After recently making a new toon that’s purely meant for APS and spending roughly 3bill on it from broken promos I can confirm that everyone QQing about being a 1shot is clueless on how to play their class even when I can barely hit 4K @5aps it’s still 20k a second and netting a stun just drops most people, if you want to focus your real targets cleric,healer, other LA classes and not focus the HA toons you can still do dmg but that’s purely because sins are absolutely broken, even with demon tidal.

    If you want to get back into the game as a free to play player you just need to learn priorities on who to kill however, if your wanting to run around solo and 1shot or 2 shot most people then yes you can spend a ton if you just want fun and the occasional 1v1/mass pvp i’d recommend twilight temple server or etherblade... Dawnglory from my understanding is just afk people in silver pool waiting for pvp, heck even Joes videos show this off same 5 people he’s 1v1ing but just on his 8 toons. Tideswell is the biggest pay to win server out there even though Twilight temple has the most nuema portals by far Tideswell has the most maxed out and heavily cash based players. Such as that one toon can solo 15+players if everything works out for them....

    If you want to get into the game for fun I’d recommend rolling a sin cause even if you get just R9 daggers, with full G16 armor, you can still do good dmg against your main priority targets, however if you are not willing to spend 3ish months of doing dailies to get partially maxed passives, I’d recommend you find something else... you’ll use roughly 6 months of your time just playing roughly 20-30mins a day (5 minutes for dailies) (15-25mins for Uncharted Hall)

    Now while my sin can easily get one shot in small pvp it can also go to town as long as I assist other players and focus targets such as healers and other Light armor classes.

    If you want to be one of the people that solo 10+ people in xNW I’d let you know that your better off trying a game like WOW idk maybe names we can’t name xD.

  • dbfarmer1#6868
    dbfarmer1#6868 Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    @nunuator ... i highly doubt 3bill is enough lmao... .. april 2018 --- +1-12 is 3billion min... just one piece...of equipment... coz +10 was 200m + 11 was 900m +12 was 1b ...if you are pure aps ... you can't kill anything specially you are just using aps gears that has no + or atklevels.
    challenge to you nerd
    lol try to kill a serenity cleric with np set astral energy 10 starchart 2k spirit min....... .... have fun wasting time.... on a new toon that will never reach astral energy of 3.. with a max spirit of 900 no card set ... coz statistically you need 5 years to get a set somewhere... 0.0x chance on a boxes... lmao...
    im curius nunu what game you are playing..... i don't see any below+11 nubs to kill in the nw and xnw all i see are g175th+12 nubs on it.... lol don't bother pvp if you gonna try this game.
    fyi ... this game has no squishy toons when they +12 everything np set... ... i blame pwi for that...
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    chanman1 wrote: »
    just wondering if the game was worth coming back to, or is it really dead like some people are saying?

    The problem in giving you an answer about this, is that I am not sure if you are PVE or PVP and if you are full f2p or if you put money on it. Also not sure when did you left and what gear you have.
    My advice would be:
    If you still have this game Installed login and see for yourself. Even if you don't have it installed, if your net is really fast it will not take too much time to download.

    However, if you download speed is slow and you value your time. Here are a few things to take into account:

    If you just want to play the basic aspects of the game in a casual way, like making a character, learn to play it and level it till you get bored and move on, this game is worth it like any other mmo out there.

    If you already have a geared character, even if it is a bit undergeared considering today's standar, can be something like g15 nirvana or g16 nirvana, you probably will have a hard time geting in end game dungeons and you will be a 1 shot in pvp, but you can still at least run some dungeons and most likely join some pve faction.

    If you are a casher, well the game is still playable for cashers but very money hungry.

    But if you want to start from zero and become somehow relevant in the PVP side of the game, you most likely will have to cash, and no small amount. Many people here will make the whole gear up process look as something really easy, but what they many times don't tell you is that they are either big spenders or people that got end game pvp gear years ago when in game economy was different.
    Me as example: I got my r9 gear during 2012 - 2013. Gold at that time was between 1 mill and 1,5 mill coins each on my server, and of course there was way more farming for f2p people at the time. So if someone like me who already is r9s3 with decent refines and all primal pasives maxed, good cards, etc, etc.. I would have not problem doing end game dungeons like DDH, JDH or DUP and building a small fortune in game on reasonable amount of time. If you add to that the fact that my character is a veno, some people would take on their squads even if I was undergeared since venos can amp, purge, etc.

    However if the person does not have r9, doesn't even have g15/g16 vana, and does not have capital in game to at least get a basic g16 nirvana set, for that kind of player, this game looks overwhelming, specially now that pretty much everything old school is worthless.
    Also some of the people that make it look as something really easy and compare it with other games forget to mention that pwi is one of the only games (if not the only) in which ease in gear progression is inversely proportional to power creep.
    And before someone quote me thinking that I am talking about r9, NO, I am not even talking about pvp gear. If you take a look at some of the last big updates, you will notice that:
    - they removed basic rewards from basic daily quests to put them on dungeons in which a weak player can not even join or have to be carried by someone more OP.
    - They removed rewards from some of the basic end game dungeons to put them in the harder version of it only.
    - They even removed basic g15 Helm/capes from the forge that was originally created for the purpose and put those as an end game dungeon reward and as cash shop Item.
    - They are going to doit again of course with the next big update.

    All the mentioned above alienate from this game anyone who is not overgeared, so that is one of the reasons why you will see many people hating on the game and being negative In general. Also that kind of changes would not really encourage cash players to cash more or less, after all most of what I mention there is obsolete content that they don't even care about it anymore.

    Still I would advice you to try the game and see if still worth it for yourself. This because most of the post here will be highly polarized by either telling you that the game is dead or that is one of the best games out there. And neither of those answer are correct.

  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    nunuator wrote: »
    If you want to get back into the game as a free to play player you just need to learn priorities on who to kill however, if your wanting to run around solo and 1shot or 2 shot most people then yes you can spend a ton if you just want fun and the occasional 1v1/mass pvp i’d recommend twilight temple server or etherblade... Dawnglory from my understanding is just afk people in silver pool waiting for pvp, heck even Joes videos show this off same 5 people he’s 1v1ing but just on his 8 toons. Tideswell is the biggest pay to win server out there even though Twilight temple has the most nuema portals by far Tideswell has the most maxed out and heavily cash based players. Such as that one toon can solo 15+players if everything works out for them....

    To be fair Twilight Temple is the biggest tryhard server in terms of playing this game like a second job or primarily for some. I don’t think any other server has as many g17 2nd to last pieces and final cast pieces(cape and ring) as TT, so you still may have to charge quite a bit to keep up the curve or farm like you have nothing else going on in your life(for most that’s unlikely). Unless as you said your only goal is farming specific ppl and won’t get tired of instantly dying the moment more than 1 person looks at you, from there I guess it’s perspective.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    I also highly suggest you do not have the mindset to have to be on par with anyone in terms of gear. There are people in this game with insane gears but just as massive as their gears are, their skill is not. Just try to have fun and not be too competitive...otherwise your bank account will suffer :)
  • hurrdurrurr
    hurrdurrurr Posts: 54 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    As someone that has literally played every, single MMORPG out there: PWI is just as dead as any other game.

    You eventually reach a point in which you keep repeating the same things (instances, dailies, etc. ...) every, single day just to get certain means to upgrade your gears/character. This is the same as in any other game. There are games out there with a far steeper progression curve as PWI, altho they seem to be fast paced and giving out loads of free gear. This might be true, however, this is only true on the surface. Once you try to reach endgame you have to work your behinds off to get even close to that level. Same in PWI.

    Sure, there might be slightly more people in other games but also potentially more trolls, noobs and stuff like that. Basically, toss a coin or if you think other games are more easy on the eyes, just play them. The endless progression spiral awaits you everywhere.

    If you just casually log PWI, log out if there is no fun and play something else, then you might enjoy it. If you sit there, 20 hours a day, waiting for something exciting to happen..welp, your own fault ijs.

    As for comparison: There are games out there that let you literally grind 2 weeks, 6 hours a day to have enough material to "attempt" one enhancement of your gears (below 30% success rate). Repeat this a few dozen times PER gear part and you might even get one enhancement success :) PWI is EZ Life compared to that. And that is the gripe I have with people that spam "PWI is dead" or "other games are so much better" cause they simply lack the experience to see that any current MMORPG out there is equally good and equally bad as PWI. Only the graphics could be better. IF that is important to you, play those games, if not, might as well play PWI.

    Only the new MMORPGs on the horizon could change that. If they do..bye!

    You are simply incorrect. Games like FF14, WoW, etc. have their endgame activities but those change each patch. You`ll get new dungeons to experience, new areas to explore, etc. Meanwhile in PWI you will be running FSP, which was introduced like 5 years ago, lol.

    Slightly more ppl on other games? Wtf are you smoking this time? The big MMORPGs are still pretty big, even if whole PWI playerbase was trolls, they`d be a drop in the ocean of say WoW troll community. Thats not to say WoW playerbase is any more troll than PWI, its to show how ridiculously different size the playerbases are. If PWI breaks 10k unique daily players, I`m very surprised. Meanwhile WoW will likely break 10 million when the expansion hits in couple of weeks.

    Every MMORGP has its treadmill for a reason. Its to provide cheap content - If you had to create quality content for each of the thousands of hours some ppl put into mmorpgs, it would cost way too much. In perfect world they wouldnt have to do this but world isnt perfect and replayability in games is important to keep producation costs at bay. This, however, doesnt make every game the same.

    Ps. I`ve heard Riot might make MMORPG - but it might be just baiting social media. But if there is ever going to be WoW killer, they have one of the better chances of accomplishing that.
  • valdisman
    valdisman Posts: 573 Arc User
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.