Multi-Clienting Temporarily Disabled - Discussion
I mean this isn't brain science or rocket surgery, wtf is PWI thinking?
They're not.. and they haven't been for quite some time. The company has slowly been killing this game for the last 5 years (or so). You've allowed such inflation and have disabled almost every form of legitimate farming available. You took away DQ value because of "abuse".. You gave us points, which shut us up for a while. Then guess what? Points went away... then the value of other drops.. Couple that with the gold inflation there is absolutely no way to farm anything at any reasonable rate. This is no longer a pay to win game... it is a pay to play.. You have to pay to be here - you can't farm it. Then, one of the FEW things we really could farm.. mirages - in the last update you took those out of (I believe) 3 instances. Because they weren't already high enough per piece and the bounty hunter rewards lowered... Now, sale after sale on packs and charge rewards and back-to-back bull.. These items are only worth a fraction of what they were worth - population has decreased... item availability has increased.. no new players to gear, etc... I can't sell half the stuff I have unless I want to cut my own throat on the deal so someone else can wait 6 months for the price to rebound.. if it does..
*slow clap*
You guys are finally finishing it off.
I should've cut my losses years ago... "Suspicious activity".. The only suspicious activity here is that of a company so detached from their customer base that they can't see they are pushing away their business...
Why don't you just punish those you are so worried are doing.. well.. whatever it is you THINK they're doing... Oh wait... Do they even actually exist?
I don't know if I can stay around to watch this one... The market is too big.. I don't care how much money I have invested - even the newest car at one point becomes something you need to take to the junk yard and drop off.0 -
In response to kalyst's questions:Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*
1) no limit to multi-clienting - let people's machines handle that limit
2a) removal of catshops, free commission shop license for all
2b) ensure Arc platform doesn't cause memory leaks - many people opted for login without Arc client in the first place because it was causing unnecessary added lag / memory leaks over time0 -
So with this arc BS, when i get Dced. i cant force log a back on and i still have to go threw arc. fix your damn game already.0
Mind you that if you DC, you can't force log anymore. You will actually have to wait untill the game kicks you. This is the most **** idea pwi ever had. lol0
Mind you that if you DC, you can't force log anymore. You will actually have to wait untill the game kicks you. This is the most **** idea pwi ever had. lol
This ..... right here is the biggest issue in their already Laggy poor quality server game.... Especially on Dawn Glory server that spend what ? 70% of last year in massive DC's to the point where we were getting a flagrant amount of 2x as compensation >.> ..... We're fked.
Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
The saddest part.
Even this is not enough to break everyone's addiction.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »I'm going to be monitoring the progress of the maintenance now and then checking when the fix goes live. I'll come back tomorrow to address any replies I missed during this time and then (plus, I'll have to be on tomorrow anyways to run Scholarly Challenge). As always, be sure to be respectful of each other and keep the criticisms constructive and meaningful. We'll be collecting all this feedback and seeing what actionables are available for us to take, not just for now but in the future.
Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*
* Please note on Arc Platform Improvements these will mostly be things like - making items/packs/content to give for being in the Arc ecosystem and seeing what sorts of features are in CN's platform. I am aware there are very extensive programs and scripts that will most likely NOT be in Arc, which includes things like the "Perfect Helper".
This is a very harrowing and difficult situation for everyone involved and I hope we can not only come to a speedy resolution, but turn the overall Arc experience into something positive for users going forward.
1) Unlimited
2) Make it how it was before (02.07 update) plus ban only violaters without causing inconvenience to other players.0 -
I cant even do scholary challenge with you disconnects to me. now I have to wait 10 mins for you to kick my toon to log back online. fix your security and leave our stuff alone. if someone gets **** that's their own damn fault for giving user and pass to other people/sites.
0 -
My shop was an old account created in 2011, I can't access to my email anymore, I've just lost around 2b, thanks to this stupid arc protection system.... Can I find any solutions to get my items back ???0
sylenthunder wrote: »The saddest part.
Even this is not enough to break everyone's addiction.
At this point, after 9 years with a 1.5 year break, I've played PWI for more hours than any other single game in my life. And I'm honestly pretty picky with my games. It's not like I don't look into another MMO every now and then, but none of them really match up. PWI and its community represent experiences and memories that would be impossible for me to even substitute for with another game, let alone replace.
That's why I'm fairly confident that if this turns out to be the self-inflicted wound that finally kills PWI (for all intents and purposes), there will still be a community who wants a PWI-like server. So it's in PWE's best interests not to create such a void, but I can only hope we're not already past that point.kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »I'm going to be monitoring the progress of the maintenance now and then checking when the fix goes live. I'll come back tomorrow to address any replies I missed during this time and then (plus, I'll have to be on tomorrow anyways to run Scholarly Challenge). As always, be sure to be respectful of each other and keep the criticisms constructive and meaningful. We'll be collecting all this feedback and seeing what actionables are available for us to take, not just for now but in the future.
Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*
* Please note on Arc Platform Improvements these will mostly be things like - making items/packs/content to give for being in the Arc ecosystem and seeing what sorts of features are in CN's platform. I am aware there are very extensive programs and scripts that will most likely NOT be in Arc, which includes things like the "Perfect Helper".
This is a very harrowing and difficult situation for everyone involved and I hope we can not only come to a speedy resolution, but turn the overall Arc experience into something positive for users going forward.
Kalyst... buddy. Read our lips. We. Do. Not. Want. Forced. Arc. Many people will quit over it. I know you would never deliberately BS us, so I can only assume your wording here is a direct order from your superiors. In which case, those superiors need to understand that we see through it. "Silly Billy, non-Arc clients aren't an option anymore, so let's just make the best of a bad situation, okay? Okay."Literally no one benefits from this disingenuous attitude.
We trust you to be honest with us. If your superiors won't let you do that, then we're back to frankieraye territory, and the community will not tolerate that.
I can't help but wonder if Surtr was the only thing keeping the higher-ups at PWE from going so completely unhinged...Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
Etherblade server0 -
My shop was an old account created in 2011, I can't access to my email anymore, I've just lost around 2b, thanks to this stupid arc protection system.... Can I find any solutions to get my items back ???
This is why you always need to keep your account data updated.0 -
Honestly I can understand that PWE finally decided to enforce their rules but in all fairness a little warning/notice period would been nice on your path since alot of players no longer have access to their (banking toon/catshops/Farmers/ in game spouses) anymore since some of the toons used for them were given by old friends who have long quit PWI with no way accessing the account emails via Arc Defender so yeah some players have suffered a greater loss than others
I would of mentioned the Jolly Jones botters but PWE created that demon when they implimented that NPC and removed the value of the Dq drops/ reduced Drop values atleast with the Earning Time restriction you could of regulated the auto botters drops/exp gain over a given time frame dailyPost edited by mistressani on0 -
game wont load hit play and game goes away what can i do ?0
game wont load hit play and game goes away what can i do ?
Most likely your client is corrupted and missing patcher.exe and/or elementclient.exe. Even restoring these files from previous backups did not fix the issue. Everyone I have helped out that ran into this issue has had to re-download the client. Many of them had the Steam client version installed, and had just linked Arc to the Steam client version. I have also tried replacing those files with the Arc versions, instead of the Steam versions, and that did not resolve it either.
I am currently having to do a full fresh download and install of both Arc, and the client thanks to this.0 -
Lol acturaly read all the posts before this one.People that tend to disconnect alot are screwed. You will have to close current game and restart a new game everytime you disconnect.
Where there is initaly a relog thing that does work, so long as you dind't log out of the arc that that client was linked to. But even then if that inital relog option fails then ya scewed.
Fails can be due to: no internet or server dc (like what just ahppened on Dawnglory right now)Mind you that if you DC, you can't force log anymore. You will actually have to wait untill the game kicks you. This is the most **** idea pwi ever had. lol
It's this force log this that is the real kick in the teeth. This feature was added so that when a dc/server dc occured you could get bk onto that account.
AS the new system requires you go do this:
Log onto Arc
Open Pwi
Choose Server
Choose Charater
The little screen that shows log in info in the pwi client is compeltly and utterly broke <.<
The means that one cannot reuse the same log in details that were used to open arc, to log into pwi, and force log is not avaliable due to this.0 -
i down load game from arc and down arc from arc site y wont it work0
greymana42 wrote: »What abt the ppl who created their acct over 6 years ago and their once valid e-mail acct was closed due to yahoo's inept ability to keep peoples personal information safe? My e-mail acct was one of them that got perma closed due to multiple data breaches. I used to use dbl client to bypass defender because there is no valid e-mail attached to it to send a code to. Yes no jones blessings but at least i could play my 2nd acct. How are u going to handle ppl in my situation? How can we change e-mail addresses to reclaim our vaild accounts?
contact customer support
0 -
darkfightr2 wrote: »Meanwhile someone on wc figured out a way to multiclient
Open one client
force close arc using task manager process killer
open another arc and log with another acc
then you can open 2 client, both running fine.
Nice job dev, cant even ruin something proper.
you know devs are bad when they dont test 2 clients possibility before and just say they may do something about it. you are supposed to test replacing feautures out before you go around ruining existing ones.
You still have to log in from ARC. That's the whole point now. Isn't it.0 -
sylenthunder wrote: »I am currently having to do a full fresh download and install of both Arc, and the client thanks to this.
This is on a clean PC with zero security software to prevent it from loading. Nice.
I can't even log in to leave my factions.
Oh well.0 -
As someone has already pointed out if you log in using arc the debugger console is unavailable, I had my client set up to run without arc and included console command to unfreeze the window - this mean if I had 2 clients on screen I could be playing on one, and reading the chat on the other without constantly switching between screens.
The other reason for not running arc is that it is bloatware. PWI itself has turned into a memory hog - it seems the devs gave up optimising memory in the game long ago. With two game clients running I do not want to run arc as well.
So, my previous login was a simple shortcut to the game client using the shortcut
"C:\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\elementclient.exe" startbypatcher console:1 rendernofocus
(rendernofocus unfreezes non-active game windows)
so I simply
... fired up pwi
... logged in
... selected server and char
now my login will consist of ...
... fire up arc (and wait for it)
... login arc
... click play on pwi (and wait for it to check updates)
... select server and char
... go to task manager
...... kill Arc Chat process
...... kill all ArcOSBrowser processes
...... kill Arc Update proces
... switch to game and play
even then Arc Bloatware leave me with these processes running which I cannot close down
... ArcOSOverlay ... 61,484 k memory usage
... ArcOSOverlay ... 13,212 k memory usage
For me the real killjoy of this update will be losing the ability to have both game screens active. If I have chars logged on who are in different factions I will either be tabbing constantly, or missing out on a lot of chat.
Has access to the console facility been totally removed under arc, or is there another way to access the various functions?
I'm really losing the will to play PWI
You're really going to cry over 74 megs of ram for a process? Are you running this game on a tablet PC?.libby#2497 wrote: »In response to kalyst's questions:Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*
1) no limit to multi-clienting - let people's machines handle that limit
2a) removal of catshops, free commission shop license for all
2b) ensure Arc platform doesn't cause memory leaks - many people opted for login without Arc client in the first place because it was causing unnecessary added lag / memory leaks over time
Unlimited clients? Absolutely not. We don't need JoJ abusers or NW alts farming tokens away from those who are actually doing PVP battles there.0 -
good work PWI team kill the game am quting this game you did great killing it more scerity you say we need ? what you think the players of PWI are 5 years old and don't know how to portict thier own account i was about to cash again in this game but i will never cash again in this game you are killing it . it's dead already thank to you0
sylenthunder wrote: »My shop was an old account created in 2011, I can't access to my email anymore, I've just lost around 2b, thanks to this stupid arc protection system.... Can I find any solutions to get my items back ???
This is why you always need to keep your account data updated.
Too bad you cant even update them properly. Your security question, which is like the golden trump card, cant be updated, you just have to remember it and support will do nothing for your account issues w/o it. Its completely **** way of doing things but hey, this is PWI. Last time I had issues it took me several days to remember it, they would not take any other form of identification even into consideration.0 -
libby#2497 wrote: »In response to kalyst's questions:Of the topics of interest I'd like to collect information on will be the following -
1) Suggested Number of Multi-client Options
2) Arc Platform Improvements (such as exclusives, meaningful content etc.)*
1) no limit to multi-clienting - let people's machines handle that limit
2a) removal of catshops, free commission shop license for all
2b) ensure Arc platform doesn't cause memory leaks - many people opted for login without Arc client in the first place because it was causing unnecessary added lag / memory leaks over timeMind you that if you DC, you can't force log anymore. You will actually have to wait untill the game kicks you. This is the most **** idea pwi ever had. lol
WTF??? I just pulled my LAN cable to force a DC. I plugged it back in and went to PWI and clicked the try to reconnect button and it reconnected me fine.
In essence that is somewhat of a force log as I logged in before the character timed out of the game.
I have no clue why you people are having issues like this.0 -
Tis has to be one of the worst choices you could make. I for one will not be spending any more money to develop different "toons" no this game until multi clienting is restored. This decision will cost you a great deal Please change it back and perhaps institute a feature where players can notify you of phishing messages and attempts in the mailbox. This way you can disable and ban those who make the game less secure at their base IP address.0
Tis has to be one of the worst choices you could make. I for one will not be spending any more money to develop different "toons" no this game until multi clienting is restored. This decision will cost you a great deal Please change it back and perhaps institute a feature where players can notify you of phishing messages and attempts in the mailbox. This way you can disable and ban those who make the game less secure at their base IP address.
Doesn't work because flipping Ip's is way too easy. I think I've used 5 so far just today.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »To lay this rumor to rest- this not, and I repeat NOT, for arena 6v6 abuse, as this is affecting not just us, but FW as well. (Take a peek over at their forums to see for yourself). This is related to supicious activity that we noticed happening at a severe rate related to arc accounts.
Im jumping in between threads but to repeat - I will be revisiting what the client maximum should be set to as the current max is 2 for PWI and 3 for FW.
as someone from FW, i know a lot of people has lost access to several of their alt accounts, either from 6+ year old emails being gone and/or hac ked or other reasons.
any way for these people to get their accounts back?
And are you all already planning to implement a proper/official way to multiclient?
Also since we on the FW forums aren't getting any replies on our forums and are being ignored, and you seem to be fairly active on forums here (altho its a different game/forum) and in touch with those within PWE.. is there any chance you could ask higherups what's going on with Forsaken World arena being broken for 2-3 years now? litterally hasn't worked at all in over a year in a row.0 -
I had a complete end game barb that I forgot the email to but didn't need the email for I was able to play but now with this dumbass update I can no longer log my end game barb for the reason of not knowing the email. PWI fix this now!!!0
WTF??? I just pulled my LAN cable to force a DC. I plugged it back in and went to PWI and clicked the try to reconnect button and it reconnected me fine.
In essence that is somewhat of a force log as I logged in before the character timed out of the game.
I have no clue why you people are having issues like this.
When you do this again, try and use the relog option when entering before you reconnect the internet, then connect the internet and try to log on that same account0 -
I guess I'll add to to complaint list here I can't log my 2nd account at all. I'm not sure if this was PWI ploy to scare everyone from playing thier game but it sure is working now. Congrats on pissing off the community base expect less $$$ in your near future.The only GOP0
@kalystconquerer#0876 Why can you not just give us what the situation is? What do you suspect is the problem or whats happened? Fraud is pretty generic and could pertain to anything of a thousand issues.
Instead of keeping the players in the dark like you always do, this seems serious enough for us to be at least told whats happening. If it turns out peoples credit card info, billing addresses etc have been taken, it's best to tell us now instead of later.
Were the ones who keep the game going and keep you getting paid so at least keep us in the know.Moonshine drinker
In a world of 10s, be an 11.0
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