[Important] UPDATE - Emergency Maintenance 2/9/2018 @ 10PM PT
@xdragonxx Ah sorry if my replies seemed to lean one way or another in lower range numbers. I was simply stating for reference that we currently have a max of 2, and FW has 3. Ive seen someone mention 5 (?) As a suggested number.
As far as how many, thats going to involve more departments than just mine, so I cant give a firm answer on how many we'll be allowing after all of this gets resolved. (Since this involves our platform team, engineers on our side and CN etc.) I will ask what CNs current limit is if any to get a good gauge on it. My current leaning though is definately higher than what we're at now.
@greenfire312 That decision requires multiple departments' feedback. I cant just decide anything on a whim and definately not in a short timeframe. I'll be waiting on the reports that come in from each discipline and we'll go from there. I know thats not an answer you want to hear, but there are multiple people this will affect and involve internally.0 -
**** that this ONLY involves the PLAYERS aka US!!!!!!0
you think Ppl are joking when they say "**** this game" or "uninstalling now" but after you pull this BS you will realize yall fcked up XD
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Ehhhh... I wouldn't mind so much if there weren't two pretty basic problems with ARC:
1) It is kinda slow. Loading clients will take somewhat longer now.
2) I repeatedly need to re-authorize accounts by logging into my email to submit the passcode, despite (in some cases) having just authorized the client for my computer a few days prior. This can be time consuming as I dig through my files to remember which email account links up with which account.
Curious to know what security concerns were so grave that PWI decided to take these measures on such a short notice?0 -
so to confirm something Kalyst, someone whos alrdy using arc to login everyday using their main account for arc, and open a 2nd client via same arc account for their catshop/alts, will not see any change to what they doing?0
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »@greenfire312 That decision requires multiple departments' feedback. I cant just decide anything on a whim and definately not in a short timeframe. I'll be waiting on the reports that come in from each discipline and we'll go from there. I know thats not an answer you want to hear, but there are multiple people this will affect and involve internally.
I can understand "not a short timeframe." But progress on this issue (and of course the multiclienting) needs to be reported back to us periodically. Doesn't matter if it's just "look, we ran into complications but we have a meeting on this scheduled next week" - give us something. The departments can debate as much as they need to, but while they do that, the playerbase is actively bleeding out. And I'm willing to bet some of your departments take that more seriously than others. That's what I'm worried about.
You know, I wish they'd hire you a second CM. You clearly have enough to handle even without having to drop this on us right on the heals of the base debacle, and yet you're still giving us more to go on than most of your predecessors, at least. If PWI manages to weather this storm, it'll be in no small part due to your efforts. You cannot possibly be getting paid enough.Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
Etherblade server0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »I was simply stating for reference that we currently have a max of 2, and FW has 3. Ive seen someone mention 5 (?) As a suggested number.
If the max can be discussed I would like more than 5 ;c
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thanks kalys for withstand the crappy community pwi have... damn....
anyone understand the phrase "dont shoot the messenger"?0 -
**** that xD0
I agree with the notion of "don't shoot the messenger," but it's also pretty easy to understand why everyone is so miffed over the decision. This screws over a lot of people, some of them being their top customers and players. This game survived packs and the like that has been thrown at it so far, but this time I'm not so sure.Our survival requires bold, decisive, visionary leadership.
So basically, we're all screwed.0 -
Only being able to play 1 or 2 clients iis not an option for many players. The only reason we play after so many years is because you are able to log multiple. Hopefully you guys are able to figure it out or it's bye bye PWI.0
@shopcheese Not to get any hopes up but the SS I was shown of CNs LOOKS to be 6 (but can not confirm if theres like scrolling , cant read Chinese).
@greenfire312 People are jumping in and getting involved from not just our office, but from EU and CN. I dont even think we've gotten to that part yet, since we wanted to keep our users safe first. Yeah unfortunately multiple departments will have to align and agree on how we'll handle this as well as how we communicate this, because the last thing I want to do in this situation is pass along bad intel. As far as PWI players are concerned, Im a main point of contact and as such, its imperitive I give the right information out.
And like I said on the base thing. Im still actively pursuing a way to find out what the merit was for users and any options we have. From there I can start figuring out what we can do but for now, I have to wait on the devs coming back from their break before I can see any movement on it.
((Not blocking 6v6 Arena alts and not blocking JoJ botting/abuse. In case anyone responds with that again))0 -
Can we get new GM's and support staff that know how to run a game??? @kalystconquerer#08760
Hey we can just react to this by not charging anymore. I mean whats the point to spend a single dollar on a game thats left for dead. You are responsible for this PWI and only you!0
Personally I hate Arc. I only use it to update the game after a maintenance. While this won't affect me much since I rarely log in two accounts, I can see where the frustration is coming from from the players. To some like myself, this is only PWI shooting itself in the foot. To others this is going to be PWI wearing an explosive vest and detonating itself into oblivion.
End 6v6 and JoJ abuse is fine (even if you say it has nothing to do with it), but to state that you found an issue with Arc's security, when many of us don't log in using Arc seems a bit...peculiar.
After the faction issue raised by many smaller factions, this could be the last straw for many other players as well.
Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
Vicious Marshal - Tideswell0 -
You keep mentioning protecting the players-- but from what??
Makes me wonder if there has been some major data breach... and if that's the case.. the FTC requires you tell people if their personal information has been stolen. Hopefully I'm waaaaay off with my conspiracy theory...<~ these need to come back into the CS.
0 -
fml.... i stand up early to finish my dailys only to see a msg server shutsdown in 200 seconds.. and i gotta be at work in less then 3 hoursEtherblade
MrGiggleShyts0 -
You keep mentioning protecting the players-- but from what??
Makes me wonder if there has been some major data breach... and if that's the case.. the FTC requires you tell people if their personal information has been stolen. Hopefully I'm waaaaay off with my conspiracy theory...
Actually, it does not. Most people believe that, but it is false. The reality, it is up to the states laws (both where the company is based, and where you live) if that information needs to be provided. Some states only require that reporting if there is reason to believe that the information that is stolen will be used fraudulently. They also dont have to report if they get the stolen data back. So be sure to check your states laws, you may or may not find out.
Although i doubt this has happened. Kalyst has already given a direct answer that this didn't happen.0 -
“We’re working on it” lmfao it only takes 9+ months just for an expansion while China preps for their newest that’s just for cosmetic stuff let’s see how long important changes require105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
sharpestsharpie wrote: »
Actually, it does not. Most people believe that, but it is false. The reality, it is up to the states laws (both where the company is based, and where you live) if that information needs to be provided. Some states only require that reporting if there is reason to believe that the information that is stolen will be used fraudulently. They also dont have to report if they get the stolen data back. So be sure to check your states laws, you may or may not find out.
Where I live it's required. So GG PWI.
Still hope I'm off base.. would suck donkey nuggets.
<~ these need to come back into the CS.
0 -
iamluckingfoco wrote: »After the faction issue raised by many smaller factions, this could be the last straw for many other players as well.
^ This. The recent changes to the faction system truly and utterly screwed some smaller factions. Between this change, and the new one being implemented tonight, this game is in jeopardy. As you said, this won't necessarily affect some players. But I don't know anyone right now that doesn't multi-client to at least some degree.Our survival requires bold, decisive, visionary leadership.
So basically, we're all screwed.0 -
@kalystconquerer#0876 One thing I've noticed quite frequently is if the client takes too long to load or you fail to respond to the window within a minute or two of it loading the server selection window, it logs you out and gives you the big message saying it failed to authenticate or something forcing you to log into the client manually. If this patch is to disable the manual login from the client completely, anyone who has a slow computer will be effectively locked out of PW completely because the game will never load in time for them to get a chance to pick the server. Also anyone who fails to select a server in time once the window loads, will be forced to exit completely and reopen the game again from ARC. Anyone who is unable to get into the game will also miss out on daily rewards and log ins as well until these issues are fixed, and potentially be booted from guilds for being inactive. How will you address these issues that will occur because of this change?0
wow it finally happened.. wondering how long pwi could last.. hehe BOOM after how many years? pitty.. 1st you totally screwed 90% of the pop by not capping gold prices, ie runaway inflation... now forcing arc? I H A T E arc. this is the nail in the coffin of my playtime here dammit. say goodbye to my cash and probably ALOT of other ppl's money.. talk about stupid move hahah0
@kalystconquerer#0876 One thing I've noticed quite frequently is if the client takes too long to load or you fail to respond to the window within a minute or two of it loading the server selection window, it logs you out and gives you the big message saying it failed to authenticate or something forcing you to log into the client manually. If this patch is to disable the manual login from the client completely, anyone who has a slow computer will be effectively locked out of PW completely because the game will never load in time for them to get a chance to pick the server. Also anyone who fails to select a server in time once the window loads, will be forced to exit completely and reopen the game again from ARC. Anyone who is unable to get into the game will also miss out on daily rewards and log ins as well until these issues are fixed, and potentially be booted from guilds for being inactive. How will you address these issues that will occur because of this change?
^ this right here0 -
Ive been using pwi on and off since 2008, now your trying to make me authenticate an alt thru defender, I wouldn't even know what old email I may used for a couple of them. Ive spent a lot of money on this game, but why would I if I cant play properly anymore because I cant use my alt to help with instances etc.0
Wow, they would not of done this if not having found a extremely abusive situation, that likely has been ongoing for some time. I will be yelled at, but for once can you peep's see a lil positive light that there tackling a major issue, instead of turning there heads away?. It really suck's that a person or group has hurt the community in such a mass way, there to blame really...probally sending in there troll's to rage the forum's* NOT ALL so please*. I for one applaud them for doing the difficult thing.0
I feel like a good chunk of ppl are more worrried about the many Alts their friends have given them and they won’t be able to log once the multi threading is established through arc, now you’re wondering hmmm did I make sure to disable arc defender (ok come on I’m not the only one thinking it lol)105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
If I want to set up a catshop the easiest workaround for the multi client thing would be to launch the 2nd client within a virtual machine like VMware with NAT. Of course you still have to go through ARC in it as well but that's fine. Virtualbox will not work. Not certain that would count as a proxy or anything.
As far as ARC goes I just demote it to the hidden icons on the task bar so I don't see it0 -
This is the last straw for me.
I'm sitting here troubleshooting issues with friends who are trying to get Arc running. They're trying to save what accounts they can because you've just screwed them all over.
I was sleeping peacefully after a very long day at work.kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »Steam, Blizzards own client, theres other examples out there. Steam was the first thing that jumped into my head for the security processes they have in place, not necessarily for any precieved value from the platform users can gain. Steams axuilary value isnt the comparison Im making here, as Im pointing out that extra security layers is present on various other platforms.
As far as any benefits Arc can give outside of the security layer...thats another side conversation I can have.
The Arc shovelware has never been fully functional. I've had to go as far as getting "Arc Defender" fully removed from more than one of my accounts because it refuses to function well enough to allow me to login with it. This account being one of them. (And I'm likely only still logged in thanks to the wonder of cookies.)
If it gets re-enabled on them, I'm certain I will no longer be able to login.
In the state the support team has been in for the past three years, I have little hope of getting it resolved. They're more likely to send me over to the STO forum to start a thread to get help from the community.
What's worse, is that this isn't some "Emergency Maintenance". This is something that's been planned for a hell of a lot longer than a few days. This is something that was set in motion well before the recent thread on account security. This is something we could have been warned about.
So basically, if I can't crack the client to continue running without Arc, I can't play. I barely play now thanks to the power creep and daily grinds. I don't have time to waste on **** like that just to remain at a level where I can play new content. (Much less PvP.)
P.S. Feel free to remove me from the PW Moderators group.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »@greenfire312 People are jumping in and getting involved from not just our office, but from EU and CN. I dont even think we've gotten to that part yet, since we wanted to keep our users safe first. Yeah unfortunately multiple departments will have to align and agree on how we'll handle this as well as how we communicate this, because the last thing I want to do in this situation is pass along bad intel. As far as PWI players are concerned, Im a main point of contact and as such, its imperitive I give the right information out.
And like I said on the base thing. Im still actively pursuing a way to find out what the merit was for users and any options we have. From there I can start figuring out what we can do but for now, I have to wait on the devs coming back from their break before I can see any movement on it.But I hope that a problem of this magnitude would force a little on-call work, yes?
You're the point of contact for us, yes, but also from us back to them. I know I, and no doubt others here, are trusting you to make clear to them that we do not want forced Arc and that people will leave over it. I absolutely believe you that we'll get multiclienting back, and that being the case, that's a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.
Regarding the bases - I'm not gonna expect you to remember who specifically complained about what, but I could not possibly give less of a damn about merit, as I never had much to speak of.My issue is the loyalty points requirement (and the glyphs/F2P farming, but... immediate issues first). One of the factions I'm in just got the base opened tonight, and they'll have to maintain more coordination than most facs can handle to keep it open (and certainly more than I can personally promise them). My other fac (not counting the dead ones my alts inhabit) will probably never get it open.
EDIT: I just have to say, reading through this thread, I didn't realize just how many people refused to use Arc. I thought we were a pretty obscure breed, these days.Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
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