[PSA] Important - Possible Changes And Updates Coming to PWI
We need a bigger wardrobe please T.T
Dhalie : : Mystic : : Tideswell0 -
Please dont remove Jolly Old J is the only way I can get coins for teleport and repair gear, its ok to be against the bots, ban them or something; me as a low lvl player that can´t solo everything and have a hard time to find squads to get a better gear, need to save coin for the fee for everything in this game, because farming gear its not only getting the materials; I do all the quest everyday and learning skills and that other things is a lot of coin, really dont see myself getting 1billion ever from just JOJ0
the problem with the AH is that there are too many sources for coin and not enough gold supply... wai dont u get rid of that jolly jones quest already? that thing gives you a free 100k just for clicking an npc... people bot that npc for like billions of coins a day probably... also you can increase gold supply easily with charge rewards or charge bonuses....
if you really wanted to you could increase gold price of everything while also increasing the amount of gold you get from charging.... that would devalue gold enough so that the AH would be fine...
This is not really the case as a lot of regular players use it yes some bots do but JoJ is one of the last actual ways to get real coin. They took out FSP coins which was a market. They took out DQ coins, Pot coins, they took out mirages for coin, armor and just about everything. Unless you can do high end instances and a lot of newer players cant do DH or DDH JDH or UP or DUP due to difficulty. NW farming is almost impossible for most new players and they quit because they get constantly one shot. There is no way to farm coin anymore. A new player cant make it. They need actual ways for new players to make it to make coin. However what they need to do is find ways to remove coin as well.
Also lowering the cap on how much coin one player can put in AH at a time and how much gold they can purchase would be a semi good way of lowering the amount of people putting mass stacks of gold in AH which keeps inflation high.
A NPC like mentioned before that sells rare mats at random locations and times for set durations then is moved would be a good idea this would have people getting their use back for map travel.
Fairy boxes back into TT would be a good thing to an extent since its a pain in the **** to get mirages to ran extent, 30 for a bh1 or 100 something I think for a MBH but how many people who are not major cash shoppers do MBH on all their toons. It doesnt happen. With Mirages needing their coin value back at 10K it isnt that high a value in coin and with how everything IS insanely priced from charms to pots to tokens to lucky coins. It isnt the inflation that is as hard its trying to cope with it and not having any way to actually make coin for the free to play player.
Give us back our DQ system we use to have it was stated to be removed because it was faulty and didnt work right but in reality a ton of players relied on it for both event gold and other items. It doesn't need to have R9 items like it did a long time ago but give it thngs that can be turned in to gold in small amounts. Like a chance ticket for 1-5-10 gold and make the ticket WORTH farming for for DQ. We were even told our DQ points rewards page would be returned to us but it never was.
There are so many ways to put features back in the game if you just look for them Also Put the FSP coins back to the FSP rewards from the NPC. Yes I know it was removed to give way to the new system of coins/chests/star chart stuff. However a lot of people did enjoy doing dailies for star chart items it made it worth while to do for more than the exp an small vitea gain.
Part2. From Aboves Statement; Put the NPC's back in so people can get FSP coins that was a market for free to play players. lower the amount for DFSP and keep it what it was before for JFSP. The reason I say this is because of the alt armies people bring with them when they solo DFSP for their alts. That will lower the amount of farming spammed for DFSP. Keep the choice of rewards at the end but take away its higher end amounts so it lowers a small bit to be relative to the amount of coins given.
Now for some more ways to remove coin from the game. Introduce a server based raffle system. You can enter into the raffle by buying tickets and getting rewards from a list of prizes which change every few hours. Make various ticket tier levels too; such as a 500K 1M 5M 10M ticket level with varying rarities of rewards even a 100M raffle amount.
If you take JoJ out of the game new players can't get any coin. They dont need it for skills but they have armor repair and pot cost and a lot more they still have to deal with so do not do that. I don't like how the bots exist but that system does help a lot of people who can not cash their way through this game for coin like some of you do.
Now back on topic of ways to put coin sinks in. Put in a npc that allows you to BUY fashion ingame. YES BUY FASHION make it expensive but nice fashion so people actually want it. Make it bound for some and not bound for the same type but make it cost like the equivalent of a couple 10Million big notes for the pack fashions this way people can actually get what they want but set the NPC that sells the fashion to come out only a couple times a week with different fashion each time and for a couple days then it goes away so that its nice to have it when its there but you can't just hog the npc either. These are just some ideas.
Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.0 -
A few things to note. New players are not established, they have very few ways to make it in the game and get started. Fewer ways to farm gear,coin, and other ingame used things that WE long time players take for granted since we have event gold or gold or coin or charms or defense charms or the token hp mp pots or auto pots even. I would know how hard it can be I have had to help new players learn the game and they are very discouraged at how hard it is to do things in game and with so few people willing to run TT anymore or help with that kinda thing for new players. Older players don't like lower geared people in FSP even because they don't live in FSP but how is a new player going to learn let alone get coin or items they need without going.
Unless there are ways for new players to both get coin and gear without having the negative side effects of the bots which exist in every game in some form or another. Its life and you cant stop it. That being said I YES HATE THEM. They ruined some of my favorite games in the past. Yet if we are going to have new players in the game. They need a way to survive. We have earning time which limits botting in the open in the map to 8 hrs this is fine. Give back DQ coin value for that so players have a reason to use the F12 auto cultivation anymore. Better yet you can remove it and make people manually grind for coin like they use to have to do or be reported for botting. Add a report bot feature which captures the current players name in a insta ticket with time date and then check to see if it bots with a bot or is user played. This can of course be abused but if you have a decent GM look into it. Also a tech for time date and data on the instance it can usually be figured if a bot was being used. So if you remove the auto cultivation system this is a way for that too.
If armor and potions and DQ cost nothing there is no point to go out there with auto cultivation let alone grind for stuff which was CREATED to counter the bots that were supposedly mass used here when there were actually very few. Yes some people botted but not a lot.
Now I know russian sites and people in Russia have been soliciting players ingame for coin buying via mail a good way to stop that put a REPORT PLAYER in the mail options and then when it turns out to be a russian or gold site spammer. BAN IT, REMOVE ALL GOLD TO the banks it sends them to and BAN those within reason. This will make it easier to get rid of half the problem. Among other things.
Bank space yes a GREAT idea have them use a super invt stone to increase bank to a page 2 the 3 with a 1/3 -2/3 - 3/3 number near the upper right corner with an arrow tick to go between. This will let players get more bank space make it take super invt stones to unlock the next page an half the page then another to unlock the second half then another for the third page and half and another for the full third page.
Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.0 -
bring back DQ points reward system back pwease Q.Q
0 -
Also make Vit Stones able to be combined like DoD DoT and JOSD and Diety. Make it so the vit goes up for when placed in armor and also for the crt% increase that and for -channeling increase that too for when placed in armor.
Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.0 -
prettygirlrock10 wrote: »
bring back DQ points reward system back pwease Q.Q
It's been mentioned a few times that this will not return, so don't get your hopes up.0 -
phantomforce#4598 wrote: »prettygirlrock10 wrote: »
bring back DQ points reward system back pwease Q.Q
It's been mentioned a few times that this will not return, so don't get your hopes up.
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They also mentioned that all US players being forced onto a European server where it's impossible to attend any event and where they have to continuously deal with 400ms+ ping would receive a form of compensation and that never happened either.0
Homestead - My Homestead has been Max'd out in items for nearly a year, hence I cannot do anything. When you start you have 1000 items and 2 lands - I have 14 lands and same 1000 items - Since I paid a small fortune for each land I have alot invested and enjoy the homestead quite a bit, very frustrated on the limitation.
I recommend that after and individual reaches 8 lands the item count raises to 1100 items, 10 lands would =1200 items, 12 lands = 1300 items, 14 lands = 1400 items and 16 lands would the item cap at 1600 items!!
Minion battles seem to be controlled a bit much, rarely do you fight really low level people and usually a fight is matched up with a person way above your strength! In addition: The odds of receiving a high level minion when winning is slim to none, this also needs improving. Do away with "C" awards all together, very frustrating to fight 20 battles, win 8 and get all "C" level rewards. Not a good thing to frustrate a player that spends alot of money!
The Homestead was a brilliant idea!! Please change the "odds" of getting the items you want/need in construction, its way out of balance. When an item is so rare it commands many million coin - thats not what a person building a Homestead wants to dish out after spending several hundred dollars on buying land.
I suggest PWI modifies its thinking to please the masses not the few.0 -
I would like to see a rotating schedule of NW and TW. Meaning one week The events are on the same day just earlier times to accommodate players who work during the times of the scheduled event. You could play around with the times and days. I’m sure the weekends would work better to sample at first. Some players can’t make PvP events that are a main attraction to this game. Like to see that all charge reward items are bound. Over the past month charge rewards have immensely effected the economy doubling prices of items. I would like to keep the f2p community around instead of seeing everyone pay to play.
I would really like to see the colesseum have a bracket for g16 only. It would give players who can’t afford r9 to keep playing and upgrading gear. It would give them the motivation to keep playing, charge gold, and enjoy this game. The die hard f2p players would definitely enjoy it and keep them around or even invite returning or new players to join because g16 isn’t hard to get.
I personally think it would be one of the best updates in the game thus far.Post edited by hercules#6721 on0 -
Why should our version be different from China. If they make good content for China or the PWI version then everyone should use it. Not just US or THEM. I don't really see a need to differentiate. Our version has been burned by stuff like this in the past. (super ugly rank 9 recast weapons) However if there is a good reason then sure. Maybe we can solve some problems by making our game MORE like the chinese version.
1. Remove jones and omalley blessings from game so we can use the blessings already in our game, and specialty blessings. This will remove the tedious task of getting a blessing every week, and make things more balanced.
2. Add a report spammer option for mail received, or some good way to report.
3. Custom music choice in homestead does sound Awesome.
4. Clean up items, so we don't have 4 versions of the same item clogging up our banks and inventories.
5. Stop bad promotions, playing pwi should not feel like a game of jumping through promotional hoops. Instead of actually playing the game.
I say don't lose sight of the fact that all things in game can't be "OP."
Stuff like UPD is designed to be end game. And end game content should be teamwork and squad based.
Offline cat shops, or way cheaper comission shop. The cost of running a commission shop is prohibitive.
Silly you need to run your computer to keep your cat shop up. So 2008!!!
2. I do agree with this statment. However they added a spam filter system, cant you be happy with what we have? 32 tele cost is high and has reduced A LOT of spam on DA.
3. This would be hard to obtain due to copy right laws.
4. Items gotten through a *BOUND* version should be seprate than items you spent CASH on.
5. Bad promotions? please explain? Due to promotions like this recent RP one for hours logged in, our server has more than 10 JOSD or Deitys for sale, bringing a vital market back to life. Promotions are very fun, stop throwing a fit because you miss a few of the good ones..... I got my +12 and I am very happy with that. Again leave good enough alone.
6. Since when was UPD not a teamwork instance? Please elaborate on that? Short of a crisis squad on our server, you need a barb / bm / sb / cleric x2/ veno / sin / DDs <----teamwork.....
7. If you can not afford to pay for commission and dont wish to keep your shop online 24/7 than good, more money for the rest of us. Pay your dues to get what you want, not everything in life is free/easy, however there is the Auction House......Bam your lazyness = solved. Stop being a bucket of salt.0 -
Hey I just want to add some thing and some suggest ideas too
1stly about JoJ they dont need to be removed at all you might want to think about making a lvl 81+ to it but they need to stay because it gives the smaller player some sort of a income and you cant make billions from it like some said they might be.
Someone said players are using the pill to make JoJ alts that not true because as soon as any one uses the pill takes u out of the JoJ range so that was not true. Also to making billons just by clicking JoJ you Would need around 1k of alts to do that you how long that would guy a person to make and do so yeah there no reason to remove JoJ.
Gold Selling NPC
Someone in the past commits said some thing about a Npc selling gold from where pwi is selling gold to the players in game i think is that cap would be at 2mil that would be awesome thing in the game.
You dont need to click anything for JoJ.
They are botting it.
I have posted several screenshots where you can see 20-30 bots running at the same time on the same spot.
All operating at the same time with the same pattern (obviously not someone controlling that)
And it goes on 24h/day any time of the day, any day of the week.
Billions is totally right estimated, if not underestimated.
For the Gold selling NPC at 2m...
Well, with what has just been said about JoJ, you can imagine creating 500 gold into the economy everyday isnt great for pwi's wallet.
Hey so say they have 30 bots ok that only about 4mil fair from billions say they even have 300 bots that only still about 40mil so for a player to get to 1billion he/she needs about 6000+ bots to do that thats just for 1 billion. so dont you thing PWI would pick up something like that i know they not the shapest out there but even PWI see if this was a problem there and beside if there where that many toons logging in and out all day long dont u think Lost be the laggest place on the map where its not that laggy there at all.
If you dont know the facts and make false claims that just hurt the hard working player of PWI who use JoJ and they small income to enjoy to play the game. I bet you one of thoese people Who selling gold for like 6 to 7mil in world chat and making every thing expance for the rest where even PWI has capped gold selling at just under 4mil.
?? not sure where you're getting your numbers at but you make 1m per day with JoJ.
(not 100k, are you total ****?)
Only need 1000 bots.
And as i clearly proved there are 30 bots AT THE SAME TIME, wich probably take 1h each and then log off and logging new bots on.
30x24 = 720m per day.
And thats only what i took from 5 minutes of looking closely.
(You can assume there were a lot more flying around pwi than the 30 I found in 5 minutes, and there for multiply that 720m a few times)
This sht goes on 24/7 and you can repeat the experience whenever you want.
Should go back o math classes and stop trying to assume what i am.
Hey 1stly you said they only log on and off and ofc then need to pick the quest that only give 158K at lvl 71 and IF they are doing the 8 order quest in total u can only get 774k and 1 toon can take up too 1- 2 hour to do or more depending on which of the 3 quest u get and ever toon is random. So a bot system that can do all 8 quest and the check in and run 30 toons and also heal,kill,flyswim also need to know when mobs kills are done if the toon dead or a alive and do that for 30 toons all at the same time.
So now Tell me the bot system that does that also please tell me the pc spec to run a Bot system like that too LoL
So you clearly dont have any idea how JoJ work if you did you would have not have made these stupid claims
Intel® Xeon® Processor E7-8870 v4
20 cores / 40 threads / 50 MB l3 cashe / 2.8 GHZ / $5800.00 USD
Quad link SLI - GTX 580s / $2000.00 USD - USED
ECC DDR4 64 GB server mem - $525.00 USD ~
OFC that would HAVE to be water cooled using it for this purpose so add $350.00 USD
I think i agree with you here..... running that many toons to make a mere 250$ worth of coin a day is stupid, not to mention your power bill/ room cooling <---- this would run extreemely hot.0 -
Just a suggestion...
I was wondering if a change can be made for our Inventory..
Instead of having Quest Items Tab which hardly ever gets used.. maybe change it to Potions since we get sooo many different ones now.. would really like the extra bag space0 -
A potion tab in bag would be awesome. I always run out of space even with max bag slots because at least 1 line is full of hp/mp pots while another is full of buff stuff.
Then we got tp stones and incenses, usually taking two slots each because they can't be staked. Then instance keys and whatever else the daily quests gives you.
And then you're left with 1 or 2 lines at best for drops you need (which is not enough space)
Can we please have some sort of automatic refinement system?
You put the mirages, tell when to use the tisha/tienkang stones and orbs, and say what level of refining you want.
Right now it's just... tedious.Post edited by ailiadrake on0 -
Can we also add vitae to BH 100 rewards? And I don't mean just a 100 vitae pill, but something that can be noticed in later levels like shifting and twilight.0
Reactivate the Hidden Dragon Den! Or change some rewards for Dragonblood Stones. UCH is not enough.0
As for the homestead system, I never had a homestead, so I don't know the extent of what it already covers. But a few bullet points that I personally would enjoy from housing:
-A variety of styles and themes. If my main character's house is on a mountaintop, I wouldn't necessarily want my alts in the same location. A few elemental-themed elements would go a long way. We need to simulate living in the mouth of a volcano with lots of hot glowy rocks and fire-themed stuff, or a decorated beach with lots of shells and a simulation of an ocean off the shore. A hollowed-out gigantic tree with jungle-themed decor or a steampunk hut with gear-teeth accents.
-Weather effects. If there's snow on the ground, I'd want the option to turn snowfall on. Or possibly rain, sandstorms, or even a midnight sky on other maps.
-Guild housing. Yeah, I know we already have a faction base, but there's no exterior. An exterior for faction bases customizable with homestead assets would be a great addition to the homestead system. And each fac base wing could be accessable through different buildings. Also, the food nodes could be put outside instead of cluttering up the Infinite Halls.
-Bank/mail access, production nodes, etc. Maybe the bank would need to be expanded to a certain degree to unlock this ability. Or perhaps your production skill would need the necessary level. But to get these features unlocked would be convenient.
-Alts appearing as NPCs. Yeah, this might be the most far-fetched idea, but it would be neat to see our alts doing random things around the homestead. Gardening, sweeping up, of even standing guard.
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I'd just like to add in maybe a possible way to try on aerogear from the boutique or catshops or even the npc in the base? Over the years I find it increasingly difficult to see exactly how aero's look from the icon, let alone trying to track down or randomly see someone with an aero just to get a idea of how it would look. Just a suggestion or thought I wanted to bring up looking through some of this thread. Thank you for all the hard work you've been putting in on the player base behalf.0
sombre0verseau wrote: »I'd just like to add in maybe a possible way to try on aerogear from the boutique or catshops or even the npc in the base? Over the years I find it increasingly difficult to see exactly how aero's look from the icon, let alone trying to track down or randomly see someone with an aero just to get a idea of how it would look. Just a suggestion or thought I wanted to bring up looking through some of this thread. Thank you for all the hard work you've been putting in on the player base behalf.
Also, perhaps add armor graphics in the character simulator as well? Just so we know what our target armors look like, in case they look better than our fashions.
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Getting back to the idea of raising the AH bid limit... I was pretty against the idea at the start and prefer measures to bring coin inflation under control. With the constant stream of keys and those dumb goldfoil rewards though that doesn't seem like an option. Billions of coins are flowing into the server and the gold isn't keeping up. This has been my experience attempting to buy AH gold over the past month.
I had some luck in the off-key weeks but not that much and vast majority of bids just expire. I think it's time we bite the bullet and raise the limit. Let's just put it to whatever the max value is (4b probably) so we don't have to worry about it.0 -
Getting back to the idea of raising the AH bid limit... I was pretty against the idea at the start and prefer measures to bring coin inflation under control. With the constant stream of keys and those dumb goldfoil rewards though that doesn't seem like an option. Billions of coins are flowing into the server and the gold isn't keeping up. This has been my experience attempting to buy AH gold over the past month.
I had some luck in the off-key weeks but not that much and vast majority of bids just expire. I think it's time we bite the bullet and raise the limit. Let's just put it to whatever the max value is (4b probably) so we don't have to worry about it.
NOPE....... This will make things worst0 -
Do me a favor. Tell them to fix the refining chances at least up to 5 or 6, because right now they are horrible and the 50% for level 1 is all a lie0
I hope we still have Jones quests for money. Otherwise how we make money at lower levels?0
The developers should use the old Hidden Dragon Den for something. The instance was removed from the game and its drops were moved to Flowsilver Palace and the Undercurrent Hall. They could add something else there to be farmed.
0 -
So we keep talking about what we would like to see happen, but I was wondering has any date been announced for the next adventure?0
Bring back star chart rewards for dailies0
Hiyo, i'm to lazy to read every comment people have written.
about Homestead Updates
**I'd love to be able to sit on my furniture, like have some kind of action where u can click on the furniture and ur toon would go sit on it properly (i am a huge fan of The Sims)
** If possible for people with 7k+ prosperity to increase the amount of sigils they get? G17 is a really really long project even an increase by 2 sigils per quest would help a lot
** i'd like to see better option in shaping terrains, its sorta really hard to make proper mountains or rivers sometimes
** also something a bit totally new maybe idea for the future?, i'd love to see a faction homestead, a home where faction members only can enter a place to hang out or do trades if one is across the map u could just enter that homestead to do the trade quick. For editing could allow tht only for leader, director + marshals.
To make it fun could change it in a way where members once a week can pick a quest to kill 1 person of each class in Tw- xTw (if squad kills the one person everyone gets the kill) as reward some homestead items? sigils and that sort0 -
orangeitis wrote: »As for the homestead system, I never had a homestead, so I don't know the extent of what it already covers. But a few bullet points that I personally would enjoy from housing:
There is a lot of potential with the housing system. The developers luckily were painting in broad strokes when they made it, allowing for far, far more assets to be added.
Biome ideas: Snowy landscape, volcanic landscape, mountain range, swamplands, tropical jungle, tropical beach, iceberg range(mountains but icy)
Themes: Historical/cultural Homestead decorations/housing/landscapes based on each race(Winged Elf, Earthguard, etc). The Tideborn Towers(left & right) were a good start - but I'd like to see this idea expanded.
Alt Characters: (mentioned in an earlier post but worth repeating)The ability to unlock a feature that lets one put one's other characters around their homesteads, either in fixed position repeating certain basic actions or walking through a fixed path.
Dynamic Terrain: The ability to make caverns, tunnels, and overhead ledges; pretty much the ability to modify terrain from the sides, rather than just the top.
Veno/Mystic/All-Class Pets: Same idea as the alt characters idea, but for non-Minion pets as well.
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How about giving us the ability to put NPCs in our Homestead? To make it livelier! I wonder if that's possible at all.0
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