So, can we lift the AH cap yet?



  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    hoshichan wrote: »
    dregenfox wrote: »
    hoshichan wrote: »
    if gold price cap gets raised, i will buy gold at the price of the new cap, till its the new price. why?`because i can. and if i can, others can too. problem will persist....

    So if they raised the cap to 100m, you would buy gold at 100m/per? LOL.

    you didnt get my point....and why would they raise it to 100 mil :D

    What exactly was your point? That people will overpay for stuff because they can? According to your logic, you should go and sell apples for $10 each because there's no cap on apple prices :smile:
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    @dregenfox No, but he is still correct. If gold get raised to 10m then people will buy the gold for 10m, maybe not all the time but during such sales, especially when we also get a crazy spend rewards like "spend 250 gold and you get a 12* Orb" and stuff like that, then it's a nobrainer. Who cares if gold is 10m then, you can resell keys at the very least for 8m-ish goldprice + you get the spendrewards upto 250g for 500m, when a 12* is already close to 1b in coins.

    That is the reason why raising the cap is stupid. You can raise the cap if keys get lost, JoJ dies and an NPC is introduced to finally drain the coins from the server. Just now, put up an NPC that sells gold for 6m coins straight and most of the coins on the server will go away (after removing foils) or anything like that. However, if you do, there is no need for an increase anymore cause gold will naturally go down to 2m ea or even lower. The only reason why gold is so high in value is because keys and packs are too profitable. PWE could just double the prices of those items and all would be fixed immediately. 88g per 100 packs or 50g per 100 keys is absolutely fine. There is NO NEED for those items to be cheaper other than destroying the economy.

    I have no issue with an increase of the cap. That would be pretty nice actually. But as I've said before...some other things need to be fixed before that. If I could buy gold form AH for even 5 or 6m each but every time I want to then I would. No doubt. But yeah, tough times :D
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    @dregenfox No, but he is still correct. If gold get raised to 10m then people will buy the gold for 10m, maybe not all the time but during such sales, especially when we also get a crazy spend rewards like "spend 250 gold and you get a 12* Orb" and stuff like that, then it's a nobrainer. Who cares if gold is 10m then, you can resell keys at the very least for 8m-ish goldprice + you get the spendrewards upto 250g for 500m, when a 12* is already close to 1b in coins.

    That is the reason why raising the cap is stupid. You can raise the cap if keys get lost, JoJ dies and an NPC is introduced to finally drain the coins from the server. Just now, put up an NPC that sells gold for 6m coins straight and most of the coins on the server will go away (after removing foils) or anything like that. However, if you do, there is no need for an increase anymore cause gold will naturally go down to 2m ea or even lower. The only reason why gold is so high in value is because keys and packs are too profitable. PWE could just double the prices of those items and all would be fixed immediately. 88g per 100 packs or 50g per 100 keys is absolutely fine. There is NO NEED for those items to be cheaper other than destroying the economy.

    I have no issue with an increase of the cap. That would be pretty nice actually. But as I've said before...some other things need to be fixed before that. If I could buy gold form AH for even 5 or 6m each but every time I want to then I would. No doubt. But yeah, tough times :D

    Do you actually realize that it's a net benefit for f2p players if they can get a free 12* dragon orb from spend promos, even with gold at 7.5m?

    I find it hilarious that people are so scared of gold prices that PWI can run a promo like "1 JOSD if you spend 100 gold" and people will riot like it's a bad thing.

    WTF are you actually trying to buy with that gold if it isn't for endgame power items like 10-12* orbs/JoSD? Literally every endgame player on this server has R9 +7 at least already.

    But I guess we can go back to slightly cheaper gold and end all the spend promos. Just don't complain when DoD are still just as expensive/hard to buy even with "cheaper" gold.
  • eeepsilon
    eeepsilon Posts: 294 Arc User
    Looking at this thread and I just notice that :D

    Keys and their foils are back on sale :D

    Honestly if they remove those foils and all similar items from those keys and packs there will not be much problem. But i guess this company never learns.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    I don't think it's just to much coin.

    I think it's demand for gold as well.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    @dregenfox Nah, thats not it but you seem to lose focus of the most important part here.

    Sure, it would be a profit for F2Players in such promotions IF they could get some means to actually earn coins ingame. Coins are nearly worthless, farming for coins is nearly impossible atm. Even I that has farmed 95% of everything I have has started to charge more because the amount of time you need to put in for just a few coins is ridiculous. My own time is worth far more than earning even 10m coins per hour ingame. So ofc, I much rather just charge 100 bucks a month and got the same, with no effort at all or even lesser effort in that sense.

    I can afford it easily, but other can't and just quit. Even r9 items, chart items, literally anything the boutique has to offer...with just that gold shouldn't even be above 1m per. Those stupid chance packs/keys that are a sheer endless source of coins are what is pushing the prices that high. Get them gone/nerf them, all problems are solved.
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    @dregenfox Nah, thats not it but you seem to lose focus of the most important part here.

    Sure, it would be a profit for F2Players in such promotions IF they could get some means to actually earn coins ingame. Coins are nearly worthless, farming for coins is nearly impossible atm. Even I that has farmed 95% of everything I have has started to charge more because the amount of time you need to put in for just a few coins is ridiculous. My own time is worth far more than earning even 10m coins per hour ingame. So ofc, I much rather just charge 100 bucks a month and got the same, with no effort at all or even lesser effort in that sense.

    I can afford it easily, but other can't and just quit. Even r9 items, chart items, literally anything the boutique has to offer...with just that gold shouldn't even be above 1m per. Those stupid chance packs/keys that are a sheer endless source of coins are what is pushing the prices that high. Get them gone/nerf them, all problems are solved.

    The gold price has no impact on f2p players farming coins. And if you depend on $100/month for income, then gold price has no impact on you because if gold sells for more then you get more with your money. The promos become even better for you actually.

    Only real issue PWI needs to deal with are keys but they simply ignore the playerbase on this issue even if it's destroying the game. The gold cap is only making the problem worse, however.
  • hoshichan
    hoshichan Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    holy cow, Joe and i agree on something. SSed!

    dregenfox: your estimations and ideas may be creative but usually wrong. did you ever sell these accessory stone for 6 million?
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    hoshichan wrote: »
    holy cow, Joe and i agree on something. SSed!

    dregenfox: your estimations and ideas may be creative but usually wrong. did you ever sell these accessory stone for 6 million?

    Sorry but your wrong there. Accessory stones are not worth 6 million even with current gold prices.

    If you think I'm wrong, show some proof. Is there someone on your server buying up all the keys in WC and trying to re-sell them at a 10m gold value? Because there's no one stopping them from doing that.

    In fact, you can do it right now. Buy up all the keys for 8m/gold and resell them at 10m/gold. I'm sure you will do well.
  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    @dregenfox it never mattered to me if an issue influences myself in any regard because that is not the point. The game shall be suited to anyone and try to balance things, not to widen the gap more and more.

    And no, gold directly influences anything. Except ofc you think that it is normal that GST and MOG are at their highest coin prices in the history of the game and that by a massive margin. Even the last key sale (few months ago) with chip sale combined..they capped out at roughly 13m ea. Now you can be lucky getting them for 15m..during the sale. Now after the sale..ts..if you get them for 16m you can be considered lucky.

    Gold would have no influence on coins and what ppl are farming if you actualöy could farm it all ingame. You need gold to get certain items. Yes, MoG and GST drop from xTW rewards...and as a tourny reward you can get MoG as well...but damn, 3 gst and 1 mog in a total of over 300 of such packs I have opened..that can hardly go through as farming.

    I suggested that they revamp nirvana and literally all old farming instances and add very valuable items like GST/MoG/G17 mats into the dropping table (very low chance ofc). This way you could farm the stuff. Like TT, why cant GST drop like gold mats do now, mogs with 1/4 of the chance and stuff lile Zenith skulls at the same chance as red mats. That would be perfect. Having items that can solely be achieved via the boutique makes gold very much necessary..unfortunatly.
  • sarrafeline
    sarrafeline Posts: 152 Arc User
    glay4fun wrote: »
    Gold can has noting to with it. Its a non factor at all, raise gold cap to 8m what happens? New gold price very shortly will be 8m+, Packs will also cost more obviously, thus pack items cost more aswell. So what will we have after we 2x gold cap? All prices will 2x, gold will 2x, and the coin that you have in your bag value will go down 2x.

    So, if the cap was raised to 200 trillion coins for a gold, it will instantly shoot up to 400 trillion coins for a gold? Are you smoking something? Or do you just totally not understand how a market actually works?
  • hoshichan
    hoshichan Posts: 175 Arc User
    dregenfox wrote: »
    hoshichan wrote: »
    holy cow, Joe and i agree on something. SSed!

    dregenfox: your estimations and ideas may be creative but usually wrong. did you ever sell these accessory stone for 6 million?

    Sorry but your wrong there. Accessory stones are not worth 6 million even with current gold prices.

    If you think I'm wrong, show some proof. Is there someone on your server buying up all the keys in WC and trying to re-sell them at a 10m gold value? Because there's no one stopping them from doing that.

    In fact, you can do it right now. Buy up all the keys for 8m/gold and resell them at 10m/gold. I'm sure you will do well.

    you bougth all accesory socket stones and claimed you can resell for 6 mil. remember? and why would i buy gold/keys for 10 mil if there is no spend promo..
  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    glay4fun wrote: »
    Gold can has noting to with it. Its a non factor at all, raise gold cap to 8m what happens? New gold price very shortly will be 8m+, Packs will also cost more obviously, thus pack items cost more aswell. So what will we have after we 2x gold cap? All prices will 2x, gold will 2x, and the coin that you have in your bag value will go down 2x.

    So, if the cap was raised to 200 trillion coins for a gold, it will instantly shoot up to 400 trillion coins for a gold? Are you smoking something? Or do you just totally not understand how a market actually works?

    I understand the market well, but i can also see that you cant read. Where did i say in my post that 200tril would instantly shoot to 400? Your the one smoking something cuz theres a difference in 4-8m and 200-400 trill in case u dont understand that. Its not 2x its 50x difference. For that to happen it would take 50x more time and ofc assuming there would be means to get trilions overall.

    Think before flaming

  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    i mean 50k X difference thats 50,000 difference. Missed a "k".
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    oh gawd not this AH cap BS again
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    hoshichan wrote: »
    dregenfox wrote: »
    hoshichan wrote: »
    holy cow, Joe and i agree on something. SSed!

    dregenfox: your estimations and ideas may be creative but usually wrong. did you ever sell these accessory stone for 6 million?

    Sorry but your wrong there. Accessory stones are not worth 6 million even with current gold prices.

    If you think I'm wrong, show some proof. Is there someone on your server buying up all the keys in WC and trying to re-sell them at a 10m gold value? Because there's no one stopping them from doing that.

    In fact, you can do it right now. Buy up all the keys for 8m/gold and resell them at 10m/gold. I'm sure you will do well.

    you bougth all accesory socket stones and claimed you can resell for 6 mil. remember? and why would i buy gold/keys for 10 mil if there is no spend promo..

    Bruh that was like a year ago. Yeah, I flipped something like 70-80 stones but it was only like 200m in profit. You're operating on outdated information...I haven't sold socket stones in over half a year probably. They're pretty worthless now.

    The period when gold was between 1m to 3999900 was one of the most profitable for PWI...packs sold like candy and people were upgrading to r9 left and, merchanters, and cash shoppers all depended on each other to get the items they needed quickly..

    Once the gold supply stopped moving people only became interested in stockpiling gold and items and holding on to them's just not good for the economy, even with the harm keys can potentially do to the price.
    Post edited by dregenfox on
  • shimarra
    shimarra Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    I think you are forgetting what happened during that time. They dramatically cut off grinders ability to get coins. So now what you have is rich people in the game, us merchants and a bunch of people who have to rely on sucking coins out of the system or selling something to a rich person for coins.

    Now I feel you, you want the ah cap raised. I'm a merchant too so no matter the gold price, I am gonna profit. The problem is prices do rise depending on gold cost and you are squeezing the **** out of the grinders.

    I asked kaly before but I don't think she did, to query how much gold gets sold in ah per day. I have a feeling it is around the same as a few years ago, not less, there is just more demand. The problem IS that more people are relying on buying gold from AH than items on the market because of the mark up.... because of them restricting coin drops. Raising the price might push them out of the gold market where you and I will still thrive, but that is not a good move for PWI playerbase. During NP promos rich people sold items bought with gold cheaper than you could buy gold in AH. People didn't worry about buying gold in AH unless you were a merchant ot doing the NP promo. They removed that and prices in AH maxed. Prices for items in West rose too. That pushed a ton of people to buy gold in AH.

    I said this years ago and I am gonna say it again removing coin value from drops was so stupid. Coin circulating in the economy is what really matters and that got a strangle hold on it. This is a direct result of the austerity imposed by PWI.

    The answer is to reduce the amount of coins you can have in bag back down to 200m or to 500m.
  • sarrafeline
    sarrafeline Posts: 152 Arc User
    glay4fun wrote: »
    glay4fun wrote: »
    Gold can has noting to with it. Its a non factor at all, raise gold cap to 8m what happens? New gold price very shortly will be 8m+, Packs will also cost more obviously, thus pack items cost more aswell. So what will we have after we 2x gold cap? All prices will 2x, gold will 2x, and the coin that you have in your bag value will go down 2x.

    So, if the cap was raised to 200 trillion coins for a gold, it will instantly shoot up to 400 trillion coins for a gold? Are you smoking something? Or do you just totally not understand how a market actually works?

    I understand the market well, but i can also see that you cant read. Where did i say in my post that 200tril would instantly shoot to 400? Your the one smoking something cuz theres a difference in 4-8m and 200-400 trill in case u dont understand that. Its not 2x its 50x difference. For that to happen it would take 50x more time and ofc assuming there would be means to get trilions overall.

    Think before flaming

    Really? You said if it was raised to 6m, it would instantly shoot up to 8m. That makes no sense.

    The gold cap made no difference when gold was under 3.99 mil. After gold's value went above 4m, people simply stopped using the AH to sell gold and moved to WC. When gold prices dropped back under 3.99m, the AH was useful again, as gold moved through it just fine. Raising the cap to 20m won't have any actual impact on the real value of gold, and in fact, it may drop gold prices slightly. The cap has almost nothing to directly do with the gold prices, that comes down to supply and demand.

    if you want 100k gold prices again, then you're playing the wrong game. Gold won't ever get back down to 100k, unless the game is seriously about to die and the servers are on a set timer to perma shutdown.

    Gold price is set by supply and demand, and the cap won't effect that. If people want cheaper gold, which I'm assuming the non CSers do, then there are other ways to bring the cost of gold down, notably coin sinks. However, since we've been hamstrung by China's fixes for the Chinese servers, that'll never happen. Instead, we're going to get stuck with a half functional regional fix that will break every time a patch comes out, so...

    Or am I missing some big thing about how this works, which, btw, nobody has once mentioned in the forums?
  • bizzah
    bizzah Posts: 19 Arc User
    OR, easiest fix of them all, make everything bought by gold be charbound. Simply, isn't it? Now, if people don't wanna gamble for coins, they are forced to sell in AH. Problem solved.
  • implode
    implode Posts: 91 Arc User
    On Etherblade, before HS were introduced which were a nice (but temporary) coin sink while everyone sunk millions into levelling the HS buildings, during certain promos gold on WC actually hit 10m. Its stabilised a lot since then and is now typically around 5-6m. I don't know why people think that if the cap is raised to 10m (or w/e) that gold will instantly jump to that price - its only going to jump to what people are willing to pay for it. You think people are going to buy up all the gold and then relist it at max price? They can try, and those listings will expire. We'd actually have gold SALE listings expire, that'd be different!

    I think trying to decide, the cap should be this or that figure, is an impossible deabte especially when gold price is already different on different servers. Lets just have no cap at all. If people want to list gold for 1b coins then let them, if they go too nuts then the sale listings will just expire. I'll be the first one raging at having to pay 6-8m per gold but its better than the current situation where the only way to get gold is to buy it off some dude on WC and hope that they are decent to deal with and buy the correct item(s). I hate having to negotiate with people and depending on what you want to buy can be outright embrassing, so the end result for me is I just don't buy stuff that's from the boutique period. My whole strategy now is based around farming things that can be obtained without the cash shop, like G17 weps from HS+UP.

    +1 on removing JoJ, that gets so abused.
    Put up an NPC that sells gold for 6m coins straight and most of the coins on the server will go away
    Yeah, I've said for a long time that would be the best thing for the health of the game and economy - if an NPC sells gold for X million then there's no need for an AH cap anymore since nobody is going to pay more than X million for gold anymore. Just has the minor detail that gold is being generated out of thin air *without PWI actually being paid* sooo they probably aren't going to view it as such a good solution.
  • ebisama
    ebisama Posts: 29 Arc User
    bizzah wrote: »
    OR, easiest fix of them all, make everything bought by gold be charbound. Simply, isn't it? Now, if people don't wanna gamble for coins, they are forced to sell in AH. Problem solved.
    this best way to fix gold is to cut away the biggest problem which is merchants who keep raising price of gold
  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 153 Arc User
    Eh no I think having an npc sell gold is a horrible idea. It would be a huge impetus for people to farm coins through botting or whatever other means are possible. People who have lots of coin but still cash to get access to gold would no longer cash, which would be bad for PWI which in turn would be bad for all of us. We can't afford to have an npc sell unlimited gold, no way no how. Now... maybe an npc that sells limited quantities to characters 100+ 2x rebirthed, maybe a limited amount per day or per week... but man yeah you'd have to be so careful not to permanently **** the economy up and I just don't see PW taking that risk.

    Things I think would really help are:
    -more coin sinks
    -less coin value being produced from keys or, higher price. (30 was too high, 18 is too low, how about we try 25 gold for 100, should cool things off a bit).
    -slight raise on ah cap (raise it to 6mil to start with)
    -fewer spend promos so people have more reason to funnel their money through the AH system which WORKS FINE when gold price is low enough
    -more charge promos so more gold enters the servers---there is a large deficit of gold and a huge surplus of coin atm, which is why we are experiencing inflation
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Well the idea to make all gold bound to the char would be good but if you kept the spend promos and also made it so spend promos counted towards AH while reducing the amount of gold that can be bought down to 50g wouldn’t this be good aswell that way gold circulates and everyone gets something out of putting it into AH?
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    Gold, Silver, and credit's Npc's for your needs gladly accepting shiny Gold, Silver and earned lil credit's //Who need's coin's xD.