[PSA] Important - Possible Changes And Updates Coming to PWI



  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    edited November 2017

    Sorry to hear you and others are having trouble with this.

    However being International again does not mean they have to operate everywhere. The Terms and Conditions are clear as well as any blocked places are a problem for most games. PWI is no exception to this rule.

    PWE is only a publisher if they get told to lock an area by contract this is not down to them. Their are most likely various reasons for this being in place as well as their own server. By offerings if you had a server for an area would you want others playing a different one? Something im guessing could have been paid for by the 3rd party.

    I know in the past this has been said over and over, Sadly this is the way it is for now. One day however this may be different... Something to wait on I am afraid.

    Ill make a point to say the above as I was pulled into this, but I wont be following up on any more comments.

  • emanuelly#5715
    emanuelly#5715 Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    I have requested that Level Up! Games (perfect world's brazilian distributor) be able to review your contract and ask to Arc Games to ban all brazilians from PWI.
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    Pretty sure there was another thread that was pretty detailed in the discussion of Brazil and international license issues, Technically China get's out game material before other's and I don't see a boat full of complaint's sinking the boat on this.. Let's keep this thread on what We can do with The front of the game.. not back door behind the scene's politic's ty.
  • orangeitis
    orangeitis Posts: 183 Arc User
    [*] Since Chihyu is no longer for damage
    I think you're misunderstanding how games work. Metagame functionality doesn't equate to game designer intent. If the designer intent is for that pet to be a DPS pet, it won't take on much of a different role. The most they'd do is buff its DPS.
  • whateverwolf
    whateverwolf Posts: 3 Arc User
    orangeitis wrote: »
    -This might be tricky on the Chinese developer's end, but new fashuion slot: Transformations. These could give your transformation skills(Tiger Form, Fox Form, Tide Form, Devil Form, etc) different appearances. Wolf Form for Barbs, Octopus Form for Tideborne... for Devil Form alterations, it might be better to get creative with them, like desining different shapes of demon or offering other spiritual forms like a grim reaper.

    More alternate forms for barbs and venos would be awesome, there are so many wolf and lion barbs as well as cat, bunny and succubus venos - it would be nice to have true forms for these different types, especially barbs with how neglected we are in the character customization department and lack of head fash that is not ini edited onto the character.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Perhaps a reduction in CD from 90 to 60 on stormbringer and Duskblade reaper form or atleast make it bewitch doesn’t zap you out of it? As it stands you can transform and immediately a venomancer can take you out of it with one skill or a Duskblade can copy the skill and force you out leaving you with like 10 seconds transformed 80 second without when it was supposed to be 30 seconds on 60 seconds off.

    This is a dusk/storm primary form for offense and defense in most cases and yet if forced out immediately must wait 90 seconds while assassins do no have to for their 120 second cooldown tidal protection/focus mind and venomancer/barbarians can immediately return to their forms. I would prefer it doesn’t take reaper form off at all but if that’s too hard to code maybe make it last 25-30 seconds with a 60 second cool down I just feel 90 is too long just to be easily forced out of it. Maybe have that as the next glyphable skill option after the current expansion China got.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • hoshichan
    hoshichan Posts: 175 Arc User
    we need a version specific passive that reduces dmg received from assassins. since china wont touch the class itself, maybe that way pvp becomes enjoyable for every non-sin again. yesterday we won 10 arena fights and lost 10, all 10 losses were against deity sins randomly 1 shotting 1 of us out of stealth. we had others asking us why our squadsquad was so low(1620) and yeah.."cause no sin".
  • vampirao2012
    vampirao2012 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    saxroll wrote: »

    International doesnt mean every damned country in the world. But they have certain agreements in their license they cant just offer game to Brazilians for example due said contract. If Br version wants PWI to block Brs, they will have to do that due the license. I have no idea why this doesnt hold the same for Russians but meh.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 If so, they can ban all Brazilians, including old accounts, through the clauses 4.12, 26.1 and the person can not request a refund, through the clause 26.6

    To avoid any doubt, please change the terms of services (the clauses 2.1, 2.2 and 26.1 allow to do this), specify which countries and which games are blocked. It's not necessary to give a reason for the block.

    Many brazilians (and others from blocked countries) are using illegal methods, such as VPNs, altering the game files and Arc Launcher to gain access to the game.

    If it's to block, that they make the complete blockade and not only partial, but also remove the "International" from the game title.

    It's funny watch a Brazillian scammer begging for ip block, who use pictures from girls that din't reach legal age to stole many folks ... You did it in Brazzilian server and PWI servers so shut the f*** up.
  • vampibr2015
    vampibr2015 Posts: 3 Arc User
    It's funny watch a brazzilian scammer which use picture's girls who didin't reach "legal age" to riot and stole..
  • schnubbelpuh
    schnubbelpuh Posts: 34 Arc User
    Change the Arigora Times - a terrible time for DawnGlory ._.
  • tzukuyomi#7298
    tzukuyomi#7298 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    @kalystconquerer#0876 I would just like to make a suggestion regarding Homestead's features. Would it be possible to add a "grid" on the ground of our homestead just like the chessboard pattern? To add, put a "snap to grid" function for the building as well. I know that some might agree to this suggestion and others may not so, maybe add a button where they can "turn on/off" this feature at any time they want.

    I would also like to add one more suggestion and that is to put all the resources materials (logs, sandstones, herbs, pig irons, etc) in the event boutique if that is possible. Of course, to avoid this being abused by other players, just simply make it untradable both the materials and the pots that are crafted by it. The reason for this is that to help new players level their crafting skills since grinding and digging materials takes a lot of times on our hands and as you level them further it gets a lot harder and more time to farm them.
    Post edited by tzukuyomi#7298 on
  • hebreu
    hebreu Posts: 13 Arc User
  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    naruto1174 wrote: »
    I suggest that flyer becomes obtainable only at level 30 again or at least lvl20. The reason is that it'll feel like an achievementfox-1.gif like it was in the past. Right now it's way too easy. I remember being hyped to be get to lvl30 and be able to fly. That was actually my objective in the game as well as for some other people I knew. By the time I got the flyer I was already stuck to the game hehe.tiger-37.gif

    I also suggest that it is given some kind of hint for the players that they are in the starter map and that the main map is actually much bigger and that they'll go to it at lvl20. Because they may think the game is only that empty map and that'd be terrible. tiger-12.gif

    lvl20 to go perfect world + lvl30 be able to fly sounds nice to me. tiger-4.gif​​
    naruto1174 wrote: »
    I suggest that flyer becomes obtainable only at level 30 again or at least lvl20. The reason is that it'll feel like an achievementfox-1.gif like it was in the past. Right now it's way too easy. I remember being hyped to be get to lvl30 and be able to fly. That was actually my objective in the game as well as for some other people I knew. By the time I got the flyer I was already stuck to the game hehe.tiger-37.gif

    I also suggest that it is given some kind of hint for the players that they are in the starter map and that the main map is actually much bigger and that they'll go to it at lvl20. Because they may think the game is only that empty map and that'd be terrible. tiger-12.gif

    lvl20 to go perfect world + lvl30 be able to fly sounds nice to me. tiger-4.gif​​

    One of the best ideas, its rl simple and its been obviouse for me for years, yet noting has ever been done to fix this instead they give u flyers at lvl1 just for starting the game. I wanted to fly in this game, log in, get fly and do some flying, gg mission acomplished now i wana try another game with sailing.... Its not like ppl start this game with a goal to get com+12 or solo lunar....

  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    eeepsilon wrote: »
    Something that many of the people I know that left this game told me is that they felt the game was every day less rewarding and more pack/key based. I honestly completly understand those people feelings.

    Don't get me wrong on this. I understand that this is a business and the company need to earn money. I also understand that there are people who love all the cash based stuff or even some don't have too many time to play so they may need to skip content.
    However I also think that the game should be rewarding for those who want to play it.

    What is the point on doing a quest that gives little to no rewards?
    What is the point on going to primal if all was nerfed for no reason?
    what is the point on doing all low level related stuff if again there is not much good stuff to get from it?
    what is the point on killing mobs that drop less than your repair cost?
    what is the point on farming some dungeons if all inside is not worth a thing anymore?

    Tbh is not about giving stuff for free, but more about making the whole quest system maybe bit more challenging but also more rewarding and fun.

    Also about the whole jolly and economy state isue that i see some people talking about here, many of those people have no idea about how the in game economy works:
    PWCN and PWE could remove jolly, remove bh rewards and even remove coin drops from mobs, But you still will have high gold price and inflation.

    The main reason for everything costing more nowadays are those foils and all items that allow really wealthy people in game to literally print money out of nothing. The only way to mitagate inflation would be to reduce those items from pack/keys or completly remove them from our version.
    The thing is that nowadays a good merchant or casher doesn't need the coins from a ftp player, this precisely for the reason stated before.

    Just think about it: If I can use a pack item to get a lot of coin just by npcing it, why would I want to sell my gold for coin? unless of course i can get a lot of more coins from another player..

    As some other people said in the past: There is no problem on cashers and good merchant going super rich, however they should get their coin from other players, NOT directly from a pack/key. The pack or key should give good items that other players want in exchange from their coins. It is a really easy concept that both the devs plus most of people that play this game cant grasp.

    Great and simpel idea nr2

    To every decent merchant it was completely OBVIOUSE how would the foils in keys affect the game and most of them took action and didnt loose much from the inflation. Sadly ppl that are more focused on having fun in this game rather then folowing the economy didnt capitalize on that. So those poor sould are left with the same ammount of coin wich buying power diminishes by the day.

  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    aetje wrote: »
    "Overall Thoughts of Creating Content for PWI
    Devs are actually happy to create unique content for this version. This includes things like cosmetics or new events specific to International holidays."

    Specific content/polishing is fairly simple. Keep it seasonal so it can recur annually, then update/expand as new game mechanics give more options. For instance, the christmas fashion can recur at the appropriate time, but you can also add a "Christmas Tree" homestead placeable now.

    AH Coin Cap - The devs have said this can be adjusted. They ask for what the number should be increased to and any important information they should know beforehand. Since this will impact the economy, this will need to be done carefully.
    Whatever you set this to will quickly become the new cap. Until measures are taken to ban people who have automated coin-generation (killing off Jolly Jones giving money on sign-in would be a good start - there's folk who have well in excess of 100 accounts just automated signing in, taking the mission, getting coin, and signing out, getting well over 100 million per day by running a non-autoculti sign-in bot), coin will be a near-infinite resource to some, therefor the value of gold will be at or above the cap. I would advise against changing this before those who cheat in coin generation are dealt with - by permbanning both their altfarm and the mains who benefitted from it. Follow the money. If you want to see this jolly bot in action, go to the City of the Lost Jolly on Dawnglory anywhere between 2 AM and 6 AM. Watch the toons sign in, throw a holypath, sign out, rinse repeat.

    Transmutation (PWI specific exchanges) - Can be done, but they would like to have data on the amount of items that exist in the game for whatever is being suggested to be transmutted. Some of the items I have already pulled information on (DQ) and some items will need to make sure are noted (Fairy Boxes), so this would be a good chance to get in items that aren't in the CN Transmutation NPC that we have use for.
    Fairy boxes, yes, were missed. Would not do DQ items because people will just bot them again (even on autoculti) and get an infinity of potions/pills/nuema for all toons that way. Add the level 2 Nuema items - once you're at max nuema you can't use those anymore for anything.

    Homestead Updates - They would like to know what ideas we have in mind to improve Homestead. This is a great opportunity to suggest possible features and updates to this system. While we still have to keep some of the CN limitations in mind, just having a dialogue about it could open up creation of new and more useful features to get the most out of the Homestead feature!
    Minion battles: Team preselection. Create a few presets of minion teams that you can quickly start battles with so that you don't have to re-pick your minions each time. Also add a checkbox to skip the combat animations alltogether. After about 50 times that animation becomes more annoying then anything else.

    Bank/Cupboard Expansion - Can be done, but they need details of how much to be expanded to since bank space is involved in a lot of different areas (their words "procedural framework") and they will just need a heads up on it.
    Fine as is. Account stash could use expanding so that you can use bank toons more efficiently however. 16 slots there is a bit on the low side.

    Other ideas:
    - Fix some long-standing and very annoying bugs. For instance, falling through the bridge in Warsong, some floating trees north of Archosaur...

    Great idea nr 3

    I makes me laught when i hear jolly is a non factor but BH rewards matter. When you take 15min to see for yourself and do the math its rather simple. BH is all can do quest at lvl100 so its rewards are distributed rather simple. Good jolly is a decent ammount of coins for ppl who have no idea how to make coins. But theres the bad jolly >.>. Some ppl created multiple accounts and do a quest that takes 30sec / char and gives around 200-1m // char / day x7 / acc. thsoe who risk and make 100accounts can generate a wooping ammount of coins as stated in post above. If bots are used to do jolly and If those bots can even loging and do all those tasks by themselves well then.... even foils in keys are a non factor >.>

  • schnubbelpuh
    schnubbelpuh Posts: 34 Arc User
    The best thing that can happen to the server is that you can only open ONE client!
  • glay4fun
    glay4fun Posts: 87 Arc User
    i personally prefer having 2 1 shop 1 for daily play. But id gladly accept a policy liek that even at my own expensive knowing that someone doesnt have 10 shops and 10 bots open while main can hardly manage to count his coins
  • bosk
    bosk Posts: 33 Arc User
    My Christmas Wish List!

    1. Make the Merciful Glyph Stone worth the same as it costs: 10,000,000 so it can be sold to an NPC and the player is not out 10 million coins from a Trap quest. New Players don't expect this to happen to them when they are in Celestial Vale.

    2. Do the same thing with the Stone of Love: Restoration that costs 2,000,000. Allow this to be sold to an NPC for 2,000,000 so there is no losing out when a player accidentally buys this (Almost everyone I know has done this).

    3. To combat the bots problem, let players earn Star Reward Points for doing the Bounty Hunter Quest (and maybe other Daily Quests as well). Doing dailies should offer enough Star Reward Points in a day to allow the player to completely repair their gear using the Star Tool. Since points are slowly lost, it will likely be difficult to amass a lot of Star Reward Points this way, but players could offset the Point losses that happen daily.

    4. Create an alternative for Nuema Orbs. Farming these once Nuema is maxed is pointless. Also, using Soldier's Pay to make them is pointless, and collecting them from low level transmutations is pointless. Allow Nuema Orbs to be traded for something else, perhaps Minion Eggs or Nebula Dust Orbs or low level Glyphs.

    5. Eliminate the repeated items in the database. The level of duplication is insane. Either create an NPC that will take one item and return another item or just run a conversion one maintenance. For example:

    Socket Stones: These two items are basically identical yet they cannot be stacked.

    Item: http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/21043
    Item: http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/34232

    During Maintenance one week, run a fix on the DB that converts all 21043's into 34232's (or vise versa).

    Also do this with Teleport Stones, Teleport Essences, etc.

    6. In addition, increase the stack size on EVERYTHING to 999,999 (or even higher). If it can be stacked, allow it to be stacked up to 1 million times. I want an endless supply of Fireworks after the Snowmen come to town.

    7. Remove "Unable to be put into Account Stash" from almost everything. I understand it needs to be on things like Rank Gear, as that needs to be bound to the character, but it should not have to be on things like Teleport Essences, or Guardian Charms. The whole point of having an account stash is to move things around between your characters, yet too many things cannot be traded even in the account stash.

    8. One more Christmas wish: Make all Unstackable Guardian and Spirit Charms Stackable. Some already are, or at least some packs that hold the charms are stackable, while the charms are not, which makes no sense. Just allow Charms of the same type to be stackable.

    9. Okay, so this one is probably controversial, but let Glyphs, War Avatar Cards, Astral Charts and Materials, Minion Eggs and Holy Pills be Account Stashable. I technically covered this in 7, but I just want to emphasize that removing the "Unable to be put into Account Stash" status should be removed from almost everything, even these.

    10. Okay, Santa, one more then I'll stop: When I cash in a quest that gives me something that I already have in my bag, that stacks and that I have room to hold more of, stop telling me that my inventory is full! I get it, you are only checking to see if there is at least enough empty slots, but that's a pain. Every day I cash in a quest that gives me 4 items, and every day I need to drop something or move something to a bank or cupboard just to open 4 spots, then have the items stack on the 4 piles that I have ready.

    And if you would like something a little harder than Milk and Cookies this Christmas ... just let me know.

  • vileimpaler
    vileimpaler Posts: 3 Arc User
    My Christmas Wish List!

    1. Make psychics great again.
    2. Make psychics great again
    3. Make psychics great again
    4. Give psychics better skills to fight other classes with
    5. .....
    6. ....
    7. Make psychics great again.
    8. XD
  • illus10n
    illus10n Posts: 9 Arc User
    Would be nice to bank and cupboard expansion also add wardrobe expansion.
  • This content has been removed.
  • orangeitis
    orangeitis Posts: 183 Arc User
    bosk wrote: »
    Also, using Soldier's Pay to make them is pointless, and collecting them from low level transmutations is pointless.

    Speak for yourself. :<
  • vileimpaler
    vileimpaler Posts: 3 Arc User
    It would be nice if we had something else to our xtw Dragon coins for. Got so much and there only used for xtw charms, And the mounts i have both. So what else to do with them. B)
  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User

    There is an issue on the EU Server Dawn Glory.

    One of the pivotal progression bosses known as "Wraith Commander" Only spawns in the EU timezone continuing to widen the gap between the USA Merged players from Former PvP server "The Harshlands".

    This recently introduced quest for the "Soul Purification" that you can pick up at General Summer of Nordville greatly benefits the average player in obtaining 6 level 2 glyphs per week.

    As it stands currently by the time the majority of USA players come home from school / work the boss is already gone because reset on the EU server is 6:00 PM EST.

    I've gathered from this thread that it seems well within your power to adjust the spawning frequency from just a small window to widen it to a 24 hour window or to lengthen it by another 6 hours which would then also address the community of Harshland players stuck in European server's event slots.

    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc : https://mypers.pw/13/#654396
    Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
    Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24

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  • hoshichan
    hoshichan Posts: 175 Arc User
    the boss spawns on thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. plus, ive seen your guild doing it, you ran away while we killed your whole squad.

  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User
    edited November 2017
    hoshichan wrote: »
    the boss spawns on thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. plus, ive seen your guild doing it, you ran away while we killed your whole squad.


    I make time for my guild to help. I go above and beyond.

    With that in mind, I am speaking beyond myself. And beyond my "European Recruits" I'm speaking to an issue that exists because USA East players were merged into an environment where only the Europeans and no lifers get the advantage.
    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc : https://mypers.pw/13/#654396
    Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
    Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24

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  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Idk the boss feels pretty easy to get atleast on saturdays and sundays when U.S players typically don’t work or work different hours while I don’t disagree 6hours don’t hurt I suppose but please don’t make it sound like U.S players can’t get it.
    It’s just not as convient as EU @tek1nig
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • schnubbelpuh
    schnubbelpuh Posts: 34 Arc User
    fuseekayme wrote: »
    5. and last but not least banning all areas of catshops and creating an area like nf/morai/primal for catshops...like a catshop world where people just tele to shop to which we can enter anywhere in a safezone area like homestead

    Good Idea! Love it!

  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User
    edited November 2017

    Missing in Action? Any updates on the questions and suggestions thus far?​​
    Post edited by tek1nig on
    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc : https://mypers.pw/13/#654396
    Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
    Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • bratva#8121
    bratva#8121 Posts: 11 Arc User
    Just Saying statement about how pwi treat 3rd party app user? is it okay until it makes a great impact ?
    coz i found a daily basis 3rd party user in TT server, only for herb farm, but still, its 3rd party, and from my count it could makes millions a day. Plural. and its just saying okay, cause i love pwi too much to let ppl ruin this game by using those thing.

    Just for helping the GM in case you care about these thing. Try checking demon map (momaganon) to see it, its a daily basis, means millions of coins just flowing there. I have a list of nicknames of alts(that using the bot) including their main toon if u want to know or for further investigation on your own.