I find it very amusing...
@dingo488 GG. Completely ignoring any game-technicality I just called out and posting random BS about gear. GG. Mabye you should learn how the game works.
and please, if you state facts, state them right. Like I said, ppl are so OP with their conclusions and bring anything out of context constantly.
Ok, here goes again because I have to tell things 122378x times since some people here have the brains of a 90y old:
I said I don't care about 3v3 and that I wont be competitive in there because of obvious balance problems.
I said I never lost an equally geared fight or rather a fight in which I had an advantage. Yes. Why you apply this to 3v3 is beyond me. I don't care about squad gameplay. 1v1 is where it's at. Older posts of mine got quoted. During that time there was no 3v3 arena.
Still absolutely hilarious...boasts a squad that has AOE CC, paralyze, purge and debuffs and acts as if its special to kill a deity sb with that while (and I cant say that often enough) killed a stormbringer with at least 10x lesser gear than my DB several times. Alone. Not with 3. Alone.
Tidal and being a seeker made my team-mates alot tankier. If you couldn't have paralyzed nor purged my SB then I wouldn't have died, duh! Also kinda tough for my team-mates to protect me/help me when there is no AOE-CC available at all. Then again, they are my friends. I don't care about competition in the arena. It's senseless, broken 3v3. Why should I care? Sure, if I had an equally geared BM and Cleric instead of a sin and a seeker then you guys would've had 0 chance as well because with support I wouldn't have died.
Why do I even need to tell this to "mister team-play" because by the comments you made you showed that you know absolutely knowing, zero, nada about mass pvp and team-play. Going by your twisted and broken logic a demon veno should always be proud of herself when she instantly drops IW 0 def proc and OSes her target during the first 3 seconds of the fight? Yeah, such skill needed. But hey, she won. All that matters, right? Circumstances, technicality, yap. You make it obvious that you don't care about these at all.
Sorry to tell ya bro but not everyone is so narrow-minded such as yourself.
Roll a char on any server you like. I dont mind. Lets have BM vs BM 1v1 and I promise you. You wont win once out of 10 fights. Any class vs same class is oklets find out if you can even play all classes. In the grander scheme you will always lose and you know it. Exactly why you won't even try. #FailuresWillAlwaysBeFailuresAndCowards ..while the rest of TT just laughs
Dude you are a vit, sage bm...completely unable to pull off anything on his own and completely playing the support game. Easiest path one can take in this game. For what it is it is good but you never accomplish anything on your own.0 -
So if we meet I hope you enjoy the fights (cause I will) and that you will remember (if you win) that on equal terms you and your squad would've been no match for my squad (most likely, if not then I will enjoy the fights even more!! CHALLANGE!!!). If you can only beat someone with an advantage then you've already lost before the fight has even begun. Enjoy!
And now he lost to an undergeared squad n he claims he doesnt care, I guess we can close the thread boiz, just had to shove this arrogant kid back in his daipers
0 -
So if we meet I hope you enjoy the fights (cause I will) and that you will remember (if you win) that on equal terms you and your squad would've been no match for my squad (most likely, if not then I will enjoy the fights even more!! CHALLANGE!!!). If you can only beat someone with an advantage then you've already lost before the fight has even begun. Enjoy!
And now he lost to an undergeared squad n he claims he doesnt care, I guess we can close the thread boiz, just had to shove this arrogant kid back in his daipers
No, no closing this thread . In fact I am against closing any of Joe threads. They have their purpose and that is to make people laugh. And the funiest thing is that people can suck at pvp ( like I do) and they will still laugh while reading his threads and comments. Even a newbie will laugh at what he writes on the forum.0 -
Joe never loses, until he does, in which case it was the game mechanics. What's so hard to understand?0
o.o this thread is quite dramatic...on the subject of not losing in a situation that benefits you or is fair towards you though. o.o 3v3 video, your squad turned it in to a 3v2 (with a nice nuke on our SB I might add) that we then turned in to a 2v0...Granted I outgear you a bit (2/3rd devil Psy) but the wife isn't full jade or full +12 so that's close enough to a balance considering we were 2v3 at the time - no?IJS again: Post a video in which I fight someone absolutely equal geared and don't lose due to obvious bad luck on my side or obvious massive luck on the enemy side. Show me a video in which I get absolutely outplayed/tricked and pushed into a corner to the point I can't do anything anymore. Good Luck.
So yeah, that's my thing. I may lose vs better geared ppl/bad class matchups sometimes but who cares? I got the disadvantage and if I beat them I am clearly and undoubtedly the better player. That's what I care about. Losing to ppl with a disadvantage to myself (gear and class) has not happened ever since I play this game. Such fights usually end in seconds.
Fight in question takes place at ~14:54
0 -
Sigh..why do I even try to post anything regarding game mechanics cause obviously I am the only one in the entire game that cares about mechanics. To expect at least one person would quote and/or comment on the mechanics I've described was kinda naive and yeah, that is my own mistake. How could I ever expect to find someone here that does not only care about the final outcome and instead cares about tactics/mechanics/strategy.
People claim I am not skilled and know nothing about the game yet they become terribly silent when it comes to actually game mechanics. gg wp. Flawless victory. Go home now my little kids.
"Yeah ofc he is right but I'm still going to ride on that one point again and again and again because I don't want to accept that he is right and make myself look like a massive manchild fool to the eyes of observative people." - @dingo488 - 2017
Forget about class differences. Obviously the game is perfectly balanced (even tho 3v3 is az least 20 times more imbalanced than 1v1). You can easily stay alive when focused by 3 ppl as the class with the lowest amount of survival-skills. I
t's like being back to the stupid mass pvp days in which i always got focused mainly and ppl expecting me to stay alive when having 6+ ppl on me while being perma paralyze locked. The stupidity is over 9000. Sorry that my friends are no duskblade and BM cause then they could stop anyone trying to focus on me. Yeah, AOE-CC is something nice. too bad that seeker and sins dont have anyUltra-fair matchup when you can just use vac powder and be completely unstopable/un-CC-able..but yeah..its all about gear? Nah..surely thats no advantage. Just as being able to purge isnt as well? Not like any member of your squad is 3x as tanky as the sin and I when compared biffed to buff-less. Shall i go on or do you finally realize how dumb you sound/are?
Keep on thinking that you are good and know the game while displaying in the most professional manner that your knowledge and experience in the game goes infinitely towards 0.
Well gratz you won a fight. Could you've done that with the same squad setup and better gears? I highly doubt that. tryhard ppl like you cant kill anything without abusing purge and paralyze mechanics and yet my squad managed to kill squada that had it all. I see no reason why I shouldnt feel like my squad has accomplished more than your easy-mode/tryhard-squad from a pure technical PoV.
PS: Go back into your corner and keep crying about how you cant cash more than BBB farms in this game but I'm still LF your reaction to this. will you focus on the same mute points again or will you try and take on the challange and actually talk mechanics. well good luck wih latter cause you just got obliterated.
PSS: The only reason anyone besides myself can find these threads entertaining instead of being massively sad about the massive amount of stupidity the ones replying in this thread show is pure denial. it's hard to accept your own limitations. I urge you all. There are ways to perform same class 1v1 in just a few hours of time. I suggest you try and see for yourself how you do against me and if you dont i highly recommend that you stfu. thank you
EDIT: @dingo488 so..your squad is undergeared, eh? You might wanna think about that again cause I just got a check on their gears. So what I said was true, we got outgeared and had a massive class disadvantage so gg for your easy win. Now head back to your dreamworld you delusional fool.
@aspiringapathy I like to remind people again that the Stormbringer is the caster class with the lowest amount of survival skills. Once they are gone and you are ultra-unlucky (or others are just lucky) to not proc purify spell 24/7 you are basically dead once you used your genie once and get CCed. I don't even know what people expect my storm's gear to be. I still have 2 parts at +11, my Ornament shards are garbage, my Chart is mediocre, no CoM, no WoA, not even my CF set is full 2nd rb and I recently switched to deity. So ofc if I get focused and not proc purify spell I die fast. Your storm mate died instantly because of the limitations of the class and my team-mates could hardly CC/stop you from both AAing on me. Unlike me, your purify spell proced literally every 2nd hit. Now good luck to my Sin/Seeker friends killing such a geared psy through buffs and SoS without purge or paralyze..even us 3 together would've had a hard time.
People need to finally learn that there is class difference in this game. Especially psys are absolutely unkillable on that gear level with full buffs and no option to para or purge. My Storm is very squishy atm but anyone can view my gears in my signature for comparison.
Just to add:
Lightnings gear is full +10/+11 Vit Stone seeker. She got a high rbed CF set but thats pretty much it. Nothing fancy about it.
Incu's gear is full +11, deity shards with equal CF set to Light.
There was a time mine and incus gear's could've been considered endgame..but that was a long time agoPost edited by jsxshadow on0 -
Sigh..why do I even try to post anything regarding game mechanics cause obviously I am the only one in the entire game that cares about mechanics. To expect at least one person would quote and/or comment on the mechanics I've described was kinda naive and yeah, that is my own mistake. How could I ever expect to find someone here that does not only care about the final outcome and instead cares about tactics/mechanics/strategy.
People claim I am not skilled and know nothing about the game yet they become terribly silent when it comes to actually game mechanics. gg wp. Flawless victory. Go home now my little kids.
"Yeah ofc he is right but I'm still going to ride on that one point again and again and again because I don't want to accept that he is right and make myself look like a massive manchild fool to the eyes of observative people." - @dingo488 - 2017
Forget about class differences. Obviously the game is perfectly balanced (even tho 3v3 is az least 20 times more imbalanced than 1v1). You can easily stay alive when focused by 3 ppl as the class with the lowest amount of survival-skills. I
t's like being back to the stupid mass pvp days in which i always got focused mainly and ppl expecting me to stay alive when having 6+ ppl on me while being perma paralyze locked. The stupidity is over 9000. Sorry that my friends are no duskblade and BM cause then they could stop anyone trying to focus on me. Yeah, AOE-CC is something nice. too bad that seeker and sins dont have anyUltra-fair matchup when you can just use vac powder and be completely unstopable/un-CC-able..but yeah..its all about gear? Nah..surely thats no advantage. Just as being able to purge isnt as well? Not like any member of your squad is 3x as tanky as the sin and I when compared biffed to buff-less. Shall i go on or do you finally realize how dumb you sound/are?
Keep on thinking that you are good and know the game while displaying in the most professional manner that your knowledge and experience in the game goes infinitely towards 0.
Well gratz you won a fight. Could you've done that with the same squad setup and better gears? I highly doubt that. tryhard ppl like you cant kill anything without abusing purge and paralyze mechanics and yet my squad managed to kill squada that had it all. I see no reason why I shouldnt feel like my squad has accomplished more than your easy-mode/tryhard-squad from a pure technical PoV.
PS: Go back into your corner and keep crying about how you cant cash more than BBB farms in this game but I'm still LF your reaction to this. will you focus on the same mute points again or will you try and take on the challange and actually talk mechanics. well good luck wih latter cause you just got obliterated.
PSS: The only reason anyone besides myself can find these threads entertaining instead of being massively sad about the massive amount of stupidity the ones replying in this thread show is pure denial. it's hard to accept your own limitations. I urge you all. There are ways to perform same class 1v1 in just a few hours of time. I suggest you try and see for yourself how you do against me and if you dont i highly recommend that you stfu. thank you
EDIT: @dingo488 so..your squad is undergeared, eh? You might wanna think about that again cause I just got a check on their gears. So what I said was true, we got outgeared and had a massive class disadvantage so gg for your easy win. Now head back to your dreamworld you delusional fool.
1 Two words for what you are doing here: making excuses.
2 It is not a fair fight and a legit win if the adversary it´s not using a strategy approved by Joe.0 -
bloodedone87 wrote: »Sigh..why do I even try to post anything regarding game mechanics cause obviously I am the only one in the entire game that cares about mechanics. To expect at least one person would quote and/or comment on the mechanics I've described was kinda naive and yeah, that is my own mistake. How could I ever expect to find someone here that does not only care about the final outcome and instead cares about tactics/mechanics/strategy.
People claim I am not skilled and know nothing about the game yet they become terribly silent when it comes to actually game mechanics. gg wp. Flawless victory. Go home now my little kids.
"Yeah ofc he is right but I'm still going to ride on that one point again and again and again because I don't want to accept that he is right and make myself look like a massive manchild fool to the eyes of observative people." - @dingo488 - 2017
Forget about class differences. Obviously the game is perfectly balanced (even tho 3v3 is az least 20 times more imbalanced than 1v1). You can easily stay alive when focused by 3 ppl as the class with the lowest amount of survival-skills. I
t's like being back to the stupid mass pvp days in which i always got focused mainly and ppl expecting me to stay alive when having 6+ ppl on me while being perma paralyze locked. The stupidity is over 9000. Sorry that my friends are no duskblade and BM cause then they could stop anyone trying to focus on me. Yeah, AOE-CC is something nice. too bad that seeker and sins dont have anyUltra-fair matchup when you can just use vac powder and be completely unstopable/un-CC-able..but yeah..its all about gear? Nah..surely thats no advantage. Just as being able to purge isnt as well? Not like any member of your squad is 3x as tanky as the sin and I when compared biffed to buff-less. Shall i go on or do you finally realize how dumb you sound/are?
Keep on thinking that you are good and know the game while displaying in the most professional manner that your knowledge and experience in the game goes infinitely towards 0.
Well gratz you won a fight. Could you've done that with the same squad setup and better gears? I highly doubt that. tryhard ppl like you cant kill anything without abusing purge and paralyze mechanics and yet my squad managed to kill squada that had it all. I see no reason why I shouldnt feel like my squad has accomplished more than your easy-mode/tryhard-squad from a pure technical PoV.
PS: Go back into your corner and keep crying about how you cant cash more than BBB farms in this game but I'm still LF your reaction to this. will you focus on the same mute points again or will you try and take on the challange and actually talk mechanics. well good luck wih latter cause you just got obliterated.
PSS: The only reason anyone besides myself can find these threads entertaining instead of being massively sad about the massive amount of stupidity the ones replying in this thread show is pure denial. it's hard to accept your own limitations. I urge you all. There are ways to perform same class 1v1 in just a few hours of time. I suggest you try and see for yourself how you do against me and if you dont i highly recommend that you stfu. thank you
EDIT: @dingo488 so..your squad is undergeared, eh? You might wanna think about that again cause I just got a check on their gears. So what I said was true, we got outgeared and had a massive class disadvantage so gg for your easy win. Now head back to your dreamworld you delusional fool.
1 Two words for what you are doing here: making excuses.
2 It is not a fair fight and a legit win if the adversary it´s not using a strategy approved by Joe.
What? That wasn't even the point. All I said was you shouldn't be too surprised to win a fight when you have massive advantages or if the enemy has disadvantages. People like to think they are good when they are abusing advantages, I don't think so.
True skill is shown when you win despite having a disadvantage. However, some are just too massive to compensate even if you are vastly better than the enemy. Oh well
Really. I should try maxing my DB and getting a max BM and max veno in my team and just faceroll anyone and then act as if I am the god in this game. Going by most people's logic here they would then even accept it under those conditions lmfao.
This logic is so flawed..I don't even. And that people don't even realize the advantages they got is mind-boggling. Then again, you'd have to know the game for that, so yeah. Knowing just your own class just doesnt cut it.0 -
I would like to request the assistance of a mod to rename this thread to "Joes Derailed PVP Discussion II" just so we can keep track of the volumes.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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I would like to request the assistance of a mod to rename this thread to "Joes Derailed PVP Discussion II" just so we can keep track of the volumes.
Well, wouldn't be correct tho. I didn't derail this thread. People, which I've never asked of their opinion, started spreading their impressions and half-developed thoughts and I just reacted to it. ofc, why wouldn't I
A fitting name would be "Joe's somewhat PvP-Thread that people keep derailing II"
You lot should know by now that I won't give in and that I will not stop responding to every, single comment in this thread. Giving up..well, that's not on my agenda and I currently got the time to respond so why not? I usually only stop responding due to a lack of time.
Still, in the small hopes that finally someone bests me: I don't react or take any serious note to "impressions" or "feelings". I only react to logic and logic alone and instead of trying to find logic in what I do, I just hope people will finally find logic revolving around the topics I open and not about my person. But yeah, I am derailing the thread when ppl start focusing on my person rather than the topic at hand.
People should rather explain to me, what I could've done better in situation x and if that would've been even possible due to factors y and z and that I only even survived that long because the enemy made mistake v, w and y. That's the language I talk. The nonsensical gibberish of the majority of people commenting on threads like this are alien to me. I couldn't care less.
So I urge anyone again. Talk logic regarding the topic at hand or gtfo my thread and stop derailing it. Thank you. It's been quite entertaining but it gets tiring.0 -
I love the mindset that as long as you keep using words like mechanics and biased that you're vomit will somehow turn into greater wisdom, so much so that it physically pains me to tell you it doesn't.
But I'm not a monster Joe, you talked doodoo about me so I wanted to return the favor, something like a ''pick on people your own size'' thing. But while we were the flawless citrines in game, it seems you are the flawless citrines here, and I see that now, and I wish to apologize for not realizing that sooner.
It must've been the Dawnglory circlejerk or maybe it was the Deitys that made me think I was getting doodootalked by big arrogant Joe, but when I look at you now I see nothing but little Joe in his diapers, and I can not be mean to little Joe in his diapers. So instead I wish to turn this thread into a more positive direction, and realize that this is a teachable moment for you. While I do not have any crayons, I do hope I can still make things interesting enough for you.
1. You point out that as a Deity SB you are very vulnerable to getting killed by a BM+Sin, great observation little Joe, good job! Thats absolutely right. So perhaps next time you should keep your apot available, instead of wasting it on buffs. You see, our team also had a venomancer (the orange rat looking thing) and they remove those buffs again and leave you without any apot to defend yourself. Neither the sin or the seeker are particularly capable of stopping the veno from purging you due to their skillset.
2. Teamwork makes the dream work. Now I know this concept is still very hard for you to grasp, I've previously tried to teach you about teamwork and failed. But since you see yourself as the weak point of your team, rightfully so, perhaps you should request that one of your 2 teammates gets Expel on their genie to keep you safe from all the big bad BMs and Duskblades. They weren't using their genie anyway, since we were completely ignoring them.
These suggestions won't be enough to help you beat Nuema Portal teams little Joe, but I do believe next time you face a team with Seat of Torment set and flawless citrines you'll do a much better job, and always know that I'm very proud of you! Keep trying!
0 -
I would like to request the assistance of a mod to rename this thread to "Joes Derailed PVP Discussion II" just so we can keep track of the volumes.
Well, wouldn't be correct tho. I didn't derail this thread. People, which I've never asked of their opinion, started spreading their impressions and half-developed thoughts and I just reacted to it. ofc, why wouldn't I
A fitting name would be "Joe's somewhat PvP-Thread that people keep derailing II"
You lot should know by now that I won't give in and that I will not stop responding to every, single comment in this thread. Giving up..well, that's not on my agenda and I currently got the time to respond so why not? I usually only stop responding due to a lack of time.
Still, in the small hopes that finally someone bests me: I don't react or take any serious note to "impressions" or "feelings". I only react to logic and logic alone and instead of trying to find logic in what I do, I just hope people will finally find logic revolving around the topics I open and not about my person. But yeah, I am derailing the thread when ppl start focusing on my person rather than the topic at hand.
People should rather explain to me, what I could've done better in situation x and if that would've been even possible due to factors y and z and that I only even survived that long because the enemy made mistake v, w and y. That's the language I talk. The nonsensical gibberish of the majority of people commenting on threads like this are alien to me. I couldn't care less.
So I urge anyone again. Talk logic regarding the topic at hand or gtfo my thread and stop derailing it. Thank you. It's been quite entertaining but it gets tiring.
You made a thread about how people on every server wants to fight you and how are the best even if you are not and how you never lost a fight even if you did and when you did it was cause game mechanics were in favor of your opponent. And people responded to you asking you to get down from cloud 9999 and how in fact no one wants to fight you. In all the answers you got no one was derailing your thread.
Oh, you were waiting for diferent answers? Something like this maybe:
Yes Joe, everyone on all servers are desperate to fight you even if they know they got no chance against you but they want you to give them the honour to battle against the one and only Joe. And if by any chance they are going to win against you they are going to forfeit the victory cause they know game mechanics were in their favor not that they outsmarted you in that match.0 -
Imho... I think that each class is really OP when close to end game (+12 weap, +10/11/12 rest).
My barb is full +12, full deity, NP but i find 3v3 very difficult. If you see my video i started time ago to play with a tank genie, get out str genie with occult ice. Its true my damage is high and i can, with luck, 1 shot most the people, but its true that just a wizard with +12 weap and decent gear can 1 shot me as well.
Barb for exemple has only 1 and half skill to stay alive: invoke (when i'm able to cast it) and bestial rage. Rest is just to play on HP charm and genie. Also i lack of anti-stun skill (no tidal, no purify, no leap) and my lock is poor. You can understand that play deity on barb got no sense... but its fun and that is enough for me. That's my point.
Sadly i can't try arena so much, but from what i saw, i need to play much more better to compete in arena. Even if squads are balanced or not, I just see in random 3v3 when you don't know people how hard is to play as a team. And all the mistake i do thinking to kill people easy and not playing attention on my def (wasting genie, check hp charm ecc). I repute myself a good barb, I know my class, but no one is perfectSome time i play very good, some time i have luck, some time simply i'm a noob hehe
@Joe With the people that you find in arena now (90% high geared), you just need to put alot of attention, playing aggressive as you do in 1v1 is not the best in that case. Storm is a big asset in 1v1, can support + deal damage, that why you get focused so much. And that the reason you need to play support at start and stay defensive. Vortex, ulti, debuff, can hit while running, you have alot of chance. And if paralysed = genie/IGPost edited by fury85 onRoar_King
Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone0 -
Post edited by phantomforce#4598 on0
I would like to request the assistance of a mod to rename this thread to "Joes Derailed PVP Discussion II" just so we can keep track of the volumes.
Well, wouldn't be correct tho. I didn't derail this thread. People, which I've never asked of their opinion, started spreading their impressions and half-developed thoughts and I just reacted to it. ofc, why wouldn't I
A fitting name would be "Joe's somewhat PvP-Thread that people keep derailing II"
You lot should know by now that I won't give in and that I will not stop responding to every, single comment in this thread. Giving up..well, that's not on my agenda and I currently got the time to respond so why not? I usually only stop responding due to a lack of time.
Still, in the small hopes that finally someone bests me: I don't react or take any serious note to "impressions" or "feelings". I only react to logic and logic alone and instead of trying to find logic in what I do, I just hope people will finally find logic revolving around the topics I open and not about my person. But yeah, I am derailing the thread when ppl start focusing on my person rather than the topic at hand.
People should rather explain to me, what I could've done better in situation x and if that would've been even possible due to factors y and z and that I only even survived that long because the enemy made mistake v, w and y. That's the language I talk. The nonsensical gibberish of the majority of people commenting on threads like this are alien to me. I couldn't care less.
So I urge anyone again. Talk logic regarding the topic at hand or gtfo my thread and stop derailing it. Thank you. It's been quite entertaining but it gets tiring.
You know how "I Know What You Did Last Summer" had a sequel called "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer"? The sequel was held 1 year after the first movie. Because of that the title was basically incorrect because STILL knowing what they did last summer would actually imply the summer after the summer where they knew what they did. But they still called it that so that people knew what the movie was about and that it was a sequel to to the first movie.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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double post.Post edited by jsxshadow on0
double post.Post edited by jsxshadow on0
Spam filter? XD
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Spam filter? XD
I have no idea. Maybe PWE's way to tell me "your post are too god-damn long"0 -
Nothing screams *i am the best pker in the game* like running directly into a purge and bash. Now we just need a 6v6 so he can intentionally run into a seeker afk vortexing ecks deeeeee0
Now appearently my posts get deleted once I start fighting fire with fire..oh man..a little notification would've been good at least..or cutting out that part..now I gotta write it all again. what a drag.
@fury85 It always depends. thats what annoys me of so many people on the forums. It's that they think someones performance (for example a storm) would be equal when teaming up with a sin and seeker compared to, lets say a bm and a cler. It goes from being unable to receive any support when focused to nearly being unable to be killed if fully focused. its not even comparable.
Narrow minded people lile @dingo488 ofc dont realize that and if a storm without any support dies fast it must be a bad player and a storm that get healed 24/7 and is surrounded by a bm to AOE CC any melee target that could be dangerous must be very very good cause they live longer or dont die at all. Absolutely hilarious. class difference is everything.
Don't worry dear dingo. i soon upload a vid of my bm alt squad with no cardset g16 storm with ts3, no cardset veno with r9 but only +10 and no endgame ornaments and ts6. Literally just lowlife alts (ok my bm is somewhat decent but still only aba set). We managed to beat squads even with NP people. Yeah. Because AOE-CC and purge make no difference. Yap you got that right mateSo be happy about your victory with your "low geared" friends. We can do that too, only better (and thats with a ping auf 400+ for us all).
So to summerize: It has nothing to do with class difference. Obviously. Yep.
And please, I mean I called for it but still. stop going on about my person with your twisted impressions about me. I know you know nothing about the game (anyone thst cant already tell by your evasion of certain comments must lack a brain).
@bloodedone87 I never said that. Shall i say it the third time? I even said it in the initial post. The people this thread is dedicated too know it. I'm not talking to you or many other people that have replied and I never asked you to respond or give your opinion on anything at all. I would call that derailing a thread pretty much.
I don't know what people expect but this thread kinda explained itself. Look at the victory @dingo488 's squad got on us. People go into a frenzy of joy and boast their egos above the moon when they end up getting a kill on me. That's my entire point. If I would be so narrow minded and would wanna go for easy victories that leave no chance of losing I'd max my DB and only have selfbuffed 1v1s versus caster and act like a god. Why ain't I doing it? Cause even nuema Portal caster are too easy for my current DB. Why? Because this matchup (and quite a few others) are imbalanced as hell even with a massive gear-advantage for the caster.
Ya want me to state facts. KK, easy gg np. I will never lose a selfbuffed 1v1 with my DB vs any caster class in this game on equal gears. Never. Oh, and before you say it, losing a fight out of pure bad luck (and a loss rate of under 10% applies to that) is just too small to be considered losing. Why? Because this game relies so heavily on luck that you can always get caught up in something you would've normally evaded, etc pp...
Would that be an achievement to beat any caster with a DB? Should I be proud of that feat? No. Because it's to be expected. Winning when chances are so heavily in your favor is expected and losing in such cases is just a disappointment.
You people complain about my ego yet you don't see me only uploading victories on youtube. You don't see me cutting out all the negativity or fails. Nope. Over-hyped people like Rekko do that. Not me. So know ask yourself again who really has ego problems and start from there. All I want are challenges. Fighting the best. I've just come to far to give people credit for easy fights. If I see a video on youtube or witness a fight when someone with a disadvantage actually wins then they get all the praise and respect I can possibly give for that.0 -
phantomforce#4598 wrote: »
Ah nah, you can delete all but the most recent one..I tried to resend it as I didnt know what the issue was xDD thats way too much text xD0 -
phantomforce#4598 wrote: »
Ah nah, you can delete all but the most recent one..I tried to resend it as I didnt know what the issue was xDD thats way too much text xD
Just kidding. cleaned all but the last one for you.0 -
phantomforce#4598 wrote: »phantomforce#4598 wrote: »
Ah nah, you can delete all but the most recent one..I tried to resend it as I didnt know what the issue was xDD thats way too much text xD
Just kidding. cleaned all but the last one for you.
Thank you very much Mister Mod!Nothing screams *i am the best pker in the game* like running directly into a purge and bash. Now we just need a 6v6 so he can intentionally run into a seeker afk vortexing ecks deeeeee
Nah, I never said anything in the likes. Ever. Interpretation ijs.
However, it can be implied that I am in indeed the best in game in terms of 1v1 due to sheer experience and lack thereof on the side of the majority of people playing the game. Factors for that could be that the majority of players dont like to 1v1 at all, have not played all classes or simply don't wanna invest the time to learn strategies how to counter each class on every class.
As, like I said, a majority of people don't care about 1v1 I don't really get why they would complain or dispute me in the regards of being the best in that discipline. Makes no sense, really.
If Pain, Ruby or Aeliah would wanna get into a dispute with me about who's best in 1v1 I could understand that since they all got massive experience in that regard. Anyone else tho (and don't lynch me if I forgot someone please) doesnt have much say in this imho.Post edited by jsxshadow on0 -
I have ask our dear Joe, why would you **** talk Dingo when his team lost to another squad, outside of these forums, prior to this argument? Isnt that too "going into frenzy of joy and boasting ones ego above the moon"? Or is this more of a "Do what I say not what I do" sort of a deal?
Dont get me wrong, the fact you have found such success, edited or not, in your videos speaks volumes you to have some skill. But you clearly have some massive flaws when it comes to mass PvP. You can argue class compositions all day you want, I personally put my team into a handicap for the class I play in each 3v3 battle but you dont see me QQing cleric this, veno that. I am not re-rolling so my class is what it is, I focus on things I could do better even if the battle was lost no matter what I do.
So for example, your positioning is terrible, it always have been and it will always continue to be till you accept its terrible. You are supposed to kite to an extent, as long as it doesnt affect your uptime in a fight too much by what I mean you are as good as dead if you dont participate into fight. But if you are dead, you cant participate into the fight and playing a squishy class you want to "reset" the fight from time to time if you feel the pressure is too much.0 -
Ya want me to state facts. KK, easy gg np. I will never lose a selfbuffed 1v1 with my DB vs any caster class in this game on equal gears. Never. Oh, and before you say it, losing a fight out of pure bad luck (and a loss rate of under 10% applies to that) is just too small to be considered losing. Why? Because this game relies so heavily on luck that you can always get caught up in something you would've normally evaded, etc pp...
"I never, ever lose. Ever. Except when I lose, but that's because of bad luck and isn't actually losing."
No, sorry, it's still losing. Accept that sometimes you lose and move on.Pain
You're joking, right?
0 -
Ah jeeze guys. This is all just a big misunderstanding. Joe isn't egotistical or an attention wh.ore... he posts videos where he also loses in pvp*. Guess we had it all wrong. The videos where he loses* in PvP totally cancel out the massive attention seeking and egotistical comments. Guess we've been fools this entire time, lashing out at someone who certainly isn't insanely egotistical or an attention who.re.
*Losses are only because of bad luck though or gear gaps or mechanics or class advantage bias0
This discussion has been closed.
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