same gender marriage ? (hmm again)

Posts: 46 Arc User
is known this shall not be mention or ask as in certain places this is not legale

but pwi is a game and same marriage gender is just a title on the head nothing adult content that one need be worried about :)

this is not asking about girl cuddle girl is not neccessary
(but nice idea if cuddle female can add custom hug animation instead carry)

many times this been ask many us wish to marrie our friend or who is same gender without the need to make extra lvl 20 lowbie character only to get the name on head

if this can further discussed it be very nice if can be added in future update :)

there is nothing wrong in marriage the same gender in only a game there is no mature content in any way

sorry this bad english :)


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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Hey all

    I really wish they gonne add this feature to pwi, i like to marry my girl ingame, i not want change my gender, carry her would be great but the option Nichya post here is a very nice idea to. i really hope pwi is gonne do something about this subject,
    when i see the forums alot people ask about it so why not consider this new feature.
    Pwi staff plz reply to our posts
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Since the game is based in China, where this is illegal, it will not likely happen. This has been asked and answered numerous times.

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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Can we not please... This does nothing for the gameplay which is the only part that matters and we NEED. This just make people feel fuzzy inside and more ppl to make troll weddings so their friends can call spam wc making fun -___- can we not please
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    troll marriage happen anyway by those world chat kids and ppl who marrie a lvl 20 alt only to have the name on top nothing one can do about it :)

    but some really want to marrie ingame as friends or lover and are rstricted due to the gender restriction which make less sense
    and since ppl marrie one alt on same name anyway to get the only the name why not allow it in general

    it is only a title of one another person above our head nothing to offend anyone and no mature content
    there it shall be fine and no problem to anyone if add this nice feature

    not everyone is a troll in this game :)
    Post edited by nichya3379 on
  • Posts: 183 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Can we not please... This does nothing for the gameplay which is the only part that matters and we NEED.
    That's just your opinion.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited April 2017
    You missed all of my 2k responses on this subject.

    Half of my posts are on this
  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    Let my super cute female toon marry a super cute female toon !
    TheGreatKhan of DawnGlory
  • Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Ok first of all we dont just play on an "europe server" but also have servers in the US. Our version is international and theres many different cultures for our version. Not that I done research on it, but it wouldnt surprise me if same-sex marriage still isnt legal in every european country, same goes for US, and whatever other places people are from..

    That being said, we still get EVERY patch and update from china. That means PWCN have to make this update, with content that arent even legal there, exclusively for our version, and they are not happy doing exclusive patches for us in the first place. They want our version to look like theirs as much as possible.

    One last thing, marriage in this game is old. It wouldnt surprise me if the game delevopers are unable to even make it happen, as they wont/cant touch most of the old code in this game.

    Dont get me wrong im not against same-sex marriage. It just seem VERY unlikely to happen.
  • Posts: 282 Arc User
    I could go on with this and that, and give them the most convincing explanations to why this is such, buuuuut...

    I'll make it simple.

    China doesn't care. Stop asking as they will not listen on this particular topic.

    (because the game is theirs and they do what they want with it. You either like it or not. Sadly, there is no middle ground)
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    nah pwi does have alot custom changes different as the china one and it is called international in a reason

    i believe china does not even have jolly jones (atleast the pw malaysian server did not have those)

    neither those dq rewards we used to have in past as far as i know this was international special too and much more :)

    there is much hope they can add this same gender marriage feature if only they think about it and listen therer fan wishes it will not be any bad :)

    in same time they can double profit as there is lots ppl who like to marrie on same gender and if this is possible much more player will charge gold / wanting wedding packs

    sorry bad english
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    You missed all of my 2k responses on this subject.

    Half of my posts are on this

    2,100 total posts.
    2,000 just on same sex marriage. :open_mouth:

    Passionate HeeroY!! You add my signature to your cause. Anyone that passionate over something deserves to be heard :D
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    Let my super cute female toon marry a super cute female toon !

    Doesn't work out that way, one of you has to be butch.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    capnk wrote: »

    Doesn't work out that way, one of you has to be butch.

    You could always try ini editing a beard onto one of the females and hope it fools the matchmaker enough into getting married.
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    I've cleaned the thread up, and removed the violations. I'm re-opening it for discussion now.

    Keep in mind two things.

    1. You cannot copy-paste responses from customer service. This is a violation of not just the forum rules, but the ToS.

    2. Keep it civil. Everyone has, and is entitled to, their own opinion. No matter how wrong you think it is. (Even if you can prove it.)

    I personally, don't give a rats **** whether they ever allow same-sex marriage. Society is **** up all over the world, and has been for centuries. The game is just pixels.

    Unfortunately for those of you who want to go against natures standards, this game is made in China. They have made customization's for our version in the past, but has stated that they are attempting to align our version more to what is in China. This is for a multitude of reasons, but primarily because it costs a hell of a lot less in development I would imagine. I know for a fact that it means we get less screwed up content, or broken instances after patches because they forgot to give us our version of something, and included theirs instead.

    As the game is designed and built in China, where same-sec marriage is completely illegal, and not even allowed in video games, you are not likely to ever see it in a game title that is created by Chinese developers. The country is fighting for rights in this arena in China, so I won't say it will never happen. It's just not something you are likely to see even being considered for development in the next couple of years. It doesn't matter one iota that you are in Europe. You could be living on the moon for all it matters. The game is made in China.

    Some final food for thought. I ran across this article a while ago when researching this for a previous thread on this same issue. (As previously mentioned, someone brings it up and gets shot down on a regular basis.)​​

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  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    I have never quite understood what it matters if somebody is ****, its really their business which sex they feel attraction towards to. I do however understand certain reasons why people oppose some **** rights, for example Russia does not adopt kids to countries where **** marriages are legal. Is it big enough reason to ban **** marriages? Prolly not but point was I can understand there to be more of a reason than some homophobia behind wanting to keep some restrictions on those matters. World isnt perfect and things arent always going to be fair to everybody.

    To take this towards the in game marriages, China is still a country where **** marriages are illegal. I didnt check the link but I think the ban contains video games too and as we get all of our content from Chinese devs, we wont be seeing same sex in game marriages any time soon. While it would be nice, its just not realistic, CN has no reason to provide special patch for us regarding the matter as its not gonna make them any money. Most likely it would cost them money trying to keep our version from breaking apart with all the special patches it has. And considering CN has taken steps to make our version more like the CN version, I really doubt they would be willing to stray from that goal to please small minority of playerbase.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    this is only about marriage IN A GAME which is nothing more but a name on our head

    why all this drama over adding same gender marriage ? there is no sex or mature content it be simple showing the name another person on the head NOTHING MORE

    nothing bad or wrong if just enable this to same gender there is no sex in any way in pwi why send a useless explain about sex and china webpage is not related to this game in any way

    female marrie female anyway via lvl 20 alt and have still same wife and wife above the head nobody make drama there about this

    if simple allow this and u will profit much more too on ppl spending more gold on marriage packs

    no harm to anyone yet over thousand ppl wish this to be added

    sorry bad english
    Post edited by nichya3379 on
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    Unfortunately, China will not do this because of their laws and our version doesn't have as much say in what happens.

    That being said, some of you are being disgusting and homophobic. Knock that **** off.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    chary wrote: »
    Unfortunately, China will not do this because of their laws and our version doesn't have as much say in what happens.

    That being said, some of you are being disgusting and homophobic. Knock that **** off.

    read what it say

    a title on our character head regarding another character nothing more

    nothing disgusting nothing homophobic it is only a game

    maybe do u spare us those rude comments and support the ones who like the idea

    if not like the idea u beeing here in the wrong thread and no need to reply at all

    we have enough trolls in pwi do not be one of many
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    I don't see why this idea of **** and **** marriage is such a hot topic issue...
    If you want to marry same sex in a video game 2 bad you're the minority and like many have said requires a complete work by China which is never going to happen cause of China's culture...

    If you truly want the name of your ****/**** lover simply do what other have been doing for years... Make an alt using a similar name to your lover and marry that and do the same with your lovers toon...

    This idea honestly disgusts half the player base and if you want to shrink the community of a dying game even more go ahead and implement the same sex marriage for the minority of players cause some one person wants to show that they are ****/****.

    It's a game get over it, it's not going to happen. If you truly love this person do it in real life and quit crying over pixels on a screen.
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    nichya3379 wrote: »

    read what it say

    a title on our character head regarding another character nothing more

    nothing disgusting nothing homophobic it is only a game

    maybe do u spare us those rude comments and support the ones who like the idea

    if not like the idea u beeing here in the wrong thread and no need to reply at all

    we have enough trolls in pwi do not be one of many

    The homophobia comment wasn't directed at you. It was directed at people like the person above this post with their backwards thinking.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    I'm not sure it's even nice to keep insisting upon things from developers of video games to do some things that would put themselves in the hot seat in their own country. That's all this amounts to.

    If you want change of ideas and belief systems you start in a bigger forum where you can affect change smarter; and unless you can empathize with others the only view you're going to have is your own no matter from where your perspective begins to where it will lead you.

    Try to think of what you're asking for and the consequences of getting what you ask for is all I'm saying. This is using reason as well as thinking of others and what you're really asking of them. Maybe then you will understand why you receive the reactions you do, or, even the lack of them.

  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    marriage is not outdated and not forgotten

    as even the homestead has a spouse right system

    it will be just nice if me and my friend can both manage the home together via the spouse right system even as both female

    there shall be no problem in this it is nothing more than a name above the head

    the idea other use on marrie alt name it is not always nice to do

    in one thing it is bothering to have a fake alt as husband which is random lvl 20 never plays and has nothing like a marriage dailie quest value or spouse rights as this married just to have the name

    and second it is not always easy finding a most similiar name not all use i I or l L

    currently old things are easy forgotten and left behind this not must be :)

    sorry bad english


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