[OFFICIAL] TW Season Rewards System Discussion
Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
Welcome to the Official TW Season Rewards System Discussion Thread!
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Before we start, I will add some disclaimers, so please read!
* There is no harm in making suggestions, but not all suggestions will be implemented. I will give word labels as to why an item can or can not be done and will further explain when necessary.
Blocked = usually means devs said no to an item explicitly being used as a giveaway or to be implemented within the Event Shop. Also could denote an item that could be high risk.
Unsure = I've never personally tried to use the item and will require footwork and inquiry.
Create = This suggestion will need to be created by CN.
Feasible = I don't see an issue with this item, but I might miss why this could be a bad suggestion.
Fav = This is an idea I like and will shelve for official proposals/reward building packages. This does not mean it's 100% greenlit.
*Suggestions of items or content that must be created will be harder to do than looking at what's currently available and working from that, at least for the new season. It does not mean it's impossible, but will require the legwork and follow up that could divert energy away from other things with less resistance.
Post away!
This thread can be used to -
- Discuss TW Rewards System (item suggestions for season winners, mystery drawings, engagement, pros and cons of items)
- Discuss TW Engagement (how TW affects your server)
This thread can NOT be used to -
- Ask support questions on individual tickets.
- Ask about specifics on datapulls for TW winners.
- Spar about Faction-to-Faction relations.
Before we start, I will add some disclaimers, so please read!
* There is no harm in making suggestions, but not all suggestions will be implemented. I will give word labels as to why an item can or can not be done and will further explain when necessary.
Blocked = usually means devs said no to an item explicitly being used as a giveaway or to be implemented within the Event Shop. Also could denote an item that could be high risk.
Unsure = I've never personally tried to use the item and will require footwork and inquiry.
Create = This suggestion will need to be created by CN.
Feasible = I don't see an issue with this item, but I might miss why this could be a bad suggestion.
Fav = This is an idea I like and will shelve for official proposals/reward building packages. This does not mean it's 100% greenlit.
*Suggestions of items or content that must be created will be harder to do than looking at what's currently available and working from that, at least for the new season. It does not mean it's impossible, but will require the legwork and follow up that could divert energy away from other things with less resistance.
Post away!
Current Suggestions
Something that will not break the game but give something different for the players?- What about a TW winners Fashion Time limited to 3 months? (Sorry its a make) = Create
- A Time limited Fashion and or Fashion weapon 3 Months? = Create
- Event gold = Fav/Fesible. Keep in mind to monitor how much enters the game.
- 1 Week auto Recovery Stone. = Fav. Can send out packs that contain these.
- 50/100 perfect Stones for Flyer / Genie = Fav/Feasible.
- 1 Pack from the Shop GM Choice for Winning. (Most will get a coin but good reward) = Feasible.
- 50 iron Gards / Pang Gu / Speed Pot / ETC = Feasible
- Access to the Exclusive Faction Winners Lounge (WOW but not a bad idea Sorry its a make) Just a place to AFK. = Create
- Perfect iron Hammer = Feasible/Fav ; this was actually a dev suggestion to us a while back
- Smiley Set 7 Days Limited May be 2? = Feasible. By Extension though the Event Gold Shop/Event Gold
- Coal... Well its christmas and we have some naughty people. (Running on the ideas here) = Unsure. But that'd be ultimate troll XD
As for items, which I feel would likely be very appreciated by players, I leave amounts of items away as thats for you to determine.
Astrobana pearls. These are useful for everybody but handful of players still. = Feasible ; especially if they are bound
Nebula Dusts. Same as above. = Feasible ; especially, if they're bound
War Avatar Chest A. = Feasible but possible Blocked depending on Quantity
War Avatar Chest S, though this might be an overkill. = Blocked ; these are mostly held for the Charge/Spend Rewards
Rare Minion Pouch A. = Unsure ; it's a really new item and they seem to want interaction with the system as a source for Pouches
G17 mats - Like Ether Jades for example. = Feasible ; Blocked on items like Zenith Skull and possibly Profaned Wood
These are what I would like to see and I dont think they would be too gamebreaking to give away. Charms and the usual goodies you give have generally been good so tried to think outside of the box.
My own suggestion for a small prize that everyone who participates could enjoy:
I would like to see is a charm reward- bound guardian charms based on average class HP and focus would be interesting and secondly have a small amount of event gold rewarded BUT have the event shop refreshed, so the event gold we get would ACTUALLY be a neat prize to have instead of always used on charms to offset our costs.
Things I would like to see in the event shop:
-Bound +7 to +10 orbs (maybe in the future after exploited event gold has dried up more)
Feasible/Unsure ; I could see maybe up to +7 but +10's are usually kept for Boutique updates, as prizes for contests or for the Charge Rewards.
-Bound mirages or mysterious chips
Feasible/Unsure ; Mysterious Chips are a really nice commodity best not to pump too much out "for free"
-Bound Fashion pigments (not just random but other colours)
Feasible ; would need to be on a short rotation probably, or would be extremely pricey.
-Unique bound fashion sets
-Timed weapon fashion (and have the permanent remain in the cash shop as it has been)
Feasible/Fav ; unless I'm missing something here, doesn't seem like an issue.
-Unique smilies
Unsure ; #BringBackBearSmilies , though there's some reason as to why we're restricted...
-Unique timed titles with stats would be interesting (We have these in the cash shop but not very many seem to use them)
Unsure ; They made titles for VIP I wonder if we can have titles like this elsewhere...
-Different mounts or flyers (or even add the SEALED flyers that drop from UCH since at least on my server no one farms them so they are SUPER RARE)
Unsure/ Feasible might need to make them bound though
-Bound star chart materials
-Daily pills to give you the NPC that gives you all your dailies
Unsure/ Blocked ; this sounds like having the Action stones in the Event shop, probably might not get far asking for that but could still check
-Engraving dyes for gear
Feasible/Fav ; personally don't see an issue.
The possibilities really are endless and we have so many neat things that have been put in the cash shop but are basically inaccessible due to the space limitation and time cycle of cash shop. The costs of all things can be adjusted so that event gold must be saved appropriately so as not to lower the value of these actual items in the economy, but I think that this could have real potential.
As it stands right now I would say basically the only thing people buy in event shop is: Smilies, Tienkangs and Tishas for refining, Charms, Fashion and pigments if there is something nice in the shop... and maybe a flyer here or there? Most of whats in there is very stale and not really desired any longer...so tbh thats probably it. I cant think of one thing else I've used event gold for....
Anyway all just my personal opinion and the only way I can think of a reward useful and desired by players of all levels/gear/servers.My suggestion:
TW rewards should be something special, something that other players can not get normally or only with alot of effort. Fair enough +1
I can highly suggest giving out decent quantities of Ancient Emblems. The server lacks this specific item in an extreme fashion. Getting the hand on 3 of those without spamming the whole server wc for hours on end is damn near impossible. Giving out 10-30 of these to any member of the winning faction should be decent. No, thats not too much. at least half of those will be eaten up instantly for engravement tries. Unsure/Feasible ; I was also debating these going into the xTW prizes as well.
Invitation Scrolls are also a good idea, or a special blessing that is only slightly stronger than the normal ones (like 20 attack/ 20 defense level instead of good ole o'mally) which lasts for the duration of the season. A specific winners buff would also be nice. Again, nothing too broken or unfair. Just a little boost. Something that makes the effort worthwhile and could actually inspire people to strife for decent competition. Feasible/Create ; for anything we don't have we would have to turn to CN for that. Or if we can ping them and see if they have any specific buffs they can whitelist for us. Invitation Scroll amounts would have to be regulated.
I couldnt care less about pots, chi stones, hypers, consumables, event gold and stuff like that. You can just go and buy most of that for little to very little money already..nothing worth of spending alot of time and effort just to win the season for. Same goes for mounts. I trashed all but the most beautiful mounts that I habe gotten so far in my nearly 8 years of PWI. We dont need more mounts and if we would get a mount then at least make it special. Looks matter not. Not at all. A reasonable winnersmount would have to be faster (like 12m/s at max level). That would be reasonable. Feasible/Create ; we can ask CN for custom content. Will look into what other custom content would be nice to have for future seasons so we can have it in time.
off-topic: I just dont understand in general why mounts keep getting released one after another while they are all being absolutely identical except for their appearance..like wth? Why some people spend hundreds of millions an a mount that doesnt make the faster in the slightest is beyond me xD
Off Topic Response - I used to collect mounts on live. I used to do it when I farmed for so many hours straight. I need a visual break from whatever I was staring at. That's just me though. I'd love for a multi terrain mount or a mount that's multi person. One can dream...catgirldesu wrote: »I believe if the Event Shop will get a proper rotation of items, Event Gold will become more desirable. It's already handy for charms, refine aids and smileys, but other than that it's pretty stale.
My suggestions for the Event Shop (some may be repeats of what others suggested):
- Timed Fashion Weapons. Generally older models, while the regular Shop will have the newer/permanent models.
Feasible/Fav ; unless I'm missing something here, doesn't seem like an issue.
- Rotation of Fashion sets. Once again it can be older models so it won't interfere with the regular Shop. There are also some older but unreleased fashion sets that you could try putting in there. There is currently one fashion set that's in the Event Shop but not in the regular Shop so it's not an unprecedented occurance.
Feasible/Fav ; unless I'm missing something here, doesn't seem like an issue.
- Rotation of Smileys or a couple of new Event Shop exclusive smileys.
Feasible/Create ; Can probably put rotation in - new content would obviously go to CN. Would bringing in old smilies work too as Event Gold Exclusives such as the Bear or Egg Smilies?
- Rotation of Flyers and Mounts. The Event Shop is currently very stale in that aspect.
Fav ; shouldn't be too hard to get this done as we've pushed items there in the past or sometimes created new permanent fixtures.
- Misc. useful items. Could be little things like Binding Charms, Hot Colours Pack, Basic Reset Note (but not the higher ones), Teleport Bell(timed) etc. Things like these are fairly cheap in the regular Shop so I think it might not have a negative effect if they are put in the Event shop. Of course that is if it's feasible.
Feasible/Fav ; I like the idea of putting Binding Charms into the shop and the Basic Reset Notes. I could encounter some pushback on Hot Color Packs since they're technically a chance pack type item. We'll see.
Apart from that, I can't think of anything outside the Event Shop. Other players have already suggested pretty good things.
Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on0 -
Updates on Rewards Planning
12/2 - Compiling all the current feedback of items given and will create an action plan. Communicating with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that prizing is compelling and will not cause issues. Creating a timetable for announcements of the new prizing structures and any season changes related to it. This includes but is not limited to - pertinent documentation across all related departments, blogs and social media messaging for consistency etc.
(Second post has not been updated with all compiled feedback and notes-will do so TBA)
12/23 - PWE offices are on holidays until 1/1/2017. Announcements and roll out of new prizing structures will happen as soon as we return to the offices. We will more than likely be extending the TW season length as announced during the Extra Life stream, among other changes.
Have a wonderful holidays!Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on0 -
Event gold? on Fav? what's special about that... It's the most generic and less impressive reward we could receive.0
@ballenato This one's an easy clear when I pitch prize bundles or in other words, a path of least resistance. Until they throw up a flag on Event Gold, it's in the safe. Event Gold does work better on a Mystery Prize rotation when the maps are still fresh and where there's a more diverse group of factions owning lands. Players not too long ago were clamoring about why they stopped receiving Event Gold, but I can see where it'll get old nowadays. I'll probably change it to a Fav/Feasible rating to keep in mind to use it sparingly during a season's package or to monitor how much gets pumped into the game, outside of the final standings.0
To add on my lst:
C Packs/Flowsilver coins so people can pick if they want C packs or higher tier packs. Make them bound/untradeable so people cant abuse them if thats possible.
Some kind of mount would truly be appreciated, the more restricted to TW winners the better. New kind of mount would be preferable but using any not so common mount would be fine. Obviously bound and stuff.
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I believe if the Event Shop will get a proper rotation of items, Event Gold will become more desirable. It's already handy for charms, refine aids and smileys, but other than that it's pretty stale.
My suggestions for the Event Shop (some may be repeats of what others suggested):
- Timed Fashion Weapons. Generally older models, while the regular Shop will have the newer/permanent models.
- Rotation of Fashion sets. Once again it can be older models so it won't interfere with the regular Shop. There are also some older but unreleased fashion sets that you could try putting in there. There is currently one fashion set that's in the Event Shop but not in the regular Shop so it's not an unprecedented occurance.
- Rotation of Smileys or a couple of new Event Shop exclusive smileys.
- Rotation of Flyers and Mounts. The Event Shop is currently very stale in that aspect.
- Misc. useful items. Could be little things like Binding Charms, Hot Colours Pack, Basic Reset Note (but not the higher ones), Teleport Bell(timed) etc. Things like these are fairly cheap in the regular Shop so I think it might not have a negative effect if they are put in the Event shop. Of course that is if it's feasible.
Apart from that, I can't think of anything outside the Event Shop. Other players have already suggested pretty good things.
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I prefer rare/unique mounts and fashion for tw prizes since it doesnt make the winning faction stronger but still show people they were the champions.
All class pets are nice too but maybe change the pet each season.
Prizes shouldnt be insane but need to be worth fighting for.0 -
Hope this happens.Post edited by hakundo on0
I wrote the following post up when I saw the original wall, so this will look weirdly out of context. But I still think it's relevant to discuss, so hope you don't mind.
@hakundo Fair enough. I will say I was a part of that crowd. Some days I wonder how I even got here, as it was very easy to look up my posting history on the forums.
I'll take the taps fair and square.
I do put a disclaimer that I can't take everything into account due to either a) something dev's don't want or b) something that could break in send, obviously causing the "great you did it again" reaction or c) something that would need to be created, planned, proposed etc. CN controls good portions of everything, but it's all about asking the right questions and figuring out the workarounds. I'm still navigating what those workarounds are myself but I'll work to make sure players know where the blocks are and why, when able. It's the nature of the beast.
If being annoying gets the job done, I'll take the heat on both sides if it makes the game a better place. I'm stubborn like that.
To address the ending points :
Fix DUP - Already was investigating this with CN, they should get back to us and tell us exactly what's happening. I'm hoping it wasn't a design choice...
Fix Thursday Night Fights - already testing it again, and looks promising! Now we just need to make sure the times are reasonable for local time and that xserver doesn't step on other events.
Fix xTW map reset - This needs to get revisited again. We saw ranks and map points and specific factions point gains scrubbed, but they keep repopulating for some odd reason?
Fix TW rewards first before thinking of new ones - The only one that needs to be fixed for the end of season rewards is actually the Dragon pet. Everything else functions proper. The rewards this thread is talking about is mostly to address the mystery rotation prizes that never went though. Due to shorter seasons, this caused overhead issues, but I'm now working on these prize breakdowns with orinj and seeing if we can start pushing for the longer seasons again. The reason why I look for feedback is to reconfirm what packages I'm building are meta relevant but at the same time, keeping in mind the effects it could potentially have on the game.
I'll update the thread later on either today on the weekend with the new suggested stuff, I have some other things I need to take care of.
@dingo488 We can still look into that as well, are you saying it on top of everything else with the current rewards structures?Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on0 -
Lol, I sounded a little too whiny for my taste so I edited it all out.
My main point was/is that it would be nice for things like the monthly TW reward to actually HAPPEN. If PWI would follow up on huge events like that, it would do wonders for community morale - not to mention we'll believe forum threads that promise new and exciting things.
All in all, thanks for the reply, sorry for the QQfest.
In terms of the actual TW rewards, again - consistency. The resets kept getting pushed, then the rewards got changed, then edited, then removed. It's a little silly. Just stick to one revamp that you know works, and give us that. All we want is for it to work. I don't think the majority of players care one way or another about the actual rewards (unless you go completely crazy and offer similar rewards as xTW, that might actually encourage people to TW more and it'll completely affect server-wide TW).
The problem with xTW map reset not working is that the leading factions automatically get a headstart at the start of the season because they already own lands. That's really it. Point reset worked fine.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »
@dingo488 We can still look into that as well, are you saying it on top of everything else with the current rewards structures?
I posted in the other thread why the rewards mentioned here (altho cool) cant be considered an incentive (to me). And how to make them be considered as an incentive. Or what I would consider an incentive instead.The problem with xTW map reset not working is that the leading factions automatically get a headstart at the start of the season because they already own lands. That's really it. Point reset worked fine.
Not automatically and not just because they alrdy own lands.
After last season ended there were 4 weeks in which every faction had equal opportunity to collect lands for the next season, so these ''leading factions'' had to fight for this headstart to earn it and they did, it most definitely did not carry over from the previous season. Its also stated at the NPC there would be 4 weeks for ''grouping'' (after these 4 weeks all points got reset), just cuz not all factions read this doesnt mean it was unfair, but of course it is still not desirable, transparency is very important. That said, next season every faction knows about this (they better...) and then I personally see no problem with it working that way.
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@kalystconquerer#0876 Hey, since the TW season winners were announced, if someone could please edit the post. Etherblade City Owning Faction GoldDigrz is not listed under Total Land count, even though we're at 7. Rather not get shafted on rewards. Cheers.0
My suggestion:
TW rewards should be something special, something that other players can not get normally or only with alot of effort.
I can highly suggest giving out decent quantities of Ancient Emblems. The server lacks this specific item in an extreme fashion. Getting the hand on 3 of those without spamming the whole server wc for hours on end is damn near impossible. Giving out 10-30 of these to any member of the winning faction should be decent. No, thats not too much. at least half of those will be eaten up instantly for engravement tries.
Invitation Scrolls are also a good idea, or a special blessing that is only slightly stronger than the normal ones (like 20 attack/ 20 defense level instead of good ole o'mally) which lasts for the duration of the season. A specific winners buff would also be nice. Again, nothing too broken or unfair. Just a little boost. Something that makes the effort worthwhile and could actually inspire people to strife for decent competition.
I couldnt care less about pots, chi stones, hypers, consumables, event gold and stuff like that. You can just go and buy most of that for little to very little money already..nothing worth of spending alot of time and effort just to win the season for. Same goes for mounts. I trashed all but the most beautiful mounts that I habe gotten so far in my nearly 8 years of PWI. We dont need more mounts and if we would get a mount then at least make it special. Looks matter not. Not at all. A reasonable winnersmount would have to be faster (like 12m/s at max level). That would be reasonable.
off-topic: I just dont understand in general why mounts keep getting released one after another while they are all being absolutely identical except for their appearance..like wth? Why some people spend hundreds of millions an a mount that doesnt make the faster in the slightest is beyond me xD0 -
@hakundo WOW, we'll that's double embarrassment on me 1) because I am from Etherblade and 2) I drafted that list format. I'll have to go in and submit a correction line though our official channels so that the information carries across FR and DE. The Total Land Counts are listed so that other players can see where they fall in order, though being missing from the Total Land Count section should not remove you from the list of prize winners for the Event Gold. Grand Prize Winners and City Owning Winners will be the ones who will need to have their rosters submitted. I'm going to send an email blast today to CS so that they know not to exclude a faction if they didn't appear under the Total Land Count section.
Orinj and a few other stakeholders are gone today from the office on important business, so suggestions for items to go on a whitelist might have to wait a bit.
EDIT : Email sent! I included what specific lands were held and their values, so that they take particular care.Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on0 -
Ill just quote myself cuz its easier.
My own suggestion for a small prize that everyone who participates could enjoy:
I would like to see is a charm reward- bound guardian charms based on average class HP and focus would be interesting and secondly have a small amount of event gold rewarded BUT have the event shop refreshed, so the event gold we get would ACTUALLY be a neat prize to have instead of always used on charms to offset our costs.
Things I would like to see in the event shop:
-Bound +7 to +10 orbs (maybe in the future after exploited event gold has dried up more)
-Bound mirages or mysterious chips
-Bound Fashion pigments (not just random but other colours)
-Unique bound fashion sets
-Timed weapon fashion (and have the permanent remain in the cash shop as it has been)
-Unique smilies
-Unique timed titles with stats would be interesting (We have these in the cash shop but not very many seem to use them)
-Different mounts or flyers (or even add the SEALED flyers that drop from UCH since at least on my server no one farms them so they are SUPER RARE)
-Bound star chart materials
-Daily pills to give you the NPC that gives you all your dailies
-Engraving dyes for gear
The possibilities really are endless and we have so many neat things that have been put in the cash shop but are basically inaccessible due to the space limitation and time cycle of cash shop. The costs of all things can be adjusted so that event gold must be saved appropriately so as not to lower the value of these actual items in the economy, but I think that this could have real potential.
As it stands right now I would say basically the only thing people buy in event shop is: Smilies, Tienkangs and Tishas for refining, Charms, Fashion and pigments if there is something nice in the shop... and maybe a flyer here or there? Most of whats in there is very stale and not really desired any longer...so tbh thats probably it. I cant think of one thing else I've used event gold for....
Anyway all just my personal opinion and the only way I can think of a reward useful and desired by players of all levels/gear/servers.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Happy Monday PWI!
I'm still culling though this and the other posts to make sure I didn't miss anything! I'll probably use the second reserved post for announcements/updates or other things that players might want to know during the process.0 -
My suggestion:
Homestead Trophy - When you win a competition of sorts, you just have to have a trophy!
Dragonlord Coins (The XTW Rewards) It would be nice to pay out that and help people get one or both of the Dragon mounts. Or just their chest, so they have chances for other better items.
Also if possible, ask the devs to create a pay out system similar to Resource Wars and Dragons' Conquest, where attendees are rewarded based on rank/participation. In place of a salary.
Timed Title or Timed Fashion for Winners - Similar to Faction Uniforms, or just toss them the Faction Uniform
Other than that, I can't really think of something that could be given without creating so much, or without needed a decent amount of effort.
Other possible reward could be what had been stated before the current reset in regards to event gold.0 -
An idea which I've had for a while is a way to manufacture a blood paint buff pot, this seems like a perfect way to add it...
Certain territory areas gain access to special buff pots unavailable for people from outside of the faction to produce
That and I really wish pwi implemented more incentives for tw, I feel like it's a necessity for smaller factions to stand a chance and have an opportunity to grow based on attendances to territory war, instead of pure power of an active faction soaking up all the coin from territory bonuses0 -
I'm fine with mediocre TW rewards so as to discourage people from bandwagoning into the strongest faction, creating an imbalance.0
The problem with TW and XTW rewards is that they encourage unfun behavior. Mass PvP is at it's most exciting when the opposing sides are roughly equal in strength. This relatively balanced scenario unfortunately is a very rare occurrence. Why? Because factions are rewarded for owning more territory than anyone else. Fighting battles that have a chance at losing goes against this.
I propose that TW rewards scrap the idea of making highest total land count the end goal. Instead, I suggest that factions get rewarded by a tier based system. Prizes will be based on which tier the faction is in at the end of the cycle.
Tier 1: Prize Bundle x1 = Control 2-5 lands.
Tier 2: Prize Bundle x3 = Control 6-11 lands.
Tier 3: Prize Bundle x6 = Control 12-17 lands.
Landhog: Control 18+ lands. - Same prize as Tier 2.
Race cities count as 2 lands each, and Arch/ 1k count as 3.
This system gives incentive for factions to reach Tier 3 for max reward, and then stop accumulating more lands, allowing room for other factions to compete. Without the need to have the highest land count to get the top prize, there will be less push for everyone joining just the top faction. In fact, by being part of a smaller faction, with fewer members, one may make out better from the rewards at a lower Tier than someone in a higher Tier faction but with many more members to share with. This should foster more diverse power distribution among factions and lead to balanced and entertaining TWs becoming more commonplace.
As for actual rewards, I suggest a common Prize Bundle which would get multiplied depending on Tier. All prizes should be tradable and help with gear. Something along the lines of:
Ancient Emblems x 6
Dustfall Artifact x 2 (6 make helms roughly equivalent to G16, but there is no way to get them in game other than as a Key prize)
War Avatar Essence x 100 (give people a way to make use of those War Avatar Orders from BH and Tower)
War Avatar Catalyst x 100 ( with the above, give peeps a chance at an S set other than Nuema Portal from spend rewards -.- )
G17 mats x ?? (I have no idea on what would be worthwhile, G17 is not even on my radar as it's currently so unfeasible to farm)
This reward distribution will spread the wealth a bit and make it worthwhile for smaller factions to compete, while still giving stronger factions a decent incentive.
Post edited by perrion on0 -
In my mind rewards should encourage participation, while giving marginally better rewards to the winning factions.
1. A short tw season means less conflict and less good fights. Let a tw season last a year or 8 months maybe!
2. Make some sort of coin be tw rewards, and create an npc (like NW forges) that lets us choose our own reward. Like if a factions wins an offensive tw, give the whole faction 10 coins in mailbox. Or right after tw. The forge might look like this
- gold charm 10 coins
- astrobana pearl 1 coin
- c pack 1 coin
- 50 event gold pack 25 coins
- crown of madness 2,000 coins
Really TW is cheapened on our version of the game, due to the rank items being in cash shop and so common.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »
Well ive been told I have the nack for game design a few times. And I work in Retail ay go figure.
I do agree with the bring people back to TW idea people are saying.
I still think they should add a pack like XTW so when you win the battle everyone that attended will get that reward. At the moment its left to the faction to deal with this.
This is more of a reward for holding land at the end of the month. and overall TW winners its evolved into.In my mind rewards should encourage participation, while giving marginally better rewards to the winning factions.
1. A short tw season means less conflict and less good fights. Let a tw season last a year or 8 months maybe!
2. Make some sort of coin be tw rewards, and create an npc (like NW forges) that lets us choose our own reward. Like if a factions wins an offensive tw, give the whole faction 10 coins in mailbox. Or right after tw. The forge might look like this
- gold charm 10 coins
- astrobana pearl 1 coin
- c pack 1 coin
- 50 event gold pack 25 coins
- crown of madness 2,000 coins
Really TW is cheapened on our version of the game, due to the rank items being in cash shop and so common.
This is a good run of the mill. Like XTW we can make the dragons. After that the coins are useful for Charms only. the COM is a wild IDEA and unlikely to make the pack. HOWEVER it gives you the idea in plain txt. That would drag people into TW. Like XTW.0 -
I still think they should add a pack like XTW so when you win the battle everyone that attended will get that reward. At the moment its left to the faction to deal with this.
A participation pack would be great, but that would require China to code which is not especially feasable. Even still, this sort of reward would encourage bandwagoning where everyone would flock to the biggest factions with the least likelihood of loosing a battle and missing out on a prize.
I want to see a system that encourages large numbers of small and medium factions to duke it out over a season rather than the snoozefest that we have now.
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What we need is a faction player gap cap system.
What I mean with this is like the player amount gap between 2 factions in tw/xtw cant be bigger then for example 10.
This would have many advantages. Atm ,1-2 big factions ruling the maps just due to the numbers they can bring into tw/xtw.
With this gap even smaller factions would have a chance, a-to defend a attack of this big faction, b-be able to attack a big faction with a chance of winning.
On the other hand, there might be players which are always on waitlist in those big factions, which will look then to join a smaller faction, rather then always be on waitlist.
This gap cap would level out the field and would bring way more fun then the current system.
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This is something i wrote in another thread but was ignored:
My suggestion for balancing options because obviously the devs don't know how to clear database table entries at all.
1. Rewards are revamped to a server by server basis where the top faction in each server will receive the 3rd place prize. There will no longer be a 2nd place prize and the 1st place prize will be adjusted to 50% of the rewards. This will promote factions on the same server to grow stronger to try and be the best on their server. Now if the factions place in the top 5 xTW they will also receive some minor winner prizes as well.
2. Rewards are changed to be a running voucher system. If a faction places:
1st: 20 vouchers, 2nd: 15 vouchers, 3rd: 10 vouchers 4-10: 3 vouchers
These vouchers are then redeemable for prizes. If the same factions place in the same position the following season they will receive a 50% voucher deduction each consecutive season. Meaning if you were 1st 3 times in a row you would only get 5 vouchers. This will promote balancing where strongest factions cannot constantly win over and over and players will want to move. A top faction can obviously make another faction and participate again but that just resets their points back to 0 so it is a fair balance.
3. No rewards for XTW instead make it so dragon conquest coins (Participation items awarded to all players who enter already.) can be traded for more prizes. Make the prizes similar to how Nation Wars work. Make the conquest helm a chance craft like the sky cover ring and never offer a 100% chance. Make it cost some large amount like 25,000 conquest coins for every 10% chance increase. Make the max craft chance 80% this means everyone has a fair chance for this character bound helmet. If players really want the helmet they will have to participate in the xTW events. Yes players will log alts in hopes to win it on their alts, but the helm is character bound and 25k coins is a lot of coins.
4. Change the helm reward system to be a raffle system. If you place in the top 10 you are given 1 raffle ticket and at the end of each season there will be 5 helms raffled off. This means that 5 factions in the top 10 will receive a helm, it does not matter where you placed in the top 10 it only matters you are in the top 10.
5. Tournament styled reward system because the pairing algorithm is terrible. I have seen top factions have to fight no one locking free lands for them and noob factions fighting top factions which basically gives top factions the advantage all the time. Instead at the end of the season take the top 16 factions and just do a bracket system. This bracket system should determine the winners.0 -
This is something i wrote in another thread but was ignored:
My suggestion for balancing options because obviously the devs don't know how to clear database table entries at all.
1. Rewards are revamped to a server by server basis where the top faction in each server will receive the 3rd place prize. There will no longer be a 2nd place prize and the 1st place prize will be adjusted to 50% of the rewards. This will promote factions on the same server to grow stronger to try and be the best on their server. Now if the factions place in the top 5 xTW they will also receive some minor winner prizes as well.
2. Rewards are changed to be a running voucher system. If a faction places:
1st: 20 vouchers, 2nd: 15 vouchers, 3rd: 10 vouchers 4-10: 3 vouchers
These vouchers are then redeemable for prizes. If the same factions place in the same position the following season they will receive a 50% voucher deduction each consecutive season. Meaning if you were 1st 3 times in a row you would only get 5 vouchers. This will promote balancing where strongest factions cannot constantly win over and over and players will want to move. A top faction can obviously make another faction and participate again but that just resets their points back to 0 so it is a fair balance.
3. No rewards for XTW instead make it so dragon conquest coins (Participation items awarded to all players who enter already.) can be traded for more prizes. Make the prizes similar to how Nation Wars work. Make the conquest helm a chance craft like the sky cover ring and never offer a 100% chance. Make it cost some large amount like 25,000 conquest coins for every 10% chance increase. Make the max craft chance 80% this means everyone has a fair chance for this character bound helmet. If players really want the helmet they will have to participate in the xTW events. Yes players will log alts in hopes to win it on their alts, but the helm is character bound and 25k coins is a lot of coins.
4. Change the helm reward system to be a raffle system. If you place in the top 10 you are given 1 raffle ticket and at the end of each season there will be 5 helms raffled off. This means that 5 factions in the top 10 will receive a helm, it does not matter where you placed in the top 10 it only matters you are in the top 10.
5. Tournament styled reward system because the pairing algorithm is terrible. I have seen top factions have to fight no one locking free lands for them and noob factions fighting top factions which basically gives top factions the advantage all the time. Instead at the end of the season take the top 16 factions and just do a bracket system. This bracket system should determine the winners.
I seriously hope it keeps getting ignored as all of your suggestions are plain terrible.0 -
No one on ET really cares about winning TW seasons except Karma and changing the prizes won't change that.
The prizes are fine as they are or it will become a case of if you spend the most, you win the most. Atm having the **** prizes keeps it sort of in balance with people organizing TWs in order to get a decent balanced pvp fight rather than focusing on trying to win. A lot of smaller factions will never have the chance to learn pvp as the big factions will constantly bid on them to get the land instead of bidding to have a near balanced fight with a similar sized faction which is currently what happens atm.Moonshine drinker
In a world of 10s, be an 11.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »This thread can be used to -
- Discuss TW Rewards System (item suggestions for season winners, mystery drawings, engagement, pros and cons of items)
How do i submit my roster for rewards?
The ticket handlers didn't appear to believe via ticket was the appropriate method.
www.Kniraven.com | Youtube.com/Kniraven | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | Facebook.com/Kniraven0 -
Tell the GM's in your ticket to elevate the ticket to the next tier of GM's, the initial GM's I got didn't know why I was submitting SS's and a typed list either. After I did that it got sorted out.0
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