Any Interest in a no-holds barred, PVP server? + Which events do you like? + Custom pet or mount?



  • tatu3110
    tatu3110 Posts: 39 Arc User
    Just saying, that its so hard for you all to keep up with so many servers, like the etherblade server still didnt get an AH fix yet.. why move into different more burdens while the others are in some sort of mess or the other ?
  • malkzalinto
    malkzalinto Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    As much as I would LOVE our PvP back....I think adding a separate server would cause the (already low) PvP on our servers to die. I really do not feel like making another character on another server to PvP.
    To those saying that they chose a PvE server for a reason...well we chose a PvP server for a reason too! We have been forced to switch and it has killed any PvP fun this game had to offer. I miss those random mass PvP sessions back on Lost City. I personally don't see any fun in this game without the PvP aspect. Things like TW,NW and even RW even though that got messed up are all PvP based. Bring our servers (that we already have) back to PvP!!

    I want to add in another comment that being on a PvP server IS NOT that terrible. There might be a jerk or two. If you are on the lower in gear wise most PvP or Mass PvP happens from faction "rivalry's". If you are lower geared,low named,low leveled it really wont effect you that much. Back in the day people used to kill the level 30's in SP. That has been stopped. Overall we are more effected by the PvE server then we are PvP. To me it is fun to have more then just automated mobs after me...Where is the fun in that?

    ~Tyyni TT
  • malkzalinto
    malkzalinto Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2016
  • motoor
    motoor Posts: 178 Arc User
    orinj I see what u try to do here..keep ppl busy to forget about GM fiasco ahahahhahahahahah
  • pocko009
    pocko009 Posts: 9 Arc User
    I want to add in another comment that being on a PvP server IS NOT that terrible. There might be a jerk or two. If you are on the lower in gear wise most PvP or Mass PvP happens from faction "rivalry's". If you are lower geared,low named,low leveled it really wont effect you that much. Back in the day people used to kill the level 30's in SP. That has been stopped. Overall we are more effected by the PvE server then we are PvP. To me it is fun to have more then just automated mobs after me...Where is the fun in that? [/b]

    as someone who played on the Lost City server for 5 years being on a PvP server is terrible to low geared people. no idea how many times me or friends couldn't get any dailies done because of r9+12 op jackasses camping every spot 1-hitting everything they saw. 'want to do morai/primals/any quest that isn't inside of a instance well good luck hopefully you're doing it one of the times ppl aren't just camping for one shots'

    This is also horrible for newcomers to the game that are trying to play and level a character normally and not buying lvling items. i cant tell you how many jackasses would camp around Spirit Cultivation areas because the high lvls that wanted to be blood red named/ just being jackasses and 1 Hit killing them. this is a very good way for a game already not bringing in new players to lose even more

    PvPers if they want can just go white name while PvEers on a pvp server has no choice and as for PvPers who complain about ppl bragging/talking **** with no consequences if you dont feel like listening to it that is what BL is for you dont have to read it and as for stealing stuff in instances just go with people you know

    I will agree that factions participating in resource wars should be forced into pvp for that hour and also some of the World Boss events would be better in pvp areas so one person cant dominate every time, but that does not justify turning all the servers into forced PvP

  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    I'd vote no. The servers were merged because we realistically don't have enough players for a fifth server. New servers get some action for a few months but then they just die off pretty quickly. I have serious doubts about the viability of PVP servers after hearing about how dead Lost City and Harshlands were before the merge.​​
  • mikemillerjr1
    mikemillerjr1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    I think the idea of a x-server battleground is an awesome idea that way the pvp is instant and we don't need to farm for new toons and it's not 1 nation vs 1 nation it's 1 vs 1 or squad vs squad or whatever it may be
  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    motoor wrote: »
    orinj I see what u try to do here..keep ppl busy to forget about GM fiasco ahahahhahahahahah

    Ohno, the jig is up! Kidding of course. Research is ongoing. Also, I'm offsite today. I'll be back tomorrow to check all the data. :)
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    orinj wrote: »
    Thanks for all your responses! Keep 'em coming. I haven't had a chance to read through all of em, but I def will. I'll leave the thread open for another week before closing it out.

    General rule of thumb when working with the devs: less is more. What I mean by that: less code changes they need to make, the more willing they are to make those changes for us. It's not a matter of negligence or importance, but more of code consistency. The further we stray from their version, the more work required and prone to error it becomes. Like creating an alternate dimension and having to keep tabs on all the changes to that work from ours... or something like that, lol.

    Thanks for all the continued feedback!

    My Idea Fits the Bill
    Turning the switch from PvE to PvP is not only less changes but actually makes our servers more in line to the CN Version and easier for them to keep up with us and less likely for there to be bugs/errors/inconsistencies.

    What about switching it every once in a while to cater to both groups? A month of this then a month of that? I believe that is something you could even do yourselves.

    This could rotate at a set time, PvP Season vs PvE Season (Summer vs Winter on Game of Thrones :smile: )
    All PvE Season long, my guild would be like ಠ_ಠ "Brace yourselves nubs, Winter is Coming!"

    Or maybe you could allow the Seasons TW Champion to decide their current server status.

    I am also on board with the idea of making an identical cross-server, where PvP is permanently enabled or a red-room.
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Ideas for making pvp area with as little effort/changes (and admittedly I am not good with code and mechanics like @asterelle or @sylenthunder - would be a good idea to crack these guys' brains for ideas on how to create PVP areas with little work)

    a) Make Wargod Gulch accessible 24/7 rather than just at xTW times. Perhaps the instance could reset once per week, an hour before cross server TW and kick all pvpers out, then only enable people in eligible factions to enter for xTW during that time period. Reset again after to xserver PVP "Red Room" Gulch
    Pros: Cross Server enabled
    Cons: Would require recoding to enable NPC to port players at all times and reset instances for xTW. Could possibly be abused by having PKers pk people waiting to port into xTW if not coded correctly.

    b) open and "fix" (break?) the current event "theater of blood" on our servers at 7pm everyday to around the clock, with no rewards. This instance is currently unused because of the limited time period, crappy prizes, and the fact that the instance is broken. Open the instance and enable it to run 24 hours a day for PVP mayhem on local servers. I think this could work as "back in the day" places with PVP enabled instances were THE place to PVP before it became against TOS (for very understandable reasons).
    Pros: It's red, and it's already established as a PVP grounds, it is just broken.
    Cons: Local Server only.

    c) Re-enable xNation Wars, but use @catgirldesu 's idea to keep each team random (aka "Frost" team could be made of players from all servers) and leave this war running for an extended period of time with reduced or eliminated rewards.
    Pros: Cross Server Enabled
    Cons: Would require recoding to enable NPC to port players at all times, would require adjusting code for prizes and time span, could become an issue if it runs for too long that one or two teams could permanently base lock other teams, easily abusable by players using "alts" to artificially buff the numbers of certain teams.

    All of these are kind of second best to the first option because they either eliminate ability for all PVPers to be together (already each server has low population of PVPers so for this idea to work it really needs to combine players) or limits the spontaneity and appeal of different sizes of fights that open world PVP allows for. An instanced xserver PVP arena would be awesome. Maybe its possible to make cross server theatre of blood? .
  • ninjakitchenrulr
    ninjakitchenrulr Posts: 70 Arc User
    Alot of people have mentioned hosting this red room pk server on the cross server, I think that's a good idea. Maybe also make it where you can't drop anything and allow people to move back and forth between their own and this cross server.

    I'd prefer a mount over a pet.

    One event to bring back would be cross server nation wars. Just only on Sunday, leaving Fridays Nation War as it currently is ( inter server)

    The smoke over Archosaur event is really popular as well.
  • arspaulina#4310
    arspaulina#4310 Posts: 347 Community Moderator
    edited June 2016
    Pros For PvP Server-
    Modifications/Points to this proposal include -
    1) A cross server 24 hour area for players to come in and out of freely.
    2) A server where players can account transfer too
    2a) Players willing to pay for this transfer
    3) Flipping all current PvE servers to PvP
    3a) PvP server players have been merged into PvE servers
    4) Playing the game "as it's meant to be" citing various features that work in conjunction with a PvP set world. WB's and/or other events or activities cannot have actionable repercussions.

    Cons For PvP Server-
    Modifications/points to this Proposal include-
    1) Will pull population away from already established servers
    2) Unwilling to start over after sinking a good chunk of money into people's respective servers
    Re : 3) Flipping all current PvE servers to PvP will drive away PvE oriented population.
    Re : 3a) PvP players can simply "go white" and stay in PvP on PvE servers if they so choose to. PvE players will be griefed by PvPers when doing quests or dailies.
    4) If complex suggestions are built in could require alot of coding on China's part. If our version becomes too much of a derivative more things are prone to break.

    General Points of Interest

    PvP server discussion is currently heavily favoring a cross sever type instance or a cross server map. Number of unique posts to this : I I I I I I I I I I I I I
    XNW discussion or re-implimentation is being mentioned. Number of unique posts to this : TBA

    Switching Servers from PvE to PvP and vice versa every so often / Allowing the Server Champions to decide

    Smoke over Archosaur, Assault on Archosaur (Ref Link :

    Miscellaneous Points :

    "- A better attemp to rebalance classes and skills. We only get small updates here and there. I think it's time the developers look at the bigger picture and try to update the current balance, even if that requires improving multiple skills or nerfing some.
    - An update to Venomancer pets as they've become pretty weak in PvP. A possible solution would be to allow Heal Pet to grant pets AOE damage reduction from players and/or improving the stats they gain from the Venomancer.
    - Make Fashion Weapons permanent or introduce Fashion Weapons in the Event Boutique. Also, add Fox smileys in the Event Boutique."


    "when you go to China to talk about this, make them consider to balance the classes. They already did a good thing with skills in some classes with the lastest update, but there are still some classes that are SO unbalance, example: DB are extremely OP, you practically cant do anything against them, because they have non-stopped stuns; archers are just ****. Im sure there are more class-related stuff to fix, but for now that is what I can mention.

    "[...]3. If there was some way to bring back Invitation Scrolls, that'd be lovely so people that can't make RW can get Inkdragons.
    4. Speaking of RW and other events, if there was a way so you could make it so people would need to be white name to damage the bases and carts in order to encourage the event to be pvp-inclined like how it's intended, that'd be lovely. Currently, the convoy daily in Primal is set up like this so there should be a way to flag it.​​"

    I'm still going through alot of the posts so if your thing doesn't show up yet here, I'll be editing this and updating it over the week. Also if you dont get directly quoted its most likely because you've +1 an idea presented. If I missed anything feel free to let me know!
    Post edited by arspaulina#4310 on
    ⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    @arspaulina#4310 my most recent suggestion requires pretty much nothing at all from CN, and allows all types of players to have things the way they like them for a priod.
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • arspaulina#4310
    arspaulina#4310 Posts: 347 Community Moderator
    That's what I get for formatting a post and then replies are updating in real time,whoops! Gonna have to figure out if I want to put that under Pro's or General Points of Interest XD
    ⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆
  • beast21g
    beast21g Posts: 631 Arc User
    @daymond 1 month pvp one month everyone blue name? thats bad idea.
    Also TW champion why tohave to choose for the server pvp/pve status? Better idea TW season champion forced in pk mode then without option to go blue name. If they are season tw campions they should not be a problem for them right?
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    tek1nig wrote: »

    Listen you noname, you are part of the reasons there needs to be a PVP server. Coming to forums, spreading false propaganda, naming/shaming trying to act big and bad. If this was a PVP server i'd hunt your **** down with the foe system and be DONE WITH YOU, Dispatch you instantly and not have to even reply on this thread.

    People like you are the reason we need our PVP Settings Back and enabled Server Wide.

    He never named and shamed and for him to be saying false things, doesn't someone have to prove that what he said is untrue?. But way to go making your self so dam obvious haha. Most people who don't want to look guilty, or those who are actually not guilty, will come out and deny it.

    Anyway back on topic.
    How many bugs, glitches, server meltdowns, and everything else does this game STILL HAVE over the pass 5+ years? With all that has happened in the last year alone, why should the players base even begin to think that anything is going to change when they won't even address issues that already exist? Why add a server when you can't keep up the ones you have? Why ask about events when PWE screwed over an entire servers event times? Address and fix the current issues first before you do anything else. It's pretty sad that PWEs only tools to fix stuff is twist ties and bubble gum.

  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    superfedee wrote: »
    @orinj first things first tho mate can you please fix the thursday tournament please, players are starving for cross-server battles tiger-46.gif​​

    I'll ask about this one as well tonight. Thanks. -Orinj
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
  • jasrho
    jasrho Posts: 34 Arc User
    Though I chose a pve server..I dont think pve nor pvp should be forced on anyone..let people choose to play how they want. I'm not strictly in favor of either..Im more in favor of choice. That being wondering why certain instances couldnt offer that choice...i.e..pve or pvp mode. The instances im thinking of would/could be sadistic glee and/or secret passage or maybe even re-enabling the old start area which looks like primal to be pvp only..with special quest etc... This would give pvpers a place to go..and would give pve'ers freedom from the harassament they may or may not receive. Though im pve by choice I would like to see XNW come back with randomized nations instead of the 2 big and 2 small nations like it usually was.
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    @orinj More titles /o/ Super difficult titles /o/ give me something that'll keep me busy for months in PvE that isnt a daily /o/
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Alternatively, here is a list of the grievances expressed and/or symptoms of the PvE Server. These are the problems which the PvP Server Player Base would like a remedy to:

    On a PvE Server:

    - Weekly Resource Wars event does not function correctly
    ***** You can not defend your guild's carts
    ***** You can not defend your guild's base
    ***** Throw away alt factions can take advantage and profit off of this

    - Cross-Server TW Glitches, where "Blue Name" Players can still be killed but can not attack opponents

    - Only 2 Classes matter in any boss battle in which players compete
    ***** Open Map World Bosses
    ***** Primal Card Boss
    ***** Any main map boss
    ***** City of Abombinations Weekly Instance
    ***** Public Quests 1, 2, & 3
    ***** Duskblade + Assassin are top 2 DD classes, MOB ownership is determined by DD. Other classes only amp

    - Open World Weekly Events (Such as Tigers on Monday) are strictly dominated by the ranged/teleport classes
    ***** Tiger Event, all mobs are 1 shot and thus advantage to ranged class + infinite teleport class
    ***** Dragon Temple, extreme reduced speed thus advantage to ranged class + infinite teleport class

    - You can not prevent another player from KS'ing you
    ***** If another class/player has a combination of greater range/DPS than you, they can steal your mobs all day

    - You can not stop bots from botting
    ***** If an area is plagued with bots/programs farming resourced and hurting economy you can not stop them

    - Class Specific Venomancer Daily is broken
    ***** Requires you to flag/use a work around glitch to participate if blue name

    - Caravan Primal Daily is broken
    ***** Requires you to flag white to participate if blue name

    - Foe System from Recent Expansion is broken
    ***** You can't seek out opponents to fight in VIP system if they are blue name

    - Faction Status Colors from Recent Update is broken
    ***** Faction Status Colors make you unable to see who is flagged white and who is not
    ***** They are intended for a world where everyone is always flagged white

    - Future Content will continue to be plagued with bugs and/or be broken

    ^ All of the above, are directly as result of being on a PvE server
    Post edited by daymond on
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • spaz95
    spaz95 Posts: 110 Arc User
    asterelle wrote: »
    I have serious doubts about the viability of PVP servers after hearing about how dead Lost City and Harshlands were before the merge.​​

    I just want you to know this. There was more PvP on LC server than there is on TT server at any given time due to events in this game are created around pk and along with the whole "if you wanna start a war go kill someones alt"

    Player base was low yes. But dead pk? God no.

  • pocko009
    pocko009 Posts: 9 Arc User
    spaz95 wrote: »
    asterelle wrote: »
    I have serious doubts about the viability of PVP servers after hearing about how dead Lost City and Harshlands were before the merge.​​

    I just want you to know this. There was more PvP on LC server than there is on TT server at any given time due to events in this game are created around pk and along with the whole "if you wanna start a war go kill someones alt"

    Player base was low yes. But dead pk? God no.

    Most of the PvP on lost city turned into rpking people that had no chance to fight back at all/ whatever top guild was on at a time ruining events for any other person the only people that win with a PvP forced server are OP characters and jackasses which will turn away most new players trying to come into game while population declines already

  • tricksie
    tricksie Posts: 189 Arc User
    Not fond of swapping from pvp to pve during different seasons. We can't get PWI to reset the TW maps anywhere near on time... this wouldn't be any different (this isn't a dig-- it's fact)​​
    egg-44.gif <~ these need to come back into the CS.

  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    pocko009 wrote: »
    spaz95 wrote: »
    asterelle wrote: »
    I have serious doubts about the viability of PVP servers after hearing about how dead Lost City and Harshlands were before the merge.​​

    I just want you to know this. There was more PvP on LC server than there is on TT server at any given time due to events in this game are created around pk and along with the whole "if you wanna start a war go kill someones alt"

    Player base was low yes. But dead pk? God no.

    Most of the PvP on lost city turned into rpking people that had no chance to fight back at all/ whatever top guild was on at a time ruining events for any other person the only people that win with a PvP forced server are OP characters and jackasses which will turn away most new players trying to come into game while population declines already

    While there was some of that it was not the norm. Most of the PvP on old Lost City was due to faction rivalry. I never had issues botting 8 hours a day for months on LC.

    I agree with many of the others. I Think opening up the cross server permanently for open world PvP would be awesome. It will not cause a reduction in server populations and will allow those who want to PvP on all servers an unrestricted opportunity to do so.

    One of the most intriguing aspect of the cross server system was meeting players from the other servers. In the cross server world I think it would be nice to offer some PvE competition to participate in too.
  • pocko009
    pocko009 Posts: 9 Arc User
    jadasia wrote: »

    While there was some of that it was not the norm. Most of the PvP on old Lost City was due to faction rivalry. I never had issues botting 8 hours a day for months on LC.

    I agree with many of the others. I Think opening up the cross server permanently for open world PvP would be awesome. It will not cause a reduction in server populations and will allow those who want to PvP on all servers an unrestricted opportunity to do so.

    One of the most intriguing aspect of the cross server system was meeting players from the other servers. In the cross server world I think it would be nice to offer some PvE competition to participate in too.

    I played LC for 5ish years and that was the norm ever since rank gear came to cash shops before that most of everyone even if they couldn't win fights could somewhat fight back and still get stuff done. Maybe you were in a faction that focused on pvp so thats how you saw it but for those that were not they were still forced to deal with the OP bored ppl roaming around 1 shotting everything. Events were the worst where if you werent in a top guild/ geared to be able to survive yourself you were killed before you could get any sort of reward. as i said before making all servers go back to this will likely cause alot of new players to stop playing very soon + make old players quit the game as they will get tired of being 1 shot time they walk out of sage zone.

    Now i will agree with ppl making a cross server PVP instance would be the best solution for all of this
  • kiymori
    kiymori Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Or I dunno....Just make all the current servers PvP? To many carebears anyway wasting space as it is lol. Not like they have to PK anyway they can just sit the in the SZ all day zzzzz.

    inb4 PvE'rs Rage
    inb4 Nobody should be forced to PvP or subjected to it's problems
  • lastthoghts
    lastthoghts Posts: 3 Arc User
    Out of due respect, why is it that plans for PVP server is only consider now when such decision should of been made back before servers were merged even then none of the player base had say in that matter much-less.

    Not really sure if making new PVP server base that has giveaway freebie Endgame gear eg:Boundless gear/ TT gear (that would be sad) is the best idea but depends how server functions, as in functions just the same as other server ( you can make faction, farm stuff, ATTEND Cross TW) don't be surprise if that plan gets rejected due most of money this game makes is from cash shopping for endgame gear for that very reason.

    Might be better of making two Cross Server PK Zones (USA base and USA-EU base the ping...)or fix balance issue in pk with classes (remember endgame gear is far easier to gain here then over at China's PW) if new PVP server just normal one has be made, really going to have to make One Way Ticket server transfer choice for that to work, no one really drop years of character development to start all over again.

  • action1080i
    action1080i Posts: 30 Arc User
    Hi I'm ReckUrWorld your number 2 active pker over every server when you use to keep count. You took a game that was amazingly fun to play due to the fact that you could kill someone anywhere out of safezone and made me play on a server of carebears. Please bring back the fun that was PVP servers. This game is centered around fighting and since the server merge RPK/PVP has all but died. You forced us to play a different way and it has sucked horribly. In my humble opinion play PWI on a PVP server or GTFO.
  • pocko009
    pocko009 Posts: 9 Arc User
    Hi I'm ReckUrWorld your number 2 active pker over every server when you use to keep count. You took a game that was amazingly fun to play due to the fact that you could kill someone anywhere out of safezone and made me play on a server of carebears. Please bring back the fun that was PVP servers. This game is centered around fighting and since the server merge RPK/PVP has all but died. You forced us to play a different way and it has sucked horribly. In my humble opinion play PWI on a PVP server or GTFO.

    yes....amazingly fun camping lvl 30 characters.....
  • perrion
    perrion Posts: 165 Arc User
    This thread is full of butt hurt players who lost their PVP servers due to low population and now want to wreck what's left of this game's population. How is forcing that failed model on the entire game going to fix anything? PVP servers have been proven to be less popular than PVE, get over it.

    The idea of a new PVP server seems doomed to fail. What should be done is to make PVP more accessible and more rewarding on the PVE servers that we do have.

    Get rid of PK drops and lower the timer on returning to blue name. Now you can make PK mode a requirement for events like RW and Primal Boss, etc... and the PVE crowd can switch on without having to worry.

    The idea of making a PVP area available 24/7 on the cross server sounds like a winner.

    XTW needs to be totally reworked, it's utter trash as it is now. There needs to be a much better way of getting two comparable factions to be matched up. Ditch the whole territory **** and just set up some sort of ranking system. Factions can only challenge or be challenged by similarly ranked factions.

    XNW- I've found the current NW to be more enjoyable than XNW, and despite a vocal minority crying otherwise, I believe the majority of the population does as well. Still I see little reason why we can't cater to both sides and have one day be regular NW and the other be XNW as had been suggested by many.
This discussion has been closed.