suggestion for how to fix the whole game.

gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
edited May 2016 in Suggestion Box
get rid of your cash shop advantages, make actual gear and make it gettable for free players since most if not all of the free players get stuck at like 90 with level 50 gear since you make it impossible to get anything without having either rich friends, being rich dont you guys think theres backwards logic there? every forum you google says cash shop cash shop cash shop just to get money on your game. a free to play game pushing so much cash shop just make it mandatory to pay to play the game then in that case. some people arent social and dont have many friends but 3-4 people and even then we cant even complete your dungeons to get gear since nothing drops thats useful for any players ever noticed noone uses the actual gear sold in npc shops nor do they use gear dropped in dungeons like normal mmos? perhaps a remake of this game might be acceptable but for my suggestion i would say make things geared towards your free players too so we dont fall behind cause we arent rich in real life to play with cash all ive read is how people in real life are going broke or being made poor by spending there entire pay checks on this game just to be able to pay for gear.and before you say it sounds like a rant from a f2p player, no its not it literally would bring in more players if this game stopped catering to the cash shoppers. since im fairly certain no matter where you look online people advise against this game in general.


  • krian090590
    krian090590 Posts: 235 Arc User
    First this is not the first time this has been suggested. second my reply to this is always the same so here it goes. Free 2 play Pay to win cash shop is only mandatory if you plan on doing competetive PVP. for PVE purposes it's completely free, no cash is needed for PVE. besides i'm poor and still manage to get some gold. mainly by doing the new arc quests, why should they stop? why should someone who puts little amounts of cash like me or no cash at all like you have equal standing to those that put thousands of dollars into the game? We're not equal customers, because PWE is still first and foremost a business and they're going to do anything they can to encourage people to put money into the game. and give rewards to people who do.
    Etherblade Server
    due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
    Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
    I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    You have to support the game in some format. Im not a big fan of packs but its one way of doing this.

    The PvE point is a fair one the the above post.

    Not something I can even find any reason to log. For now anywayz.

  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    im doing pve myself and i cant even seem to get through a level 59 dungeon with my level 92 assassin cause gear is either too expensive from the cash shoppers or doesnt exist in the game to be gotten without it. the ranked gear was a foolish concept from the word lets make a game on their behalf, pvp has always been a waste of time in mmos it doesnt prove anything other than the attitudes of the individuals which if you didnt notice the community in game as well as the having to have cash shop items just to use world chat. which seems completely foolish to me it lets the free players not ask in world for help or try to form squads without oh yeah sitting afk in a town which i never am in town unless im turning in a quest and running back out.literally how does noone see how messed up this game is? paying to chat? paying to have clothes cause none of it drops in any form in this game, which in every mmo ive ever played you can at least buy fashion of some kind in normal shops? uhm useless white armors in the npc shops that literally is a waste of time to even have the npc there since noone ever uses it anyways?how bout overpowered bosses that even in a solo dungeon you have to glitch level 100s in with you to be able to defeat cause they didnt gear this game towards anyone who doesnt socially pay for 100 people to want to be their friends? lack of anything decent that can even help you progress in the game? let me put it this way for you a simple challenge, start an account buy nothing but the white armors from the shops and attempt to get your character through any dungeon? its impossible correct?cant be done not with what were supplied with from them unless you can get an uber high level squad to cheat you through the TT dungeons or something worse just to then charge you for either the run itself which btw i dont care what your repair costs are noone ever charged in the mmos i came from for dungeon runs thats just being rude. or hey the cost of materials if you cant get a team to cheat you through a dungeon for the mats you spend every penny you have for the next year which btw i really have spent every ounce of gold ive ever had and still dont have enough mats from the TT stuff to make any of my gear. yeah putting those with money ahead of people way to go. did i mention equality? youve proven my point once more.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Why is it no one can use basic punctuation and structure?

    Nobody likes reading a wall.​​

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  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    cause i dont care to.
  • airemeth090590
    airemeth090590 Posts: 13 Arc User
    another of your problems is trying to solo play the game. FYI it's an MMO, meaning you're not meant to solo, especially dungeons or culti bosses. If you dont have friends who are willing to help you, you're playing the wrong game.
    back when i started playing in 09 before the Tideborn expansion came out, so the best gear possible then was TT99. As for your challange, been there done that. back when i started playing, the npc gear was all i could get until i made friends in game that helped me run TT so i could get the mats i needed and then ask them to craft it for me since i had terrible luck with the crafting quests. And before i had friends to do those runs with, i remember having to make a full squad just to do bhs even the low level ones like Qingzi and the bosses in 39. because all we had was either weak npc gear or the quest gear that was available before they had dreamchaser packs. if i was lucky i would get mold drops and then have to ask someone to craft the mold after i got all the mats, because until you got to TT gear that molds were the best gear and weapons you could get. and there wasnt an account stash for items so if you bound anything you couldnt pass it to another toon on your account. i dont completely remember but i think you couldnt even pass coin unless you mailed it or had more than one account to trade it.
    Everyone who started back then has gone through your challange, nowadays the game is mostly geared towards them, with every expansion being for endgame players.
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    sounds more like a story than addressing anything pass plz.
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    btw im not alone we have 4 people and even having two of them be 101 and me being 92 we still cant do much and weve been playing for years since before most of the updates.
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    This is just not the game for you if you've been playing for years and can't figure out how to get at least a decently refined g16 Nirvana set.​​
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    edited May 2016
    chary wrote: »
    This is just not the game for you if you've been playing for years and can't figure out how to get at least a decently refined g16 Nirvana set.

    I kinda have to agree with this. I've been playing my wizard casually for two years and all I need to finish his G16 armor is three or four EoD's. The only reason I haven't gotten them in the past 4 months, is just because I'm too lazy to go do Lunar, and don't have coin to just throw at it.

    By casual, I mean that I might log in and play my wizard for 3-4 hours a week. I also might not log into him for a month at a time. He's level 98 RB1, and got there without any pills. I may have used a few hypers before he RB'ed, but not much since most of the good Zhen spots are pointless now.

    (Side note, I still haven't bothered to read any of the walls of text. I may play with correcting them into actual paragraphs later though.)​​

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  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    Poor u if u feel u have to do that. Extra credit lol.
  • krian090590
    krian090590 Posts: 235 Arc User
    you plus 4. I'm with chary on this. all five of you need to find a new game. if it's been years and you cant get decent gear. you're doing something wrong
    Etherblade Server
    due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
    Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
    I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    This is not a suggestion how to fix the game .
    This is a suggestion on how to ruin the game .
    PWI is not a buy to play game where they can afford to make the whole gear in game farmable as droped in dungeons or by killing monsters. PWI is not Diablo.
    They need cash shopers.
    Its like this:
    farmers keep the cash shopers alive, cash shopers keep the game alive.
    If they make the whole gear farmable , there would not be any cash shopers . Without cash shopers the game will really die.

    Who are those most f2p players that get stucked at lvl 90 with lvl 50 gear?
    If they are that many it means that alot of people have no idea how to make coins in this game.
    My storm had G16 gear in 3 months after starting playing her. No cash shoping involved.
    Now I started farming r9. I did not started earlier cause I had other things to do in real life and I had a crappy laptop. In one month and a half I made 200mil just by farming. And by farming I do not refer to FSP , WS or other things like that. If I would have done that I would probably had double the amount of coins I got now. My farming is NW friday and sunday and using 2 pill babies toons(from old wave of pill babies) to autocultivate. And ocasionally when I am in the mood doing JOJ.

    OP you have to rethink your strategy of playing and getting high lvl gear in this game.

  • joecisco
    joecisco Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    For those who are too stupid/lazy to use punctuation. I fixed it for you. You're welcome.
    Get rid of your cash shop advantages

    Make actual gear, and make it obtainable for free players.
    Since most, (if not all), of the free players get stuck at level 90 with level 50 gear; because you make it impossible to get anything without having either rich friends, or being rich. Don't you guys think there's backwards logic there?
    Every forum you google says "cash shop, cash shop, cash shop", just to get money on your game. A free-to-play game pushing so much cash shop just makes it mandatory to pay to play the game.

    Then in the case where some people aren't social and don't have many friends but 3-4 people. And even then we can't even complete your dungeons to get gear! Since nothing drops that's useful for many players.

    Ever noticed no one uses the actual gear sold in NPC shops, nor do they use gear dropped in dungeons like normal MMO's?
    Perhaps a remake of this game might be acceptable, but for my suggestion, I would say "make things geared towards your free players" too so we don't fall behind! Because we aren't rich in real life to play with cash. All I've read is how people in real life are going broke, or being made poor, by spending their entire paychecks on this game; just to be able to pay for gear.

    And before you say it sounds like a rant from a f2p player, no its not. It literally would bring in more players if this game stopped catering to the cash shoppers. Since I'm fairly certain no matter where you look online people advise against this game in general.
    1. If you're getting stuck at level 90 with level 50 gear, you're doing something horribly wrong. In the 60's you farm TT70 gear. In the 70's you farm TT80, 80's TT90 and so on.

    2. It's an MMORPG. This stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It means that instances are designed to be challenging and to require the help of an entire squad. A few years ago, this meant you needed a full team of 6 players to run a basic instance. Now it just means you need a couple of OP geared RB2 players. Join a helpful faction, and find/make more friends.

    3. This is the nature of very nearly any FTP MMO out there. The high-end gear is harder to obtain if you don't want to spend money. You can totally get top gear without paying money. You pay in time and effort. You're going to pay either way.

    4. People in RL going broke because of spending money in game for gear are just plain stupid. Don't be stupid. You can run a catshop 24/7 with hardly any playing and make quite a bit of coin if you do it right.

    I'm doing PvE myself, and I can't even seem to get through a level 59 dungeon with my level 92 assassin; because gear is either too expensive from the cash shoppers, or doesn't exist in the game to be gotten without it.

    This section, I did my best. I'm not entirely sure the poster knew themselves what they were really saying though.
    The ranked gear was a foolish concept from the word, "lets make a game on their behalf". PvP has always been a waste of time in MMO's it doesn't prove anything other than the attitudes of the individuals. Which, (if you didn't notice), the community in-game, as well as the having to have cash shop items just to use world chat. Which seems completely foolish to me. It lets the free players not ask in world for help, or try to form squads without. Oh yeah, sitting afk in a town. Of which, I never am in town, unless I'm turning in a quest and running back out.

    Literally, how does no one see how messed up this game is?
    Paying to world chat? Paying to have clothes, because none of it drops in any form in this game. (Which in every MMO I've ever played, you can at least buy fashion of some kind in normal shops.) Useless white armors in the NPC shops, that literally is a waste of time to even have the NPC there since no one ever uses it anyways? How about overpowered bosses that, even in a solo dungeon, you have to glitch level 100s in with you to be able to defeat; because they didn't gear this game towards anyone who doesn't socially pay for 100 people to want to be their friends? Lack of anything decent that can even help you progress in the game?

    Let me put it this way for you.
    A simple challenge... Start an account. Buy nothing but the white armors from the shops, and attempt to get your character through any dungeon? its impossible correct? It can't be done. Not with what were supplied with from them, unless you can get an uber high level squad to cheat you through the TT dungeons. Or something worse, just to then charge you for either the run itself, (which BTW, I don't care what your repair costs are. No one ever charged in the MMO's I came from for dungeon runs. That's just being rude) or hey the cost of materials. If you cant get a team to cheat you through a dungeon for the mats, you spend every penny you have for the next year. Which BTW, I really have spent every ounce of gold I've ever had, and still don't have enough mats from the TT stuff to make any of my gear.

    Yeah putting those with money ahead of people. Way to go.
    Did I mention equality? You've proven my point once more.
    1. What gear doesn't exist without spending cash? So far only maybe G17 5th Cast or R9 3rd Cast Rebirthed, and even those are likely farm-able without spending cash.

    2. You really don't understand the concepts behind older MMO's, so you should stick to the other ones you apparently like where they give out good gear like candy.

    This one is a really nice response. I fixed it up so people can actually see it better.
    Another of your problems is trying to solo play the game. FYI, it's an MMO. Meaning you're not meant to solo. Especially dungeons or culti bosses. If you don't have friends who are willing to help you, you're playing the wrong game.

    Back when I started playing in '09, before the Tideborn expansion came out. The best gear possible then was TT99.

    As for your challenge, been there done that.
    Back when I started playing, the NPC gear was all I could get. Up until I made friends in game that helped me run TT, so I could get the mats I needed, and then ask them to craft it for me. (Since I had terrible luck with the crafting quests.) And before I had friends to do those runs with, I remember having to make a full squad just to do BH's, (even the low level ones like Qingzi and the bosses in 39). Because all we had, was either weak npc gear, or the quest gear that was available before they had dreamchaser packs. If I was lucky, I would get mold drops; and then have to ask someone to craft the mold after I got all the mats. Because until you got to TT gear, those molds were the best gear and weapons you could get.
    And there wasn't an account stash for items, so if you bound anything, you couldn't pass it to another toon on your account. I don't completely remember but I think you couldn't even pass coin unless you mailed it or had more than one account to trade it.

    Everyone who started back then has gone through your challenge, nowadays the game is mostly geared towards them, with every expansion being for endgame players.
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    its not the game for you?really?guess im from a generation long past then man.
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    its not the game for you?really?guess im from a generation long past then man.

    You said yourself you're a PvE player, PvE doesn't need super mega gears.
    PvE gear is easy obtainable compared to what you want to toss out of the cashshop.

    If you can't get gear that's good enough for PvE, you're doing something really wrong.
    Even morai G15 gear would get you by in PvE.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    well then guess i need someone strong enough to help me now dont i?without charging gold nor money per run ^^
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    1. Go NW.
    2. Actually participate in some battles. Particularly bridge battles if there's not a bunch of people in them. Leave if you know you're a hindrance to the land. Land hop only after you know you have 5mins battle time.
    3. Sell off the stuff you make with the supply tokens. If you did this properly, you should be averaging at the very least around 12-15m a week regardless of gear.

    Source: playing a one-shot sb on a different server where I have jack-all. ez coin to eventually get a g16 set.

    As for Morai gear, you literally get it by doing the dailies and quest line. Not hard at all.​​
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    heres a better suggestion then, free no cost teleporters between town, since that makes no since unless you want your members to spend well lets calculate that, i played all day today and spend about 6/8 hours of the time i was in game flying and not actually doing anything just going quest to quest. and make items worth gold again cause no mmo in the history of ever besides this one has removed the selling price of every item obtainable. that seems a waste and no point to it since it doesnt effect the income of the company at all, just making it harder to make any currency. put values back on items besides 1g. as i can offer you many MMO examples that dont charge you to move between towns, nor offer so little income on the items being sold, you got botters spamming gold? figure out a way to block them not fault the rest of your community.
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    also tell people to stop charging for dungeon runs, this whole 1mil per run thing thats called greed and dont call it anything but that. unsportsmanlike, ungamerlike, unethical, unadulterated greed. i do everything i can for any player who needs it for free. its called honorable gamemanship not darwinism.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    heres a better suggestion then, free no cost teleporters between town, since that makes no since unless you want your members to spend well lets calculate that, i played all day today and spend about 6/8 hours of the time i was in game flying and not actually doing anything just going quest to quest. and make items worth gold again cause no mmo in the history of ever besides this one has removed the selling price of every item obtainable. that seems a waste and no point to it since it doesnt effect the income of the company at all, just making it harder to make any currency. put values back on items besides 1g. as i can offer you many MMO examples that dont charge you to move between towns, nor offer so little income on the items being sold, you got botters spamming gold? figure out a way to block them not fault the rest of your community.

    Their are many reasons for the way thing are now.

    I still cant log any of these suggestions as they have conflict of interest. Or put to English we have no control over this its all down to issues that have come up from our mother PWCN title. However I agree with the Botters on gold point. It should simply be dealt with and has caused damage to the game in some format.

    As for the instances Im shocked anyone would pay for runs. Their are always people that will help and or are board. I really think what your seeing is a game that has be running for a long time. It will chnage and play different thats something that players need to chnage to deal with.

    P.S. for me to log something like this you would need either good reasoning and player support. Saying other MMO have this will not be enough at this point.

  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    maybe you should check out the servers then specially things like the east coast server where there are clearly kids in chat charging 100k to 1m per dungeon run just to run them for people who cant do them. you can be as shocked as you want that people are having to pay for the dungeon runs or even to get help but its really happening and it is one reason even asking for help i get told its either some outrageous amount or without paying for it they wont help you. perhaps there are good people left who dont charge but its not as common as the kids charging for it.
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    but i rest my case
  • gravendestroyer
    gravendestroyer Posts: 15 Arc User
    delete this forum if you want im done with my suggestions
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    delete this forum if you want im done with my suggestions

    Yes I agree this will not go any where as you are finding it hard to listen to what others are saying.

    @sylenthunder please close.

  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    maybe you should check out the servers then specially things like the east coast server where there are clearly kids in chat charging 100k to 1m per dungeon run just to run them for people who cant do them. you can be as shocked as you want that people are having to pay for the dungeon runs or even to get help but its really happening and it is one reason even asking for help i get told its either some outrageous amount or without paying for it they wont help you. perhaps there are good people left who dont charge but its not as common as the kids charging for it.

    You don't HAVE to do anything. If you actually play, you will find it's easy as hell to get by in PvE with the gear given out like candy nowadays.
    Form your own squads if anything, or join a decent faction.

    It used to be a lot harder to get anything done in PvE, honestly.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    heero200 wrote: »
    delete this forum if you want im done with my suggestions

    Yes I agree this will not go any where as you are finding it hard to listen to what others are saying.

    @sylenthunder please close.


    The anti-punctuation thread is now closed. samurai-5.gif​​

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