Elysium reported issues Megathread



  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    coming to the boutique next week. The key to your homsetead.

    Seriously tho, I havent tried yet, but I am expecting it to not work.

  • jamesmcd
    jamesmcd Posts: 89 Arc User
    2 toons eligable to make a homestead, neither were flying/riding/ in battle/ shapechanged.

    Both failed to teleport to homestead but got the 2 reward items.

    Maybe it is like absence notes which will only work for me between 10 am and 5pm my local time (or for everyone else, after midnight UTC and before daily server reset). Sucks if I can only enter 7 hours a day though.
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    I got into homestead

    I completed all the quests. Had enough bag space and quest space. Handed in the last quest no fly, no mount.
    Only thing I didnt have was buffs.

  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    "Hot Swapping" between homesteads makes it glitch and buildings are not displayed.

    i.e. I'm in my homestead, and click to enter a friends through one of the various methods, it is just about guaranteed to be blank. If I try to go back to my own homestead from there, it just re-ports me into my friends.

    The "solution" is to leave a homestead back to town before entering another homestead.​​

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  • princessjulie
    princessjulie Posts: 54 Arc User
    Is there a reputation requirement to get into your homestead? I looked but could find no information on this (my apologies if I just missed it) I'm 101 RB 1 with 7003 rep, and when I tried to enter my homestead from bottom bar it says "Reputation is not enough to enter Homestead" I also saw people taking of a quest? Which I did not get.
    SereneAurora-100 1RB Sage Venomancer
    EirianHikari-102 1RB Sage Cleric
    Benjamina-101 Sage Psychic
    LadyKitsune 100 Venomancer

    Kindness should be like a water balloon, go throw it at someone!!!! :)
  • cococya
    cococya Posts: 162 Arc User

    Is there a reputation requirement to get into your homestead? I looked but could find no information on this (my apologies if I just missed it) I'm 101 RB 1 with 7003 rep, and when I tried to enter my homestead from bottom bar it says "Reputation is not enough to enter Homestead" I also saw people taking of a quest? Which I did not get.

    You need 35k rep.
  • elyora2
    elyora2 Posts: 195 Arc User
    Is there a reputation requirement to get into your homestead? I looked but could find no information on this (my apologies if I just missed it) I'm 101 RB 1 with 7003 rep, and when I tried to enter my homestead from bottom bar it says "Reputation is not enough to enter Homestead" I also saw people taking of a quest? Which I did not get.

    35k rep is what you need. lvl90+, and Aware of the Void or Aware of the Myriad​​
  • princessjulie
    princessjulie Posts: 54 Arc User
    cococya said:

    Is there a reputation requirement to get into your homestead? I looked but could find no information on this (my apologies if I just missed it) I'm 101 RB 1 with 7003 rep, and when I tried to enter my homestead from bottom bar it says "Reputation is not enough to enter Homestead" I also saw people taking of a quest? Which I did not get.

    You need 35k rep.
    elyora2 said:

    Is there a reputation requirement to get into your homestead? I looked but could find no information on this (my apologies if I just missed it) I'm 101 RB 1 with 7003 rep, and when I tried to enter my homestead from bottom bar it says "Reputation is not enough to enter Homestead" I also saw people taking of a quest? Which I did not get.

    35k rep is what you need. lvl90+, and Aware of the Void or Aware of the Myriad​​

    Ahh, ok. Thank you both for the replies!
    SereneAurora-100 1RB Sage Venomancer
    EirianHikari-102 1RB Sage Cleric
    Benjamina-101 Sage Psychic
    LadyKitsune 100 Venomancer

    Kindness should be like a water balloon, go throw it at someone!!!! :)
  • xskysoldier
    xskysoldier Posts: 128 Arc User
    My weapon says "Your attacks"...............really? Is that a glitch? Why change it? -__-

  • ascku
    ascku Posts: 2 Arc User
    does any 1 figure how to end this glich ? i cant obvious to enter my house..... any info on this? how to solve
  • synful1
    synful1 Posts: 4 Arc User
    I'd like information on actually getting the update, mine's crashed like five times now.
  • laurixx
    laurixx Posts: 1 Arc User
    I can't enter my homestead either. I can enter other people's homesteads but not my own. Completed the chain quest, got the design plan thingy and everything. I even have a green quest to start building it but nothing happens when I click the homestead button. I submitted a ticket and was told the development team is looking into and reminded of the reqs, which I obviously meet or I wouldn't have gotten the popup to do the quest -.- this is beyond enfuriating.
  • whmsch
    whmsch Posts: 1 Arc User
    last quest failed to port wifes toon. wasnt on mount or flyer but did have herc out. fragrance garden quest didnt pop up til she logged to toon screen and back in. enter homestead button on bottom right wont work for her either
  • soleida
    soleida Posts: 113 Arc User
    How do you reenter you own homestead? I did finish the quest but i cant seem to reenter by the button at the right lower screen?
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    synful1 wrote: »
    I'd like information on actually getting the update, mine's crashed like five times now.
    You have to exclude the Arc and client folders from all AV scans. If you're using particularly aggressive software, you will have to temporarily disable the real-time scans as well as the firewall.​​

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  • synful1
    synful1 Posts: 4 Arc User

    synful1 wrote: »

    I'd like information on actually getting the update, mine's crashed like five times now.

    You have to exclude the Arc and client folders from all AV scans. If you're using particularly aggressive software, you will have to temporarily disable the real-time scans as well as the firewall.​​

    Yeah I figured that, done it. Still having issues with it taking forever to update, then it getting halfway to a three quarters of the way and crashing. I'm sure I'll figure something out.
  • tuttle
    tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
    Sending Domino around with useless BS information that just makes the situation worse -1
    Chat banning players speaking truth about **** company -1
    Releasing buggy, broken expansions time and time again -10

    seriously. Spend money on testing. Spend money on server upgrades. STOP giving us TRASH
  • xskysoldier
    xskysoldier Posts: 128 Arc User
    tuttle said:

    Sending Domino around with useless BS information that just makes the situation worse -1
    Chat banning players speaking truth about **** company -1
    Releasing buggy, broken expansions time and time again -10

    seriously. Spend money on testing. Spend money on server upgrades. STOP giving us TRASH

    Yes, PLEASE. Contact China, we want this game's Engine upgraded. Instead we keep getting all this **** and nothing is being fixed. -.-

  • kkemz
    kkemz Posts: 73 Arc User
    Never received the recipe for the cornucopia? done the new quest in blue.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    does npc Tsen Wankay exist?

    I just opened one of those "Mysterious Echo" items and it said in common.....

    "A mysterious voice faintly sounds: Today Tsen Wankay is going to show up in Cromagnon Village."

    My guess is he NPC travels all over the map, and you've just got to find out what city they are in for the day.​​

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  • cococya
    cococya Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    From the horse's mouth: http://imgur.com/99BDT1o

  • implode
    implode Posts: 106 Arc User
    So my issues so far:
    • 6 chars completed chain to get homestead at same time. I'd read this thread so made sure none were on mounts, none flying. 3 got in, 3 didn't. I don't know if this is a coincedence or not, but the 3 that got in were the ones who had 35k rep priot to this expansion, and the 3 that didn't were the ones I used wraith officer badges on today to get them up to 35k to get the quest.
    • Can't enter heavenfall tower. Been parked in the doorway for an hour now, just keeps saying 'Can't enter instance'. Tried relogging and all that.
  • manbaby
    manbaby Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I am gettn a textual error after I ported after doing one of the quests, and now my screen is all black and messed up and I can't see anything. After i relogged the issue is still there.

    That is how it looks

  • lostfreedom
    lostfreedom Posts: 11 Arc User
    Other issues with expansion are NPC Jan Holfen does NOT appear at ANY of the locations listed. So unable to complet the Homestead Expedition Chart Quest. Quest Collection Mullberry I no option to craft the shallow glazed vase.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Other issues with expansion are NPC Jan Holfen does NOT appear at ANY of the locations listed. So unable to complet the Homestead Expedition Chart Quest. Quest Collection Mullberry I no option to craft the shallow glazed vase.
    You have to find and learn the recipe to be able to craft it.

    Find one of the merchants, buy a few on the "Generic Design Pack: Basic" items for only 105k coins each. Then open them. That's how I learned the items I needed to complete the Quest Collections.​​

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  • tuttle
    tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
    A) I was posting from my main until he decided to chat ban
    B) -12 not -100
    C) I was awake waiting for them to finish this trash
    D) He does need to get a new job - China treats him like a gopher ****. He can do so much better.
    E) 48 hours to fix this garbage and compensate, or I won't be the only one leaving...So many people came back just for this expansion, only to not be able to enjoy it? The pure money that PWI generates as the flagship game for this company, they HAVE to be able to make more demands on china in terms of getting content earlier for proper testing, and spend some of that cash shop income on proper server upgrades - telling us people can't get in because the server is full? What a joke.
  • npc15
    npc15 Posts: 230 Arc User
    It's not really a new issue but what are the chances of getting the City of Abominations spam fixed finally?
  • tuttle
    tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
    Actually, I *AM* a shareholder.

    My point is, they should be able to have major content like this 3-6 weeks ahead of time, and be doing thorough testing in that time to guarantee everything goes off without a hitch. Instead we get next to no testing, 80% of the game population being unable to access new features, and falling behind those who can.

    In addition, there are a number of players who came back, or new players, who this is their first (returning) impression of the company and they will likely bolt...it's bad for everyone. Sending domino into the fire was just a stupid decision when they had next to no information, and half of what they had felt made up (servers full)
  • tsb872
    tsb872 Posts: 1 Arc User
    Sooooooo......what exactly are all of the requirements for accessing/using the new homestead thingy aside from lvl90+ and 35k rep?
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Not everyone is receiving the free Elysium Charter after upgrading the Homestead to Lv2.

    I have gotten confirmation on this from several people so far.​​

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