It was asked of me and now I shall ask you... What should I be?



  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    tet said:

    * I'd like to see a report (screenshot + 1-2 sentences) every 10 lvls.

    * If you will level up as a F2Per and without GM-power, you will be never able to tank any bosses in a random squad for dailies. Because the average toon will be way more stronger than you are.

    Stormbringers: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP.
    Nice gimmick: SBs can cast all skills while running.

    Seeker: you will need an Assassin on second account to buff yourself with Blood Paint. You will need MP charms.
    Seekers are nice tanks and if you know some combos (you will need both types of blessings) they can deal highest damage in this game.
    Playing a seeker in PvE is easy: debuffs + vortex. You have to know skills/combos if you PvP with a seeker.

    Assassin: What they have in common with Fishes? They stink. We call them smelly fishes but actually they are a vampire-thief-class which can infect other classes. They suck blood to stay alive. Game-breaking class, most easy to play. If your equipment fits to your level, you can tank most bosses like a piece of cake.
    You can hide in stealth + move in stealth. You gain chi like nothing, you can avoid debuffs and cast some skills while running. Sins (proper abbreviation) are the most popular class. They are absolutely op in PvP and PvE.
    If you are the stongest Sin in squad you will tank most bosses.

    Psychic: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP. In PvE mainly needed to kill physical-imun mobs/bosses

    1 Its not F2Per its F2P player. F2Per would be Free too player.
    2 What do you mean without GM power you will never be able to tank any bosses in random squad for dailies? I dont even have to explain its not true cause everyone thats in their right minds knows that.

    3 Stormbringers are not decent DD. Their the class with one of the highest DD in the game. They have alot of aoe skills along psychics. And I dont say it cause my main is a stormbringer and I am bias. A full G16 sb will deal more dmg than a full G16 other class. And I dont pvp so no people dont create them mainly for pvp. And your last sentance proves that you dont even play one. SB cant cast all skills while running. They can cast only 7 skills while running 1 of them being a 15 second squad buff.

    4 Im sorry but seekers that only debuf+vortex in PVE, especially at every single boss they fight against SUCK.

    5 People overestimate sins too much. And since when sins can cast some skills while running? Except knife throw that is a ranged skill all sin attack skills are melee attacks. Also since when they can avoid debuffs?

    6 Untill SB come out Psychic were having one of the highest DD in the game. How many psychical immunity mobs and bosses have you seen? They are rare. To be honest except SOT. AEU and EU I havent seen any in other places.

  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    tet wrote: »
    * I'd like to see a report (screenshot + 1-2 sentences) every 10 lvls.

    * Do the quests with the "green texts", those give you op gear/weapon at low levels = you will 1-3-shoot most mobs.

    * Important: join ts/vent and let some veterans explain you the game. It takes way to much time to learn everything by your own.

    * Raid doesn't exist anymore. The only Raid instance in PWI is "Trials" but the rewards are way too low and no one wants to do MORE PvE (you have to get done your cultivation 100 and you will have to grind a lot for skills in Morai and Primal World; a lot = several hundreds/ thousands of hours).

    * For Twilight Tempel it's nice to have a "5attacks-per-seconds-gear/weapon-set". But I'd say: Skip that. you won't need it anymore.
    Twilight Tempel is the most ugly instance (devs were obviously not able to complete it once). Only poor F2Pers like me ;( had to work there for thousands of hours.

    * If you will level up as a F2Per and without GM-power, you will be never able to tank any bosses in a random squad for dailies. Because the average toon will be way more stronger than you are.

    * we have already many facepalm-players. But well.. welcome to Twilight Tempel server... >:);)

    Blademaster: Skip aps-gear. Go for Axe-only-BM (+ low level fists to gain chi). It takes too much time to get all end-game weapons + auto-attack doesn't work anymore in up-to-date-instances. If you want to BM, get at least axes+pole+swords or you can't do half the things a BM can do.
    You might want an Assassin on second account to buff yourself with Blood Paint.
    For PvE BMs are pretty easy and mainly supporters. They have more skills than other classes but you won't need most of them in PvE. According to Kitty's BM-experience 3/4 of them are useful in PVE in various situations.
    You have to out-gear/level others in your squad to be the tank. Primal River Avalanche?

    Wizard: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for (mass) PvP. In PvE mainly needed to kill physical-imun mobs/bosses. Insane AoE-damage, no?

    Archers: Not responsible for squad; no need to have best gear. Most easy to solo-play in level range 1-90/100 (pew-pew-class, best class for auto-culti). Sin ish best for auto-culti, HAs are better for soloing PVs.
    Was once the most easy/op class in PvP. That's why there are still many archers around (which are p**** because other classes got boosts to compete but they didn't).

    Clerics: responsible for squad, important buffs. You need decent gear to stay alive. Support-Clerics don't have to learn many skills but have to have a feeling about timing.

    Duskblades: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP.

    Stormbringers: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP.
    Nice gimmick: SBs can cast all skills while running. SBs can cast only some single-target spells while running. But not a single AoE.

    Seeker: you will need an Assassin on second account to buff yourself with Blood Paint. You will need MP charms.
    Seekers are nice tanks and if you know some combos (you will need both types of blessings) they can deal highest damage in this game.
    Playing a seeker in PvE is easy: debuffs + vortex. You have to know skills/combos if you PvP with a seeker. Metal combo? Stances (which do require combo'ing)? A GOOD seeker uses most of the skills in PVE.

    Mystic: Healer-class + pet class = can tank almost all low-level-bosses by your own. It takes a long time but you can solo most instances.
    Normally not responible for squad, because ppl prefer a cleric for heals. Nice gimmick: knock-back skill works in PvP too.

    Assassin: What they have in common with Fishes? They stink. We call them smelly fishes but actually they are a vampire-thief-class which can infect other classes. They suck blood to stay alive. Game-breaking class, most easy to play badly, 'cause how many sins can use skills properly? Few time Subsea Strike properly for squad. And even fewer knows how to AoE properly. If your equipment fits to your level, you can tank most bosses like a piece of cake.
    You can hide in stealth + move in stealth. You gain chi like nothing, you can avoid debuffs and cast some skills while running. Sins (proper abbreviation) are the most popular class. They are absolutely op in PvP and PvE.
    If you are the stongest Sin in squad you will tank most bosses.

    Psychic: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP. In PvE mainly needed to kill physical-imun mobs/bosses. And for massive damage if there's a seeker in squad.

    Barbarian: Tank class. Responsible for the squad if squad is weak or if you tank a "barb-only-boss". Expensive in PvP because you will have to rely on your HP charm.
    Barbs are kinda phlegmatic. To take advantage of all your self-buffs, you have to spend a lot of time (in meanwhile you can get killed again...). The two biggest problem for barbs: you can't cast most skills/buffs in your true form. And you can't switch weapon/blessing/anything in your true form. Name for humanoid form: cheap meat (easy to kill).
    Nice gimmick: very fast in true form. Maybe most easy/best class for Phoenix Valley (leveling instance).

    Venomancer: PvE: Support class: you have to know buffs and have to know when to purge self-buffs on a boss. PvP: purge class = mass PvP class. Purge the strongest enemies first. And you have to know how to use dem Myriads, ffs. And as demon understand when demon Ironwood does(n't) proc to avoid overwriting it.

    Kitty's corrections in her usual colour. (She had to. Too much misinformation.)tiger-18.gif​​

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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  • tet
    tet Posts: 73 Arc User

    1 F2Per: common sense abbreviation for ppl with common sense (not you).

    2 Someone who will play for maybe 1-2h per day (he will have to do other stuff in his job in addition) is like a casual player. I have done thousands of BHs with random ppl and I've never seen a casual player tanking anything. Casual players haven't lvl'ed up Meridians, have no good avatars, haven't maxed culti, high levels (104+ x3), haven't done Title quests, haven't maxed their skills = they are always just supporters (purge/debuff or non-factors).

    3 Ppl create most casters (except Clerics) for PvP. Hit "t" and check out the classes surround you. Ppl do mainly PvE, that's why most characters are non-casters. In PvE its about "damage over time", in PvP it's all about "damage per hit".

    "All" might be exaggerated, but most ppl even don't use more than seven skills per class.

    4 Depends on the boss, for many bosses it's the best strategy ("dmg over time")

    5 You already said you don't PvP = don't know anything about most parts of the game. Hit "t" or join random squads: sins are the most common class for a reason.
    They can cast "Wolf Emblem", "Maze Steps", "Windpush" and "Inner Harmony" while running.
    Btw, "resist negative status effects" = avoid debuffs = "Tidal Protection"

    6 That's why I said that ppl create Psychics mainly for PvP. To be a strong DD they have to go to "Black Vodoo". But in Black Vodoo they are bad tanks = not good to tank in PvE. They are build to deal tough dmg while they are NOT targets = they are build for group/mass PvP.
    And I have never seen any SB tanking any boss in FSP, BH, UCH and so on (any endgame instance).

    I'll stop discussion with you at this point because I don't like you and don't want to waste my time to teach you how this game works (and I know you are one of those people which "enjoy" it to be hated. Enjoy.
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    tet said:


    1 F2Per: common sense abbreviation for ppl with common sense (not you).

    2 Someone who will play for maybe 1-2h per day (he will have to do other stuff in his job in addition) is like a casual player. I have done thousands of BHs with random ppl and I've never seen a casual player tanking anything. Casual players haven't lvl'ed up Meridians, have no good avatars, haven't maxed culti, high levels (104+ x3), haven't done Title quests, haven't maxed their skills = they are always just supporters (purge/debuff or non-factors).

    3 Ppl create most casters (except Clerics) for PvP. Hit "t" and check out the classes surround you. Ppl do mainly PvE, that's why most characters are non-casters. In PvE its about "damage over time", in PvP it's all about "damage per hit".

    "All" might be exaggerated, but most ppl even don't use more than seven skills per class.

    4 Depends on the boss, for many bosses it's the best strategy ("dmg over time")

    5 You already said you don't PvP = don't know anything about most parts of the game. Hit "t" or join random squads: sins are the most common class for a reason.
    They can cast "Wolf Emblem", "Maze Steps", "Windpush" and "Inner Harmony" while running.
    Btw, "resist negative status effects" = avoid debuffs = "Tidal Protection"

    6 That's why I said that ppl create Psychics mainly for PvP. To be a strong DD they have to go to "Black Vodoo". But in Black Vodoo they are bad tanks = not good to tank in PvE. They are build to deal tough dmg while they are NOT targets = they are build for group/mass PvP.
    And I have never seen any SB tanking any boss in FSP, BH, UCH and so on (any endgame instance).

    I'll stop discussion with you at this point because I don't like you and don't want to waste my time to teach you how this game works (and I know you are one of those people which "enjoy" it to be hated. Enjoy.

    Go and learn to PVE.
    BTW you mistake instant cast skills which I believe every class has atleast 1 with attack skills that can be cast while running and onlt SB has those.
    DMG over time? debuff and vortex means dmg over time? Oh God no... just no. DMG over time(dot) means the dmg that a monster or player takes after the initial hit of a skill has ended. Toxic Torrent sin skill is an exemple of skill that deals poion dmg after the cast and hit of the skill has ended. Vicious Arrow is another exemple of skill that deals dmg over time. Flesh realm, Crown of flame, Thunderball, Blazing Scarab, Torrent and Sand Trap are also skills that deals dmg over time.
    I did not say anything about SB tanking something. I said they have one of the highest Damage in the game. having highest damage doesnt mean you are able to tank . To be able to tank you need to be able to take alot of dmg and than to deal.

  • aeternusdoleo
    aeternusdoleo Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    When it comes to leeroy-ing stuff any ranged skills combined, I know of only one class that combines heavy armor with significant ranged abilities: You'll want to roll a Seeker.

    [Edit] @bloodedone87: PvP damage per hit? Once people get that charm-cooldown-debuff at 10 seconds or upward, damage over time will become important again. You'll not be charmtanking a lot when charm cooldown times are doubled.
    ... forget your fears. And want no more...

    Dawnglory player:
    Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
    And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!
  • tictic99999
    tictic99999 Posts: 204 Arc User
    sage stormbringer is the king of leeroy jinkens. If you wanna just run into a crowd of 300+ mobs or a stupidly big group of people and kill them all until they are dead, stormbringer is for you. End game they are also very tanky. Also @thenamesdomino if you want I can easily make a list of over 50 things that need to be fixed that are broken/not satisfactory etc​​
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    :s seekers absolutely do not deal the most damage in game.... That is a misconception due to seekers cheating and transferring debuffs (commonly demon blademasters heavens flame skill) onto the damage calculator mob. Even full end game diety build with sac slash you would have to be incredibly lucky (zerk crit... And even then...) to beat a magic class in damage with equal buffs/debuffs. The stat points magic classes are able to pour into damage due to not needing to stat for much strength or any dex at all makes them very potent.

    Let me assure you that is simply just not true.
  • columrt
    columrt Posts: 15 Arc User
    tet wrote: »
    Barbarian: Tank class. Responsible for the squad if squad is weak or if you tank a "barb-only-boss". Expensive in PvP because you will have to rely on your HP charm.
    Barbs are kinda phlegmatic. To take advantage of all your self-buffs, you have to spend a lot of time (in meanwhile you can get killed again...). The two biggest problem for barbs: you can't cast most skills/buffs in your true form. And you can't switch weapon/blessing/anything in your true form. Name for humanoid form: cheap meat (easy to kill).
    Nice gimmick: very fast in true form. Maybe most easy/best class for Phoenix Valley (leveling instance).

    Let's see...

    - Strength barb tanks without aggro skills in human form against everyone except some better geared DDs which are mostly r9rr+12 (check)
    - To take advantage of all self buffs???? The only important ones for your survival are HP buff and cornered beast which has 300 sec cd so more about good timing than anything. Buff Blood Bath and Blood Rush accordingly when needed, Poison Fang when you have time, Titans when you have time
    - Not being able to cast some skills in one of the forms is not a "problem", it's a class mechanic
    - I guess my cheap meat is the best kind of meat, can do pulls in human form and live through them alone without issues regardless of form switching. bear-4.gif
    103/103/101 Demon Strength Barbarian and the army of alts I'm too lazy to list now.
  • terryu
    terryu Posts: 52 Arc User
    If you like faceblocking, probably a heavy armor class would suit you the best.
    Out of the HA classes, seeker seems like it'd be a nice match for you.
    That or barb.
    terrytini (Mystic)
    - Tempest (Tideswell Server)
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I'd recommend a sin.
    But why do you make a poll combining classes according to the race instead of role? If I vote archer/cleric it will be totally wrong, because they are of opposite tasks in squad and in solo.

    IMO, this poll should look like that:

    Those pairs of classes share +/- similar opportunities.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Whatever character you roll (Unless it's a barb) it needs to be female so that you can wear the domino fashion.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User

    When it comes to leeroy-ing stuff any ranged skills combined, I know of only one class that combines heavy armor with significant ranged abilities: You'll want to roll a Seeker.

    [Edit] @bloodedone87: PvP damage per hit? Once people get that charm-cooldown-debuff at 10 seconds or upward, damage over time will become important again. You'll not be charmtanking a lot when charm cooldown times are doubled.

    I didnt said anything about PvP damage per hit.

  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    Looks like you'll have to try a fish or a flower child ^_^
    102/101/102 cleric
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    tet wrote: »
    * If you will level up as a F2Per and without GM-power, you will be never able to tank any bosses in a random squad for dailies. Because the average toon will be way more stronger than you are.

    I am bored tQ3kIbT.png. *troll face on*

    So if a person levels a toon and tanks things in random squad dailies, they must have GM power if they are a F2P player? If a person can tank a boss in a daily, they are not a GM, that means they are a Cash Shopper? This game must be filled with GM spawns or Cash Shopper every where, or both. Normal players do not exist.

    Average toon will be average no matter how you cut it, just as how room temperature is 15 degrees celcius if the room is at 15 degrees or 45 degrees celcius if the room is at 45. The average statement implies that F2P people are below average in gear, that means that the population of GM + Cash Shopper is greater than F2P players.

    After reading your description about classes, it seems like you haven't really done much playing in pwi recently. Any class can tank any boss in the game with the right gear. Remember the thread where people posted single class FSP run? Each class did it, so it can be done. Can it be done by anyone? no. Can an average player do it? Depends on the average here onion-13.gif

    The great thing about pwi, once you gear + skills, the game becomes seriously fun to play. When you have skills it is fun to play. If you have gear only, well......Ykb9TDM.png.

    Domino: I believe you can create 8 characters per account, 2 accounts = 16 characters. You could try out a class and see if you like it? If you don't create another class and delete the old one, takes 7 days or was it 3 days?​​
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    It takes 7 days for a character to be delated.

  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    It takes 7 days for a character to be delated.

    Thank you @bloodedone87 .​​
  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 163 Arc User
    This thread will surely fix the game
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    @kyoske Did anyone claim it would? Should our cm just not play the game and not interact with us?
    102/101/102 cleric
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    @kyoske do you think laying into a brand new cm for not jumping face first into all of the problems will fix problems sooner and ensure he stays with us long term?

    Do you think that trying to forge a relationship with the playerbase through interaction will detract from his ability to do his job more effectively, or help?
  • cheats69
    cheats69 Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Chose one of the original races & class and see how outdated they are and broken are the newer classes are.​​
    Post edited by cheats69 on
  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 163 Arc User
    @cynderangel and @eirghan get off my back. I like many others would rather see results than silly threads about what class to play. Most of you are perfectly happy with this game as it is, but i know im not the only one who is dissatisfied, so CM fun and joke aside, please get busy im sure you saw the list of things that needed fixing and im sure they're more to be added.
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    @kyoske You make a lot of assumptions. I never said I was "perfectly happy with this game as it is." In fact, I am outspokenly dissatisfied. But if I wasn't still having some fun here, I'd have gone and found myself something better to do. I recommend the same to others. So it makes perfect sense to have silly, fun threads which hardly take any effort anyway. Personally, I don't want a cm who has never played the game and doesn't look for our input. How else will he learn and really understand what we do, what we like, what we dislike?

    Tldr, if you're playing a game and not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    kyoske said:

    @cynderangel and @eirghan get off my back. I like many others would rather see results than silly threads about what class to play. Most of you are perfectly happy with this game as it is, but i know im not the only one who is dissatisfied, so CM fun and joke aside, please get busy im sure you saw the list of things that needed fixing and im sure they're more to be added.

    Cause getting familiar with the game isnt actually beneficial to their ability to do their job as a CM? Majority of the things are things China has to change. Most of the rest of the issues are because GMs dont play the game and are bit clueless with our rewards and whatnots. Having CM who plays even a bit will be beneficial for all of us as it reduces the **** out of sheer ignorance towards the game.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    saxroll wrote: »
    Most of the rest of the issues are because GMs dont play the game and are bit clueless with our rewards and whatnots. Having CM who plays even a bit will be beneficial for all of us as it reduces the **** out of sheer ignorance towards the game.
    Even those few things they can fix they don't touch because they don't play and don't know all the inner issues. A CM should play the game he is looking after. Perfectly if he is taken from players, experienced if possible.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    @kyoske i didn't realise i was ON your back. Thats icky...tiger-18.gif Have you considered meditation or a mindfulness program? it may be beneficial to this high strung feeling that seems to persist around you for the past few months I've known you.

    Anyway, I was just saying to give the guy a break. The guy has been official for like what, two days? If that? if you have played pwi for any length of time (and i know you have for at least a few months now) you already know things dont get solved overnight. How do you know that he isn't already working on that list?

    Try not to jump to conclusions too quickly. Or perturb our new cm. We want him on our side helping us. Not pissed off at us for being impatient.

    Back on topic tiger-9.gif anger about things not getting done should be in the things to be done thread, not here where we are trying to create domino's character.

    If you make a psychic it should look like this. Except black and white like a domino. Yes he needs the braided chin hair too.


  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    @eirghan I like how you think with your domino themed toon :o
    102/101/102 cleric
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    The votes are in and I have been reborn as one of the fishy folk! Psychic here I come... Im on Etherblade if you wanna find me... CalIMeDomino is the name... Grinding is the game... Come find me :)
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Woo!!! Awesome. Hope you enjoy that fast channelling. I'm hopeful I'll get to hunt you down tonight, but there's that pesky real life thing.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    The votes are in and I have been reborn as one of the fishy folk! Psychic here I come... Im on Etherblade if you wanna find me... CalIMeDomino is the name... Grinding is the game... Come find me :)

    Male or female?​​

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee

    Male or female?​​

    You had a choice? :O