It was asked of me and now I shall ask you... What should I be?

thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
edited October 2015 in General Discussion
So my Winged Elf Archer was not quite up to my play style, and I have chosen to reroll. In a previous thread, it was suggested that I take this one to you guys... What Class should I be? Below are some of the traits I possess when it comes to playing an MMO:

- I am bad at PvP, but I love clowning on the poor hapless soul who somehow manages to die at my hand.
- I block with face
- I love the pew pew
- I tend to live by the Leroy Jenkins school of Raid etiquette :)
- I like killing things until they are dead
- Did I mention I block with face?

Previous Classes from other games - Control Wizard (NW), Blood Raider (FW), Barbarian (Tera), Hunter (Destiny)

It was asked of me and now I shall ask you... What should I be? 70 votes

sheepcloudsheerohex#3018notlawandrewmcdy 4 votes
bloodedone87hypereccentrikjsxshadowovenusarmaniolinucis1zentfamilytictic99999baneof1000adfyresongzeldadoerakmatthieudoncaccivazassaalfacyborg 13 votes
cococyazoldickunsbzcphockey57sylenthundercharycatgirldesucapnkzigheartprometeeaa7aaaaaiconiqueyakidoterryualaia#4592minnow07yuiikoxiamluckingfocoinbank 19 votes
krian090590prattlenbreakingshade13ellanydblazen1gravetouchrazzzzadahighrollergroovykatparise09cynderangelzoner112012pkdosmalllliii 15 votes
keihan007#7641mrmusieirghanlaikiraskisarkkissilesteaxel320xyphyralolzcatz 9 votes
glassguitarj1inlove3ayejay101dawnx2kittyempressabulldawg617astralwalkroziveruxbepr0ftwomg 10 votes


  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I vote the magic half of the fishy folk. A psy should satisfy your need for pew pew. They're uber strong in pve and pvp, so you'll definitely be killing stuff until dead. If you get it strong enough for pvp, you might be able to entertain yourself watching people accidentally die by attacking you.

    Also, I think they have Leroy Jenkins potential, but I have no idea what it means to block with the face o.oo

    Edit: I urbandictionaried facetanking. A good psy can do that sometimes... or a lot of times if they're really good :3
    Post edited by cynderangel on
    102/101/102 cleric
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Face tank and major pew pew... Definitely go demon wizard. This class has a great physical defense buff and if you can learn to let your end game gear do its job you will be extremely hard to kill... This class has an auto-kite skill that does the job of getting you out of harms way FOR you. So you can face tank to your hearts content while dealing ridiculous damage.

    Plus any good Leeroy Jenkinser needs massive Pew Pew power. Did I mention Wizards have the highest spike damage in game?

    Inb4 the wizard class qq-ists come to put in their opinion on my opinion tiger-37.gif.

    Second vote, if you want to try something completely different from what you have played in other games, would be Seeker. Heavy armor class with "magic" sword slicing abilities. But I am biased. *cough cough*
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    Mystic is a pretty fun class to level up with, and since they are the jack-of-all-trades they can fulfill different roles.
    My biased opinion is Venomancer, but I don't think it would suit you. dino2-1.gif
  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Assassin just vecause you like spelling booty alot alot :)​​
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    In Neverwinter I was always the first one into the fight when running instances... Though As a control wizard, I might have been playing the class wrong... Nah. It was fun :D
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    Honestly, a blademaster might be what you are looking for. They are pretty tanky, melee class, lots of control skills and so on. The only bit of an weakness the class has is their damage. Its not terrible but its not as high as other melee classes. Blademaster is your bit generic offtank class, if you know what you are doing you can do a lot of things/are wanted for a lot of things but you arent expected to tank every instance.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    I am a BM and I absolutely DO NOT recommend making one. Making a sin is far easier and very good solo class to get you a feel for the game. They can solo much of their stuff and are pretty much good at everything till max end game when you need pro gear or high refined for pvp.
  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    Playing a psy will help you be able to jump right into the fight. They have a nice aoe stun you can drop while the rest of the squad stands around trying to figure out what they wanna do. Seeing that stun usually gets the ball rolling lol. (At least in my experience.) And with the voodoo skills, you can increase either your attack or defense. Using the defense mode might make you brave enough to poke a boss first.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Most of the people here will recomand you the class they play the most and they like. Ofcourse there are exceptions. I think that you should test all the classes untill you find the one that suits you the most.

  • cynderangel
    cynderangel Posts: 193 Arc User
    @bloodedone87 Except for the several people in this thread who already admitted to not recommending their own class. I'm voting psy based off of what I read in his post and not based off the fact that the only classes I have seriously played are cleric, veno, and maybe mystic.
    102/101/102 cleric
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    Do a mystic and faceroll tank.​​
  • columrt
    columrt Posts: 15 Arc User
    I gotta speak for barbs since no one else does.

    Make a Strength Barb (bias is strong here).

    Barbarians are very tanky even without vitality build, as long as you learn to play them right. They got super cute fluffiness to win everyone over you, nice speed in tiger form, heavy attack capacity as a strength-build, some control abilities especially if you build genie right, go demon and get some other stuff in order plus you can be helpful and do pulls, tanking and give nice buffs. Vitality barbarian would not probably satisfy you with the damage part. Also demon strength barbs got nice critrate perks.
    Weak points are magic defense and lower HP than vitality barbs, but HP is not a real issue at least from my experience and magic defense you can get up just by being clever with gear.

    I also agree that psychics and mystics are ton of fun and pew pew while still able to take hits.
    103/103/101 Demon Strength Barbarian and the army of alts I'm too lazy to list now.
  • alaia#4592
    alaia#4592 Posts: 23 Arc User

    Dhalie : : Mystic : : Tideswell
  • ftwomg
    ftwomg Posts: 10 Arc User
    Barbarian all the way
  • groovykat
    groovykat Posts: 48 Arc User
    I voted asssssassssasasssin. Leroying capabilities - check. Face tank - check (see Leroy). PewPew err stabby stabstab - check. Kill things til dead - check.
    103/103/102 demon cleric
    103/102/102 demon seeker
    100/100/100 demon veno

  • roziveru
    roziveru Posts: 37 Arc User
    Barbarian. Because they can roll when they transform.

  • axel320
    axel320 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Tanking with face is generally a Heavy Armor class thing -- Barbarian, Seeker, Blademaster. Generally speaking, unless you consciously build a highly optimized DD barb (you'll see the fanboys abound whenever someone says barbs can't do damage) you'll be better off with seeker or BM unless you're comfortable just tanking. Seekers have both magical and physical damage at both melee and range, and are more towards the damage end of the spectrum with little control; BMs are the opposite, with less damage but heavy crowd control -- AoE stun, several other stuns, paralyze, silence, leap-immobilize, an AoE defense debuff, and an AoE +100% damage debuff.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    In Neverwinter I was always the first one into the fight when running instances... Though As a control wizard, I might have been playing the class wrong... Nah. It was fun :D

    No, I'm sure you were doing it right. I played mine the same way. samurai-2.gif

    I chose Seeker because it's a very viable PvP build. The way you worded it screams R9 Archer though.
    My second choice would be a StormBringer, and then a Psy/Wizard,​​

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  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    Most of the people here will recomand you the class they play the most and they like. Ofcourse there are exceptions. I think that you should test all the classes untill you find the one that suits you the most.

    Kitty plays every class. Should she stay out of this thread?

    @thenamesdomino Anyway, depending on gears: Go demon str. barb if you're going to r9rr. 'Cause they can do some insane stuff thanks to barb's tankiness and demon str. barb's crit. rate+damage. Skillspam damage pretty much fulfills the pewpew-requirement.
    But don't even consider sage barb. They might be 5% tankier, but their damage ish pretty much 1/2-2/3 of demon barb's.

    Heavy armor venomancer would be most versatile, but that requires such planning to work that most people ultimately fail it (Kitty's yet to meet another HA-veno that could use HA-veno's full potential like she can). And r9rr+12-magic venos tank about as well while hitting far harder (though HA-veno has higher PVE-DPS).
    Oh well, at G16 (tier 3 nirvana) with all 3 gear sets (heavy armor, arcane armor and APS-armors) and magic sword it can do some quite heavy tanking (due to optimal defence for every situation), do insane DPS (at 2,5APS with magic sword pretty much equals to T3 4APS-sin in DPS), as sage has sparked DPH similar to demon AA-veno and ish quite a pain for enemies (thanks to all veno's debuffs and purge). Kitty likes how a veno can make almost anyone die easily to ganks, regardless of gears. And HA-veno can also utilize both phys. and mag. damage, which shines when Myriad Rainbow-debuffs proc.
    But like Kitty mentioned earlier, creating and playing a HA-veno effectively requires some extreme planning.

    Why not...
    ...psy: either squishy or non-pewpewy in general. Though extremely good at trolling with all the CC-skills and Psy Will (immune to phys. dmg for 8 secs).
    ...assassin: requires highly-refined R9rr to be able to block with face. Though Kitty's vids show otherwise but that's just her.
    ...DB: same as assassin. Except that DB doesn't have Tidal to prevent lots of nasty stuff like sins can.
    ...SB: due to whatever reason, squishiest class in this game as soon as Reaper goes off. At least in Kitty's experience. Bad for faceblocking.
    ...seeker: blocks with face, pewpew's semi-well with nukes, but has few ways to CC or avoid being CC'd. GL if caught in stunlock.
    ...mystic: kinda blocks with face but as well as some other classes, and pewpews decently. Gets squished if taking more than it can heal.
    ...wizzie: too long channeling times for decent pewpew. But demon wizzie's effin tanky. With proper genie use can play quite leeroyish.
    ...BM: kinda meh damage, requires some practise to master all the weaponry, has nice debuffs and CCs to support squad. But for whatever reason Kitty does find BM worse at facetanking than HA-veno, barb or seeker.
    ...archer: wasn't up for your playstyle.
    ...cleric: can only faceblock as long as Plume Shell lasts and as long as it can outheal the damage taken. Relatively good at pewpewing, but in Kitty's semi-experienced opinion worst class for doing anything AoE-heavy. 'Cause too long channeling times/too high chi costs/both. And gets interrupted easiest. Kitty's HA-cleric vids explain why.

    Guess Kitty should continue editing her vids to show various classes' performance at equal gears. Almost every class recorded but editing ish so boooring >.<'

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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  • tielerespeonage
    tielerespeonage Posts: 8 Arc User
    hmmm isnt it against forum rules to post other MMOs names?
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    hmmm isnt it against forum rules to post other MMOs names?

    It's mostly ok if it's a PWE title in this particular situation.​​

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  • krian090590
    krian090590 Posts: 235 Arc User
    Go Psychic fast channelling for pew pew at the voodoo spells for attack and defense level changes and you either take damage in the face like a boss or things around you die very fast. This class is heavily dependant on soulforce so make sure when you get good gear to refine it, since higher refines =more soulforce=massive damage
    Etherblade Server
    due to mishaps in my past few years in game, I do NOT accept random invites (faction/squad/friend no randoms period) NOR will I give buffs (cleric/barb/sin/exp if i have it) to random people because they ask. If I DO give buffs to a random person, it's because of a random whim (much like the red detonator button sitting at my desk that i will one day push at a random whim)
    Also do NOT look at my gear and then proceed to pm me asking to buy my gear or for a loan of coin. It's just plain rude.
    I have too many toons to name, but if you play on Etherblade server and you come across a toon that acts this way, or if the world is suddenly destroyed, it was probably me.
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    You are obviously a mystic. Lots of pew pew so you will have agro, and then you block with your face because you are not squishy like other casters and can fullheal yourself instantly.
  • iamluckingfoco
    iamluckingfoco Posts: 158 Arc User
    Be a seeker. Well rounded class and mobs that run away are not a headache.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • iconique
    iconique Posts: 65 Arc User
    Seeker. Someone I know who plays this class does all of the above and with style.​​
  • ayejay101
    ayejay101 Posts: 238 Arc User
    Go Barbarian \o/

    Because.... Hulk Smash!
    GreenLegend Cleric 105-105-105
    Historic Leader

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  • zoldickun
    zoldickun Posts: 197 Arc User
    Seems like you wanna be a mystic.
    Try it, then this will be crystal clear.
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Doesn't matter if you have a GM cape and weapon, you'll just oneshot anything anyway, so play whatever you want tiger-18.gif
    Granted CM's get those, I think the times I actually saw someone online that was also a CM had them, but i'm not sure.
    If so, go archer and then tell archers that complain about them being weak they are not, just for fun.

    Else, considering your comments, it seems you fit the 5 aps era type of assassin, rush into things and end up dying themselves. Then ofcourse blame the horrible clerics.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • tet
    tet Posts: 73 Arc User
    * I'd like to see a report (screenshot + 1-2 sentences) every 10 lvls.

    * Do the quests with the "green texts", those give you op gear/weapon at low levels = you will 1-3-shoot most mobs.

    * Important: join ts/vent and let some veterans explain you the game. It takes way to much time to learn everything by your own.

    * Raid doesn't exist anymore. The only Raid instance in PWI is "Trials" but the rewards are way too low and no one wants to do MORE PvE (you have to get done your cultivation 100 and you will have to grind a lot for skills in Morai and Primal World; a lot = several hundreds/ thousands of hours).

    * For Twilight Tempel it's nice to have a "5attacks-per-seconds-gear/weapon-set". But I'd say: Skip that. you won't need it anymore.
    Twilight Tempel is the most ugly instance (devs were obviously not able to complete it once). Only poor F2Pers like me ;( had to work there for thousands of hours.

    * If you will level up as a F2Per and without GM-power, you will be never able to tank any bosses in a random squad for dailies. Because the average toon will be way more stronger than you are.

    * we have already many facepalm-players. But well.. welcome to Twilight Tempel server... >:);)

    Blademaster: Skip aps-gear. Go for Axe-only-BM (+ low level fists to gain chi). It takes too much time to get all end-game weapons + auto-attack doesn't work anymore in up-to-date-instances.
    You might want an Assassin on second account to buff yourself with Blood Paint.
    For PvE BMs are pretty easy and mainly supporters. They have more skills than other classes but you won't need most of them in PvE.
    You have to out-gear/level others in your squad to be the tank.

    Wizard: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for (mass) PvP. In PvE mainly needed to kill physical-imun mobs/bosses.

    Archers: Not responsible for squad; no need to have best gear. Most easy to solo-play in level range 1-90/100 (pew-pew-class, best class for auto-culti).
    Was once the most easy/op class in PvP. That's why there are still many archers around (which are p**** because other classes got boosts to compete but they didn't).

    Clerics: responsible for squad, important buffs. You need decent gear to stay alive. Support-Clerics don't have to learn many skills but have to have a feeling about timing.

    Duskblades: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP.

    Stormbringers: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP.
    Nice gimmick: SBs can cast all skills while running.

    Seeker: you will need an Assassin on second account to buff yourself with Blood Paint. You will need MP charms.
    Seekers are nice tanks and if you know some combos (you will need both types of blessings) they can deal highest damage in this game.
    Playing a seeker in PvE is easy: debuffs + vortex. You have to know skills/combos if you PvP with a seeker.

    Mystic: Healer-class + pet class = can tank almost all low-level-bosses by your own. It takes a long time but you can solo most instances.
    Normally not responible for squad, because ppl prefer a cleric for heals. Nice gimmick: knock-back skill works in PvP too.

    Assassin: What they have in common with Fishes? They stink. We call them smelly fishes but actually they are a vampire-thief-class which can infect other classes. They suck blood to stay alive. Game-breaking class, most easy to play. If your equipment fits to your level, you can tank most bosses like a piece of cake.
    You can hide in stealth + move in stealth. You gain chi like nothing, you can avoid debuffs and cast some skills while running. Sins (proper abbreviation) are the most popular class. They are absolutely op in PvP and PvE.
    If you are the stongest Sin in squad you will tank most bosses.

    Psychic: not responsible for squads, decent DDs, ppl create them mainly for PvP. In PvE mainly needed to kill physical-imun mobs/bosses.

    Barbarian: Tank class. Responsible for the squad if squad is weak or if you tank a "barb-only-boss". Expensive in PvP because you will have to rely on your HP charm.
    Barbs are kinda phlegmatic. To take advantage of all your self-buffs, you have to spend a lot of time (in meanwhile you can get killed again...). The two biggest problem for barbs: you can't cast most skills/buffs in your true form. And you can't switch weapon/blessing/anything in your true form. Name for humanoid form: cheap meat (easy to kill).
    Nice gimmick: very fast in true form. Maybe most easy/best class for Phoenix Valley (leveling instance).

    Venomancer: PvE: Support class: you have to know buffs and have to know when to purge self-buffs on a boss. PvP: purge class = mass PvP class. Purge the strongest enemies first.