2015 meme



  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Lol you must be so hurt and desperate that you'll try to attack me personally, hahaha. Try opening your eyes a little, or is that too hard? All you can see is a shadow of my neckline and hairline. I'm 5 11 178 pounds with a lean body mass of 159. My fat index is like just barely over 10%. Thanks for showing off my facebook pictures, how about you add me as facebook friends so you can post my ab pictures too? b:bye

    Lose in PK, lose in words, gotta use pictures and still lose. So desperate.

    Completely ridiculous. People in pro bodybuilding competitions compete at near 4-5% body fat and you're at a 10%? Who are you trying to fool?

    Yea man sweet workout gear. Only things bigger than my ego are my balls, you can sign them if you wish but that's kinda ***.

    Sanc. forum hasn't been this entertaining to read for ages please don't stop.

    Dan, you're getting caught in all kindzzzzz of liesss.. alll kindzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Last I checked never means 0 not 1 and not 2. If I only cared about posting wins there would be a lot more than 6 videos. You're forgetting that we completely rolled vindi for the last half of the season 2 seasons ago and I stopped posting wins because the video footage was too short. I post videos based off quality not win or lose. I posted losing videos too that were long wars but even 5 minute rolls which we did roll vindi in 1 or 2 pushes before never got uploaded. We beat lg and kaku several times in 1 or 2 pushes too that also resulted in wins but those weren't posted either. I never post a video shorter than an hour win or lose, at least I'm consistent. b:bye

    You can talk about me all you want but the truth is you're banned and I'm not. I'm not desperate to cheat to win. All you kids crying about never don't even know what never means. b:bye

    I don't recall vindi ever losing to hoorah for more than 4 weeks in a row while I was there (hell I think that's a lot more than the actual number) which is less than half a season. Even considering the time it always took us to reach each other at start. So maybe you'd be kind enough to refresh my memory with actual dates and video proof from someone or forum records. Since you are all about proving yourself. If one thing we can agree on is that there's a couple of people who record our tws on both sides almost every week (Myself included until 3 months ago) You keep trying to make yourself look better through false statements but we know better than to just believe you and its really embarrassing. There are plenty of tw videos against hoorah in my channel (mizchinadollpwi for anyone interested in seeing what I mean) that lasted longer than 1 hour and you were there yet you didn't upload anything because you lost. If what you said is true then where are they?. Maybe you don't post videos that were rolls but so does anyone else. It still doesn't prove your statement about win/loses/attendance true. Keep hiding it though you are doing a wonderful job. I really dislike phonies like you who try manipulating facts and other people's intentions at your own convenience. And don't even try bringing LG/kaku into this, all you seem to care about is your ego stroke against vindi. Which is very limited and that's what really burns you inside. So keep being consistent at your lies haha.

    You can talk about me all you want, at least I stay real. I'm not desperate to mislead anyone so I can look better. All the drama you cry about is self brought.

  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't recall vindi ever losing to hoorah for more than 4 weeks in a row while I was there (hell I think that's a lot more than the actual number) which is less than half a season. Even considering the time it always took us to reach each other at start. So maybe you'd be kind enough to refresh my memory with actual dates and video proof from someone or forum records. Since you are all about proving yourself. If one thing we can agree on is that there's a couple of people who record our tws on both sides almost every week (Myself included until 3 months ago) You keep trying to make yourself look better through false statements but we know better than to just believe you and its really embarrassing. There are plenty of tw videos against hoorah in my channel (mizchinadollpwi for anyone interested in seeing what I mean) that lasted longer than 1 hour and you were there yet you didn't upload anything because you lost. If what you said is true then where are they?. Maybe you don't post videos that were rolls but so does anyone else. It still doesn't prove your statement about win/loses/attendance true. Keep hiding it though you are doing a wonderful job. I really dislike phonies like you who try manipulating facts and other people's intentions at your own convenience. And don't even try bringing LG/kaku into this, all you seem to care about is your ego stroke against vindi. Which is very limited and that's what really burns you inside. So keep being consistent at your lies haha.

    You can talk about me all you want, at least I stay real. I'm not desperate to mislead anyone so I can look better. All the drama you cry about is self brought.


    jeez nuke... why so angry? come by to say hi sometimes....
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Forget the TW vids. What happened to thedans videos of him goin on online dates with his online wifeys? Should post more of those instead of boring TW vids. The ex vindis now in hoorah used to love those videos so much.
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I love the lively debates we get on here between butthurt players. b:chuckle I don't care who you are, if you're getting upset over a game like this then you need to step away from the computer and rethink your life. It's a game, if you take so much pride in it that even a small jab at you makes you QQ all over a thread you have a very sad life.

    Just to clerify this isn't pointed at any specific person here but everyone as a whole. If you think it's about you then you need to get over yourself, unless I quote you or address you specifically you obviously aren't important enough for me to direct a comment at.
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I love the lively debates we get on here between butthurt players. b:chuckle I don't care who you are, if you're getting upset over a game like this then you need to step away from the computer and rethink your life. It's a game, if you take so much pride in it that even a small jab at you makes you QQ all over a thread you have a very sad life.

    Just to clerify this isn't pointed at any specific person here but everyone as a whole. If you think it's about you then you need to get over yourself, unless I quote you or address you specifically you obviously aren't important enough for me to direct a comment at.

    u better put this shjt in a meme or we'll focus our anger and rage on you, its a meme thread b:angry
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited March 2015
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    First its 6-12 months then its 5 months now its 5-9 months. 2chinz please get ur story straight. u say u quit but ur youtube very active during the period plz lie more 2chinz.

    so u werent leading but chose to stay as leader during the time u mia if what u say is true. how nice of u. give other ppl to lead but refuse to give up leadership.

    im not jealous. im not in friendzone and my nosehair stay inside my nose.

    Hoorah vs Legendary 7/12/2014 The White Ridge

    oorah vs Vindicate 5/17/2014 Thousand Wood Ridge

    Hoorah vs Legendary 4/26/2014 Archosaur TW

    Hoorah vs Vindicate 1000 Streams TW 3/29/2014

    there were many more but not gonna check so much.

    all were shorter than 1 hr. last i checked never means 0 not 1 and not 2.

    y do u lie and make it so easy to get catched in ur lie.? pathological liar 2 chinzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    What's your point? I lead the same faction for longer than anybody else on the server.

    I rounded up, nobody said anything about digging through old forum posts and videos to count the minutes and seconds on every video. You just posted a bunch of videos at 45-50 minutes long. I don't care to count the seconds and minutes when all it really means is that I don't post rolls. I'm glad you have so much time to watch all my videos, watch my facebook, and think of me regularly. You should just subscribe to me and follow me on instagram and twitter too while you're at it.

    It's so funny that people who quit the game and got banned for cheating go so far out of their way to try to prove their innocence by pointing their fingers elsewhere. The facts are still the same, you're banned for cheating cause you got wrecked. b:bye
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Completely ridiculous. People in pro bodybuilding competitions compete at near 4-5% body fat and you're at a 10%? Who are you trying to fool?

    Yea man sweet workout gear. Only things bigger than my ego are my balls, you can sign them if you wish but that's kinda ***.

    Sanc. forum hasn't been this entertaining to read for ages please don't stop.

    Dan, you're getting caught in all kindzzzzz of liesss.. alll kindzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



    You act like 10% body fat is hard to achieve, abs don't even show until below 10%. I'm consistently between 10 and 12 depending on the season. I was at 15% before I even started working out, the difference between 5 and 10% is 200%, lol.

    Maybe if you lay off on the McDonalds and Wendys you can be at 10 too. b:bye
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't recall vindi ever losing to hoorah for more than 4 weeks in a row while I was there (hell I think that's a lot more than the actual number) which is less than half a season. Even considering the time it always took us to reach each other at start. So maybe you'd be kind enough to refresh my memory with actual dates and video proof from someone or forum records. Since you are all about proving yourself. If one thing we can agree on is that there's a couple of people who record our tws on both sides almost every week (Myself included until 3 months ago) You keep trying to make yourself look better through false statements but we know better than to just believe you and its really embarrassing. There are plenty of tw videos against hoorah in my channel (mizchinadollpwi for anyone interested in seeing what I mean) that lasted longer than 1 hour and you were there yet you didn't upload anything because you lost. If what you said is true then where are they?. Maybe you don't post videos that were rolls but so does anyone else. It still doesn't prove your statement about win/loses/attendance true. Keep hiding it though you are doing a wonderful job. I really dislike phonies like you who try manipulating facts and other people's intentions at your own convenience. And don't even try bringing LG/kaku into this, all you seem to care about is your ego stroke against vindi. Which is very limited and that's what really burns you inside. So keep being consistent at your lies haha.

    You can talk about me all you want, at least I stay real. I'm not desperate to mislead anyone so I can look better. All the drama you cry about is self brought.


    Lol, so basically you said you're butthurt that you got banned for cheating and crying how I rounded up numbers from 45-50 minutes to an hour makes you feel better. If you were so good at PK why did you even need to glitch orbs in the first place? Lol, so you have to post TW videos from a bought account, which is against ToS to try to prove me wrong.

    Banned cheater cries phony. You're about as real as the **** I motorboat regularly b:bye
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    u better put this shjt in a meme or we'll focus our anger and rage on you, its a meme thread b:angry


    there ya go b:pleased
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You act like 10% body fat is hard to achieve, abs don't even show until below 10%. I'm consistently between 10 and 12 depending on the season. I was at 15% before I even started working out, the difference between 5 and 10% is 200%, lol.

    Maybe if you lay off on the McDonalds and Wendys you can be at 10 too. b:bye

    At one point I would have respected you, you spoke with dignity and intelligence but this debate has shown that who you once were has withered away. You resort to childish name calling near instantly, you get offended over tiny things on here and your ego gets hurt over things on the forums. Say as you will in reply to me but I will write off anything you say as the words of a babbling idiot. You have my pity, if you have to feel this offended over a game than you are not a person deserving of any respect. If any of this offends you then good, maybe it will make you think for once. I won't reply to anything you or your guildmates say in reply to this. Seeing how you and all of them have acted has brought me to the conclusion anything you say will just be a waste of my time as you all act like children.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You act like 10% body fat is hard to achieve, abs don't even show until below 10%. I'm consistently between 10 and 12 depending on the season. I was at 15% before I even started working out, the difference between 5 and 10% is 200%, lol.

    Maybe if you lay off on the McDonalds and Wendys you can be at 10 too. b:bye

    Abs can be seen at 10-15%. 15% with a 6 pack if you're genetically gifted. Do you just randomly make up stuff cuz that's all I've seen you do in this thread.

    No, you're not at 10% body fat, you're at 25-30% judging from pictures you posted cuz ain't no one at 10% would still have a double chin and a chubby face.


    PS: that CHickerzzzzzzz guy is not me. I trash talk on my main with style. b:bye



    Do you even lift bro?
    You're about as real as the **** I motorboat regularly b:bye

    That just made me laugh. Definitely a virgin.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Lol, so basically you said you're butthurt that you got banned for cheating and crying how I rounded up numbers from 45-50 minutes to an hour makes you feel better. If you were so good at PK why did you even need to glitch orbs in the first place? Lol, so you have to post TW videos from a bought account, which is against ToS to try to prove me wrong.

    Banned cheater cries phony. You're about as real as the **** I motorboat regularly b:bye

    So once again you failed to prove yourself right. All your posts are baseless statements and misguided info. The same way you've operated ingame since your days as Regicide's leader. I wonder why it imploded and crumbled the way it did. Then you show bitterness because I keep real records of tw on my youtube. You try to point fingers at me for cheating and violating ToS but how about the times regicide bank funds, mats and gears disappeared? it happened more than once. At least I can say I don't step on other's peoples shoulders and abuse trust like that. Altering pwi folder to walk through doors and gain farming advantage? How about manipulating tw bids with alt faction so you could get your three way gank? which you've gotten banned for. Or account sharing? You're no saint and got a lot on your plate. I didn't have to try hard to prove you wrong, you basically did it for me. Where did I say I was butthurt? If posting on forums equals being butthurt then I guess you're 3403 times more butthurt than me. Keep going with your compulsive lying and flawed self righteousness this is hilarious.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I sure hope no one reads the forums like kirby claims because you all are making Sanctuary look like a nut house. At least post memes between trash talk.

    Anyone with half of a brain can go check dans statements for validity. Or use common sense..



    Last Saturday, b:bye

    I mean... He sure changes his clothes a lot in one day...

    We dont need to hurt his ego to make him look bad so lets leave him to his efforts to make himself seem angelic and pity the sheep who believe them.

    I would have to agree with the previous poster. I used to really respect dan as a player. He is a great bm and probably one thing thats keeping hoorah in the top ranks. And a rare specimen at hoorah who didnt feel the need to sling words at people to cover up his insecurities. But this thread shows it was poor judgment.

    Vindi doesnt need to stoop to cheating and lying and trash talking to win. So just let them keep throwing rocks at each other on the playground and sign up for tw. Oh, and make those videos because no one else will. b:shutup

    This ones for kirby


  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited March 2015



    Last Saturday, b:bye I could post a dozen different chicks in any given week. The funny thing is I could have 100 chins and still have more game than you.

    So July 2013 and December 2013 is 5 months apart. You're basically proving my point.
    Dan you graduated adolescence, your zits are gone :3 \o/
    Jus dun be a man wh@re, STDs are not cool yo!
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Did I do this right... b:question


    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sanctuary makes Archosaur look like a saint b:chuckle


    Haaaappy weekend pwi! b:victory

    The loudest person in the room, usually has the least to say... b:chuckle
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Did I do this right... b:question


    That looks right to me b:chuckle
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    What's your point? I lead the same faction for longer than anybody else on the server.

    I rounded up, nobody said anything about digging through old forum posts and videos to count the minutes and seconds on every video. You just posted a bunch of videos at 45-50 minutes long. I don't care to count the seconds and minutes when all it really means is that I don't post rolls. I'm glad you have so much time to watch all my videos, watch my facebook, and think of me regularly. You should just subscribe to me and follow me on instagram and twitter too while you're at it.

    It's so funny that people who quit the game and got banned for cheating go so far out of their way to try to prove their innocence by pointing their fingers elsewhere. The facts are still the same, you're banned for cheating cause you got wrecked. b:bye

    my point is ur a egocentric ***. u said u left for 6-12 months and left poor tenjio in charge. u did not pass lead during that time, u come back still as leader and said **** u guys im leaving passed lead and left ur own faction. but i think u only left for a short period and pass lead a week or two before u say **** u guys im leaving. and u even make fun of the regi corvi merge when ur the main cause. so all that thing u said pass lead befor u left for 6-12 months is full lie. u cant even keep story straight

    u round up.. 2 of the clips there have tws less or around 20 minutess. one clip is 2x 20 minutes of am and pm tws. so if i ask my friend to pay me back 3 dollar i borrow him i can say pay me back 10 becuz i round up? again, u got catched.

    im not in vindi i just hate ppl who lies consistently always tell half truth or full lie 2chinzzz.
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2015
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2015
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I personally dont think ill ever record TW again b:surrender TWs have gotten so boring

    combination between cards and psy buffs have made ppl so tanky that no one ever dies all TW, on both sides xD the only ppl that die are the melee classes and ppl that dont have cards/psy buffs (and ppl that are so bad that they just stand in 100 AoEs as we've seen a few TWs ago xD)

    the day there's a 80v80 with only endgame geared ppl is gonna be a TW where everyone is spending 3 hours staring at eachother while being sealed b:laugh


    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yay Sanc forums are interesting again
    EXcept that posting personal pics and **** about ppls private life is kind of ****ed up, besides the hot chick photos, more of those pls
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Whats funny is that the only ppl who are trying to talk sht are the ones who joined after I left. It just shows that people are willing to throw their pride of "ill never join vindi because they are *** holes" away just to have a chance to beat me. My friends and I left not because I wasn't given lead, I was nominated by ppl who were in leadership to take the position but I declined, but we left because the whole situation was handled in a very childish and stupid manner. Many more things happened after that which resulted in more of my friends leaving. But I'm glad the whole server decided to come together to face me and my friends.

    Another funny thing is it seems people on this thread are complaining about uncontested PK, but it just looks like you want to see us fight each other rather than actually participating. Instead of complaining about where we are, you should come give us a "challenge" because to me it just looks like people are being sour about one side being too strong. Its like saying people join Vindi to have babytime pacifier sucking tw. afraid of real challenges is what ive been hearing all this time. im not butthurt, just stating my opinion

    whoah such a long post you know the funny thing about this is after a year an a half in vindi I've yet to see any voting posts even when leadership was past down from shar to TP. You're almost right back in the day I'd would have said I'll never join vindi but when you left it started looking a lot better.
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You're almost right back in the day I'd would have said I'll never join vindi but when you left it started looking a lot better.

    I applaud you Chris for saying what a LOT of us were just thinking very very loudly.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Alot of the people who left are the people who raised Vindi from the ground up to become the force that it came to be known as. They literally bottlefed this baby to become a big name

    You should remember Vindi was almost certainly expected to fall by many after their departure, and we managed to survive and maintain power by navigating quite a thin line. Instability was very carefully negated, and Vindi's survival shouldn't be taken for granted, and a lot of Vindi's current success still rides partially on the reputation and standards that were set before many current members would have come to enjoy the fruits of the work of the people they hate so much. Think about it. Why would people even wanted to have come to Vindi if it had been just another dying TW faction?

    Not to be rude(but too bad if I am) but...
    Some current Vindis in particular have a now longstanding rep of destroying factions when allowed positions of power w/in them. It is ironic to betray the work of the people whose success in building a faction is the reason you can even call yourself part of that faction. IJS.
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Some current Vindis in particular have a now longstanding rep of destroying factions when allowed positions of power w/in them. It is ironic to betray the work of the people whose success in building a faction is the reason you can even call yourself part of that faction. IJS.


    you guys know who you are b:bye

This discussion has been closed.