Best of each class - End of 2014



  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    for me
    Seeker NeoLilyStar
    Venomancer:Ripwomansly ripdoomdisire thing
    As Above, So Below MementoVivere
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    this is my list. from wud i see

    Archer:bobzl, so far he's the best yet, but there is 1 archer i'd like to mention, i forgot his name, but he's that black faced archer from kakumau. only g16, but plays like r999.

    Assassin:Kayzn, kyougu is still strong too, but i think kayzn is more skillful as a sin.

    Barbarian:Roar_King, this beast 1 shot me multiple times when i was in white voodoo fully buffed. i've not seen another barb in this server that can do that thus far. but not the best of tanks. for tanking wise, i guess its still a_tank / bbb

    Blademaster: sifu or farty.. cant make a choice. over all, sifu may be slightly better.

    Cleric: dejaunah. although not as well geared as some clerics on the server, she plays so well with her gears. knows exactly what is needed to be done in tw. Lifs from vindi is pretty good too.

    Mystic: not too sure, mysticboobs seems to be the one, but there is a mys from vindi that is pretty good too. matthew_patel or something, sorry if i cant spell your name :P

    Psychic:DaturaOps, nothing much can be said. just from another fellow psy point of view, i think he's the top right now.

    Seeker NeoLilyStar. this was a pretty tight call, there are lots of strong seekers in this server, but when i look at gear, and the way they play, neo gets my vote.

    Venomancer: Womansley. hopefully for the new year, some new veno can overthrow this dam meansley :P .. desdi was pretty strong too.

    Wizard: Bigbrawls. i'd have said faceroll, but i have not seen him much the past couple months.
  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I don't have much exp on TW and PK so my vote are for the people i had the luck to fight.

    Archer: bobzl, I fight him in NW and i'm really impressed. Another archer I like is Ignathas, he his G16 but play his class very good.
    Assassin: shinbu/vladamir
    Barbarian: I don't know about a_tank never had a fight with him so my vote is for BBB.
    Blademaster: SifuMohTofu, Tenjio
    Cleric: I don't know
    Mystic: I never fight Boob so my vote is for Matthew_Patel
    Psychic: MzChinaDoll but also JyTheMermaid
    Seeker: ShadowEdge, he have great gear but is the only one seeker that really scary me.
    Venomancer: Womanslay, she killed me many time in TW. DoomDesire, nice skill without top gear.
    Wizard: Bigrawl, Velohart, Pwnooage
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    While I'm in the meme generating mood
    I haven't posted on my main because I can't decide on a 105 Venomancer forum avatar.b:cute
  • Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    randomly browsing forums out of boredom and i came to read this and was rofling for a while:
    Well to be honest, we can't really rate far away from our gear levels. Sylvae/Telarith claims to have amazing skills in her TT90 gear, but if she can't hurt me and dies in one shot, does it matter? I can't evaluate a fight that's over that quick. Likewise you can't really evaluate how good Bele really is. He far outgears everyone else.

    But within those extremes, you can tell who is good and who isn't. Dartwave has comparable gear to Sifu, yet makes a far smaller impact on TW.* Autumn is best geared mystic on server, but her name never comes up in these discussions because, well, she sucks.

    *I don't mean to imply that Dartwave is bad, he's not. Just not as good as Sifu.

    tbh i wouldnt rly give too much on your opinion given all ppl ever see you doing is trashtalking in tw and still getting ur face oneshot by those ppl who are apparently "not as good"

    as for mystics, boob using scripts (i dont think we need to discuss this here tho), so given Noa quit a while ago and idk how "well" the others play ill leave that empty

    (sry for the not so correct spelling, idk the proper version)

    archer: if retireds count, kirby, else prolly bobzl
    cleric: kanmi
    assassin: kyougu, crygol
    psychic: mizchina (depends on the person playing)
    barb: bbb, roarking
    veno: xylona
    bm: thedan
    wiz: gingerbreadd, faceroll
    seeker: shadowsedge, eirghan
    mystic: -

    just my 2 cents
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    shashahah wrote: »
    randomly browsing forums out of boredom and i came to read this and was rofling for a while:

    tbh i wouldnt rly give too much on your opinion given all ppl ever see you doing is trashtalking in tw and still getting ur face oneshot by those ppl who are apparently "not as good"

    as for mystics, boob using scripts (i dont think we need to discuss this here tho), so given Noa quit a while ago and idk how "well" the others play ill leave that empty

    (sry for the not so correct spelling, idk the proper version)

    archer: if retireds count, kirby, else prolly bobzl

    cleric: kanmi

    assassin: kyougu, crygol

    psychic: mizchina (depends on the person playing)

    barb: bbb, roarking

    veno: xylona

    bm: thedan

    wiz: gingerbreadd, faceroll

    seeker: shadowsedge, eirghan

    mystic: -

    just my 2 cents
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    edited June 2015
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