Regarding Refinement Aid and Charms in the Event Gold Shop
The post above is right.
Please let your PM know this is not a very good idea and will have the opposite effect of what they're asking for... and everyone who plays actively knows it. The last thing we need is another "Mirages for TW pay even though the players are telling you why it won't work" fiasco.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
We should give half of every server's total wealth to someone to find us higher ups that know how the game actually is.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
What needs to be done to help the in-game economy is the introduction of attractive coin sinks. Give people something worth spending their coins on, other than competing for the limited amount of gold on the gold market (which removes very little coin per transaction.) I've said it before, put tokens of luck for sale at an NPC, for say 15-20k per token. People want tokens for all the things you can make from them, so this is an attractive coin sink; it puts a ceiling on token prices (one of the pillars of the current economy); and once the token market stabilizes from the change, it still allows token merchants a profit margin.
Removal of the event charms, if anything, hurts the economy further, by increasing demand for gold, and doesn't affect the coin side of the ledger at all.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
sparkiesoft wrote: »From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
I've stopped doing NW because I used those silver event charms for it. That's the only thing I spent my event gold on.
They think event gold items are hurting the economy? They really must have a bunch of monkeys running things there. Oh sorry, that is an insult to monkeys.
Keep **** the players and you won't need to worry about anything with this game anymore because there will be no one left playing it.0 -
TBH I'm still trying to understand how this could accomplish anything but the opposite from it's desired effect.0 -
sparkiesoft wrote: »From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
I really think management needs to play this game before deciding they know how to fix the economy that, by the way, they broke in the first place.
But really... this is the single most stupid thing I have heard in a long time. In a very, very long time. The only thing removing these small UNTRADEABLE charms will do is make people charge more gold, or buy out what gold is there thus making gold prices rise higher and higher. How does that help?
Coin sinks like the token idea suggested by Mayfly are a much better idea. And how about all the cash you are giving away in these new events? Maybe give away untradeable prizes instead of injecting more coin into the servers?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)
Looking for a mature faction on HT? -
Mayfly - Dreamweaver wrote: »What needs to be done to help the in-game economy is the introduction of attractive coin sinks. Give people something worth spending their coins on, other than competing for the limited amount of gold on the gold market (which removes very little coin per transaction.) I've said it before, put tokens of luck for sale at an NPC, for say 15-20k per token. People want tokens for all the things you can make from them, so this is an attractive coin sink; it puts a ceiling on token prices (one of the pillars of the current economy); and once the token market stabilizes from the change, it still allows token merchants a profit margin.
Removal of the event charms, if anything, hurts the economy further, by increasing demand for gold, and doesn't affect the coin side of the ledger at all.
The problem with a token npc is that unless the price matches the current price that people can buy them for, anyone who's invested in them loses that money instantly. I'd love a token shop, it'd make life much more convenient, but something like that couldn't simply be put in.
There's only a handful of things players actually need. Refines, shards, and pots. The issue with that 2/3 of these are items mostly only obtainable from the boutique (Dragon Orbs and shards from packs). Perhaps an npc or set of npcs that sells refine aids or high level shards for a high cost would be appropriate, it'd offer a way for people to more easily access refines without needing to find other players to buy them from. It does the same for high end shards. This reduces dependency on the boutique as well as offers a coin sink, rather than letting the money just change hands. Though after the +10 orb incident.. refines may not be the greatest coin sink.
Shards have a huge coin sink potential. At least, to me it seems like they would. They're something every player needs, and having one would force merchants and players alike to match the shop price or sell for cheaper, meaning less money is changing hands, or just buy from the shop itself, meaning the money is gone from the server.
Perhaps an NPC that allows you to trade SoW + Coins for NW recast stuff? The amount of coins would obviously be large, and would vary depending on the item, but this would allow people to stop being so dependent on pack items. Rather than having to buy gold and buy packs they could simply take their hard earned coins and SoW and craft their NW recast without the need for an item. This introduces a MASSIVE gold sink into the game, given the cost that would be required, as well as most likely having an impact on current token markets. The main reason people buy packs is to test their luck at getting a high value item. With this, those items would instantly devalue to match the cost of making their NW recast counterparts.
This could have potentially negative results when it comes to the token market, if packs become less attractive of an option then tokens may rise as less people have them to sell and the demand won't go away, but perhaps a special quest could be implemented that would reward a small amount of tokens or certain token items per try with a daily limit of 1-3 attempts. This would introduce another method of getting tokens, which would gradually allow for lower and lower token prices as people wouldn't need tokens from shops quite as much as they can get them from playing the game. I'm not exactly an advocate for MORE dailies, but eh. Also, it could have 5-10 different possible quests that are randomly given to you when you talk to the npc, in order to prevent someone from abusing the quest and being able to log multiple alts to collect a large amount of tokens or items at once.
Fixing our economy would be extremely tricky, but I imagine all suggestions are welcome and can only help someone think of something to do about it.
C'mon people. Someone think of something good. b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
sparkiesoft wrote: »From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
you dont even realize how much **** you put into every pwi players mouth with that statement do you?
those charms were one of the few things helping keep the economy bearable for people
if pwi staff really gave 2 hoots about the in game economy you would NEVER have added perfect hammers or immediately removed TOBL from packs, in those 2 updates you increased gold prices from 120k to 500k and started the economic ruin
only possibly way this would help the economy is people not caring about demon/sage cards when theyre part of charge rewards..charge rewards which were seeing every week now- so shooting yourself in the foot there? so goodjob with that, likely well see charms as charge rewards or bundle deals soon though
just stop lying , pwi doesnt give 2 ****s about the in game economy and you are throwing **** towards the players faces by even trying to suggest it has to do with the in game economy and not boutique charm sales
also hey people remember when i said sparkie was using weasel words and stop thinking that the silver charms will be back with "next maint" 2 weeks ago? yah suck it
also sparkie you should update the first post with your last update to make sure more people see PWI's bs, you wouldnt want people to not notice this update right?0 -
This content has been removed.
sparkiesoft wrote: »From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
I lol'd.
Guess I'll just finish paying back my guildie the coin I still owe and then **** off to other games then. No use playing here with 10-15m charm prices.
The only reason you guys aren't putting them back is because it's definitely cutting into charm sales, but doing it at this point does nothing but alienate your playerbase further and result in even less money for you.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
No-one 'invests' in tokens, they are a by-product of opening packs. I suppose some are bought by dealers from people who aren't smart enough to know they are better off using them to make things instead of selling them, but I doubt putting an npc with fixed prices in there would do much damage to any of the dealers, as they are very rich merchanters, and the losses likely would be quite small, and would be a one-off while the economy adjusted to the new coin value
Tokens offer useful items. People buy tokens. Due to the amount of people who use the items tokens give, the opportunity to merchant them arises. There are at least 6 Token merchants on Archosaur, I imagine other servers have them as well. Regardless of the population of people who merchant tokens, dropping the price right away manually rather than implementing something that would cause it to drop gradually would incite a negative response. Imagine buying a Love: Up and Down for 1b then having it become available in the boutique the very next day for 500m. It wouldn't be a very pleasant experience.
They could certainly make high level shards more accessible, and quite easily; by allowing them to be made using lower level ones. Would only need a small change to the Jewelcraftsman npc I think. Since Merchant npcs sell low level shards that can be combined at the Jcman, seems logical to sell lvl 1 orbs there too, and I think it would be an enormous coin sink, since the majority of players that did not abuse the +10 orb glitch will use the opportunity to catch up somewhat
It's true, people are always needing +10 orbs, but it isn't too often you see people going for them. Either way, it'd be nice to have the option to purchase them in game. Of course, that option could never happen since +10 orbs are one if their biggest sellers. Perhaps the option to buy gems or alter how many gems it takes to make higher level gems could be implemented though.
Seriously? I don't know any big merchants personally, but everyone I know that buys packs, whether with gold or coins, doesn't buy them for tokens. They do it for the chance to get a mount/flyer/dod/ptobl/etc. Simple economics suggests that if you lower token prices, demand will rise; pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap.
If the pwe management had a single brain cell between them they would do that with charms also. Normal pricing of items in the 'real world' is based on the cost of manufacture and distribution; can someone please explain the overheads for the creation of hp/mp charms that makes it necessary for pwe to charge US$6 each? This would seem to me to be a rather unnecessary mark up %, resulting in heavily throttled sales. Make the normal price US$2-3, and have regular sales at US$1-1.5, and they will sell so many they'll be able to drive around in gold-plated Rolls Royce phantoms with Hollywood starlets as chauffeurs.
I wasn't referring to them buying tokens. From the context you should be able to conclude that I meant if items that require pack items are made available in such a way that they don't require the pack items, that the demand for pack items would go down. If that goes down, prices go down. If prices go down, the desire to get packs goes down. I wasn't taking tokens into consideration at all.
If that is an exhortation to the pwe management, I fear your words will fall upon deaf and/or stupid ears
Well of course they do, this is PWE we're talking about.
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
After reading the last 2 or 3 pages of this, I'm really starting to think that the people at PWI are trying to kill their own game --
Just to put it simple:
NW: the average player(not full+12) can get like what, 50 to 300 tokens or so?
now lets do some maths:
- lets say this player got lucky and got 200 tokens from nw and turned those to cannies, that cost 2.000.000 coin to make
- you get 1000 cannies if im not wrong
- lets say you sell those for 10.000 each one(lets say you manage to sell them at that price lol)
-woooow I got 10 millions right?
-now: 10 - 2 = 8 mill
-8 millions, not bad.. but wait.... you forgot the charm b:shutup
-so we have 8 millions but a platinum charms cost what 6 gold?
-So lets say gold is at 2.5 million (average archo server price when no rank sale)
-we have 6 golds x 2.5 millions = 15 millions
-So: 8 - 15= -7 lol
And this if you are lucky enough to get 200 tokens. As far as i remember, nw points are soulforce based, so to get a lot of tokens you need to have good refines, but guess what?..
most of players are not +12.
Now, now.. I know the answer i could get from this: - - But rieihdius, you are an idiot we dont need charms, those are optional - -
my answer to that is: yes and no
Of course charms are optional but: good luck trying to survive to someone with similar gear to you that actually have a charm, even worse, try to survive someone better geared lol.
I think i dont even need to talk about TW....
Now instead of keep talking about how bad this is i guess i can give you a suggestion:
Some time ago there was some npc at archo, this npc used to give a quest. This quest gives some timed silver charms and hypers i think, the quest was like paper clip for villa, but no so damn long XD.
why not give every friday a quest similar to that one?
after doing it you get a timed (lets say 3 days time) gold mp and hp charm, i can asure you that most of those charms will disappear the same day on nw.
Now another one: If pwi really wanted to fix the economy of this game, they could just launch some coin sinks like decent HP/MP potions at a decent fixed price (not too cheap and not too expensive)
And some other bounded coin sinks, but not take everything that is free O_O...
As a final reflection: you guys at pwi launched some spent rewards promo.... spent x amount of gold and get event gold card, my question is: for what do i need event gold if there is nothing worth to get anymore?0 -
After reading the last 2 or 3 pages of this, I'm really starting to think that the people at PWI are trying to kill their own game --
As a final reflection: you guys at pwi launched some spent rewards promo.... spent x amount of gold and get event gold card, my question is: for what do i need event gold if there is nothing worth to get anymore?
Amen to the last staement
BTW all East coast servers died 1/2 hour ago
My money says we barely get an I'm sorry forwhat now seems to be a semi regular event to take the east coast servers down0 -
East coast servers weren't down... some major node a couple hops before the east coast servers was overloaded.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »The problem with a token npc is that unless the price matches the current price that people can buy them for, anyone who's invested in them loses that money instantly. I'd love a token shop, it'd make life much more convenient, but something like that couldn't simply be put in.
There's only a handful of things players actually need. Refines, shards, and pots. The issue with that 2/3 of these are items mostly only obtainable from the boutique (Dragon Orbs and shards from packs). Perhaps an npc or set of npcs that sells refine aids or high level shards for a high cost would be appropriate, it'd offer a way for people to more easily access refines without needing to find other players to buy them from. It does the same for high end shards. This reduces dependency on the boutique as well as offers a coin sink, rather than letting the money just change hands. Though after the +10 orb incident.. refines may not be the greatest coin sink.
Shards have a huge coin sink potential. At least, to me it seems like they would. They're something every player needs, and having one would force merchants and players alike to match the shop price or sell for cheaper, meaning less money is changing hands, or just buy from the shop itself, meaning the money is gone from the server.
Perhaps an NPC that allows you to trade SoW + Coins for NW recast stuff? The amount of coins would obviously be large, and would vary depending on the item, but this would allow people to stop being so dependent on pack items. Rather than having to buy gold and buy packs they could simply take their hard earned coins and SoW and craft their NW recast without the need for an item. This introduces a MASSIVE gold sink into the game, given the cost that would be required, as well as most likely having an impact on current token markets. The main reason people buy packs is to test their luck at getting a high value item. With this, those items would instantly devalue to match the cost of making their NW recast counterparts.
This could have potentially negative results when it comes to the token market, if packs become less attractive of an option then tokens may rise as less people have them to sell and the demand won't go away, but perhaps a special quest could be implemented that would reward a small amount of tokens or certain token items per try with a daily limit of 1-3 attempts. This would introduce another method of getting tokens, which would gradually allow for lower and lower token prices as people wouldn't need tokens from shops quite as much as they can get them from playing the game. I'm not exactly an advocate for MORE dailies, but eh. Also, it could have 5-10 different possible quests that are randomly given to you when you talk to the npc, in order to prevent someone from abusing the quest and being able to log multiple alts to collect a large amount of tokens or items at once.
Fixing our economy would be extremely tricky, but I imagine all suggestions are welcome and can only help someone think of something to do about it.
C'mon people. Someone think of something good. b:cute
I thought high lvl shards would be good too. We all need them and they just aren't plentiful. But if PWI did that and npc tokens, what would people open packs for? Price of packs puts you at a loss for most thing that drop from them. Packs are still pretty important to PWE's income.
Whatever you come up with will have to not **** with that. Sales are already getting more and more greedy.
Maybe put in a shard transfer at high cost? 80m-100m to transfer each?0 -
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »I thought high lvl shards would be good too. We all need them and they just aren't plentiful. But if PWI did that and npc tokens, what would people open packs for? Price of packs puts you at a loss for most thing that drop from them. Packs are still pretty important to PWE's income.
Whatever you come up with will have to not **** with that. Sales are already getting more and more greedy.
Maybe put in a shard transfer at high cost? 80m-100m to transfer each?
That's the problem honestly. Almost any suggestion that could actually give a good coin sink, one that's actually attractive to players and would cause them to drop coins on it, would interfere with gold sales. The only thing we need is refines, shards, and gear. Perhaps a dye npc? Dyes aren't really their biggest selling point so it shouldn't affect sales THAT much.
Though I don't think a gem thing would, so long as the price of gems is reasonable from the npc. Gems would sell for roughly what they would from that npc, or a little bit less so as long as they aren't extremely underpriced the gems would remain high enough in value that people would still open packs for a chance at selling them. Not to mention we'd have various other pack exclusive items. I'd really like to see my NW idea, that'd create an intense coin sink in the game, and given the rarity of pack items these days it's one that could actually get a fair amount of use.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty
I read the forums naked.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis wrote: »That's the problem honestly. Almost any suggestion that could actually give a good coin sink, one that's actually attractive to players and would cause them to drop coins on it, would interfere with gold sales. The only thing we need is refines, shards, and gear. Perhaps a dye npc? Dyes aren't really their biggest selling point so it shouldn't affect sales THAT much.
Though I don't think a gem thing would, so long as the price of gems is reasonable from the npc. Gems would sell for roughly what they would from that npc, or a little bit less so as long as they aren't extremely underpriced the gems would remain high enough in value that people would still open packs for a chance at selling them. Not to mention we'd have various other pack exclusive items. I'd really like to see my NW idea, that'd create an intense coin sink in the game, and given the rarity of pack items these days it's one that could actually get a fair amount of use.
gems gems yes lets add those to npc...we have that its in the base and the fees are rediculous
war catas would be the most reasonable npc item we could think of0 -
Losing money per sale, but in return gaining total number of sales can be a good trade off if done correctly. But it seems that PWE do not have the proper marketing team capable of doing so, which is sad because PvP is one of PWI's strength, yet it is completely ruined by this massive gear advantage that PWE introduced.Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer
All Luck No Skillz PvPer: -
Just deactivate botting and half of our economy problems are solved. Of course, there are more steps involved, but Botting is the main reason why the economy became worse so fast since New Horizons.World is full of illusions.
What if I played a Cleric?
All Joy In Keeping Us Medically Energetic.0 -
sparkiesoft wrote: »
From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
This decision is legitimately the reason I'm not really logging back in game, no exaggeration. I mean it sincerely when I say that that decision, for me, symbolizes that PWI's management is not concerned with repairing the problems PWI is facing, but rather reaping this thing for as much cash as possible before it sinks.
I realize it's not your decision and there's nothing you can do, but tell your boss that yes, some people like myself aren't that stupid and understand the implications of such a decision. Silver charms = you could AT LEAST keep PVPing even if your gear never got upgraded or saw improvements, without that you basically need to CS to PVP regularly. So yeah you better believe I'm outta here when decisions like that are going through.
As for you, I'd advise you to start job hunting on the side. Not because you yourself have done poorly, but because this position may not exist for very long with decisions like that being made by your boss. Thanks for trying, all the same.
Clock is ticking, outb4 Game OverIAGOREY
0 -
removing silver charms to **** over the player base that fell for all those event gold promotions and dq exchanges..... i mean to "stabilize the economy" caused some resentment in the community. to bad that those measures do not cause "client instabilities" like the +12orb sale back in the day did. such things can be fixed instantly, always. but in this case i fear that we can expect the return of the silver charms at the earliest; right after we get those promised compensations for all those bothced promotions and events (reminds of the great compensation that was the penguin event, which never worked and never got fixed). or the silver charms will be brought back right after we'll geat a replacement for the old dq system, you know "soon".0
Ok so PWI says there's to much coin in the game and the economies are all unstable (we all realise this prices have been skyrocketing for many things). PWI's attempts so far have been to put more shiny goodies in the boutique this is causing the problem.
Putting more shiny things in the boutique is putting pressure on the gold prices which intern is used as the basis for many other markets it is also merely re-distributing the coin wealth within the player base (sure a small amount comes out for fees n charges but it's not enough to make a difference).
If pwi wants to get some coin out of the game then what about putting a select item or 2 (maybe tokens or war avatar catalysts) in an npc for ppl to buy that way the coin goes from the game when they are purchased, it will also mean people can purchase truly useful items (at the end game end of play) without gold all the time.
Sure it will mean that pwi won't have ppl charging their credit cards for these items but maybe it will bring the economies back down and players will take their credit cards out of the freezers and defrost them to use for other items. PWI has had a bad run of breaking things in game and disappointing the player base for ppl to be happy to spend the coin they need to be in a happier frame of mind.
At the moment the player base just feels like pwi is always trying to get at our wallets so we have all developed a hyper sensitivity to any of these discussions as we feel pwi want our cash and we should be quiet and take whatever brokenness they put in the game, be happy and ask for more.
Just my 2 cents worth (due to economy inflation it's now only 0.00001 cents worth)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Want to stabilize the economy? bring the casual gamer back. Without them this game and it's virtual economy is only a few "pushes" from total collapse. Any suggestions or even the rare new idea might help, but without effective communication with the existing community that I believe is impossible. b:cry0
Another idea for coin sink is something they had in another game. NPC items you could buy to keep a stat on an item while you are rolling for better stats. We have chienkuns for sockets, shards, refines but nothing to keep a added stat while still rolling.0
Prices on all items have gone crazy. Primeval stones last month were 75 mil each now they are 85 mil. Gold in the AH keeps going up and up. You want prices to stabilize bring back something to replace the DQ items. It makes it where people who don't spend money in this game or a little money to get items. I refuse to spend more that 65 mil for a vit +10 stone. Looks like I am saving up for an Emperor tome atm. b:laugh0
Hi, my name is SkogDyr,
and I'm a PWIaholic.
I've been PWI free for a year
and I take each day a step at a time...
Being serious now, I do like checking in the forums a couple times a month to see what is going on.
(about the same way people almost stop on the expressway to see a fatality)
This is just one more marketing bug (aka feature) thrown at the playerbase. DQ, achievement awards, orbs fiasco #1 (2010), orbs fiasco #2 (2013), goons->r9 sale->refinement sale->special frost bad->bans->12hours later->no bans->better refinement sale...
Now silver charms... no, no pattern here. Move along folks. b:laugh
I'll still check in time to time 'til the lights go out.
To sum it up,
PWI game health is like after you've finished taking a healthy bowel movement.
It swirls, but some still floats in the bowl so you flush again but the paper won't go down.
PWI, there still is some paper in the bowl, a few more wise marketing choices should help finish the job. Keep flushing.
BTW, hi to my former guildies... friends and esp to Kossy and venus. b:bye See you on the next flush.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
sparkiesoft wrote: »they [silver event charms] were removed to help with the in-game economy
Need new thread for new forum event. b:cute
Title: The meme contest
Event: make the best meme possible with any portion of the original quote from sparkie (page 15)
Prize: You win b:thanksfull r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss
Current build:
LuLz: -
sparkiesoft wrote: »The items have always been removed/added through a maintenance. The reason you see them pop-up at times when there is no maintenance, is because they were set to go up sometime during that week, through the maintenance prior. So in other words, yes we need a maintenance to add/remove them.
From what I've been told, they were removed so that people will buy the platinum charms from the boutique with real money. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
That's what your higher ups meant to say b:cute0 -
sparkiesoft wrote: »The items have always been removed/added through a maintenance. The reason you see them pop-up at times when there is no maintenance, is because they were set to go up sometime during that week, through the maintenance prior. So in other words, yes we need a maintenance to add/remove them.
From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
So are we talking 2020, or when the servers are closed your PM will have the sales department of PWE implement the charms back in for your company to play PWI? That makes no sense. What a load of bollocks. What you have been told is a lie, and what has happened has also been ridiculous.
Back in 2010 one of your co-workers (Xarfox) stated a ludicrous lie like that as well, about how pushing the NPC Jolly Jones would bring the gold down (a coin sink) from 500k back to 100k per. Guess what? Gold went even higher.
PWE has also removed items from the in-game boutique and lied about reasoning to the players.
PWE has also lied about getting the ranking servers back up.
The list goes on and on and on and on. This is nothing new, really. Your company's management of their titles shows no signs of getting better. There is no possible way that removing something that can be obtained most often with hard work, can be good for the in-game economy. Gold will only rise higher, really. You will loose players who refuse to drop $10 a week or more just to be able to play the game with a charm. Grats? Is there some magical method of obtaining more and/or equal profit with less players and/or a server that has been shut down or merged with another server?I host an Ecatomb mirror here:
I've been actively playing since late 2008.
Youtube: -
sparkiesoft wrote: »The items have always been removed/added through a maintenance. The reason you see them pop-up at times when there is no maintenance, is because they were set to go up sometime during that week, through the maintenance prior. So in other words, yes we need a maintenance to add/remove them.
From what I've been told, they were removed to help with the in-game economy and that they will be put back in once that is more stable. I've already made my PM aware, so when he gives me more information, I'll let you all know.
PWI removes encourage people to buy...charms.
PWI removes mirages from encourage to buy mirages.
PWI removes dragon quest encourage people to buy from boutique.
PWI removes TW encourage people to spend more.
PWI removes coins from encourage people to spend more for delta.
PWI removes any actual coin value from lower leveled drops to fix economy.
SIDENOTE before I get started... Even NW isn't fair. Why? Because why is it that I can take down 4 towers....ALONE (as a moderately refined G16 cleric), and then three more people enter the map, and I end up dead last in the placement. Yeah, that's fair.
But on topic... (And I'm going to say're the messenger in this situation, sparkiesoft... so I apologize in advance for the bullets (metaphorically speaking) that you're about to catch from me. They aren't meant for you...unless you're one of the people that supported the charm's removal. The bullets that you're about to catch are meant for the people above you.)
This is definitely one of the most foolish things I've heard. There is a saying... "Don't p*** on my leg and tell me it's raining." Now, I'm telling you that. I recognize that this isn't your fault, so this comment isn't for you. It's for your boss, and I can pretty much safely say that the rest of the PWI playerbase feels the same way.
The ulterior motives of this move are so obvious that even a child can figure it out. PWI wants more money, and more players to spend gold. What will players spend gold on? Things they need.
My question is, what will PWI do when they discourage people from spending gold by becoming so greedy and focused on profit margin and revenue spikes? What will they do when the interest of the consumer wanes? What will they do when the consumer goes to one of hundreds of other games that are PWI's direct competition? What will they do when they uninstall ARC, and go for other games instead...and DON'T look back?
Greed is often responsible for many nails placed in the coffin. The reason why the person/company in the coffin doesn't realize it until its too because they're the ones selling the nails, and are so focused on it, they don't realize that signed their own death certificate. PWI's greed can easily become its downfall. Many players have left, and many new players are turned away from the game. Now you implement methods and stratagems that will deteriorate your player bases interest furthermore. This is due to the hope of a strong SHORT TERM gain, as a pose to increasing the life of a game that hundreds/thousands of people play, and getting a revenue increase over a long term.
To be honest, the strategies that are employed here are so poor that I do not wish to download another PWE game. This is not the attitude that you want for your consumers/playerbase to have. I liked this game so much that I went on to develop one of the most extensive class guides. Now, I'm looking and expecting this game to die slow. More and more, I'm looking at other MMO's. More and more, I expect foolish decisions to be made by this company, and time and time refuses to disappoint. Time and time again, it makes p*** poor decisions involving business, and finance. I realize this, and that's not even my field of study.
For an even more special sidenote: I don't even wear charms regularly. I'm not involved in TW, and your charms don't even help in NW. I'm even more of a one shot to others, since I didn't abuse the +10 orb glitch that many people did. I play a moderately refined cleric, so bypassing a charm tick is easy for people, so I have little need for one there. I use them in PvE when its AFFORDABLE for me to do so. 10-15 mil for a charm is more than it costs me for a +5 no thanks, I won't be needing it.
I do feel that the token npc is a good idea, and a good coin sink.
Another good idea....implement the housing feature.
Another good idea, stop bs'ing your playerbase.
As many before me have said...I'm sure this will be sorted out....
Coming next patch
-Clerics and Mystics will be removed due to client instability.
-Bloodpaint will be removed due to client instability
-All HP related buffs/Apoth will have no effect. (This glitch will be sorted "SOON".)
-HP pots will be removed to benefit the economy.
-Venomancer pet heal will have no effect. (This glitch will be sorted "SOON".)
-Psychic bubble of life will have a 49 hour cooldown.
-Wizard heal will have a 52 hour cooldown with a 5 hour channel and a 6 day cast.
*Charm price sale.*
*Packs will now have a possible chance of giving Silver Platinum Charms*
*Venomancer Pet Charm now on Sale!!*
*HP pots available in Boutique.
Any other fixes....
"SOON"."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0
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