What changes would you do to skills?



  • SilverMayhem - Archosaur
    SilverMayhem - Archosaur Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ima just stay Untamed skills since thats what I play, other than alts >.>

    Untamed Wrath: Let rip a tremendous roar that causes massive hatred and temporarily stuns all targets.
    Affects targets in a 15 meters radius around the caster and stuns them for 2 seconds.

    Would Change the stun duration from 2 to 4 and reduce meters Radius from 15 to 12 or even 10 to make it more balanced. A longer stun is more helpful then a Wider range. Admittedly, while it is quite fun to Holy Path in a TW, to a DD squad and Just let off Untamed Wrath, knowing that all the channeling just got canceled and in a Large radius. I believe that it would be more useful in 1v1, TW and PvE to have a longer Stun Duration.

    ○(Demon)Roar: Launch a raging roar that taunts all enemies within 12 meters of you.
    Demon version returns 100% physical damage taken to the attacker for 10 seconds.
    The damage reflection effect doesn't affect players in most areas.

    Would simply ask that, if it doesn't already, to allowed to Both stack with Bramble effect (So a Demon bramble being 75% and Demon Roar being 100% when used together it be allowed 175% since seeing as when i use Demon Roar and someone hits me with Bramble. I still have BOTH buff icons on me.) and allowing BP to affect Bramble. "absorb 2-5%(sage or demon) of all physical melee damage" Is bramble not returning Physical dmg? Lastly, >.> tho i have not confirmed this I do know it works in NW. Could it work in PK mode on the world and in TW. If it does already then ignore xD.

    ○(Demon)Frighten: Strike fear into the heart of all enemies within 12 meters of you,
    reducing their physical attack by 30% of weapon attack
    as well as reducing their speed by 50% for 10 seconds and giving a chace to stun

    Demon version has a 20% chance to stun for 3 seconds.

    b:surrender Come on, you give us Demon kittys all these stun skills and yet they proc off every blue moon. Not to mention 3 secs. But thats fine. Keep at 3 secs, make it atleast a 45% proc rate.

    ○(Demon)Armageddon: Use all of your Chi, half of your HP, and half of your MP
    to blast all enemies within 12 meters, inflicting 5000
    physical damage plus 4.0 additional damage for each HP
    and MP expended.

    Requires two Sparks.

    Demon version does 10% extra damage.

    Maybe its just me... But do not notice the 10% inc damage. >.> We all know sage is alot better than demon when it comes to comparing this skill. I can leave with that. But Maybe instead of Inc Dmg. How about Inc range on the effected meters. Or Instead of of a % dmg inc. How about 10.0 Additional Damage for each HP and Mp expended. You are taking half my life, ticking my charm and 2 of my sparks. Give me something more than a % dmg inc. Something that i can notice.

    ○(Demon)Strength of the Titans~ Not going explain it much other than, switch it with sage please b:surrender idk why sage would need the inc crit rate. But tell me why i would want this when I use Demon Bestial Onslaught and dont get my 35% crit buff because i have to wait 1 min for this buff to go off. Yes say im qqing about a min. But not only does it take a min between a crit and a none crit to keep you alive or kill you. But between purging, and rebuffing not only squad members but yourself because the buff only last 30 mins. Ijs, 5% crit rate on a STR demon barb (NOT CLAW so no dex please b:shutup) is nothing compared to the constant threat of a Bestial Onslaught +35% crit.

    Clean Sweep: Deals base damage to target. Has a 20% chance to remove target's positive buffs.

    Nice skill, nothing to change but both the Proc rate from 20% to 35-40% and the graphics for when it actually procs e.e Half the time im left guessing when it does. Yes, i know i can just easily look at their buffs. But Im one of the players that use a life bar above ppls heads. So i dont have to look up then back at the middle. Im focused on my surroundings and what skill/pot im about to click and what my opponent is about to use.

    ○ (Demon)Penetrate Armor: Simply, switch with Demon Devour. Would rather the " reduces Chi cost to 20." on Devour so its more spammable and having "increases physical defense reduction to 15 seconds." simply because when pvping or even when DDing a boss or mob. I'd think Demon barbs are more likely to use human skills over kitty skills because.. well you have more Human skills and MOST of them dont take away chi from your Invoke or whatever else you need to use that uses chi.

    ○(Demon)Amplify Damage: While in fox form, curse the target and make it take 25% more damage for 26 seconds.

    At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.

    Demon version lasts 6 seconds longer.

    If sage Purge gets an AoE. I have always been a firm believer that Demon Amp should be an AoE too. >.> Why? Because it would just be cool. Yeah yeah, i know.. HF. Meh. If they would keep the "Last 6 seconds longer" and give it Sage Purges AoE range. >.> Im just thinking PvP wise. Maybe things would be alot more interesting in TW, NW. Also. It would make Venos alot more balanced between sage and Demon. Would probably equal out the number difference between them both.

    ○(Demon) Fox Wallop: Delivers a powerful melee attack, inflicting base physical damage plus
    3059.0. Reduces target's channeling and casting speed by 35%
    for 3 seconds. Has a chance to make all attacks critical hits for 5 seconds.

    Requires 20 Chi and Fox Form

    Demon version gives a 20% chance to make all hits critical for 5 seconds.

    COME ON... DU ET! Make it 100% like Demon Sunder and all it a day. Thats all. If need it. reduce the debuff on casting speed from 35% to 20% to make it a 100% crit hit. tbh. Its not like people use this skill anyways. All the venos i talk to say they rarely go in fox form for anything but curses. And you know what veno this upgrade to this skill would be helping out.. HA venos. (Dont want to hear your rant about them... Its more of a legitimate route then HA mystic.)


    ○(Demon) Soul Degeneration: While in Fox Form, curse the target to stop HP and MP regeneration for 30 seconds. Cuts target's evasion by in half for 20 seconds.

    At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.

    Demon version cuts target's evasion in half for 20 seconds.

    Why evasion. Much, much rather a longer debuff time than cutting evasion in half. Or maybe instead of that. Un-purifiable (?).

    Those are my suggestions and things i've thought about during my time playing on both demon barb and veno. Rest of the classes... Pfft Decrease range on seeker skills >.> Nerf Blur.. all just QQ things that dont need to be mentioned.
    Just a few thoughts.....

    Aura of Golden Bell would become this

    Demon = gains 25 atk/def levels (dependent on which marrow is active) for 30 secs and becomes unpurgable/ undebuffable for 6 seconds after that. 10 sec cooldown. 20 chi cost

    Sage = gains 300% Mdef/Pdef (dependent on which marrow is active) for 30 secs and becomes unpurgable/ undebuffable for 6 seconds after that. 10 sec cooldown - no chi cost

    Roar of the Pride would become this

    Demon = Stuns all in 12 meter range (doesn't miss) reduces 20 atk/ 20 def levels to all enemies in range for 10 secs. 15 sec cooldown. 20 chi cost

    Sage = Stuns all in 12 meter range (still has chance to miss) and has 66% chance to disarm all enemies in range for 10 secs 15 sec cool down. no chi cost

    Heaven's Flame would become this

    Demon = Enemies in range absorb 300% physical/magical damage and has change to stun or seal for 10 secs (2 spark) 30 sec cooldown.

    Sage = Enemies in range absorb 200% physical/magical damage and has a 50% chance to debuff. (2 spark) 30 sec cooldown.

    Reckless Rush would become this

    Jump to target up to 30 meters stunning target for 5 secs, deals 100% weapon damage plus 3000 and has 50% chance to disarm enemy.

    Highland Cleave would become this

    Demon = gains 50% chance to "disorient" (stun or seal) for 5 secs

    Sage = gains 50% chance to disarm for 5 secs.

    Fissure would become this

    Demon = 66% chance to stun for 6 secs and 5000 bleed

    Sage = 66% chance to steal the opponent's will to fight (debuffs)

    Leaping skills would become this

    Forward = flash of light blinds opponent and has 50 % chance to be disarmed

    Backwards = player becomes untargetable for 10 secs

    Draw blood/ tiger maw would be combined and become this

    Demon = base damage plus 100% weapon damage +5000 bleed damage 50% chance to disarm

    Sage = base damage plus 100% weapon damage +5000 bleed damage 50% chance to stun

    creation of two new skills

    "Will of the Warrior" - allows BM to study extra hard and with ingenuity and increased cost of learning allows the BM to "cross-train" in other skills from other classes (up to 3 skills) - 5 million chi to buy random skill from a "chosen class" (can be rerolled at same cost if skill slot isn't filled) - requires 200,000 chi per level up to level 10 - sage and demon is then "learnable" *cannot learn Barb skills* -unlearned skills can be traded but have a 100 hour limited lifespan

    Level 1 = 1 skill (10 million chi to unlock) + 10 million coins
    Level 2 = 2 skills (15 million chi to unlock) +15 million coins
    Level 3 = 3 skills (20 million chi to unlock) + 20 million coins

    Stench of the wasteland (stink bombs) - Allows BM to toss "grenades" that explode causing damage and poison to all enemies within 16 meters (@ lvl 1) to 25 meters (@ lvl 10)- inflicting 6000 phys & mag damage (@ lvl 1) to 15,000 phys and mag damage (lvl 10) and slows opponent by 50%
    Bm would be disarmed for 5 secs during the grenade toss.

    Demon = AOE purge and 5000 bleed damage (30 meter range)

    Sage = loss of all chi and disarm all opponents in range (30 meter range)

    This is just a few spitballed ideas to make the class a bit more fun and tanky and able to compete against newer opd classes.

    Seems like most of the skills are upgraded around Disarming... And added with Stun lock and the other skills. Wheres the Balance? "player becomes untargetable for 10 secs" spamming? With IG/Sutra e.e. And yeah. just all those stuns. b:surrender Already have an abusive Stun lock with Roar. Why not leave it at that >.>
    Logic = Against ToS. It's the answer to all "Wtf..." Moments during normal gameplay with other players.