[Maintenance Discussion] 11-5-2013 RESTART
Sizzer - Raging Tide wrote: »Why this thread is still a sticky ? Maintenance is over.
I dunno, I don't unsticky things the GMs have left stickied while they are still working on things though.InVisble - Harshlands wrote: »Whats a Mod ?
A player who volunteer's their time to moderate the forums. You know, keep things cleaned and make sure the TOS is followed by fellow players. Alert GMs to issues that are brought up on the forums. Merge threads, delete posts, that type of thing.Ninety_nine - Dreamweaver wrote: »Whoa whoa whoa!!, a mod?? ur the first ive seen in 12 hours, how about an update pls?
No, no I can't update you. I'm a player such as yourself. What you need is a GM. The only thing I can do is make them aware of various issues. And even then it's not a job nor do I get paid to do this, so it's really if I happen to be using the website at the time. The times we are on is totally at our own discretion, whenever we got the time to volunteer. Since they are aware of the various isses, the rest is up to them.
edit: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1640381 <--if you're still having trouble on the east coast servers, i'd look to this thread for updates though.0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »Feel free to Apply for a position.
You'll have to be able to go into the office in Cali, and you won't likely be paid for working outside of the M-F 8:30am-5pm shift.
When you are working, you'll be swamped with so many things, you won't have time to touch a client or peruse the forums.
Am I the only one that finds it humorous that they don't think it necessary to hire a web developer?Current: http://mypers.pw/1.8/#133167
TW/NW Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Axel3200
Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
oVenusArmanio wrote: »
A player who volunteer's their time to moderate the forums. You know, keep things cleaned and make sure the TOS is followed by fellow players. Alert GMs to issues that are brought up on the forums. Merge threads, delete posts, that type of thing.
So it's your job to alert the GMs to issues? Yet, we almost never hear from them...do they use you to announce stuff because from what I have seen and heard Mods never really make announcements, GMs do. Also, on that first note....if you are the one that is supposed to alert GMs to issues, what DO the GMs do....because honestly, as I said before I almost never see GMs in game, they post on forums at the rarest of occasion, and it honestly seems to me like they get paid to not do much at this point.
The game is riddled with people constantly doing things they SHOULD get banned for, I have even heard of many people that would report botters all day but they never got banned, but even after submitting tickets they never don't get banned. The servers are in chaos, there are scammers everywhere, and i am positive that people have stated that on the forums...yet GMs seem to ban people more for body editing then the things they SHOULD ban people for. So i guess what I'm really asking is if you are supposed to tell the GMs whats up on forums why aren't they doing THEIR job...or are you even able to get ahold of them?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
TZoner - Raging Tide wrote: »So it's your job to alert the GMs to issues? Yet, we almost never hear from them...do they use you to announce stuff because from what I have seen and heard Mods never really make announcements, GMs do. Also, on that first note....if you are the one that is supposed to alert GMs to issues, what DO the GMs do....because honestly, as I said before I almost never see GMs in game, they post on forums at the rarest of occasion, and it honestly seems to me like they get paid to not do much at this point.
The game is riddled with people constantly doing things they SHOULD get banned for, I have even heard of many people that would report botters all day but they never got banned, but even after submitting tickets they never don't get banned. The servers are in chaos, there are scammers everywhere, and i am positive that people have stated that on the forums...yet GMs seem to ban people more for body editing then the things they SHOULD ban people for. So i guess what I'm really asking is if you are supposed to tell the GMs whats up on forums why aren't they doing THEIR job...or are you even able to get ahold of them?
No it's more like if I happen to be online at the time and see someone complaining about the servers being down, I'll let them know. Sometimes this will work faster than them finding about it from support tickets or reading the forums, and sometimes they already know about it and it wasn't any faster. I don't make any announcements and have to submit a ticket like everyone else for in-game complaints. It is strictly stuff I find about on the forums. As for why synch and DOD do not post as much as v4liance did, it is because they work for way more games. And the GMs do all sorts of behind the scenes type stuff. And what each GM does also varies with the type of GM. They all have different job descriptions and work in different departments just like any corporation.0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »No it's more like if I happen to be online at the time and see someone complaining about the servers being down, I'll let them know. Sometimes this will work faster than them finding about it from support tickets or reading the forums, and sometimes they already know about it and it wasn't any faster. I don't make any announcements and have to submit a ticket like everyone else for in-game complaints. It is strictly stuff I find about on the forums. As for why synch and DOD do not post as much as v4liance did, it is because they work for way more games. And the GMs do all sorts of behind the scenes type stuff. And what each GM does also varies with the type of GM. They all have different job descriptions and work in different departments just like any corporation.
Well sounds to me like they need to get GMs just for specific games and not have them work on multiple games at once...sounds almost like PWE is too cheap to hire more people that can do their job right so they make these GMs work on multiple games/platforms and we get left behind in the end for the newer games. PWE needs to maybe take some of the money they put in their pockets and put them back into the game where it SHOULD go.......[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I still can't make a new character on the dream weaver server.0
TZoner - Raging Tide wrote: »Well sounds to me like they need to get GMs just for specific games and not have them work on multiple games at once...sounds almost like PWE is too cheap to hire more people that can do their job right so they make these GMs work on multiple games/platforms and we get left behind in the end for the newer games. PWE needs to maybe take some of the money they put in their pockets and put them back into the game where it SHOULD go.......
This is not uncommon. In fact MOST MMORPG publisher/developer countries will do this. It's very rare that a GM is exclusive to a game itself. The only time I know of GMs who exclusive to one game in a company are the Translation Team. I don't believe that would be true for PWE GM's seeing as most of their games are from China so they'd be translating other games as well. But still, you get my point.
In my experience with GMs and a handful of different companies, it's to keep the GM busy. Working on the one game all day gets boring (no one likes a boring work day!) and can leave them with so much free time. Let's not forget the GMs don't really work on the coding and bug fixes, as that's more Wanmei and PWE's Trekkies (uh....I mean, techies).
In the quite a few MMORPG's I've played I've only ever seen one GM that was exclusive to one game and that was over on Scarlet Blade at Aeria. Funnily enough I believe that was the GM whose job it was to translate Queen's Blade into English (Queen's Blade being the Korean version of Scarlet Blade)0 -
Drizzt_urde - Dreamweaver wrote: »Me neither... and the whole point that I came back to east coast was to make new start with new chars, because i know the game better now than before.. but seems that it's not possible b:sad0
Yeah, i spent all the DQ points on this account. Got a lot of Maiden Chest. As random pigments wouldn't get me to where I need. Kinda blame myself as I haven't been on my main for quite a while. Attendence reward is quite useful per day. x'D like almost 1% per day. (Get about 10% if I do FC run :P)Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/110/1/5/Schrodinger_plz_by_McMonster_Ridgeback.gif[/SIGPIC]
Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 960 -
I like cookies, and I can't even load the page.0
Hello everyone,
We'll be having maintenance this week with the usual server downtime from 11pm PST - 2am PST.
Tonight's maintenance will just be a restart.
This week's maintenance question:
Have you started spending your DQ Points before the system is removed?
Hey guys. How are we supposed to spend our DQ points if the page doesn't work?? Please fix it.0 -
i got an email for starter kit and clicked the link it went to the redeem page but was just white i refreshed a couple of times but still nothing the games still downloading atm so i cant see if i actually got anything but i hope since i dont have a character made i just ruined my chance of getting it and it says "already claimed" -.-0
Can that cool standing tiger replace the look of panda form?0
What happened to Frankie? Least we got to know things quicker when he was here b:laugh they replace with sweetiebot?0
First non-human reply!
There doesn't seem to be any new manual patch for this maintenance.
At least not yet.Have you started spending your DQ Points before the system is removed?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
TZoner - Raging Tide wrote: »So it's your job to alert the GMs to issues? Yet, we almost never hear from them...do they use you to announce stuff because from what I have seen and heard Mods never really make announcements, GMs do. Also, on that first note....if you are the one that is supposed to alert GMs to issues, what DO the GMs do....because honestly, as I said before I almost never see GMs in game, they post on forums at the rarest of occasion, and it honestly seems to me like they get paid to not do much at this point.
The game is riddled with people constantly doing things they SHOULD get banned for, I have even heard of many people that would report botters all day but they never got banned, but even after submitting tickets they never don't get banned. The servers are in chaos, there are scammers everywhere, and i am positive that people have stated that on the forums...yet GMs seem to ban people more for body editing then the things they SHOULD ban people for. So i guess what I'm really asking is if you are supposed to tell the GMs whats up on forums why aren't they doing THEIR job...or are you even able to get ahold of them?oVenusArmanio wrote: »No it's more like if I happen to be online at the time and see someone complaining about the servers being down, I'll let them know. Sometimes this will work faster than them finding about it from support tickets or reading the forums, and sometimes they already know about it and it wasn't any faster. I don't make any announcements and have to submit a ticket like everyone else for in-game complaints. It is strictly stuff I find about on the forums. As for why synch and DOD do not post as much as v4liance did, it is because they work for way more games. And the GMs do all sorts of behind the scenes type stuff. And what each GM does also varies with the type of GM. They all have different job descriptions and work in different departments just like any corporation.
So the way I see this is. GM's are being too thinly spread among other
games to effectively tend to the games? These same game in which there
are outstanding issues or glitches within the game? Yet as sad as that is it's
the most believable up to this point. So in order to make the game less chaotic
and control the riddled issues and broken quest these same GM's banned together
(All 3 or them) and decided.. HEY!!! New Content that will fix everything and maybe
a new promotion with some theme packs too. We'll just implement the new stuff on
top of the broken stuff and hope no one will catch on. It's getting old. Most of us have
seen this play out before, and it's doomed to repeat itself.. FFS can PWE for once do
something to surprise us? I don't know ...let me see ...like maybe like getting it RIGHT
the first time?
0 -
So the way I see this is. GM's are being too thinly spread among other
games to effectively tend to the games? These same game in which there
are outstanding issues or glitches within the game? Yet as sad as that is it's
the most believable up to this point. So in order to make the game less chaotic
and control the riddled issues and broken quest these same GM's banned together
(All 3 or them) and decided.. HEY!!! New Content that will fix everything and maybe
a new promotion with some theme packs too. We'll just implement the new stuff on
top of the broken stuff and hope no one will catch on. It's getting old. Most of us have
seen this play out before, and it's doomed to repeat itself.. FFS can PWE for once do
something to surprise us? I don't know ...let me see ...like maybe like getting it RIGHT
the first time?
The way it works for PWI is the US GM reports bugs that people ticket and post on the forums about, then sends it to their developer in China, especially if it can be duplicated. The company and developers also try and duplicate the bug, then class the bug (QA style) and decide if it can be fixed or if it's worthwhile to be fixed.
I recall since 2009 Thunderclaw would say "See you death here!" -- not a huge bug but a localization/game string problem which was prominent throughout the game. And if it takes them years to fix a simple text problem (this one in particular I don't think they've ever fixed), that tells you how poorly developed this game is and has been. Continuing to play this game (which is kind of a guess, as many of the people that post here don't even play) means you accept that.0 -
PVI to GM recently seen in the game. and on the Russian servers. 5 years games have never seen the GM. I apologize for the computer translator.'s Russian and opened registration for PVIВ: Победы0
valiancetanchik wrote: »PVI to GM recently seen in the game. and on the Russian servers. 5 years games have never seen the GM. I apologize for the computer translator.'s Russian and opened registration for PVIВ: Победы
You do realise that GM's can be in the game without you knowing, right? Either on alts are in GM stealth.0 -
DQ point are going to be removed? and will be replaced for what? Since the price of them also was removed before, i wonder what are you planning to do with DQs since you ahve removed all the utility for them?0
No I haven't and I have a **** load. I lost my achievement points already You better give me a day to spend my DQ at least0
Constantly checking and getting more random dyes before you take them away b:sadIf you bite some one, they get mad and smack you.
But if you lick them, you still get the flavor.
And they think you're weird.0 -
as this maint has come and gone, gonna close this.0
This discussion has been closed.
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