Guild Conduct - Through My eyes



  • ReMakaBo - Archosaur
    ReMakaBo - Archosaur Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You Noght_Angle was remove from Exhaulted for drama lies and sexual missconduct to other members.

    b:laugh I kicked her from ENDGAME years ago for the same reason.
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    where do i begin is this let start at the top then

    1.) Yes Noght_Angel Was Kicked and so was I but the fact is most of the ppl on this list was removed too:

    GODZILLAROLL was asked to take his main out after he told u he pulling out his alt because he didnt what to play that at the time.

    DrAbbott yes DrAbbott wasnt kicked because this was his alt and he pulled this but leaving his main in the guild what was kicked after a few months

    Naturlala pulled his main out of guild because u wasnt going to play much and he knew there where ppl in the guild what would coz problems with him with u not there.

    RandRahl he was kicked why cause he pulled out a alt for the guild but left his main in there to support the guild in TW.

    AnnaBannana was also kicked coz she partner of RandRah

    sillverwing was kicked coz she wanted to play her other alt and make that her main

    Baggera was kicked why for no reason at all

    2.) About Nogt_Angel removed from guild lies this was proven like always that it was not true and the other thing was proven that is was another member lieing and making the whole thing up and the person said sorry in a officer meeting with u and 90% of all ur officer at the time and Noght_Angel all there

    2.b) and the choice of putting money in the guild website was her own but when she only wanted to put 1 months in it went to 12 coz pay-pal was still connected to it so when she knew u was going to kick her coz in was in ur voice i heard it she asked for the over spend coz she no longer there to help the guild and there u got mad and kicked her in a Full rage manner.

    3.) You gave some gold charms at the end month or so before the Feb map reset i got some yes and some other did too but not all the cleric or barbs got them tho and yes there was some tw pay too what most of ur officer sent bk to u coz they cared for the guild.

    3.b) Ok u say that we act like u cheated us yes we do act like that but u not cheated us but cheated all the guild and the ppl in it.

    Yes i agree ur cleric is still r8 and has been for 2 years but u forget to say that u have a full G16 barb and r8 sin and many other alts what have better gear then ur cleric and the fact is u dont like playing ur cleric and u made that clear many times, and the fact that 1 week before the Feb. Map reset u say u have 750mil in coin for hard work of members is TW and second week of new TW map u asking officer for coin to bid on and the only this that changed was the fact ur husband who was r8 archer had a new rr9 weapon ijs

    4.) And the final point of charging any members of the guild to do the run is completely wrong because me and Noght_Angel made the forms and we put in the rules that we don't charge guilds members so why would we brake our own rules.

    Last but not least who Drity Secrets are open here lol and the only ppl with Secrets here is all u guys with lie and things u just done in the past week to doom and other in the past months

    (note All things i have said can be proven with recording or screenshots)

    tooo much bs dude, we all know noght, we all face problem with her.

    Just a few things, she paid w.e money willingly, no1 said they would give it back, she never said she wud ask back for it. Then what is the QQ all about ? No matter , how much you cry yell whine here on forums, end of the day, people will still avoid and dislike and ignore noght, or anyone who is along with her. So yeah, i guess if u go search, you might well find that last life boat, which might save you. The ship is going to sink soooonnnnn.....

    btw i still want to know if i can get that list i ordered. b:thanks
  • bobyjoee
    bobyjoee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    its my thread don't want to read go find another thread

    So, you made a thread showing how much of an idiot you are, expecting people to feel sympathetic to you, instead you got the opposite and now you don't want the attention?

    Thread confirmed BS.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    And this topic has gone from questionable to flat-out a troll/flame session. It was bad enough the first post essentially copied the opening to a closed thread but with how it's continued, this thread is also getting itself closed.
    (Insert fancy image here)
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