Ask Kniraven (pro pwi consultant)



  • NeonZephyr - Archosaur
    NeonZephyr - Archosaur Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You gain 1 leadership every time you complete the quest. S cards all require 2-3 leadership, so you need between 12-18 leadership to equip a full set of S cards (I believe lower cards may require less). I believe you start with 10 leadership, so you will likely need to do this quest a few times.

    Thanks Adroit, yeah that makes sense. Glad he isn't just there to gobble up catalysts for LOL's b:chuckle
    it should be because it is.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Is the meridian system for RB only? If not, is there a simple guide for using it because it seems as confusing as hell to me. I can open it but cant seem to click on any of the thingies in there. With the meridian system, do you click and fill up the points (gates?? boundaries??? is that what they are called) in order, or do you choose.
    No it is not for reborn. Anyone can do it.
    First you need to get "Mystical Pills"
    You can get "Mystical Pills" from several daily quests including but not limited to:
    Bounty Hunter
    Roll Call

    Here is how you do it:
    Press "B" to open your inventory.
    Click the silhouette with the M in the center of it.
    Click on your current gate (Example : CV1, CV2, GV20, etc)
    A Yin-Yang will appear with small circles all around it.
    You click on any circle you want, consuming one "Mystical Pill" for every one that you click in search of the correct circle.
    When you click the correct circle you will have opened that gate and gained a bunch of stat points.

    The number of tries you get per day is limited.
    The more days you have consecutively logged in to PWI, the more tries you get per day.
    The most tries you can get per day is 5. (You will need 5 "Mystical Pills")

    You can increase your limit of tries with items called "Holy Pills"
    "Holy Pills" can be obtained through certain quests.
    (You will need a "Mystical Pill" just as normal, even with the "Mystical Pill"

    Here is a short guide by Asterelle that explains a little more about chances to open them and the stats you receive.
    Meridian Info

    P.S. You can also obtain both Mystical Pills & Holy Pills from the Cash Shop.
    Is the war avatar system for RB only. I have been getting nuema here and there but cant seem to work out where I actually get cards from, or how I generate a benefit from getting nuema.
    Yes, the avatar system is for reborn people only.
    You get the cards from:
    1.) A new quest line after reincarnating.
    2.) Daily Quests in the new map you can only get to after reincarnating.
    3.) Flow-silver (A new instance you can only access after reincarnating)
    4.) Cash Shop.

    Nuema levels up your cards and increases their stats.
    Whats the most common/best way to raise your arcane sky level. Is this for RB only?
    You have to be reincarnated, yes.
    You can level it up with the following:
    1.) New Quest Line after reincarnating.
    2.) Daily Quests in the new map you can only get to after reincarnating.
    3.) Bounty Hunter 100
    4.) Cash Shop.
    What are currently the most preferred ways to make money and xp. When I last left it was purely FC, BH, WS and NW, yet lately FC is much rarer than it used to be (which might be because lots of people are doing RB related activities - ie FSP continuously by the look of it. Also is NW worth going into with undergeared chars, or is there now nothing but R9RR's and similar just one shotting us types.
    Nation Wars is the most profitable means of farming coin as of current.
    Perhaps Flow-Silver as well, if Pages of Fate and Old Book Pages remain at a decent price and/or skill books keep selling high.

    The best class to farm coin with in Nation Wars even with sub-par gear is a pure vitality build barbarian.
    And Ive asked this of someone else, but want to check your opinion. My 101 chars are pretty badly geared. Is there any reason to delay RB on them. If I use my 101 chars to assist my alts here and there, should I keep one of them at 101 whilst I level the other ones, or RB them all ASAP.

    Thanks if you get a chance to reply.
    There is no real reason not to reincarnate immediately.
    You will not lose out on stats by not waiting, as you can level up your old level even after reincarnating.
    You can wear all your level 100 gear when you're about level 30 to 50 because after reincarnating your gear will no longer have a level requirement. It will only have a stat requirement. You can wear 10x gear at 5x if you have the stat points.
    Ok here's a question. I recently took a quest from the War Avatar Master in Kirin Town (Primal World). The quest was named something like "War Avatar Catalyst x10" and I gave him 10 War Avatar Catalysts from boutique. I was being a lazy **** and didn't read the quest description so Mr War Avatar Master took my 10 Catalysts and I didn't seem to get anything from it.
    There is another quest now to give him 20, and I've searched the database and the quests continue to 70 or so Catalysts.
    What did I gain from "donating" catalysts or what is the point in doing so?

    Sorry if it's a nab question lol
    You gain 1 leadership every time you complete the quest. S cards all require 2-3 leadership, so you need between 12-18 leadership to equip a full set of S cards (I believe lower cards may require less). I believe you start with 10 leadership, so you will likely need to do this quest a few times.
    ^ Adroit is correct.
    Better Cards require more leadership to equip them.
    If your leadership is not high enough you may not be able to equip a full set of cards.
    That quest increased your leadership.
    I got a question about cast-time and interruption with silence (yes, CAST-TIME).

    For all skills before it used to be that once channeling finished and cast begun, they could not be stopped with FoW or SoS.

    But I'm curious if that is still the case for the new primal world upgrades of 2 sin skills and 1 wiz skill, namely:
    - Elimination (5 hits during cast time)
    - Life Hunter (2 hits during cast time)
    - Frozen Flame (2 hits during cast time)

    If the first hit procs SoS on a psy, do the rest follow?
    If not, then if a wizard uses FoW after first hit, do the rest follow?

    ^ I'm curious about both since the latter involves an actual interrupt while the first does not. Thanks in advance!

    I will have to get someone to help me look this one up.
    I don't have a reincarnated Wizard or Assassin, so i will get back to you.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You can get mystical pills from any BH1 and 2, not just the level 100 BHs.

    Nuema levels up the card slot, independent of what card is in it; cards can only be leveled by devouring other (same or lower level) cards.

    Certain specialty builds need to be much higher level to wear all their gear (as an HA/AA veno, I had to be 8x to wear my HA Morai G15 set, and even a bit higher to wear it and my Morai G15 magic sword at the same time.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • killeresras
    killeresras Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    How long do u think it will take before everyone is done with rebirth expansion quest? I want to know because pk is like so slow with everybody doing the >:
    Love lost is room gained
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    How long do u think it will take before everyone is done with rebirth expansion quest? I want to know because pk is like so slow with everybody doing the >:

    PK is incredibly active actually (inside the new map) =D
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    PK is incredibly active actually (inside the new map) =D

    And by that he means it's generally CT, Insu and Knights and anyone that tries to do the daily gets killed if they have to get past the PVP.
  • UubDeviant - Lost City
    UubDeviant - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You can ask me absolutely anything so long as it is remotely related to PWI. I will do the research for you and help solve your question or issue.

    ok, help me....I did rebirth on my 101psy, I am lvl83 now and I am JUST HEARING there are dallies im supposed to do in primal world. here's my problem; if you look at the event calendar under these reborn quests, even the lvl50 "Assault on Skyowl" says "...must have Arcane Sky 1..."

    Where or How do I get Arcane Sky 1?

    that's my question, I cant do dailies without it, everyone says I was supposed to be 'awarded' it when I did rebirth. is it an actual item that I may have accidentally npc'd from my pack? can I acquire another? what do I do?
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You can ask me absolutely anything so long as it is remotely related to PWI. I will do the research for you and help solve your question or issue.

    ok, help me....I did rebirth on my 101psy, I am lvl83 now and I am JUST HEARING there are dallies im supposed to do in primal world. here's my problem; if you look at the event calendar under these reborn quests, even the lvl50 "Assault on Skyowl" says "...must have Arcane Sky 1..."

    Where or How do I get Arcane Sky 1?

    that's my question, I cant do dailies without it, everyone says I was supposed to be 'awarded' it when I did rebirth. is it an actual item that I may have accidentally npc'd from my pack? can I acquire another? what do I do?

    PM me in game and I will help you out.
  • ajdorkee02
    ajdorkee02 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I should get 1 reborn quest for each 10 lv but I only had like 3 quests in that yellow quest line and im already lvl 99. how do you get the rest of it?