PWI's pet peeves
People spamming me with "Why?" or random curse words for PKing them at West or SP. Red veno, been red for months, pretty obvious're standing around in a PvP area, I don't bother to check gear before PKing O.o No reason to threaten my family or assume I'm a child. b:chuckle
Also, people who beg me for money after I help them with something else. I'm perfectly cool with killing your culti bosses but don't turn around afterwards and ask for a couple mil..Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »
27. Now, this last one will be rather controversial. I like running with my faction mates but I'm constantly getting into the whole "whats faction price?" thing.
Similar to that, I hate when I see people give constantly free stuffs and than they complain they are poor and need money for that and that.
Example: Someone ask to buy a EoD in guild chat than a person offer to give it for free or like more than half price cause '''U my guildiebuddy ♥'', than that person always give for free or more than half price than that person complain in guild chat ''zomg I need money to refine my gearsss''... stop giving away what you farmed for free and you won't be poor.
Or the people that have 50 sets of fash in red, white and black and complain that ''I don't haz moneyyy QQ someone gimme $$$''... I know some people that after sell all their fash had over 500m. (and still had fash left)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
- people that afk on npc, specially venos with pets
- venos, and mystics that have pets in the middle of west Arch and I cant click on cs that I need because of them
- people that sitting on mounts, flyers or have their pets when you withing to enter nw - like we don't have enough lag without that
- people that corrects other peoples English - like we are all born speaking English...btw can you speak mine? just try and will see how good will you do that
- people that are constantly talking in wc (bl extension stone please)
- people that asking for certain classes for doing bhs
- cleric that doesn't heal and my charm is ticking and ticking
- cleric that heals me with IH when my hp is down to half; cleric that heals with IH all the time; cleric that keeps healing barb even he doesn't have agro or tanking
- psy that use sos in instances
- barb that doesn't pull
- people that dies from rocks in Aba - use your brain, wait till rocks stops falling then use holly
- lazy people that asking questions in wc instead of using forums, pwi wiki, or database (most annoying question is should I go sege or demon)0 -
- The repeated incorrect labeling of chrono quest as "culti", i.e. "wave 5 culti".. these are two distinct quest chains (one is actually labeled "spiritual cultivation", the other is not) with two different goals and two different rewards (chrono maps+belts vs. culti fairy+skills).
- FF groups never fighting Styren anymore, never going to the end anymore, and excessive reliance upon glitching Shocktrooper.
- Clerics who just do nothing but chromatic heal, even when no AOE's are going off.
- Seekers in RB who don't use vortex.
And some other minor ones not worth spending much time thinking about.0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Similar to that, I hate when I see people give constantly free stuffs and than they complain they are poor and need money for that and that.
Uggh, I've seen so much drama from this. "I helped them and gave them things but then when I need help getting my gear they don't give me anything..." and then the friendship is over. A lot of pwi relationships like this, too. People give others stuff "for free" and expect it makes them better friend or that the person is now indebted to them.
Like I said, I prefer to keep everything fair, and if you give someone something for free then it should really be free and you should expect nothing in return from it. When that relationship is over or stressed I don't want to hear people wining about how much you gave them and they owe you.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Uggh, I've seen so much drama from this. "I helped them and gave them things but then when I need help getting my gear they don't give me anything..." and then the friendship is over. A lot of pwi relationships like this, too. People give others stuff "for free" and expect it makes them better friend or that the person is now indebted to them.
Like I said, I prefer to keep everything fair, and if you give someone something for free then it should really be free and you should expect nothing in return from it. When that relationship is over or stressed I don't want to hear people wining about how much you gave them and they owe you.
Yep, pretty much. I don't "loan" coins/items period. If I DO give something it's a gift, and I expect nothing. If you beg me you're 100% guaranteed to get PKed and ignored.Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.0 -
Hordes of players on mounts and flyers, burying the NPC so I have I have push shift and scan back and forth with my mouse until I find something to click on.
Players who angrily assert that they know how to play their toon .... because they learned, over the 2 weeks it took them to reach level 100, what all of the buttons are supposed to do.
Poorly run catshops. This includes scammers (eg - Selling Perfect Tokens of Luck for 4.9 mil, hoping to catch a noob or someone not paying attention.) It also includes, to a lesser extent, cheesy advertisers (ad says selling xyz for 3k, look in the shop and it's 3,999), advertisers who use obscenities to get attention, shop owners who have done zero research into market pricing and end up asking 5x what the item is worth, and shops which offer no hint as to what they're selling (I almost never look in a shop called "Buy and Sell" or "Hey Look", instead I scan the titles looking for a hint that someone is selling an item I want.)
Guilds that accumulate all of the "bad boys and girls" who are OP enough to ignore any propriety in gameplay.. It's bad enough to see people behave without self-control. It's worse to hear them rationalize it as okay. It's a game, guys. There's no need to compensate for real-life shortcomings by pretending to be gangsta.
What-You-See-Is-Not-What-You-Get: Most of this game is played on your local computer, which then exchanges data with the server. Nothing officially happens until the server registers it. So if there is lag on my end so that my kill shot reaches the server after your kill shot, then you win, even though my computer showed me getting the shot off first. The server then sends back the official result and my computer corrects the image to show ME dead and you walking away. By the same token, when you click on something to start digging it and THEN someone else walks up and goes first, it's the same problem. Rubber banding is also a server "correction" of what you see.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
- anyone who trolls someone about their RL and what they think they know about it
- people crying no fair or whyyyy when they go to a known PVP spot and are killed
- getting 1 shotted and not seeing the damage in the damage log
- being told how I am expected to play my class
- people who say "offert" the word is OFFER
- bms & barbs who never buff but demand ep buffs in squad
- typing in chat window and getting some random popup that pushes you out of chat- which then pulls up the change shortkey buttons menu
- having only 1 exit from NW and hundreds of people exiting at the same time
- the herb botters in hell
- not having a SORT button on wardrobe or mat inventory
- the defunct silver/gold lottery quest that is ALWAYS popping up yet PWI won't disable it.
- nooby geared players asking for uber geared players for their squads
- getting stuck in the air from falling or jumping- can't use any skills but can get stunned, sealed, slept etc into oblivion
b:bye0 - anyone who trolls someone about their RL and what they think they know about it
Link weapon I really think people need to link their gear because the weapon isn't going to keep you alive.
Application for guild lol come on its a stinking mmo that you can never go pro in on a epic scale just fill your stinking roster.
People who dump a butt load of real cash in their toon due to "not enough time",look if you don't have enough time for a mmo you need to go else where.
Threads that qq about the same **** like anniversary for example or the should I come back threads or the hey I'm back threads or what class should I pick to farm with blah blah,just play the stinking game.And in five more years down the road you will be like dang why did I get involved in this ****.
People gratting people in wc for lvl 100 ... Like really who is t lvl100 anymore and really it isn't even hard to get to 100 anymore,lvl 100 is the new lvl 70
R9 people that all seem to be 103-105 just proves they are using some one else's income to boost their ego in this game because they are always on and never go to work.I luv my luvsalotb:dirty
Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.
Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye0 -
Most I agree with. Here's my two cents:
-People seeing the PWCN r9 4th cast and going "yay, we're getting r9r4/r10 soon!" Bonus to those that keep insisting that they are right.
-People telling others that they should just quit the game because the person telling others does not find this game enjoyable anymore. If you want to go, just go. Please do not demand that others follow you. (I.e. game is dead threads/WCs, the eternal question of why are you all still playing this game, etc)
My second point also covers the forums. I step on toes.
(Now back to work and to get off this silly tablet)b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.
Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.
Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle0 -
Krel - Heavens Tear wrote: »R9 people that all seem to be 103-105 just proves they are using some one else's income to boost their ego in this game because they are always on and never go to work.
<--- Level 104, works 50 hrs/week as a software engineer and neither plays to boost his ego nor dumps tons of cash into the game[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
* the "I farmed it so it's free" group
* when a new dungeon is release and people quit after one wipe and QQ about it
* people that haven't done the math yet blindly support build options
* clerics that wellspring me instead of IH when i'm tanking the whole pull. I have 10k hp, I don't need a top-up (that's gonna be wasted after my charm ticks), I need a healing stream.
* "I run out of mana pots can I have some?" well ok happens to everyone. happened to me too (although I chose to spam purple pots and CE to spark more). but at least say something like b>pots Xk. I don't mind giving you some pots it's the begging that irks me XD
lol faction prices. I'll give you priority, keep it while you gather up the coins, accept some trade with liquid items, don't sell it to someone that bids 100k higher or even sell at cost if it's like your last GST but the 50% prices? hell no. especially when I see you with a pure white set that changes every 10m and a r9rr weapon...Krel - Heavens Tear wrote: »R9 people that all seem to be 103-105 just proves they are using some one else's income to boost their ego in this game because they are always on and never go to work.
pssh let me tell you a secret, you don't have to look at your catshop while it's up b:quietyou only purge once #yopo0 -
Krel - Heavens Tear wrote: »R9 people that all seem to be 103-105 just proves they are using some one else's income to boost their ego in this game because they are always on and never go to work.
you have no idea how wrong you are b:chuckle0 -
Once you're R9 you only need to play 15-30 minutes a day to up 105 quite fast anyway. This is called Phoenix Valley...~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Krel - Heavens Tear wrote: »
R9 people that all seem to be 103-105 just proves they are using some one else's income to boost their ego in this game because they are always on and never go to work.
102 and yea, I work I.T. for my own CS money. (which is a very small amount of what I make) I don't need somebody else's income. You jelly bro?Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.0 -
- Squad leader in rb who afk while vortexing/db/bb and didn't even noticed that one or more of the member is dced and logged back.
- People who rage quit after I asked them nicely to perform a simple task, such as bringing mobs closer to aoe dd range.
- Sins who rage quit after bragging of stealing agro and got one-shotted by boss.
- Seeker who use phys attack against phys immune mobs instead of metal attack, same as clerics who spammed plume shot to the same mobs.
- People who asked me, "Can you clear FF/FC?"
- lvl 101+ R9S3 people who doesn't know how to play their class
- People in NW who are "cheating" to get more points instead of trying to win their nation.
- People who bragged about being the best PvP player on a PvE server.
- Most bugs that came with every update b:cryHeaven Tear
Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer0 -
Krel - Heavens Tear wrote: »
People gratting people in wc for lvl 100 ... Like really who is t lvl100 anymore and really it isn't even hard to get to 100 anymore,lvl 100 is the new lvl 70
It took me 4 years of hard work to reach lvl 100 on my first char (this one), as I have rl and play other games too, and I was really happy when my guildies congratulated me on WC. Just because most people prefer to powerlevel to 100 doesn't mean that there are no people left who actually go through all the quests and challenges.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »That is freaking annoying. xD
-People with 3-4k hp that die at the rocks in BH Aba and blame the GM for it, first of all, it's not the GM that did put the rocks there, second of all they wear TT70 gears at lvl100 and last of all after 15 minutes at reviving them 20 times in the rocks, they leave the squad raging at GM for the rocks...
If that's the case, I would just tell the person to wait at beginning and wait for teleport.0 -
In NW, when so many battles are 20vs1, 15vs0, 30vs2; and those numbers are still increasing. I really dont know what are all those people doing in there. Then the battle next to it had no one to defend even thought there was only one person attack.0
snowball0210 wrote: »If that's the case, I would just tell the person to wait at beginning and wait for teleport.
So, the things i hate:
- When ppl get to instance w/o saying it's their 1st time here, so squad can explain to them
- Also when they get online after a big update and expect players to tell them what's new in game instead of reading news article
- Ppl that keep rebuffing ur lvl 11 buff with their own lower lvl ( b:angry )Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it is a plan!
Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another.0 -
People that rage when we ask a question.
The other day I was making a squad for BH Snake and did world chat to find people (I never ask for weapon), I invite a cleric and just a habit I have I check people HP when they got in squad, I never booted someone for low HP it's just a curiosity thing, than I saw the cleric had 3.5k hp, so I just asked:
Me: Did you forgot your gears in your account stash?
The cleric: You stupid idiot, HP have nothing to do with how I do my job.
*Cleric has left the squad*
Me: Hum ok... it's was just a question... lol. xD
I just asked cause it happen often people forget some gears in account stash, even if he didn't I would have not kick him, the guy just rage quit squad for a question.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
How about when there is 3 clerics in squad, and yet somehow the barb still dies. (happened to me on my barb a long while ago in bh59.) .. (I hated snapping at them... but seriously... 3 clerics, and the barb still dies, wtf? TT)
Failures to communicate. (could be a part of the issue above)
People who don't pick up the drops. (In squad/when I am on my seeker)
People who drop squads and pick up the items. (GREEDY SOBS!)
The AEU elemental immune boss, that boss freaking hurts.
People who call long posts "wall of text's"... (maybe this is a difference of opinion, but I call a wall of text post as having no breaks/paragraphs etc.)
People who try to justify their breaking of the TOS... (those goon glitchers, that act like they did nothing wrong. You broke the rules, it was in the tos from day one not to exploit glitches/the game in a way it wasn't meant to be... I have long accepted they haven't done anything to the goon glitchers, but seriously guys and gals accept that you played a role in it, it wasn't all pwi's fault/lack of a speedy fix that caused you all to abuse the glitch.)
People who assume they know who you are based upon a look at your gear. (sure I do it sometimes as well, but meh just because I have a piece of "Vaud's" gear on it doesn't mean I am him.. which I am not/I don't have any gear with his name on it /o\.)
I may think of more later, but meh that's it for now.
I agree with most of what saku said a few pages back... the so called "wall of text."
Especially the one where people will pm "bm w/ demon hf/Sin with Sage bp" sure they are nice, and helpful, but meh ffs its just bh, any old bp/hf that's decently time will more than suffice.Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
75% of the people on Archo server.
People who think they are all that.
People that criticizes people for not using a pure builds.
Wc squads asking for specific classes and continues to spam for 2 hours.
beggars. I worked for my G16 ****. you can work for your TT70 gear.
Refining. <-- Major.
A lot more.I'm a Forest Eating Hippo.
Currently working in Secret Forrest Location on Arch.
Current<-- Buffed
(Tips/advice always welcomed)0 -
Badonkajonck - Archosaur wrote: »
A lot more.
Damn right. Add Ring/Necklace Engraving to this too.
Those two things drive me nuts whenever I have to do it. f:fume[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Durability of Amulet of Blessing is just 40 (SIC, JUST FORTY!). I've to repair it after every single PV100. And often it doesn't last till boss.0
snowball0210 wrote: »If that's the case, I would just tell the person to wait at beginning and wait for teleport.
better solution: kick.
We are not going to clear a whole dungeon so they can buy more only purge once #yopo0 -
I was doing FCC (exp room, B/M/H) with 2 clerics (Im a mystic) and I had to heal the damn barb all the time while the clerics were DDing..0
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »
Me: Did you forgot your gears in your account stash?
Forgetting gear in account stash sucks- l keep leaving my channel belt on my veno, my tome on my wizzie, my rings on my cleric... lost my mirages.
wish there were an insta-put on/take off gear button like fash b:surrender*I never thought Perfect world was beautiful... till I discovered that my graphics' quality settings were on low*0 -
Overwriting my demon wings of protection with an inferior wings of protection. We dont get many buffs dammit!
Referring to blood vow as archer HF.
Asking me not to use wingspan when all the mobs are on me.
Venos. In NW. Please all die. Thanks. b:cuteDarkSkiesx - Demon Archer
DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
Tempest-dw.shivtr.com0 -
Most acronyms (ie CC. Crowd Control? Cookie Cutter? Channel Cancel?...)
People saying Abba for Abaddon. Where are people finding the extra b? Or are they just fans of fruity 70's music?
And when I BL someone and think "good riddance, will never have to see them again" and then 2 runs later realize I'm running with their alts. Just makes me mad like they snuck by my radar, lol. Soooooo many things in this game would be easier on an account basis, for instance FL a person by account so you know if they're on one of their many toons and don't need to use 8 spaces in your FL for them on each of your own 8 toons.
Oh... and Hwilight Hemple still makes me think 'what the **** wrong with you that 5 years later you can't upgrade your lingo from a completely different PWE game?'
Edit: Thought I'd give some context towards my acronym hate. I'm an Emergency medical technician (EMT) and used to work in a hospital on orthopedics. One night a nurse was swearing because the EMTs chart didn't make any sense. Another nurse came over and started translating the "field" acronyms for her because orthopedic medical abbreviations and acronyms were completely different from field medical abbreviations. As we're deciphering another nurse joins us and says "no, those mean this..." because she had a background in pediatric (children) medicine. Same general field, but 3 different specialized areas all had different acronyms and abbreviations meaning different things. Bad.
On other medical thing. EKG is electrocardiogram. Find the k? That's because electrokardiogram is the german term. 250 cc of fluid? We don't standardly measure in cc in the states but people constantly use it, but it's an illegal term for writing prescriptions. I like clear speech.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0
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