Red-headed Step Children of PWI??

Brillance - Raging Tide
Posts: 1,643 Arc User
The Basis of the Thread's Title
The "Red-headed Step Child" is an analogy, idiom, or euphemism, for a bad seed, a person or group treated without the favor of a birthright, an object of neglect or discrimination, and so on.
It is in no way a put down to people whose hair happens to be a lovely shade of red, but a descriptive way of showing something, someone or some group that in most cases does not fit in with the rest of the family, or other larger group.
Something like only 4% of the Earth's human population have naturally red hair - making it rare.
The Point of the Thread
Is it just me, or does RT project itself as the "red-headed step children" of PWI in this server forum?
I look at other server forums, the activity, the tone of the posts, the subject matter being discussed, and it makes me kind of sad.
I see more than QQme and Vicious as the main subject matter in those other forums - not so in RT forum. Countless pages of threads with overwhelming numbers of QQme/Viscious threads.
Sure, Marine and Levi bob to the top of the pond once in a while, but you can miss them if you arent paying close attention and just skim the forum, lol.
Im not complaining that QQme/Viscious threads dominate the forum in an attempt to stop their activity. No, not at all. Without their activity, the red-headed step children could be mistaken for dead. b:shocked
The Conclusion of the Thread
More should be allowed to exist here.
Which would mean not locking a seemingly stupid thread.
Just because someone may not see the reason for the thread right off-hand, doesnt mean the players (who could be younger players, and not quite as thoughful and literate as their older counter-parts) dont see the point of it.
Is their any reason a thread that is no threat to anyone's forum enjoyment on RT cannot remain one for a day or so, until someone is sure it is non-productive or abusive in some way before they choose to squash it and shut and down?
No, there is no good reason that can't be allowed. Sorry, there isn't. Can't help it, truth is truth.
It would mean creating something helpful to players on the server.
I could personally use a guide to the New Meridian system thingy, if someone understands how to deal with those rings well enough to create one. If someone made something that useful to post in this forum, I would be in shock and awe of the person who did that for all of us. Yes...SHOCK & AWE.
The RT Meridian Guide. Awesomeness...WOW b:victory
It doesnt have to be that, but Im just using it to illustrate a point. It would be nice to get something truely worth making a sticky out of, that encompasses more of RT than just QQme and Viscious. I reiterate that QQme and Viscious topics are not bad, but they are boring when it is all there is to be seen at a cursory glance. Its not those factions faults that its boring. That just is what it is.
Stop the **** for Tat ****.
Skai, Venus, Krisnda and other Mods seem to love our little red-headed step child forum. There is no other server forum that garners as much negative attention as ours does apparently.
For most, messing with Moderators reminds me of that famous line from the movie "Dirty Harry" -
"You feeling lucky, punk?"
Well, are ya? You feeling like an 'attention-hound'?
Whatever the issue, it can be done without making the server forum look like a bunch of forum mods attending a red-headed step child convention. You can PM them to discuss your problem. Its personal between them and you, and it should be kept that way for the most part.
Dont wanna PM them? Dont trust them? Okies, submit a ticket and talk to someone about what your issues are that way.
The Best PvE Server in PWI
Well, Im biased - its my server. b:chuckle
If we all sit on the server year after endless year, it cant be because we hate it and it suzes. I guess for a couple it CAN be that way, but I know Im not their because I hate it.
Do something to show the rest of PWI the intelligence, helpful players, and brilliant sense of humor that RT has! Nothing wrong with a bunch of trolls IF there is equal time to counter their activity and provide balance to it, in my personal opinion. *shrugs*
They already know about the trolls. Let's see the rest of the server shine!
Let's stop looking like the red-headed step children for a change, and project how truely great we all feel we are into something that looks truely great as well.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
~ This has been a Public Service Announcement from the Friends of RT Commitee ~
Post edited by Brillance - Raging Tide on
inb4 lock because someone with red hair takes offense[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
There is no reason for someone with red hair to take offense.
Either way -
if they can read, there is no reason; and, if they cant read, there is also no reason to take offense.
b:chuckle0 -
Again with the whole associations of QQme, vicious and trolling. If you actually read some of these things properly, you'd see that it's not completely all trolling and the culprits of thread closure where these arguments exist often lie with the very people who are accusing the other of trolling.
However with that being said - yes it would be nice if the arguing stopped. The level of butt hurt is quite high on these forums causing rage and baseless accusations and pointless meaningless and nonsensical arguments to be made.
I'm all for healthy competition, but the trash talking is getting lame. And I hate to point the finger but the main culprits are people like Spell_Caster, Clergywoman, Man and _VX_. These people are constantly questioning Skaitavias integrity as a mod since he's a vicious player. Not only is it really any of their business if a mod is doing their job or not, but they're also not helping to calm anything down or stay on topic. Understandably their rivalry with vicious is a furious one and they may feel short changed in the moderation of vicious member posts. However plenty of their own members have ample trolling abilities which they execute to a fine precision on these forums and vicious has never once qqed like QQme does about moderation.
So as a suggestion to any mod that happens to read this - any sort of post or text in a post that sounds like skai's integrity is being questioned as a moderator or suggests that he's not doing his job or any other mod for that matter should just be deleted or edited out. It's unnecessary on a public forum for someone to display their "call out" to the mods in this fashion with the intent of embarrassing one or sabotaging their reputation. If you're unhappy with moderation on the forums, just pm a mod, like I have in many cases.
Moving on from vicious QQme and the overwhelming rivalry that's on the forums,
I also think it's fair to have a word openly with the mods for everyone to see here. Not to question their integrity or ability to do their job but instead to make a request.
I would personally like it if, and other people can feel free to agree or disagree with me here but I would like to see more MODERATION rather than the closing of threads. I know you're supposed to close threads if they go off topic or people are trolling however, I have seen cases in the past where mods have intervened to bump the course of conversation back to something constructive, deleted troll posts and edited posts. This way perhaps people get a chance at actually learning how to behave on forums rather than blindly talking **** for all to see making themselves look foolish in the process. I just think a little bit more of leeway is due.
I think that's all for now. Thank you for this post brillance these things needed to be said by someone and it was about time it was brought up after all these threads being closed sometimes without explanation. But yes I agree the nature of the posts need to be more constructive rather than the butt hurt QQ and rage posts that have been around recently.0 -
Slow your roll, brah. *holds up merging traffic sign*
If you actually read my thread you would know there is no slander of either QQme or Vicious.
If you skimmed a buzzword that set you on Defensive Mode, well...okies, whatever, lol. *shrugs*
And, I agree. Its all getting very negative at a time where smart people need to put on their painfully positive caps, and think.
Thanks for the post.0 -
I took personal offence. And now I'm crying. How can you exclusively single out the colour red when you're busy farting rainbows all over this post.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
Bhavyy - Raging Tide wrote: »I took personal offence. And now I'm crying. How can you exclusively single out the colour red when you're busy farting rainbows all over this post.
The photo you posted clearly displays you as a Brunette, lol. Sorry you are jelly of rare red hair. b:laugh0 -
Sorry I think I misread, however I wasn't saying much against you, more agreeing with what you're saying and my own point of view. Nevertheless many of my points still stand as credible, viable and valid0
Djcale - Raging Tide wrote: »Sorry I think I misread, however I wasn't saying much against you, more agreeing with what you're saying and my own point of view. Nevertheless many of my points still stand as credible, viable and valid
No problem. Thanks for sharing your opinion. b:victory0 -
Brillance - Raging Tide wrote: »The photo you posted clearly displays you as a Brunette, lol. Sorry you are jelly of rare red hair. b:laugh
My hairs actually jet black but good to know you've been checking my sexy self out.
My archer DOES have red hair however. Let me rephrase; my archer is crying. Buy him sweeties please[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
Okies, you have figured out how to make me speechless. xD
*passes Archer a tissue* Dry your eyes. Explaining how rare red hair is should make you feel special - not sad.0 -
My hair is red from my skull being split open and having blood all over it. Does this still count as being a red head? And if it doesn't I protest. OH and RT wen full ****** a long time ago and we all know you don't go full ******.0
so mentioning the general lack of moderation on rt-forums ONCE makes me a constant critic of skai? interesting.
my criticism aimed at ALL mods. brillance has a very good point. look at RT forums. you will have trouble finding threads without this unbearable trolling and vicous/qqme whining. people should get BANNED for that. it always amazed me that spell_caster was never banned during his troll-days. in my book every second post would be justification for a ban. by moderation i mean banning people and deleting those "who cares" posts instead of closing perfectly harmless farewell threads e.g.
i avoided RT forums for a long time for those very reasons. but to keep up on the rt gossip :P and to find the latest tw videos i read this sub-forum after all. like brillance said, other forums offer interesting discussions, guides or tips. on rt forums all you get is "gtfo" "inb4" "cs moar" "lol nonfactor". i attribute this to the lack of moderation (even way before skai became mod), which discourages 'normal' people from posting since they know that their threads will get trolled to death or closed in the end.gear and genies:
pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad0 -
Brillance - Raging Tide wrote: »Okies, you have figured out how to make me speechless. xD
I knew this day would come and what a special one it is indeed. I have fulfilled my destiny.
Cale actually has a point by the way about mods coming in and closing threads. More actual MODERATION should be done instead of insta close. That way ignorant people -snip- can be educated and schooled in what ways are appropriate to communicate their childish rages.
I'm also in favour of people's posts being deleted when they have the audacity to question a mods ability to do their job on forums especially ones that single out skai when there's a vici vs QQme debate going on just because he's in vicious. From what I've seen he always responds in a more or less neutral fashion and is usually right in the way he goes about things here.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
@ Clergywoman,
Thanks for your post and opinions. If enough people are brave enough to say what they really think change can happen. If not, it will just remain the forum that is - mainly used to troll and moderate.
@ Bhavvy,
Lol, congrats! b:victory
Anyway, moderating is not easy. The person that is moderating is between a rock and a hard place. Their friends push their buttons of friendship while they have an obligation to keep the players happy. Even those they may not personally like or are members of an opposing faction saying something they dont like.
Heck, the GMs might even have the spinning set of green balls from a Mystic's Res Buff to give them **** too, and talk to them as if they earn a paycheck.
I agree taking the time to talk things out is wonderful - but it takes time. Just because a forum has Moderators, doesnt mean they all have the time or inclination to perform flawless Customer Service (i.e. put up with any **** someone wants to throw at them).
If a Moderator's ability to rise above their friendships and affiliations is in question, perhaps an alternative would be to leave this forum to another to Moderate. Someone who is not affiliated with either faction, or anyone on the server for that matter.
A totally clean slate, if you will. Afterall, I dont think every single server has their own personal forum moderator from that server. If Im not affiliated, and dont know you - Ill have a much harder time being accused of showing bias.
On the other hand, if the Moderator insists on taking care of all disputes between factions, one of which they are a long-time member of and has long time friends in, they are just painting a great big target on their chest - and could also be subconsciously playing into those accusations. Why let the opportunity exist in an area where the possibility for abuse in either direction is so prevalent?
Its not a slap in anyone's face to protect yourself. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, afterall.
Moderating is an honor, as well as a usually thankless job. No need to set yourself up for problems, in my honest opinion. Im not saying any Moderator needs to take into account what I just said - but we are all hard-wired for 'self-preservation'. Seems like that would be an easy choice to me.
Sure post in your own server forum, participate in discussion, and when the deal heads South - call in another Mod. I havent seen anything posted since Mods started returning to the forum that cant wait even a whole day for someone to get to.
All this leads up to Cale's point. Yes, its a perfect suggestion. But it would be on the Mod if they want to take the time to reason with someone other their friends. Talking people down and diffusing bad situations is an Art. Not everyone can do it, or even wants too.0 -
Zarkin_Baxil - Raging Tide wrote: »My hair is red from my skull being split open and having blood all over it. Does this still count as being a red head? And if it doesn't I protest. OH and RT wen full ****** a long time ago and we all know you don't go full ******.
Im sorry, but dying your hair red by splitting your skull does not count. Its not a natural red hair color. b:surrender0 -
*walks in* *looks* *walks out*.....Don't F. with me, I F. back0
*looks up...waves...and says* Bye bye b:bye0
nice topic bri..
We all agreed that most of the threads are QQme vs Vici, but maybe that all what we have?All big factions and many smaller factions have their own forums to socialize but if someone want to another guild or non-member of their faction know his toughs they use this forum that are accessible for all PWI community, most of them are trolling, rivalry ect... but that because the rivalry of QQme&Vicious is too big and more when season is almost over, we can check this week threads that was made and most of them are trolling, check who made the threads.
Trolling is not bad , now when trolls come with a insult that the problem but if a person allow non-insulting troll drive him nuts that person have identity problems. There no need to close all trolls threads until someone start the flame.
About mods, Fuzzywuzzy is/was in vicious and never heard a complain about it or something against him.Now when a member of a faction is bashed, rolfstomped ofc his faction mates will come in defense or support him no matter if a mod is part of it or let the things going when the flame look like hell .
throw the stone and hide the hand...
Bri invested a lot of time to make this thread that i find interesting , let keep a high level discussion respecting her thread, we don't want it to be closed because of trolling,naming,shaming ect..0 -
Mods are stupid I dont like them they kill the forums sorry to say skai b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Elvenne - Raging Tide wrote: »Mods are stupid I dont like them they kill the forums sorry to say skai b:bye
skai isnt the one locking and deleting threads left and right.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
_VX_ - Raging Tide wrote: »About mods, Fuzzywuzzy is/was in vicious and never heard a complain about it or something against him.
You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
People always try to find reasons to hate the other on this server and its always been like that. I highly doubt anything is going to change towards peoples attitudes simply because Vicious vs QQme drama has always been around since creation of Vicious. Only difference is the newer people who've watched it are taking it serious considering most old members that flamed each other are either ok with each other or friends. Best thing I could think of is start handing out bans to people that keep on going with insults, I'm not referring to forum ban but an actual account ban for 2-3 days.
In brighter news, we're not the biggest drama filled server but recently probably the most active drama on forums.
Fuzzy wasn't in Vicious when he became a mod, wasn't in Vicious while he was an active mod but joined Vicious to play for 2 days n never logg back on.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Hmm legit helpfull posts? I believe theres quite afew of those guides and helpfull things... theyre just mainly posted in faction sites and other sub forums.. is there actually a need to copy pastr existing posts? I find a search option more usefull.. other than that i have no clue what this tread about.. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
TY Silvy for Epic Sig
- Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it somewhere close0 -
That's okay, LadyBlondeh. I dont think most people bother to read anymore, and Im not elliminating myself from that.
We skim, hit on a buzzword, like Meridian Guide, and dont really get the just of the point of even mentioning a guide. Sure, one could just read the title, I guess.
Doesnt it seem funny that in a world where everyone is addicted to texting, no one reads? xD
Whats wrong with someone from RT copy and pasting their Guide on this forum? What's wrong with sharing and making the server look like it has more to offer than just TW and PK, and the 2 main factions that participate in it?
Ive read the stuff in General, and Asterelle's simulation video is awesome. Yes, helpful posts, comic posts - anything that isnt basicly, "I know you are but what about meh?" "or we are wonderful great and always right; while you are smelleh stupid and perpetually wrong" would do more to help Vicious and QQme and the server in general.
As I originally said - I dont feel trolls are a problem when kept in balance. The scales are clearly tipped totally to one side in our case.
People do post a few other things. Levi's Dance vid is cute, but its the only 1 Ive ever seen from any faction. Cant QQme and Vici dance? Do they have a sense of humor? Are they intelligent?
We may never know.
Can people in other factions dance? Do they have a sense of humor? Arent they intelligent too?
Again, it seems we may never know.
There is nothing wrong with a rivalry between factions. Is that all there is to RT?
And, if we get technical about Moderation, isnt having little but QQme v Vici threads in the forum SPAM??0 -
Theres also the fact only one outa 20 players in rt even use these forums.. maybe cause the sorry state they in or maybe not i doubt any1 would choose to read these if they allready dont .. after all its a game.. and theres more fun in just simply playing than reading /typinh here.. and ofc theres the point of litle content ppl allready dont know how to do allready.. with a server basically filled with core players alts and theyre alts... whats the point.. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
TY Silvy for Epic Sig
- Sage BM 0.87aps and loving it somewhere close0 -
Epros - Raging Tide wrote: »skai isnt the one locking and deleting threads left and right.
Do you think Moderators can dance? Do they have a sense of humor? Arent they intelligent too?
I think they should make some threads too, especially if they are going to continue to camp the forum.
Might as well get some entertainment value as well from them. *shrugs*
Sure, people break rules and their threads need to be closed. That's great. What's replacing it?
Come to think of it - I havent seen anyone really troll Skai's Refining Thread, but they trolled another guys thread that wanted to advertize his mats and herbs, chasing him from the forum.
Where is HIS justice? Why did no one care enough about the server to simply leave him alone? Why did no Moderator care enough to post on his thread, showing him its welcome - and the trolls on it were nothing that should hold him back?Ladyblondeh - Raging Tide wrote: »Theres also the fact only one outa 20 players in rt even use these forums.. maybe cause the sorry state they in or maybe not i doubt any1 would choose to read these if they allready dont .. after all its a game.. and theres more fun in just simply playing than reading /typinh here.. and ofc theres the point of litle content ppl allready dont know how to do allready.. with a server basically filled with core players alts and theyre alts... whats the point.. b:chuckle
Well, You see someone like me isnt afraid of anyone - but I speak English very well, and will tell everyone, including the Grammar Police, where to get off - nice and politely, usually.
When you see the negative comments made on the threads of people that do speak English very well, what chance would you have if your English isnt that good?
Id love to see vids from Philipinas, AK47, freaking anybody - they dont need to be in English to get something from watching them. People have been listening to opera music for hundreds of years without having a clue what they are talking about, lol.
Anyway, its pretty vain to think Vici and QQme members are all there is on RT. Im on RT, and there are hundreds of others on RT - none of which are members of Vici, QQme, or any of their alts.0 -
Man man, Raging Trolls...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
Outrunning centaurs since 2012~0 -
Even random people from Sanctuary come to these threads...0
Clergywoman - Raging Tide wrote: »i avoided RT forums for a long time for those very reasons. but to keep up on the rt gossip :P and to find the latest tw videos i read this sub-forum after all. like brillance said, other forums offer interesting discussions, guides or tips. on rt forums all you get is "gtfo" "inb4" "cs moar" "lol nonfactor". i attribute this to the lack of moderation (even way before skai became mod), which discourages 'normal' people from posting since they know that their threads will get trolled to death or closed in the end.0
-snip-Bhavyy - Raging Tide wrote: »That way ignorant people -snip- can be educated and schooled in what ways are appropriate to communicate their childish rages.Elvenne - Raging Tide wrote: »Mods are stupid I dont like them they kill the forums sorry to say skai b:bye
Why is it that only the Vicious members result to direct insults instead of meaningful discussion. No one said you had to agree with actions or opinions, but this thread was either created to prove a point that people can't stay civil (which would support the mods) or it was completely against mod's decisions to close threads. In either case, you prove that mod's do need to close threads because you cannot control yourselves and result to personal insults and attacks.
VX, blondeh, and clergy responded and kept it civil, why can't you? I second the motion of Dylena's suggestion to just simply start handing out bans. Start with forum bans and escalate to ingame bans."I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, and most ruthless champion there's ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No, I'm Alexander, he's no Alexander. I'm the best ever! There's never been anybody as ruthless! I'm Sonny Liston, I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children!" ~ Mike Tyson0
This discussion has been closed.
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