PWI: Rising Call - Questions and Answers! [2013-06-12]



  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No it's not a good idea lol xD It works on this new map because the spawn points are on the extremes of the battlefield. The other team's players have no business beeing there. For the map we currently have the spawn points are inside the battlefield and between the middle and capping point so adding those archers at spawn point will actually prevent from capping the flag.

    It's a fantastic idea!
    It should be harder to cap flags, considering almost anyone with enough speed +speed pots, charms n other apos can zip through the area faster than over half the people can run to intercept. Besides the kinds of people who pick up the flag are probably not going to be bothered much by a little extra tower pewpew, and it would be nice to try and deter spawncamping.

    Longer battles = more contrib for me :D I think it would be interesting if more battles won by time-out instead of the usual 2 cap win.
  • Suserak - Dreamweaver
    Suserak - Dreamweaver Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Question: Will the meridian stats be random? Or can we 'decide' which to get somehow?
  • aetherlinesey
    aetherlinesey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think that putting the archers at spawn for CTF might be a good idea, however if its done wrong at all it will kill NW. and if its any good it wont be a little "tower pew pew" that would be completely pointless, something needs to be done about spawn camping/farming (different then spawn killing as you run the flag by) but this sounds like not the answer, but if it could be coded that they don't attack if the player with the flag is in range of tower for more then 250 seconds they fire with a 1 shot kill (5mil dmg like TT "clappers" ( 2 min 30s even a cleric should be able to run past with the flag in that time) )

    and a player who is not carrying the flag gets say 60 seconds (still plenty of time)

    this will not stop spawn camping but it should help dampen it some, just my humble suggestion but if everyone buts out there "Good Idea" then maybe one will rly be a good idea that can fix the problem then the devs could try and implement it.
  • aetherlinesey
    aetherlinesey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Question: Will the meridian stats be random? Or can we 'decide' which to get somehow?

    from what I understand every time you unlock one you get a set amount of increase to the stats. idk maybe val or someone who plays the CH version could give you more info
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think that putting the archers at spawn for CTF might be a good idea, however if its done wrong at all it will kill NW. and if its any good it wont be a little "tower pew pew" that would be completely pointless, something needs to be done about spawn camping/farming (different then spawn killing as you run the flag by) but this sounds like not the answer, but if it could be coded that they don't attack if the player with the flag is in range of tower for more then 250 seconds they fire with a 1 shot kill (5mil dmg like TT "clappers" ( 2 min 30s even a cleric should be able to run past with the flag in that time) )

    and a player who is not carrying the flag gets say 60 seconds (still plenty of time)

    this will not stop spawn camping but it should help dampen it some, just my humble suggestion but if everyone buts out there "Good Idea" then maybe one will rly be a good idea that can fix the problem then the devs could try and implement it.

    I think the archers and towers ought to have a high amount oh HP and can be destroyed by a squad from the opponent to give the flag carrier a path to run through similar to TW. After say 2 minutes the archer respawns with full HP and would have to be killed again. Also, make the DD the towers or archers do based on a percentage of the opponent's HP and not their mdef or pdef so mega OP toons won't escape death from them due to their gears. I think this will prevent solo'ing battles and force a lot more teamwork in NW.
    Question: Will the meridian stats be random? Or can we 'decide' which to get somehow?

    Try reading Bubble's thread about the update instead of asking for the same information that has been discussed there in detail.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • michaelatlas#6230
    michaelatlas#6230 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    so is the gift going to be the same and the sirens of war or what ever explanation it was that you signed up for a gift that i never got
  • SeekTheTruth - Raging Tide
    SeekTheTruth - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My only question is, how is one able to get these stones and what not? in the expansion but I assume I gotta buy them?b:sad
  • aetherlinesey
    aetherlinesey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well especially with the new map, stopping solo battles would be a bad idea. and soloing a battle in NW (1vs0) is an accepted point strategy just like base locking Is/was.

    but like I said any "Good Idea" might be the answer, its all up to pwe
  • aetherlinesey
    aetherlinesey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My only question is, how is one able to get these stones and what not? in the expansion but I assume I gotta buy them?b:sad

    What stones?
    the meridian stones are from dailies and CS
    the advanced meridian stones are from some events and CS (wrong names ofc but that's what they do)

    As for +2 att lvl stones yes u need to guy DOTs to make them or buy them
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    please dont like to us saying we will get cross server nation wars. we were told years ago we would get cross server structure, never happened. doubt we will now
  • Suserak - Dreamweaver
    Suserak - Dreamweaver Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Try reading Bubble's thread about the update instead of asking for the same information that has been discussed there in detail.
    I actually thoroughly read it before asking. But thank you. b:bye
  • Asishi - Archosaur
    Asishi - Archosaur Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Overall I have to say I'm pleased with most of the announcements, everything seems on the upside, and finding out the two personality skills are indeed linked to personality rather than being freely selectable helps (a couple combos there could get a bit nasty otherwise).

    So this leaves only one question, and one I will state in advance I never expect to come to fruition: Any chance of pre-90 faction quests ever being updated to provide experience like the 9X and 10X ones do? Getting faction members to do their FQs is a hell of a lot easier when they get some xp for it.
  • Alexis - Lothranis
    Alexis - Lothranis Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's a pretty big assumption. It done right, it could easily only stop spawn camping. You know when 10 plus people all park at the spawn zone making it next to impossible for many people to get away and getting spawn killed the moment their immunity wears off. Whereas with capturing a flag, if you're doing it right you should be in and out of the spawn zone very quickly. If you mean that if someone is 20 versus 1, it would be harder for them to win since you HAVE to stop and pew pew instead of relying on teammates. That's a good thing. It shouldn't be easy to win against 20 people by yourself anyway. That's a clear imbalance in the competition.

    We'll have to see how strong they are and how much range they have before we can assume it would stop people from capturing the flag. If it works out well (only deadly if you're continuously in the area, not a crazy high range but enough so even most casters/archers would think twice about spawn camping) then it could be useful. If it would actually prevent people from doing what they need to do. Then that would be a bad thing. It all depends really. We won't know something like that until we see it.

    I understand the need for it, I just pointed out that because it might work in the new map doesn't mean it's a good idea for the current one. You're not gonna be out of the spawn zone that quickly if you get stunned or frozen for example. And I indeed assumed that those things can kill you with very few shots regardless of your gear. Because, well, otherwise it's a pretty crappy defense mechanism and won't stop spawn-killing at all. But you're right we'll have too see how it is exactly before saying it's either a good or bad idea.
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  • Zoteev - Sanctuary
    Zoteev - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    how big is the size of this update for manual patching?
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Probably pretty big; watch the maintenance announcement thread tonight, I'm sure SweetieBot will let us know the size and link location on the first page.
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  • Wampirewoman - Harshlands
    Wampirewoman - Harshlands Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why PWI doesn't check what impact new updates may have on our versions before they buy them from China?

    Since PWI can't make server vs server NW why in this world would u get that map from China that they use in server vs server ?
    How are we supposed to find a battle now with 1 bill lands?
    What good will do this new expanded NW map? I think what we got atm is enough since even like this is hard to find good battles . Our player base is decreasing daily and from those active some gave up coming to NW . Every week we have less people in nations .

    V4 i would like to know how u see this new NW map better, compared to less people that come to NW weekly . Maybe i missed something .

    I would like to get an answer from v4liance for this .
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    v4liance wrote: »
    Obtaining +3 atk gems? New battlefields on the regional map of Nation Wars? Faction Icons update? Nation Wars Bridge Battle archers to prevent spawn killing?
    3x Diamond of Tiger, tooltip, yes, yes.

    - Val

    I think you wrote that wrong, it sounds like we're getting +3 attk lvl shard by combining 3 DoTs until you click the link and read it more carefully. b:chuckle
  • Rjwashere - Dreamweaver
    Rjwashere - Dreamweaver Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think PWI should make it so we have to pay $1 for level one and $2 for level two and keep doubling the price every level. i feel as if this would help them reach their goal of accomplishing ABSOLUTE STUPIDITY.

    also potatoes taste good......potatoes
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It doesn't matter how much money it would make them or how many people want it. The simple fact is that same-sex marriage is illegal in China. Due to this game being a Chinese product and PWE being a wholly owned subsidiary of PW Beijing, until the Chinese government changes the laws and the Ministry of Culture stops being a checkpoint for all media imported and exported from the country, you will not see same-sex marriage become an option in this game or any of their other titles. It is also nothing the programmers that PWE employs would be able to do themselves. It would have to come from the programmers in China, just like the safe zone for Secret Passage fix would have to come from them.

    I wonder when is people going to understand exactly what Serafemme said. If you want to know when we will have same-sex marriage allowed, check the news about China. The day they allow in China same-sex marriage come back to the forums to ask about it againb:bye
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I actually thoroughly read it before asking. But thank you. b:bye

    Then read it again.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Markhor - Dreamweaver
    Markhor - Dreamweaver Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have yet to download ARC... is it needed now to update the client? Or will it still give me an auto-popup telling that I need to update the game before playing?
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wonder when is people going to understand exactly what Serafemme said. If you want to know when we will have same-sex marriage allowed, check the news about China. The day they allow in China same-sex marriage come back to the forums to ask about it againb:bye

    again, if they really wanted to, wouldnt be hard to change. PWE doesnt have 0 power
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    again, if they really wanted to, wouldnt be hard to change. PWE has 0 power

    Fixed it for you. PWE has no authorization to change the game's code. All they can do is report bugs and pass suggestions to wan-mei to suit better our needs (as long as it doesn't break the laws of their own country ofc.)
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    no need to change the code
  • thomasthundersword
    thomasthundersword Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    code wouldn't need to be changed, maybe add a small snippet (technicality) but not big changes if any, and knowing what they do do by them self's they could In fact do it
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited June 2013
    Fixed it for you. PWE has no authorization to change the game's code. All they can do is report bugs and pass suggestions to wan-mei to suit better our needs (as long as it doesn't break the laws of their own country ofc.)
    This is correct. Our dev's are not allowed to touch the files on the server. All changes are made directly to the servers by Wanmei in China. As long as it's illegal in China, you will never see it here. End of discussion.
    no need to change the code
    code wouldn't need to be changed, maybe add a small snippet (technicality) but not big changes if any, and knowing what they do do by them self's they could In fact do it
    Actually, yes, you would have to change the code. Several parts of it in fact. Some of it is hard-coded into the server files, which is yet another reason you're not likely to ever see the change.

    Where do you guys come up with these comments?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The way you get married is that you need two items for the quest, as far as I know.
    Changing the quest or adding a quest to make it possible for same-sex marriage is something PWE cannot and is not allowed to do.
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  • hybridjt19
    hybridjt19 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I hope the venomacer pets can evolve via chain quests, also, that the difference would not be so marked between R9 ppl and others
  • Lucy_a - Sanctuary
    Lucy_a - Sanctuary Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Are Chienkun Stones needed for reshaping the pet stats or changing the mood of a pet?Or can it be done without them?b:surrender
    Thank you for the awesome siggy Silvy <3

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  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Guess we find out starting tomorrow.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
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