Your Opinion: Those Female Chars played by Guys.



  • Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am offended because of the wreckless insinuations and perverted bias in the poll.

    You ought to chill. While the options themselves are not all-inclusive, you make it out to be way worse than it is. "Sexual Orientation" is a valid reason to play something, as is any other, and nowhere has Tsyn made the conclusions you are drawing.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I voted for Sexual Preference, since I know a lot of guys that pretend they prefer watch a girl butt all day long than a guy butt.

    I never saw a girl say they was playing male chars for that reason, so I guess it's a guys thing.

    If I was able to chose more than one answer I would have pick also the last one, people that want to play veno/barb don't have the choice to play female for veno and male for barb.

    But that doesn't mean that there's not guys playing female chars for other reasons. (getting free stuff or w/e)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Males are incredibly awkward. The only different case is with male BMs. Their axe idling animation is much better than that of female BMs

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Males are incredibly awkward. The only different case is with male BMs. Their axe idling animation is much better than that of female BMs

    ^ 100% fem BM's look as awkward as male archers.

    On topic. Male BM (main), Male barb (duh), 6 fem alts because...

    A: Female chars get more ascetically pleasing char design/skill animations

    B: Male fash makes you look a bit limp wristed anyways

    C: Dat @ss
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd really like to clarify to this thread.

    This is not a thread for people who play female characters to express their opinions on their choice.

    This is a thread and a poll to see what the PWI Public thinks of a certain minority group. Not to persecute or discuss those people - just what our first impression is.

    We're not discussing why we picked apples or oranges; we're discussing what we think of someone who chose an apple, vs someone who chose an orange.

    Several years ago I know that the community pretty much was scared/homophobic towards transgender characters, but I was wondering for today's time period. think dudes playing fem chars are a minority?

    Wow your libido must have crawled into a hole and died.

    (Most male players do have a male main though, its just every alt who's female)
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Krisnda wrote: »
    For some it can be something different, it can be because that's the "character" they choose to be inside of an MMO.

    I choose to play a female (even though I'm a male) in most MMO's because that's who the character "Krisnda" is, I'm more comfortable playing that character than trying to create a entirely different character. I guess you can say that it's sort of a "acting" thing in a way, I can't really explain it that well.

    Lets not get crazy with this topic either. f:stare I'm watching.

    First of Kris... All I have to say to the last part of your message is... b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh

    I think that what your describing would fall under the "Artistic" option.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just my bm and barb are male the rest of my characters are female. Females just have way better clothing options then males do. The male clothing lets just say if I saw someone wearing some of the stuff we have as options outside of a party id smack them silly b:spit. Also idk if anyone else feels this way sense I didn't bother reading anything but the OPs post but females besides the bm class (and obviously the barb class) look so much better when using the weapons and skills of all the other classes. Also when im bored I like to go thru my fashion closet and ogle my female characters. That sin movement o man it gets me riled up, reminds me of an old friend b:dirty then theres the female archer provoke o what a naughty girl my friend was b:dirtyb:dirtyb:dirty.
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ^ Pervy. b:chuckle Yet another reason I say:

    MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls.
  • Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am female and all my toons are female except for the barb.

    I know males who have female toons some have said cuz i rather stare at a female all day then a male. or so i can carry her around easier. etc

    I know females who play male toons its all for what they like. b:laugh
    untamed_pain demon veno 103-100-101
    SweetAzHoney Sage Cleric 102-currently rebirthing
    xXZoeMarieXx sage seeker 101-currently rebirthing
    StormyRainz Demon Mystic 101 Not rebirth yet
    EsmeStorms Demon wizzy 101 not rebirth yet
    UhitLikaGirl Almost sage barb 100 buffer
    and loads of other alts...
  • Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    First of Kris... All I have to say to the last part of your message is... b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh

    I think that what your describing would fall under the "Artistic" option.

    That's the thing though, it's not. It's a part of my personality (in a way). Call me crazy for saying this, but Kris has always been a part of my persona, which is "my" reason for playing females in mmos, I don't have a male alter ego.

    And yes, it was supposed to sound like that b:chuckle.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My first impression when finding out is "kay, then." I'd start using male pronouns if I know the person well enough. But if I find out and it's some random person in a squad. I'll probably continue to call them by their characters in-game gender since it doesn't make enough of an impression on me to remember or care. Probably because I don't think of reasons why they might have chosen to do so. That does likely stem from my own mindset towards selecting a gender. Since I put so little thought into it myself, I don't question why others would. Just like I don't pay much attention if my friend orders lemonade instead of soda for dinner, or if someone chose red hair for their toon on white. The two are related.

    I'm pretty much the same as Venus on this topic.

    I personally don't care and never cared about the reasons behind anyone's choice of toons. I simply don't pay attention to it nor judge them for it.

    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Krisnda wrote: »
    That's the thing though, it's not. It's a part of my personality (in a way). Call me crazy for saying this, but Kris has always been a part of my persona, which is "my" reason for playing females in mmos, I don't have a male alter ego.

    And yes, it was supposed to sound like that b:chuckle.

    I see your point. I don't think your crazy for saying it, as my barb, Crixxix has in a way become part of my persona, although not originally.

    I couldn't help but post a link to that video clip, it's the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post. f:laugh
  • Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I played wow and most male blood elves I met were girlsb:surrender because they are hot. Males don't like male blood elves because they think they are, well, gayb:laugh I heared the same about winged elf males here. I have seen jealous girls, but jealous guy is something horribleb:pleased

    so I think its about looks, people enjoy playing sexy toons of opposite gender, but it doesnt mean that they can't use them for their own goods. Some of well known "bizches" ingame are actually guysf:laugh
  • Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I voted for Sexual Preference, since I know a lot of guys that pretend they prefer watch a girl butt all day long than a guy butt.

    I never saw a girl say they was playing male chars for that reason, so I guess it's a guys thing.

    If I was able to chose more than one answer I would have pick also the last one, people that want to play veno/barb don't have the choice to play female for veno and male for barb.

    But that doesn't mean that there's not guys playing female chars for other reasons. (getting free stuff or w/e)

    Raging hormone's that's all it is. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Seriously (OP) you left the most important (option/choice) for some of us who've been playing {PWi} since like forever>>>b:surrender

    Some of us, like myself (over time) have made craploads of alts & mainline chari's in our time in game (I've got like 24 myself (out of which I have 3-venos 1-cleric 1-wiz & 1-sin "which are fem charis" total {6 outta 24} the rest are all male "And if you'll also notice half the fems are venos which can only be female" that I've made since 08') Point is that some of us have made so many Male characters that we've gotten totally bored of aswell as burned out from trying to make more male chari's ~ 1 can only make so many original looking gender based characters, so bringing out the occasional fem alt is merely a relief from the conundrum & tedium of playing only in a slew of male gendered chari's....b:surrender

    "And we can't help but be good at making excellent looking characters ~ whether (male or female) at that point, since we've had alot of time gaining expertise in playing with {PWi's} extensive character (designing/building) suites & systems options "I've actually had multiple females who've seen my fem chari's actually ask me to make them new fems for them and offered me their passwords and user names (but I've turned them down everytime because that violates ToS) for both them and me and I've never felt like getting a perma-ban because someone wanted me to design something that they apparently think is totally bad a**'d & hot looking"

    ((Btw. your choice of options up there on that poll you put up, actually end up making you look more like your the 1 with a more then unhealthy (understanding/interest) thing for digital fem chari's then would be advisable emotionally, I mean seriously they're not real girls > they're digital avatars on a game and not possible 1-night love interests for construction workers to try and hit on like they're all at a loose & sloshed night at a singles swingers bar... Talk about reading to much into something))b:surrender
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    seitori wrote: »
    they're digital avatars on a game and not possible 1-night love interests for construction workers to try and hit on like they're all at a loose & sloshed night at a singles swingers bar... Talk about reading to much into something))b:surrender

    LOL!! That gave me a good laugh! Thanks much, it lightened the mood from a painful night of teaching myself C# b:laugh
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For all the online games I've played, my character has been female. It's because I like the idea of a female character kicking ***. And the whole male main character archetype is just over saturated. Women are fighters too.
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I basically don't care. lol If they want to see their girl *** running around instead of a guy one, fine with me.

    If they use it to get free items or scam people, they're idiots anyway, regardless of gender.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah the poll wa missing my option... My most characters are males but I have few females simply because I wanted to try new customizations. I like both my male and female toons.
  • Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's why they call it ROLEPLAYING b:kiss b:kiss
    and so i can zoom in and check out the *wiggle wiggle* durin castin ;p
  • Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i made my arch female for a simple reason. male archers just look g@y.. all my other chars are males cept my veno since u dont get to pick male at it.
  • Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For a lot of classes (Wizard, Archer, Assassin, Mystic and Veno) the female counter part has a minor 5% stat boost. So to be the best like no one ever was I chose female characters.
    boogiepanda | Demon Archer || Facerolled | Demon Wizard
  • Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Most people who I meet give as reason "Because I don't want to look at a male ***"

    It's a game, pixels, shaders, triangles, polygons.

    I might be the only one, but when i'm playing a game, I watch the surroundings, not the center part of my character staring at his/her *** b:shocked

    why is censored anyway :/
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For a lot of classes (Wizard, Archer, Assassin, Mystic and Veno) the female counter part has a minor 5% stat boost. So to be the best like no one ever was I chose female characters.

    This is it. The hidden truth. f:laugh
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Most of the guys I know play female characters. Having discussed it with them, it seems like most of them did it for the varieties of fashion available and feeling less limited in customization, and not liking the looks of the male characters for most classes.

    And there were some that had no choice because they wanted to play venomancers.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For a lot of classes (Wizard, Archer, Assassin, Mystic and Veno) the female counter part has a minor 5% stat boost. So to be the best like no one ever was I chose female characters.


    the mythical male veno?

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't care what gender the player of a female OR male character is. If the character is a he, I call him he, if the character is a she, I call her she, until someone bothers to correct me if they care at all.

    There's something offensive about this thread... but I can't put my finger on exactly what is bothering me...
  • Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Pssh my male Archer doesn't look g@y. Maybe a bit eccentric but, def not g@y. :P
    I don't care what gender the player of a female OR male character is. If the character is a he, I call him he, if the character is a she, I call her she, until someone bothers to correct me if they care at all.

    There's something offensive about this thread... but I can't put my finger on exactly what is bothering me...

    Yeah it reeks offensiveness. Homophobes are always probably going to be like that. Until people stop giving a damn about it and treat it like it is a normal idea. It's there it's going to always going to be there. Get over it, am I right?
    Born to be an Assassin, raised as a Thief.

    Keliska - RT 70
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    the mythical male veno?

    >>Not in this game \\b:chuckle// Best to head to {PWi's} sister game {JD} //b:chuckle// to,o see the Mythic EMO?! nightmare of a Beast<<

    ((1 Lo,ok at that and you'll understand why they never bothered to bring it into {PWi}))

    I don't care what gender the player of a female OR male character is. If the character is a he, I call him he, if the character is a she, I call her she, until someone bothers to correct me if they care at all.

    There's something offensive about this thread... but I can't put my finger on exactly what is bothering me...

    Honestly, I think its because most the posted poll choices for options either ensue possibilities for closet 'Cross dressing issues' or just sadly point out the fact that 'Some male players (some only, mind you)' seem to be (hitting on / whistling / Cat calling & just Generally Sexually harassing) anything which looks like a girl (in-game) even though when in real life that sort of attention can be considered not only (annoying and hurtful) to the girls that receive that sorta sh*t by guys, but can also be highly illegal in some places... And that those males are Kinda QQ'ing that everytime they do harass someone ~ they keep finding out that they've been Sexually Harassing Rob instead of Roberta b:dirty (Kinda why I said in my last post to the (OP) ~ that this poll makes it looks like someone has some seriously unhealthy issues)b:sweat

    I think thats what it is that may have been, thats been bugging you about this thread.....


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