Things that ALL PWI players should know

Raygan - Sanctuary
Posts: 74 Arc User
Here is a list of things I think all people playing PWI should know. This is relevant to high levels, low levels, people who have been playing for a day, a year or four need to realize. I myself have played this game on and off for over four years and am amazed at some of these things I still see happening and people whining about.
This is yes a long rant, but also hopefully informative to some players. Feel free to post your own, i'm sure we all have our pet peeves playing this game
Or feel free to post mean things about me speaking my mind, since thatll just make me laugh and let me know you're probably included in one of the groups mentioned below
1. Just because i'm a high level, DOES NOT mean I need to help you every time you ask.
I, like many other higher levels, occasionally take the time to run a lower level BH, or a FB, or kill a difficult boss etc. And every once in a while, someone will add me to one of their friends lists, and ok whatever sure, add me. Now whenever I log on, or 4 times a day this person will then message me begging for help. They never talk to me otherwise, but even go as far as to "expect" me to do stuff for them.
IE I just log in
Them:Can you do my bh59?
Me:sorry I cant right now
Them:But you just logged in, you cant be busy yet...
Now at this point I probably ignore them while in my head I'm saying many bannable things, along the lines of the much nicer IT IS NOT MY JOB TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU YOU LAZY LAZY PERSON.
So do I like helping people? yeah!! I really do actually, but is it my JOB to help people? Nope. I play this game for fun. Not to add a chore to my list.
2. Packs are NEVER EVER EVER going away.
Every few weeks PWI puts out a new pack with like a 1 in 10000 chance to get anything worth getting, and some fashion or wings etc etc etc. And people have continued to buy them since the original Anniversary packs. As long as PWI makes money, and it stays legal (It isn't in PWCN) they will keep coming out. The only possilbe way to make packs go away is to some how magically convince servers and servers of people NOT to buy anymore packs...and that's not even a sure fire way to get rid of them.
If you don't like them? Well join the rest of us who don't. You have 2 choices. Deal with them, Quit, but whining about them isn't going to help any of us.
3. Cash shoppers will always have the advantage
People whine allll the time about people who spend thousands of dollars on this game, yet it has never been easier to farm good gear thanks to Nation Wars. Am I going to claim for a second I'm NOT a cash shopper? No of course not, I see no problem putting some money into a game I sit home and play rather then going out shopping or drinking etc. Am I going to say I'm ok putting $1500 into the game the day r9 came out? Nope, Im not lucky enough to have $1500 to fix my car never mind buy good gear. Do I have any problem with people who do? NOPE!
Cause guess what CASH SHOPPERS ARE THE ONES WHO KEEP PWI FREE FOR THE REST OF PEOPLE. Yes it sucks in NW when you get murdered every 5 seconds by some R999 wizzie with +12 gear, but you may not even be playing at all if PWI became a pay to play game. Also even p2p games have people who can pretty much BUY their way to the best gear.
IE WOW has economists keeping their economy even and fair etc can't stop the people who buy gold from 3rd party websites, nor can they stop those same people from paying raiding guilds to run them through instances and giving them all the new gear that drops.
Is it FAIR that people can just pay to have the best stuff? Nope. But its called life. Its not fair I drive around a car that breaks every ten feet and have college loans i'll be paying off for the rest of my life either while other girls my age drive BMWs and have parents who paid for their college. But thats the way life works.
Spawn killers in Nation Wars are not bad people
If you claim you have never spawn killed someone in NW you are either a liar, or to weak to kill anyone really. Cause guess what. YOU HAVE TO RUN THE FLAG THROUGH SPAWN POINT TO SCORE. So if I tab target someone while following my flag carrier, you just may die. OR in the other case of being in a 20 on 3 fight, people just get bored. You are unable to be harmed for several seconds after spawning. RUN. LEAVE THE BATTLE, JUST DONT WHINE IN WC WHEN YOU DIE. If the battle is 20 on 3, 90% of those 20 people are probably really bored and it's our goal to hunt down those 3 people and entertain ourselves. Its nothing personal. I've been spawn killed thousands of times myself. It is what it is.
If you are in PK mode on a PVE server, and you drop gear, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK.
I play on sanctuary server. It is a PVE server, and you have to CHOOSE to go into pk mode. If you DO choose to go into pk mode, you can avoid dropping gear or items in many ways. 1-safety lock. Yes its a pain, but it may save your gear. 2-Guardian Scrolls. Ok not the cheapest way if you pk alot, but its an option. 3-Don't die. Well if you happen to be one of those r999 +12 people discussed 2 points above, you MAY live all the time, but its obviously risky. If you don't do any of those 3 things, and you then drop gear and someone else picks it up, THEY ARE NOT THIEVES, THEY ARE NOT JERKS, AND NOONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR 100 WC POSTS ABOUT IT. If you CHOOSE to PK, be aware of the consequences.
Getting an in game "kiss" is not cheating nor is it the end of the world
Im sure I can't be the only one whos had this scenerio happen.
Me to friend: Can I get chi? (offer to embrace)
Friend: Sorry my wife might see
Seriously? Your wife might see you help a friend get chi before starting Delta. Are peoples social lives so sad that they freak out over who is carrying or kissing their in game avatar? And believe me Im not saying online relationships aren't real. As a matter of fact, Im marrying my in game husband who I MET on PWI at the end of this month in real life. But if someone presses the kiss button in a game is he cheating on me? Nope. Guess what, its a game, and BOTH people have the choice to press the kiss button. It isn't cheating. Is what they are saying in whispers to the person cheating? Who knows? It might be. But it could also be that its a game and someone needed chi and thought it was funny to hit the kiss button. Ive had a guy friend hold me, and kiss me as a joke only to get told off for days by their ex they didn't tell me was standing there. Really? It's sad, and I know not everyone has the best social skills and the best romantic luck out of the game, but getting so upset over a virtual kiss just makes me cringe.
If you are selling fashion thats an ugly color, dye it, sell it cheaper, or don't whine when people won't buy it
This 1 is last because it is only a pet peeve for girls (and guys) like me who could probably +10 their gear if they sold their wardrobe. (Yup i'll admit it and don't care). I've shopped for fashion in west tho to have a person in a catshop pm me telling me to look at theiiiiir fash. So ok. Sure. Why not. So I go and look and they have 3 dresses all puke yellow or green that they are selling for like 8 mil each when a black 1 three shops over is selling for 13 mil and it takes 20 dyes. Hint. If you want people to buy ugly colored fash, sell it low enough that they can buy both the fash and atleast random dyes because idc how much you need the money, im not going to waste mine on a puke green dress. Id rather wait 2 weeks till someone else is selling one.
This is yes a long rant, but also hopefully informative to some players. Feel free to post your own, i'm sure we all have our pet peeves playing this game

Or feel free to post mean things about me speaking my mind, since thatll just make me laugh and let me know you're probably included in one of the groups mentioned below

1. Just because i'm a high level, DOES NOT mean I need to help you every time you ask.
I, like many other higher levels, occasionally take the time to run a lower level BH, or a FB, or kill a difficult boss etc. And every once in a while, someone will add me to one of their friends lists, and ok whatever sure, add me. Now whenever I log on, or 4 times a day this person will then message me begging for help. They never talk to me otherwise, but even go as far as to "expect" me to do stuff for them.
IE I just log in
Them:Can you do my bh59?
Me:sorry I cant right now
Them:But you just logged in, you cant be busy yet...
Now at this point I probably ignore them while in my head I'm saying many bannable things, along the lines of the much nicer IT IS NOT MY JOB TO DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU YOU LAZY LAZY PERSON.
So do I like helping people? yeah!! I really do actually, but is it my JOB to help people? Nope. I play this game for fun. Not to add a chore to my list.
2. Packs are NEVER EVER EVER going away.
Every few weeks PWI puts out a new pack with like a 1 in 10000 chance to get anything worth getting, and some fashion or wings etc etc etc. And people have continued to buy them since the original Anniversary packs. As long as PWI makes money, and it stays legal (It isn't in PWCN) they will keep coming out. The only possilbe way to make packs go away is to some how magically convince servers and servers of people NOT to buy anymore packs...and that's not even a sure fire way to get rid of them.
If you don't like them? Well join the rest of us who don't. You have 2 choices. Deal with them, Quit, but whining about them isn't going to help any of us.
3. Cash shoppers will always have the advantage
People whine allll the time about people who spend thousands of dollars on this game, yet it has never been easier to farm good gear thanks to Nation Wars. Am I going to claim for a second I'm NOT a cash shopper? No of course not, I see no problem putting some money into a game I sit home and play rather then going out shopping or drinking etc. Am I going to say I'm ok putting $1500 into the game the day r9 came out? Nope, Im not lucky enough to have $1500 to fix my car never mind buy good gear. Do I have any problem with people who do? NOPE!
Cause guess what CASH SHOPPERS ARE THE ONES WHO KEEP PWI FREE FOR THE REST OF PEOPLE. Yes it sucks in NW when you get murdered every 5 seconds by some R999 wizzie with +12 gear, but you may not even be playing at all if PWI became a pay to play game. Also even p2p games have people who can pretty much BUY their way to the best gear.
IE WOW has economists keeping their economy even and fair etc can't stop the people who buy gold from 3rd party websites, nor can they stop those same people from paying raiding guilds to run them through instances and giving them all the new gear that drops.
Is it FAIR that people can just pay to have the best stuff? Nope. But its called life. Its not fair I drive around a car that breaks every ten feet and have college loans i'll be paying off for the rest of my life either while other girls my age drive BMWs and have parents who paid for their college. But thats the way life works.
Spawn killers in Nation Wars are not bad people
If you claim you have never spawn killed someone in NW you are either a liar, or to weak to kill anyone really. Cause guess what. YOU HAVE TO RUN THE FLAG THROUGH SPAWN POINT TO SCORE. So if I tab target someone while following my flag carrier, you just may die. OR in the other case of being in a 20 on 3 fight, people just get bored. You are unable to be harmed for several seconds after spawning. RUN. LEAVE THE BATTLE, JUST DONT WHINE IN WC WHEN YOU DIE. If the battle is 20 on 3, 90% of those 20 people are probably really bored and it's our goal to hunt down those 3 people and entertain ourselves. Its nothing personal. I've been spawn killed thousands of times myself. It is what it is.
If you are in PK mode on a PVE server, and you drop gear, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK.
I play on sanctuary server. It is a PVE server, and you have to CHOOSE to go into pk mode. If you DO choose to go into pk mode, you can avoid dropping gear or items in many ways. 1-safety lock. Yes its a pain, but it may save your gear. 2-Guardian Scrolls. Ok not the cheapest way if you pk alot, but its an option. 3-Don't die. Well if you happen to be one of those r999 +12 people discussed 2 points above, you MAY live all the time, but its obviously risky. If you don't do any of those 3 things, and you then drop gear and someone else picks it up, THEY ARE NOT THIEVES, THEY ARE NOT JERKS, AND NOONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR 100 WC POSTS ABOUT IT. If you CHOOSE to PK, be aware of the consequences.
Getting an in game "kiss" is not cheating nor is it the end of the world
Im sure I can't be the only one whos had this scenerio happen.
Me to friend: Can I get chi? (offer to embrace)
Friend: Sorry my wife might see
Seriously? Your wife might see you help a friend get chi before starting Delta. Are peoples social lives so sad that they freak out over who is carrying or kissing their in game avatar? And believe me Im not saying online relationships aren't real. As a matter of fact, Im marrying my in game husband who I MET on PWI at the end of this month in real life. But if someone presses the kiss button in a game is he cheating on me? Nope. Guess what, its a game, and BOTH people have the choice to press the kiss button. It isn't cheating. Is what they are saying in whispers to the person cheating? Who knows? It might be. But it could also be that its a game and someone needed chi and thought it was funny to hit the kiss button. Ive had a guy friend hold me, and kiss me as a joke only to get told off for days by their ex they didn't tell me was standing there. Really? It's sad, and I know not everyone has the best social skills and the best romantic luck out of the game, but getting so upset over a virtual kiss just makes me cringe.
If you are selling fashion thats an ugly color, dye it, sell it cheaper, or don't whine when people won't buy it
This 1 is last because it is only a pet peeve for girls (and guys) like me who could probably +10 their gear if they sold their wardrobe. (Yup i'll admit it and don't care). I've shopped for fashion in west tho to have a person in a catshop pm me telling me to look at theiiiiir fash. So ok. Sure. Why not. So I go and look and they have 3 dresses all puke yellow or green that they are selling for like 8 mil each when a black 1 three shops over is selling for 13 mil and it takes 20 dyes. Hint. If you want people to buy ugly colored fash, sell it low enough that they can buy both the fash and atleast random dyes because idc how much you need the money, im not going to waste mine on a puke green dress. Id rather wait 2 weeks till someone else is selling one.
Post edited by Raygan - Sanctuary on
well posted b:laugh
SweetieBot please give 10 points to Raygan0 -
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aryadjenar2 wrote: »SweetieBot please give 10 points to Raygan
Try using their exact name with server.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Hahaha what a great post!! good work![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
1) Even people who have endgame mains with alts are lazy. So it is not just people pre-101 (IE with R9) infact, the endgame people are even lazier than the ones pre-endgame.
2) True, because people keep buying them.
3) CSers always had advantage since day 1, no point to bother talking about it. Especially foolish ones who make themselves broke over a game.
4) Spawn killers in NW? LOL what? I never got spawn killed even from a level 60 toon with no equipment or genie whatsoever.
5) Relationships ingame and cheating ... Lol... They could try dating sites.This game is fail-proof unless you are dumber than a donkey. ...Too bad a lot of players fall into that exact category. ~maocchi
Level 81 HA/APS Fox, Level 75 VIT/defense tiger, Level 56 VIT/APS Seeker, Level 54 Dual sword BM, Level 36 assassin, Level 38 Archer, level 32 Priestess, level 41 Wizard on this account. HT~
LVL 24 Mystic~LC0 -
aryadjenar2 wrote: »well posted b:laugh
SweetieBot please give 10 points to Raygan
SweetieBot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuary b:shocked0 -
aryadjenar2 wrote: »SweetieBot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuary[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Pretty much everything there is true.
Low lvl don't realize that we also have our dailies to do and many people need to do them on alts as well so we don't always have time to go help low lvl.
Even on PVP we have a lot of blood red name people that will cry when they will drop a item. I mean c'mmon you are blood red you know you gonna drop if no sl or dolls.
Rest is also true.
For the fash, I realize that fash are way more expensive on PVE servers then PVP, but yea it funny to see a piece of fash puke brown/green/yellow at crazy price.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
SweetieBot - Lothranis wrote: »Aww sorry but you need to have at least 50 posts to be able to award points.
nevermind then b:surrender0 -
"THEY" are thieves if they didn't make the kill but took the drop IJS.Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
Qui: b:dirty0 -
@ Quilue: Didn't they make that harder to do with drop timers and such? <_< Or did I just imagine that happening.
@ aryadjenar2: b:chuckle
Sweetiebot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuary for them.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
Jeremied - Sanctuary wrote: »Sweetiebot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuary for them.
Raygan - Sanctuary is now in 4th place for May 2013 with 10 points (10 points overall).
Jeremied - Sanctuary can still award another 20 points today.
Check this thread for the current high scores and to learn how to award points to others.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Jeremied - Sanctuary wrote: »@ Quilue: Didn't they make that harder to do with drop timers and such? <_< Or did I just imagine that happening.
Yup now the person that got the kill have 30 seconds to pick the drop before others can pick.
Even if you are in squad, if you got the kill and pick the drop it goes to you directly others in squad cannot pick before the 30 seconds is done.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute0 -
Along with the part about high levels...some high levels get bored and run low level dungeons thinking they are helping, but in reality it's annoying. Then they get mad when you tell them to slow down or something because they are trying to run the bh too fast. I honestly dont think high levels should be running low level bhs at all.
I understand it is harder to come by a squad right now, but if a high level does run an instance, they could atleast be decent to the people they are supposedly helping.[SIGPIC] stuff/allcharsig1-1.jpg [/SIGPIC]
Jealous?~❤~0 -
Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands wrote: »Yup now the person that got the kill have 30 seconds to pick the drop before others can pick.
Even if you are in squad, if you got the kill and pick the drop it goes to you directly others in squad cannot pick before the 30 seconds is done.
That still seems problematic in group pk. If you're dealing with a fairly even 5 on 5 and you kill 1 person who drops something, you still might have trouble taking the time to run over and pick up the drops before someone else can get them. I don't do much if any WM PK but I know from NW that if it's two evenly matched group you don't wanna twiddle your thumbs for 5 seconds while getting beaten to death by some other OP toon.
I definitely agree with the OP though.xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
Because I can't stand playing melee classes0 -
Some people think that being high level means rich and are capable of doing anything, some annoying pm which I received on my 101 BM is as follows :
- "I have quest to kill warsong bosses, can u solo the instance for me?" from lvl 80 mystic
This one I understand, the quest was given at lvl 80, but its doable at lvl 100
- "I need coins, can you lend me 5 mill?" random low level who fcc all the way
Yes I can, if only BH NPC stopped giving me chips/orbs, how the hell I can farm coins if I ended up helping lowbies all day long?
- "Can you help with my bh51/59/69 etc" random low lvl
I will only help if you fail to get a decent same lvl squad, and I will only do it once perday
-"I need tt mats, can u help me farm?"
Depending on which mat are needed, I can help, but for higher tt, I will need decent tt squad who know how to run it.
- "Can u clear ff for me?"
Yes I can, but unlike certain sin, I don't live in ff, and I don't like doing it unless is a full run.
And last thing
- "Do you have demon HF?"
Yes, give me 100mill, and I will get demon HF.b:angry I'm still working on it b:cryHeaven Tear
Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer0 -
I agree 100% with the OP. Probably should have added at the end
- If you like the game, stay. If you don't like the game, leave.0 -
great post!
Yeah i help lowbies and then they wanna be added and want to bug me. I don't do it often though.
Spawn killings meh its gonna happen some people have nothing better to do.
and for lowbies wanting coin i don't give them coin and tell them go grind it. go do quest for your coins.untamed_pain demon veno 103-100-101
SweetAzHoney Sage Cleric 102-currently rebirthing
xXZoeMarieXx sage seeker 101-currently rebirthing
StormyRainz Demon Mystic 101 Not rebirth yet
EsmeStorms Demon wizzy 101 not rebirth yet
UhitLikaGirl Almost sage barb 100 buffer
and loads of other alts...0 -
And this is when you realize only a very very small population of the servers read the forums and this thread is for the most part entirely useless.
Some points you are stating are subject to personal opinions wether how people feel about it, just like those points are your opinion. But you are forcing your opinion on others by saying these are things people should know.
As much as I agree with most of it, not all of it are things people should know due to personal opinions.0 -
Raygan - Sanctuary wrote: »...
3. Cash shoppers will always have the advantage
People whine allll the time about people who spend thousands of dollars on this game, yet it has never been easier to farm good gear thanks to Nation Wars. Am I going to claim for a second I'm NOT a cash shopper? No of course not, I see no problem putting some money into a game I sit home and play rather then going out shopping or drinking etc. Am I going to say I'm ok putting $1500 into the game the day r9 came out? Nope, Im not lucky enough to have $1500 to fix my car never mind buy good gear. Do I have any problem with people who do? NOPE! ...
This is game for customers (cash shoppers), other players just using evaluation ability of this game (trial version).
I prefer to play full versions of games (but they cost much less than this one for me and I can play whenever I want).
Also in this game big disbalance between classes and at "PvE" servers players are forced to PVP by NW, cube and other events/instances.0 -
+1 to the OP, I'm sure my head was nodding the whole time.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
Veneir: "Seashell?"
Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."0 -
I agree with maybe 50% of this.
About lowbies
--No you don't have to help every lowbie and all that but it doesn't hurt to take time to help if they're a guildie. As for dailies those can be done within a 24 hr time period I assume and don't have to be done the moment you log in. Even lowbies at lvl 30-40 have daily quests to compete so I don't see how that's a valid excuse to not help
About getting chi
--Some people married in game are married in real life and probably have a higher standard of ethics. Embracing isn't the only way to get chi for bhs and other things. You can punch the npcs, punch your friends in duels, hell go punch a low level mob.
But I agree with dblazen. These are more or less your own personal opinion not established fact. I don't think that there are things people should have to keep in mind or every player should know.Formerly LadyTsukiyo: Nab cleric, and Harshlands biggest loudmouth. Annoying the living **** out of people, Self-Proclaimed Queen of Sarcasm and One-liners circa 1990.
Died as a cleric, reincarnated into a mystic.0 -
I agree with everything, except NW spawn killing.
I define spawn killers as those who do nothing, but camp spawn points in NW, not the ones who just happen to come by and kill the person in range. Sure it's a working strategy, but sometimes I enter a battle only to get killed before my game even fully loads, seeing 2-4 enemies at spawn point. And that IS annoying and unfair. Sure when you die, you get invincibility, but it's only 10 seconds and you're easily chased down. Their goal is to not let you stay in battle and fight.
On the [many enemies] vs [not many or no allies] battles it makes sense, in that case there's about 5 people on each spawn point, so I don't even bother healing up, just kill whoever I can before I die.
Also, in-game kissing is a matter of each person's opinion. I'd not do it, or like to see it done to me, but it would not be the end of the world either.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)0 -
lol @ people that get upset over in game embracing, kissing or getting barb tiger form humped... its a GAME. f:strive This is NOT a Dating Site f:kiss See a psychologist and get some meds for neurotic paranoia f:laugh f:laugh f:laugh either all children or very very insecure[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Apostasy - Raging Tide wrote: »lol @ people that get upset over in game embracing, kissing or getting barb tiger form humped... its a GAME. f:strive This is NOT a Dating Site f:kiss See a psychologist and get some meds for neurotic paranoia f:laugh f:laugh f:laugh either all children or very very insecure
90% of all the in-game married couples I know are either married in real life or are just friends in-game/out of the game. I am personally married in-game to a very good in-game friend of mine, she's 17 I'm 16.
It IS possible for people to fall in love over the internet, I know many who have (including several who have gone to visit the person irl and ended out staying with them) but I do agree in-game kisses are meaningless.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
Veneir: "Seashell?"
Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."0 -
LadyTsuki - Harshlands wrote: »--No you don't have to help every lowbie and all that but it doesn't hurt to take time to help if they're a guildie. As for dailies those can be done within a 24 hr time period I assume and don't have to be done the moment you log in. Even lowbies at lvl 30-40 have daily quests to compete so I don't see how that's a valid excuse to not help
Pretty sure the OP didn't object to helping the lowbies.
I spend time every day helping them, in-guild and out, but I agree with the OP that some feel a sense of entitlement to my time, as if I'm getting paid to stand by, waiting for their summon.
It is especially frustrating to help someone out-of-guild. Invariably they friend you. I can't bring myself to snub them so I spend the next several weeks fielding their requests to drop what I'm doing and run another dungeon/kill another boss for them. Eventually they stop when I keep responding that I'm already involved in another squad or such, but I dislike having to go deal with 20 follow-on requests, every time I give a hand.
I understand that this happens because most of them at those levels don't have factions to call upon but I dread helping a stranger because I know it's going to be way more of a burden than just helping them past this one hard quest.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I vote for sticky...0
Sweetiebot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuaryyou only purge once #yopo0
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver wrote: »Sweetiebot please give 10 points to Raygan - Sanctuary
Raygan - Sanctuary is now in 1st place for May 2013 with 20 points (20 points overall).
PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver can still award another 20 points today.
Check this thread for the current high scores and to learn how to award points to others.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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- 14.3K Server Symposium
- 18.1K Dungeons & Tactics
- 2K The Crafting Nook
- 4.9K Guild Banter
- 6.6K The Trading Post
- 28K Class Discussion
- 1.9K Arigora Colosseum
- 78 TW & Cross Server Battles
- 337 Nation Wars
- 8.2K Off-Topic Discussion
- 3.7K The Fanatics Forum
- 207 Screenshots and Videos
- 22.8K Support Desk