Archer's which class do you struggle with the most?



  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    bolocactu wrote: »
    y dont u shut up and bacome a bm

    My approximate fist build atm (probably have to check on a few of the shards)

    sage sparked

    avg. dph 6471

    aps 2.22, 2.86 if I was demon

    ATK levels 30

    21% crit

    6471*2.22*1.3=18675.306 dps before crits

    if demon

    24059.178 dps before crits

    BM, demon sparked, with better gears (duh, no need to wear ****ty r4)

    avg. dph 8286.5

    aps 2.86

    ATK level 30

    13% crit with demon fist mastery

    8286.5*2.86*1.3=30807.348 dps before crits

    BM advantage = 6748.17 on the demon fist archer with that build ~about 1 extra hit
    BM advantage = 12132.042 on the sage archer ~about 2 extra hits

    Then we look at an 8% crit advantage
    Blazing arrow fire dmg--BM would have to use DBB, oh look 2 sparks gone
    Taking full advantage of HF cycle as opposed to the BM that misses almost a second of it due to having to cast it to begin with, as well as other classes' debuffs


    Now compare my bow build to my fist build

    15955.5*0.77*1.3=15971.4555 dps before crit

    over 12 sec of DD under sage spark = 191657.466


    12 sec DD = 224103.672

    not counting crits at all, and the fact that fist will crit like hell due to more hits

    Oh and I usually pop into Tauran Chieftain cape + TT90 chest for bow for more defense so that's lowering dps even more

    yea let's go full bow and gimp pve dmg b:shutup

    let's lower chi gain so we can spark less and be more liable to die from debuffs, and have less time spent in dmg reduction spark if sage

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You guys went far off topic. >.> Chill out, let whoever wants to use fists use them, and whoever wants bows use them, and meet in the battlefield to prove your point. b:victory
  • Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with the new best tome, I don't think stats are so rigid that you can't use whatever weapon you want to. From a lore standpoint, Archers should be able to use daggers, as in china old time kung fu flicks you will see often bow people use daggers....
  • Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with the new best tome, I don't think stats are so rigid that you can't use whatever weapon you want to. From a lore standpoint, Archers should be able to use daggers, as in china old time kung fu flicks you will see often bow people use daggers....

    NO! Archers use bows! If something is in their face, the logical response is to clearly shoot it at point blank range! What's wrong with you thinking they can use a melee weapon?! You're crazy!!!! b:angry
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Posts: 2,732 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Mahwahahaha!! Props for being a seeker! and being hard to take down<33

    Seeker love foreverrrrr >:3

    -now let the hate begin O_O Mawhahahahaha!-
    Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lol taken 1 and a half years break and I come back and read some archers are actually using Fists in PvP? I hope he is just trolling b:chuckle

    EDIT: On Topic, a high end barb is probably the most difficult but then again a high end barb should not be soloable in a game it should require good team work to kill him, that's my opinion of how tank classes should be, but sadly in PWI even high end tanks get 1 or 2 shotted.
  • Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    with the new best tome, I don't think stats are so rigid that you can't use whatever weapon you want to. From a lore standpoint, Archers should be able to use daggers, as in china old time kung fu flicks you will see often bow people use daggers....

    Archers using daggers would be so cool.
    I'm a Forest Eating Hippo.

    Currently working in Secret Forrest Location on Arch.

    Current<-- Buffed
    (Tips/advice always welcomed)
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    *sweeps thread*

    Sorry guys, nothing to see here. Just doin' some cleaning.


    On a super cereal note, let's get back on topic. Which class really grinds your gears? xD

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ^pretty much this

    I'm defending claw build in a pvp thread because a certain someone is rampaging around dismissing claws in general, which is **** because claws have serious uses in pve.

    Not to take this away from a pvp discussion, of course.

    As for my build not using r9 belt, whatever, it was to demo how low I can push STR and go nice and pure dex for pvp and still have the option of clawing in pve. The warsong belt was in the list before R9 belt

    Didn't engrave rings on bow build because the whole point of engraves was to get the last bit of str to wear claws. Bow build could have been engraved for whatever; doesn't really matter since I'm not doing dmg comp.

    A little story: Yesterday on a 3-1 run with a bunch of 9X and one Adversity sin + another pixie piercer 100 sin, and a G16 claw BM with only a few pieces of nirvy gear we all got ****ed by steelation when he aoe stunned and buffed. Cleric dead, pots on CD, just sparked with my bow and had no chi to spark heal. I die, r9 sin dies, squad resses.
    second run, aoe mana drain kills heals pretty fast. Squad wipes, me and the r9 sin alive. I was at 250 chi. still using a bow, moments from dying on next aoe. Luckily Master Li was off CD and I got off a trip spark, which bought me enough time to pot and for the r9 sin to get through the last of boss's hp.

    If I was fisting? I'd constantly have trip spark to survive with.

    EDIT: On topic: hate sins because even though I 3-4 shot them with metal crits I can't do it if I can't see them. Annoying. Costs me about 30K to see them once? Eww. Being level 93 doesn't help me see them faster

    Bit late I suppose but I am really starting to understand why you value fists so highly. Your example though, I cant understand how you could die on 3-1 Steelation with a cleric and R999 sin. Seriously, how bad can you be? Really, any sin who can afford R999 daggers should be able to solo the boss unless they are quite plainly just bad sins. With a cleric there and G16 claw BM too, I just dont understand how the squad could of wiped assuming it wasnt the fault of players.

    You must have plain terrible refines/shards on armor, I can easily pot/charm tank at range on sin whenever Steelation aps buffs himself and yes, I solo it, granted I go with buffs. My guess is you had under 7k hp and/or didnt pot at all and forgot bout genie as Steelation really deals fairly low damage at range. Had you been apsing at close range, Steelation would of killed you a lot faster.

    Only difficult part in that boss is not getting killed by aps buff and as it wont affect range dmg, I would consider bow far superior in being safe DD weapon as tank will only die on aps buff = You want to be on range. Of course no cleric and BP heals affect where you want to be as I think Steelation had some AoE, not that I can be sure, I dont have a toon there with me which would show AoEs <.<.

    Ps. Also, spark is 3s godmode and 15s buffed stats, not 12s like you seem to think in your post after this one. Easy to test with IG, spark -> IG as fast as you can --> IG ends before spark buffs --> Spark > 12s. It doesnt prove the spark lasts 15s but it would suggests it as its the only other way to interpret description.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    5464 hp unbuffed tt90+3/4; we only had BM/cleric buffs (lol yes my level 1 archer buff but that's not really doing anything)

    not quite sure how we wiped either; first run I ever did with a MUCH lower-geared squad went perfectly.

    Cleric died really early into the fight, though; AoE manaleak dropped out BB. Aoe stun, BM was +4 TT99 LA ornie, so he dropped real fast. Sin was as confused as I was cuz he said he solos all the time during 2X. We might have missed a bunch mobs for the mob kill quest, though

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Fists really are only good if you have poor bow/G16 claws/fists. In PvE, the tiger event, some archers used their +10-12 deicides on bosses instead of their R9 bows. In fact the ones using bows scored higher on bosses and so it should be noted that only highly refined G16 claws/fists are worth using if you have R9+ bow. Few do math regarding it as chi management is difficult to account for. And that`s for PvE. Clawrcher is pretty idiotic all the time in PvP, honestly, why would you ever give over one of your only advantage, which is range?

    I really wonder the strategy of fisting against archers, I question how the heck you are planning on getting close and locking archer for fisting. I tell you, with jumps and R9+ gear tier defenses, its damn hard to pull off on a sin that has a "bit more" ways to keep target in one place compared to archer trying to fist.

    A sin on other hand? If you have any clue how sins are built or were, people are changing slowly and your average farming sins will never change. They have ridiculously low M.res, even lower than HAs due lower tier gear and orns. Lets take out our fists and aps on class that has most CC and is specialized in 1 vs 1 PvP. Lets not forget higher base dmg on wep, higher dmg multiplier(dex instead of str), higher crit, higher evasion & accuracy(less points in str) as long as we are talking bout clawrchers and not pure dex archers which dont use claws/fists. Unless you outgear the sin ridiculously, you are only giving the sin a free kill. But I suppose using magic attacks, which deal full dmg on close range, on a class that has worst m.res in game is terrible strategy.

    I also dont understand multiple weapon plan on archer, its just silly to waste coins on multiple weapons instead of going for best you can realistically get. Only case where I could see point in using 2 bows is G16 and purge bow and even still Id question the use of purge bow most of the time. Due massive dmg difference it feels only worthwhile to use purge bow on PvE.

    "I get str I need for claws/fists from orns" - Durr. If you used the same ornaments, which dont have other than level requirement, you could restat extra str into dex.

    "engraved the mold rings to have enough STR to push STR to 150 to hit a claw dmg multiplier" is a perfect example where you show you have no clue how stat point multipliers work. Also raises question how reliable your other information is. Yes, 150 = 100% dmg multiplier and 300 = 200% but there is also 75 = 50% multiplier and so on. Every single point matters for stat point multiplier.

    Everytime I hear talk bout using fist on archer on PvP, I remember the occasion in TW where I was pulling cata, mostly as distraction against stronger faction. This archer decided her bow wasnt dealing enough dmg and took her fists out, demon sparked in front of me only to instakill herself on bramble. We got our ***** handed in that TW but I couldnt stop laughing even after the TW ended as there was also fair share of sins killing themselves on bramble, in ~20min TW. And I am talking bout veno bramble, not the unexpected demon roar proc b:surrender.

    Ps. I too have fists on my archer but they are some lowbie npc fists I use for gathering chi.
    Bit late I suppose but I am really starting to understand why you value fists so highly. Your example though, I cant understand how you could die on 3-1 Steelation with a cleric and R999 sin. Seriously, how bad can you be? Really, any sin who can afford R999 daggers should be able to solo the boss unless they are quite plainly just bad sins. With a cleric there and G16 claw BM too, I just dont understand how the squad could of wiped assuming it wasnt the fault of players.

    You must have plain terrible refines/shards on armor, I can easily pot/charm tank at range on sin whenever Steelation aps buffs himself and yes, I solo it, granted I go with buffs. My guess is you had under 7k hp and/or didnt pot at all and forgot bout genie as Steelation really deals fairly low damage at range. Had you been apsing at close range, Steelation would of killed you a lot faster.

    Only difficult part in that boss is not getting killed by aps buff and as it wont affect range dmg, I would consider bow far superior in being safe DD weapon as tank will only die on aps buff = You want to be on range. Of course no cleric and BP heals affect where you want to be as I think Steelation had some AoE, not that I can be sure, I dont have a toon there with me which would show AoEs <.<.

    Ps. Also, spark is 3s godmode and 15s buffed stats, not 12s like you seem to think in your post after this one. Easy to test with IG, spark -> IG as fast as you can --> IG ends before spark buffs --> Spark > 12s. It doesnt prove the spark lasts 15s but it would suggests it as its the only other way to interpret description.

    The fact that you're a barb probably explains why you haven't bothered with the trivially easy math that would prove fists are better for pve. Also, anticipating you actually trying this argument; there isn't a single decent endgame archer who can't lose half his gear and still tank in pve, so it's perfectly doable to switch into a squishier set for max aps.

    Considering the dmg fists can deal, you can probably pvp with them as well, assuming you don't attempt to kill players who vastly outgear you. Killing people with fists is something you do for lols. Nothing is more amusing than proving someone is terrible at the game, except proving it in a hilarious way (same reason i kill r999 +12 wizzies on an uncharmed archer they can 1shot.) I guarantee you i could pull off pvp against many equally geared players using fists on my archer. Here are some examples:

    Mages close ranging.
    Wizzies with arcane defense up. (hit once and interrupt WoP)
    Mag marrowed bms.
    FM'd sins. (both their defences are **** low, but if you're geared for it, fists should deal more dmg than your phys attack at range, and they work at short range, whereas metal dmg works twice as slow, effectively halving your dps)
    Stupid barbs and equally stupid seekers.

    It really is just a matter of knowing what you're doing, and provided you do, it should give you no problems.

    The fact that you'd question the use of a purge bow on an archer pretty much betrays your profound lack of knowledge on how archers actually work. For a reference, see one of transcend's new vids. If you can't kill something with a g16 bow, and that's going to happen pretty often, you want to take off all the buffs because, if i recall right, buffs make up something like 40% of your surv., depending on the kind of dmg you're taking, and the buffs you have on.

    tl;dr: Fists are situational, mostly lulz only in pvp, but can be made to work. They work excellently in pve.

    On Topic: It's pretty much impossible to kill equally geared barbs at endgame. Seekers are equally hard to kill if they remember to keep their own buff on, but they're more likely to kill you (three cheers for BA and Gemini.)

    PS: GJ picking on the lvl 9x archer for having less than 7k hp moron.
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    PS: GJ picking on the lvl 9x archer for having less than 7k hp moron.


    I leveled up and this happened :3

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Congratulations :3
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    what i hate most is those fking seekers and psys, hard to choose one. but psys kill me even when they afk and seekers kill u when u near them!!! other classes are impossible to kill unless u get $$$ and get purge bow, u can't kill sht without it unless another archer. but i glad i play other game which is more fair -.-
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yea, we're glad too that you play another game. lol

    Also, I recently had the pleasure to battle a cleric 1vs1. Just downright evil. UVD and their skills give them such an advantage to practically keep you in a spot forever.

    As easy of a target they are on group battles, 1 on 1 they're a nightmare. f:ouch

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    yeah i am glad too -.- but cleric is not as bad as seeker or psy, u die even if u touch them, how are you supposed to fight them even in a group pvp? i even die from 3 people as me, a sin and a bm against 1 psy, one shot and they were not even attacking me!
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I guess I can't say I struggle with just one simple class anymore considering each class has floored me more than once in my archer's life XD (and no I'm not ashamed to admit that because I learn from the deaths lol). It used to be sins with their constant stealthing, sparking in stealth, and stunning. But during nw, as long as I live through their stun while they're working on my hp, I can get away from them possibly. Bms have been annoying lately because they hunt me down; mystics suck because of pet, plants, and their hits when they're nirvana or r9; clerics can be a trip because they heal, plume shell, and then hit you (but sometimes I can take them on); psys get annoying when they hit you and they're r8+ (SoV's not too bad if you can survive it, SoS is annoying while you're stunned but still not too bad); thanks to the fact seekers' skills are ranged, they're horrible lol because their skills are a little mixture of both physical and magic; other archers can torment you when r9 and one-shotting your butt out of the air from any direction XD, and barbs getting out of tiger form is a nightmare because during nw some of their skills have been amped so they hit a bit harder, wizzies are half and half: annoying and some easy to kill. Venos have been the main annoyance I guess I can say. They purge, run the flag hardcore if you can't catch up to them or they have good def and charmed, and when out of fox form sometimes their magic hits can hurt. A few r9 venos I was able to 1v1 for a little bit until they did a nice crit I couldn't heal out of XD.

    As for the fists debate, yes I do use them. I have a low pair for quick chi and I have higher lvl ones for bosses that are physical and run up on me. Maybe for some r9 archers, they hit hard and don't have to bother with switching to fists to kill a boss, but since I'm not r9 I have to make up the difference. I have decent aps and my fists come in handy when I'm trying to get the upper advantage over the thing I'm killing. I tank a lot so I have to keep all this stuff in mind. As for in nw or whenever I have pkd in the past, um no. It's not good on melee and I have learned my lesson about standing my ground as if I can take on the world when I know I'm using a bow and my attacks are cut in half. Only time I ever used my fists in nw was when a character(magic class) purposely ran up on me, thinking they could cut my attack and get the advantage over me, and I pulled them out and beat the s**t out of them.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well the class I only really struggle with is a well geared seeker, r9s3 just cuz with their def lvls and if they can combo right most seekers can 1 shot just about anyone. OP as hell.

    The 2nd class I struggle the most with is probably a BM, just because a BM doing what they are supposed to do is hard to kill. They stun groups and DDs come in after an HF and finish them off. But the BM is just an extremely versatile class so I take what I can get and usually go after them with squad support.

    I am also not sure why most Archers struggle killing barbs. Archers are for killing squishies you should only being going after a barb with squad support and better magic DD available. If you're going after a barb solo you better vastly out gear them I only 2 shot noob barbs with under 20k hp buffed with good crits, they also have to be unbuffed so its not really fair, lol. The only things I do to barbs in TW or NW, is stun, aim low, Blood Vow, STA them or barrage on them they are lovely barrage targets.

    As for Sins, you better be an idiot if you can't kill a sin. Anti stun alone gets you away from a vast arsenal of their hits that you can't retaliate. Wings of Grace- Leap- Demon Lightning Strike; downs most sins quite effectively with a nice crit. Most sins on the HT server that come after me in NW are pure aps builds that barely have sht for defense or hp and can be downed so easily. There are a handful of well geared PVP sins that actually use their skills but even then some timed apoth and solid hits can have them running.

    Psychics, well to be honest a high Soul Force Psy can be annoying as hell. BUT here is an easy tactic to get around their seals and stuns. Wings of Grace- Will Surge (genie skill)- stun and follow up with good phys DD. For those that don't know Will Surge makes you immune to seals for 7 seconds (at lvl 10).

    Wizards, harder to kill now with the Puri Spell on the r9s3 weps for sure, a good wizard who can kite is a hard wizard to kill, but they are still squishy just requires more time to kill them. This goes for most of the r9s3 arcane classes out there nowadays.

    Mystics, I've met a few mystics I have trouble killing but so far thats only 4 at least that I have ran into in NW on HT and I can name them all lol. They are some of the best geared mystics so it makes sense. But if you can get around their seals and freezes a mystic is just as squishy as any other caster.

    The worst case scenerios for me for going against classes is if they our gear me and at the moment thats a lot, but there are also a lot who I out gear. Currently sitting at full r9s3 +7's across the board armor and bow alike. So I may not be the most deadly archer out there but I know I pack a punch, and can take a bit of hits with 15k hp buffed.
  • Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Archers should be struggling against every class at endgame, lol.
    boogiepanda | Demon Archer || Facerolled | Demon Wizard
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Archers should be struggling against every class at endgame, lol.

    Not really o_o
  • Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not really o_o

    Who do you even PK against? TT80 in your tournament or mobs in your BH100?
    boogiepanda | Demon Archer || Facerolled | Demon Wizard
  • Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Who do you even PK against? TT80 in your tournament or mobs in your BH100?

    1. I quit with PWI
    2. -removed-
    Maybe different playstyles dunno.
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Since this thread was necroed back in May, and dragging back up now just led to things that shouldn't be discussed here, I'm going to close this.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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This discussion has been closed.