Ini. Edit Guide



  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i been trying to make my archer look like this image here

    I'm having a very hard time to do so. can anyone help me, and possible post the ini codes to the exact image i posted above. so i can follow along to make my archer look like her. she is very pretty. love the face and the eyes and the colors of her hair and eyes . <3

    thank you to anyone who helps. greatly apprecaite it b:kiss

    hello godschoice if youd like i can link you my cleric's ini it somewhat looks like this one but the face needs a few tweaking and i know NECROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! please accept my friends request:) heres the ini and a few pictures. as it on the archer




    INI ----
    scaleUp = 192
    scaleMiddle = 64
    scaleDown = 105

    idFaceShape1 = 26
    idFaceShape2 = 26
    blendFaceShape = 50

    scaleFaceH = 96
    scaleFaceV = 117
    idFaceTex = 5

    idFalingSkin = 434
    idFalingTex = 436

    offsetForeheadH = 148
    offsetForeheadV = 98
    offsetForeheadZ = 139
    rotateForehead = 128
    scaleForehead = 128

    offsetYokeBoneH = 128
    offsetYokeBoneV = 128
    offsetYokeBoneZ = 128
    rotateYokeBone = 128
    scaleYokeBone = 128

    offsetCheekH = 133
    offsetCheekV = 132
    offsetCheekZ = 128
    scaleCheek = 130

    offsetChainV = 163
    offsetChainZ = 120
    rotateChain = 134
    scaleChainH = 104

    offsetJawH = 141
    offsetJawV = 146
    offsetJawZ = 130
    scaleJawSpecial = 137
    scaleJawH = 139
    scaleJawV = 79

    idThirdEye = 0
    idEyeBaseTex = 454
    idEyeHighTex = 561
    idEyeBallTex = 1117
    idEyeShape = 37
    scaleEyeH = 128
    scaleEyeV = 196
    rotateEye = 118
    offsetEyeH = 141
    offsetEyeV = 147
    offseteyeZ = 145
    scaleEyeBall = 178
    scaleEyeH2 = 128
    scaleEyeV2 = 196
    rotateEye2 = 118
    offsetEyeH2 = 141
    offsetEyeV2 = 147
    offseteyeZ2 = 145
    scaleEyeBall2 = 178

    idBrowTex = 6
    idBrowShape = 28
    scaleBrowH = 104
    scaleBrowV = 100
    rotateBrow = 134
    offsetBrowH = 152
    offsetBrowV = 195
    offsetBrowZ = 128
    scaleBrowH2 = 104
    scaleBrowV2 = 100
    rotateBrow2 = 134
    offsetBrowH2 = 152
    offsetBrowV2 = 195
    offsetBrowZ2 = 128

    idNoseTex = 1
    idNoseTipShape = 16
    scaleNoseTipH = 122
    scaleNoseTipV = 164
    scaleNoseTipZ = 142
    offsetNoseTipV = 128
    idNoseBridgeShape = 15
    scaleBridgeTipH = 117
    offsetBridgeTipZ = 143

    idMouthUpLipLine = 91
    idMouthMidLipLine = 86
    idMouthDownLipLine = 93
    thickUpLip = 104
    thickDownLip = 114
    scaleMouthH = 84
    offsetMouthV = 163
    offsetMOuthZ = 128
    idMouthTex = 14
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 126
    scaleMouthH2 = 84
    offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 126

    idEarShape = 21
    scaleEar = 128
    offsetEarV = 166

    idHairModel = 274
    idHairTex = 311

    idMoustacheTex = 0
    idMoustacheSkin = 0
    idGoateeTex = 0

    colorHair = -2116739
    colorFace = -1255500
    colorEye = -5317656
    colorBrow = -1915505
    colorMouth = -2262160
    colorEyeBall = -11100702
    colorMoustache = -1

    bodyID = 5
    colorBody = -1255500
    headScale = 131
    upScale = 118
    waistScale = 115
    armWidth = 122
    legWidth = 128
    breastScale = 106
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i try and do it, but it wont let me save the edited file, it says access denied
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tyvm Chrissy it looks beautiful, i will deffinately try it out.. b:kiss
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tyvm Chrissy it looks beautiful, i will deffinately try it out.. b:kiss

    your welcome hun, my cleric looked mostly like that if I can fine her picture

    i try and do it, but it wont let me save the edited file, it says access denied

    Pear, it did that to me too I had to drag mine from inside the character slot, to my desktop to mine work than go in edit and put it back into the character file hope this works for you..b:pleased


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